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Departmente of Civil Engineering; Universidad Militar Nueva Granada; Bogotá D.C.

The study of the subsoil helps to understand the conditions and characteristics of the soil under to work
while this can have multiple layer of different soils and rocks as well as geological fault that can make
damages to the next existing structures in this field.
It is as well as the waves and seismic sensors (Geophones) determined using the propagation time displays
the state of the soil. Using an external factor is generated a wave that travels through the layers of soil,
these bounce on the sensors will get a reading (Seismogram) than with analysis will determine how to find
ground, this external factor can be hammers or explosive.
Explosive, Seismogram, Seismic prospecting, Study.

All of the above is performed after a

previous topographic survey of the land. The
Introduction. perforations for this method can go from 5 to
Soil knowledge is essential for the 20 meters with diameters between 5 and 10
development of new structures or use of this centimeters and with an explosive charge
soil, the seismic prospecting is a quick option between 1000 and 1800 grams; once the load
to make an exploration of the soil and is placed cover until the surface with the
subsoil; with the help of an external factor material previously removed.
can generate waves and these will help make
clarifications of how is this field. It should be borne in mind that some charges
are not activated and remain in the field as
Development well as environmental liabilities and seismic
To determine the field to explore will quality can be improved, the signal noise is
determine a line of intervention that will call an alternative.
seismic lines (layout of geophone sensors
known as so as to make a seismogram with To develop this method of seismic
data obtained from the ground). prospecting requires detonating cord,
Once you have located the seismic line is detonator, surface anchor component helps
located the trigger points, and proceeds to an initiation (reliable), explosive charge,
generate drilling crews where it was Geophone.
previously placed small explosive charges
that will be used as generators of waves. Steps from uploaded.
At the end of the drilling starts the placement 1. The driller places the detonating cord on
of loads on the perforations leaving the view the component anchor.
of the surface cable or element to make the 2. anchor to the cartridge of explosive
initiation of loads. charge.
3. Plugs the hole with the material removed
Once you click the detonation the geophones earlier.
will get results of how it is and that contains 4. The cord is cut on the surface.
the subsoil. Steps Detonation.
1. He person who generates the detonation
retrieves the tip of the bead on the
surface and connects to the initiator.
2. You cover the union of the string to the
3. The cables are connected to close the
shooting circuit.
4. Once it determines the safety of the
terrain and continuity of the seismic line
generates the detonation.
This method can be used with explosives
(pentolita type is neither bioremediable,
biodegradable therefore in case of not doing
action the burden should be to make a
rigorous mitigation), have high water
resistance, durability under severe conditions
of use, with a Seismographic Fulminant that
assembly ensures initiation.
It can also be used with loading the emulsion
type, you can make an assemblage in would
be for their use, has high resistance to water
and has good sensitivity to make an effective

The seismic prospecting help by reducing
costs and time in the explorations by
generating greater usefulness and
economizing compared to merely scans of
manuals you often perform.
The effectiveness of this method in a matter
of time allows people to prevent damage
from what they find in the subsoil.

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