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Asher: Solsona Central, Are you ready?...

Are you ready to witness the unveiling of the POWER TEAM?

Coleen: The team with the Power to do good things and the Power to be Great School
Leaders of this institution?

Geraldine: Well, dear school mates, we bring you the team of great pupils ready to lead by

Coleen: Aspiring to be the Supreme Pupil Government President is an-award winning

pupil both in academic and extra-curricular activities…

Asher: She is a Regional Qualifier in Photojournalism…

Geraldine: A Champion in the Division Schools Press Conference…

Coleen: A Consistent Honor Pupil since Kindergarten…

Asher: A sportsminded person, being one of the badminton players of the school…

Geraldine: The recently PIO of the SPG 2018-2019

Coleen: And the Class President of Five-Lovebirds under Mrs. Lovelia D. De Vera…

Asher: Let’s welcome, the girl with the passion to lead and the vision to transform

ALL: My dear friends, the POWER Team’s president, my president, our president….


______ PRESIDENT___________

Coleen: Our next, is our POWWER’s TEAM Vice President, she is also an extraordinary

Asher: A consistent honor pupil and just like a real girl scout, she is ready to face
challenges and strive for the best…

Geraldine: Friends, the pupil with integrity and commitment..


_________ VICE PRESIDENT_____________

Coleen: Our next member of our POWER Team is a girl with various talents..

Asher: Absolutely… a dancer, a singer, a real charmer…

Geraldine: She is also a consistent honor pupil, from Maam Leila Sigrina’s class..
ALL: Let’s all welcome, our secretary…the lady with confidence, charm and wit

Ma. Therese T. Ganal..

________ SECRETARY______________

Coleen: Vision, empathy, patience and integrity.. these are the virtues that our Sub-
Secretary possesses…

Asher: He is a DIVISION CHAMPION in Red Cross Youth Challenge..

Geraldine: Not to mention, an EUAA badminton player and a consistent honor pupil..

Coleen: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome our sub-secretary, a pupil with creativity
and innovation..

ALL: A Five-Dove’s preide… Irzlei Jairolden Castueras- Arellano..

--------------- SUB SECRETARY------------------------

Coleen: A very delicate position is next… and we are proud to say that she is the most
fitting for this position- the TREASURER

Geraldine: She has an orderly mind and methodical way of handling cash..

Asher: Not only that, she is also a musician by heart, a pianist at such an early age..

Coleen: Also a girl with intelligence for she is a consistent honor pupil..

All: Friends, ladies and gentlemen, our treasurer.. MICAH YSABELLE SACRO…

--------------- TREASURER_------------------------

Coleen: This next POWER TEAM’s Pride is a real asset of the school…

Asher: Yes, she just recently joined the SOLSONA DANCE KIDZ SEASON 2…

Geraldine: And with poise, elegance , and charm in the dance floor, no wonder she would
also charm her ways in empowering pupils to showcase their own talents…

Coleen; She maybe small yet she is capable of many wonderful things…

ALL: Ladies and gentlemen, our little dancer and gymnast, our SUB-Treasurer..


--------------SUB TREASURER_________________

Coleen; We also got another gem in the POWER TEAM…but this time, we have a MATH

Asher: She’s not only good in numbers but she has the ability to inspire ..
Geraldine: A real achiever from Mrs. Lillibeth N. Domingo’s class…

ALL: Let’s us all give a round of applause to VIVIEN ANGELINE VICENTE..


Coleen: Joining our POWER CAST is another brilliant pupil of FIVE-DOVE under Mrs. Leila
Sigrid CAstueras..

Asher: A Champion in the Red CROSS YOUTH Challenge, Team Category…

Geraldine: A consistent honor pupil with variety of talents..

Coleen: Yes, she is an artist and a guitarist..

ALL: Let’s put our hands together for our AUDITOR , LIANE ANGEL F. SAJOR…


Coleen: A quick -witted pupil is again a member of our POWERHOUSE…

Asher: An honor pupil with the gut to voice out her opinions..

Geraldine: She is also a Champion in the RED CROSS YOUTH CHALLENGE and a DIVISION
Qualifier in NEWSWRITING..

Coleen: Wow, Such a strong personality that could empower her follow pupils to be
confident of their own abilities..

All: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s pave the way to grade five Lovebird’s pride… our

------------------BUSINESS MANAGER------------------

Coleen We’ve got a livewire of cast at the POWER TEAM…

Asher: Definitely, next is our set of PEACE OFFICERS who will safeguard the school and
to maintain peace and harmony among us…

Geraldine: First, we have the “CRUSH ng BAYAN”, a real head-turner..

Coleen: Yeas, he got the looks but aside from a handsome face, he is also full of talents
and wits..

Asher: He just joined the DANCE KIDS SEASON 2 and a consistent honor pupil under
Mrs. Loretya Febe GAoiran…

ALL: Let’s give a round of applause to UZZIEL EXYZEI DELA CRUZ

-------- UZZIEL_______

Coleen: Next, is another MATH WIZARD…

Geraldine: He might have the brains of ALBERT EINSTEIN but he is humble and always

ALL: Ladies and gentlemen, from grade 4 Sparrow, MICHAEL KEITH ESPIRITU..

-------- KEITH---------

Coleen: WE also have another full of talents powercast..

Asher: Yes, she can sing, draw and she’s good at all his subjects that’s why she is always
one of the best in her class ,

Coleen: We are referring to DESIREE JOY BARTOLOME… but due to his father’s untimely
death, she could not make it today but her willingness to win in this election is
so strong so please vote for her..

Geraldine: Another beauty is joining our power team… She got the smiles that could win

Asher: Yet, she does not only have a pretty face but also a brilliant mind and an
athlethic passion…

ALL: My friends, let’s all welcome, the FIVE-EAGLE’s sweetheart, ARIANI MONIQUE A.

----------- ARIANI--------

Coleen: Another aspiring PEACE OFFICER is from Maam MAritess Carino’s class..

Asher: She is also a promising pupil being always in the honor roll.

Geraldine: And not to mention, a pupil with a good heart and with a dream…

ALL: Let’s welcome, our grade three dreamer, NICOLETTE S. AGUSTIN…



Coleen: Our councilors are a team of pupils with outstanding achievements…

Asher: For grade 2, we have Andrei XERXES Tungpalan and ALZHEA GHAYZETTE R.

Geraldine: Another team of

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