Bill Nye - Motion Recording Sheet2

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Name _______________ Bill Nye: Motion

1. Everything in the universe is in __________________.

2. What puts things in motion? __________________________________________

3. A force is when something is _______________ or ___________________.

4. When something is sitting still, it will ______________________ unless acted on by an outside


5. Inertia is a property of ___________________.

6. A bowling ball weighs more than a ______________________.

7. The anvil has a lot of ___________________.

8. The two forces acting on the anvil are ________________________ and the pull of the

9. Whether an object is ______________ or __________ __________, everything has inertia.

10. Write Newton’s First Law of Motion:

11. Write Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

12. Write Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

13. The apple has _______________ and it also has __________________.

14. The apple could be weightless, but would still have a ____________.

15. Do the laws of physics still apply in space? ______________________________

16. The earth is spinning on its axis at about __________________.

17. The galaxy in which the Earth is found is called the __________________ _____________

18. When things are pushed or pulled, they are put in __________________.

19. The more the _______________, the more force you need to move an object.
Answer Key Bill Nye: Motion

1. Everything in the universe is in ____motion______.

2. What puts things in motion? _______forces______

3. Forces are when something is _____pushed______ or ___pulled_____.

4. When something is sitting still it will ______stay still_________ unless acted on by an

outside force.

5. Inertia is a property of _____matter_______.

6. A bowling ball weighs more than a ______golf ball______.

7. The anvil has a lot of ____inertia_______.

8. The two forces acting on the anvil are ________gravity____ and the pull of the

9. Whether an object is _____moving_____ or _____staying still________ everything has


10. Write Newton’s First Law of Motion:

Things at rest stay at rest and things in motion stay in motion unless acted on by an
outside force.

11. Write Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

To move a mass you need a force

12. Write Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction

13. The apple has ___inertia_____ and it also has ___mass______.

14. The apple could be weightless, but would still have a ___mass____.

15. Do the laws of physics still apply in space? yes

16. The earth is spinning on its axis at about ____1600 km/hr________.

17. The galaxy in which the Earth is found is the ____Milky Way____________ Galaxy.

18. When things are pushed or pulled they are put in _______motion______.

19. The more the ___mass_______ the more force you need to move an object.

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