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Beltine - multi-billion dollar transit, trails, parks, and redevelopment project

However, ​For any trail, actual usage is a function of such features as distance,
availability of desirable destinations, attractiveness, perception of safety, local
demographics, and alternative places for walking,

Impact on the Community and Gentrification

Economic Impact on the Community
● Eastside trail in midtown near piedmont park that goes all the way into inman park and
old fourth ward
● Promotes local businesses restaurants and charities
● Increases social capital which is the collective value of a network (social, political, and
economic) which will help improve a communities physical and mental health by
distrupting an inefficient and unhealthy setting of gloomy urban life
● Decreased affordability and displacement of the natives already there
● Because as “boujee” retailers come in and the beltine becomes more commercialized it
becomes way less affordable for the people who already live there. And in order to make
it more commercialized to bring in small businesses and new life to those parts, it may
displace the poor individuals who already live there. This is a prime example of

Art (largest public art project)

● It is the largest public art project in atlanta entirely free to the public
● Sculptures, murals, dance, music, theatre photography, fashion, film etc
● Individual artsists come and display art on walls, in tunnels, etc
● Some of this art is even commissioned as year-long and rotating art exhibitions
● Live music along the trails
● Three dimensional Geometric art installations along the path
● Wall murals
● Tiny doors atl
● Artwork is expression of the different communities, ideas, beliefs, and culture around
atlanta ranging from calls to civil rights and discrimination, efforts to save the
environment, politics, and other artistic statements that could only be possible because
of the large scale of the public art project and how accessible this art is. It is basically an
art museum gallery walk, “free of charge”
● Developed a free spririt aesthetic where creativity can roam free and have a chance to
be showcased and appreciated by those traversing the beltline

Social Equity
● Give all residents of atlanta a place to have access to green spaces to be physically
active, have access to clean air
● Gives older people, minorities, and low income a change for health, quality housing, and
access to greenspace for physical acitivity
● Access to all types of neighborhoods. Touches over 20 distinct atlanta communities
(beltline website).The beltine crosses a bunch of different types of neighborhoods:
affluent white neighborhoods, minority neighborhoods, etc
● However, gentrification is a issue because look how well the east side is doing
economically with all the retail and development. If the west and south sides do as well
economically and development wise, then it will displace all the poor people who live in
those neighborhoods, if the priority of affordable housing is not remembered

Fitness/Exercise/Health in Atlanta/Physical Activity

● Green space for mental clarity
● Make people be outside more, bike more, walk more, and have a place to be outside
because atlanta is sometimes known for having chronic illness linked to low levels of
physical activity.
● 5K races
● Sunrise Yoga on the trail
● Places to rent bikes
● Promotes physical activity because of emphasis on trails/greenspace rather than
residential and retail stuff
● Puts priority on health because of Ryan Gravel’s story

● Atlanta is famous for traffic and suburban sprawl
● People are always driving and needing cars
● Beltline hopes to make atlanta more walkable, bikeable, and easily traversable
● Makes it easier and safer to get around a busy city like Atlanta, without the use of cars.
● You can easily bike around or walk or run and you have a perfect 22 mile loop around
the city that will allow you accessibility around the entire city
● The northwest side is still attached to an active rail line so it might be hard to make this
part walkable and accessible by pedestrians and businesses
Clear Creek Basin serves as a storm water run-off reservoir
Green space
Brownfield redvelopment
Use of native/naturalized plants

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