Mapa Conceptual Cálculo Multivariado

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In definition, the partial derivatives of x and y of a function are also functions that
depend on x and y, therefore their partial derivatives can be calculated again,
receiving the name of "second order". In turn, with these second derivatives the
process can be repeated again obtaining the third partial derivatives.

The rule of the chain is used to calculate the partial derivatives of functions that
depend on more than one variable f (x, y), and in turn these depend on a third
variable f (x (t), and (t)).

When defining the derivative in a dimension, its geometric interpretation is simple:

the derivative of a function in a point is equal to the slope of the tangent to the
graph of the function in that point.

In our daily life we encounter situations or problems in which we must first identify
the variables, determine to what they refer to and propose possible solutions. It is
here that Mathematics plays a very important role because it allows us to
implement the formulas learned and provide one or many proposals of solutions.

The derivative is one of the most important concepts ever invented throughout
science. The derivatives emerged as a need when wanting to define the concept of
a tangent line to the graph of a function (curve). Overall, the Derivative serves to
model or describe the change, movement, and the phenomena that change over
time, which is known as dynamic systems.

The No. 3 group has sought to resolve all the unknowns to the proposed problems
and together we have found the answer to the main 15 approaches of Formative
Work. We consider it is very useful not only for approving the course but also for
allowing us to have synergies, sharing methods and enhancing knowledge
transmitted to us in class.

We hope that everything compiled in these materials serves as a guide and an

available resource to facilitate learning because it represents the basis for the
application of other areas of knowledge such as physics and chemistry.

MAIN OBJECTIVE:* Understand the concept of series and the most common
criteria of convergence, to apply them in the calculation of the sum of the series
and in the approximation or representation of functions.

GOALS OBJECTIVES:* Know and apply convergence criteria to calculate sums of

series and develop functions in power series.

* Represent geometrically straight lines, planes and surfaces and determine their
properties of intersections, symmetries and extension.

* Calculate and interpret the partial and directional derivatives the differential and
the gradient of a scalar function.

* Know and apply the operations with vectors of the plane and space.

* The concept of Derivative is important to understand and derive formulas, which

then have an important application in any field of work and science in general.

* The main purpose of a derivative is to optimize systems that are expressed by

more or less complex functions.

* A Derivative can be considered as the key to perform mathematical calculations

in the career of Business Administration, since it has multiple applications and are
very useful in solving various economy problems, its use is very useful for us
students to learn applications and develop important concepts such as rate of
change, marginalization, optimization, etc.

* The derivatives are useful for finding the intervals of increase or decrease of the
value of interest whenever that can be expressed by functions.

* Mainly that real functions of three real variables are those that appear most in
engineering. In addition, the concepts are easier to interpret in ordinary three-
dimensional space, which makes didactically advisable to focus attention on the
real functions of three real variables.

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