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Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work

1. Before you watch: what are some distractions people commonly have to deal
with in an office? What things do companies do to minimize these

2. While you watch:

a. According to Jason Fried, where do people normally go when they really need
to get something done?
b. What does he say are the two biggest distractions at work?
c. What are his three recommendations for creating a more productive

3. After you watch

a. Where do you go when you really need to get something done? Do you do
your best work at the office or somewhere else?
a. Does your company allow people to work from home? Do you ever work from
home? Do you think people are more productive or less productive when they
work from home? Why?
b. Do you think people need long stretches of uninterrupted time to be creative?
c. What do you think of company policies that ban Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
and other websites? Do these policies help people be more productive? Does
your company ban certain websites at the office?
d. What are the pros and cons of meetings? Do you think companies spend too
much time on meetings? Why or why not?
e. What are the pros and cons of having a “no-talk Thursday” at the office?
f. . Do you think collaborative forms of communication such as email and instant
messaging should be used instead of face-to-face communication at work?

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