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Larry Guzman

US History

The Bombs

The atomic bombs known as Hiroshima & Nagasaki are bombs that many people saw it

with different outcomes. Hiroshima & Nagasaki was not the greatest idea to stop the battle that

would soon turn into a war. Although some people saw it as an opportunity for the country to

show their dominance. Showing that kind of power was not just a decision one person can make

compared to hundreds of civilians. Showing its ferocious weapon to the cities of Japan was may

have scared other countries but, what did it cost to do so.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki outcome is just a dangerous way to stop battles. In document 3

atomic bomb, "The destruction of Hiroshima & Nagasaki put an end to the Japanese war."

People celebrated after they heard the news that a battle was won but, others heard that an atomic

bomb was dropped to end it. Hundreds of civilians were killed, children’s with their families

were put into the worst conditions. How can one say a battle was won. Document 6," Hiroshima

was no longer a city but a burned over prairie. To the east & to the west, everything was

flattened." A city full of people that lived like an ordinary civilian, trying to put food on the table

were killed because some other japan soldiers decided to attack the U.S.A. As a result of the

Hiroshima & Nagasaki bomb it wasn't fair & nor was it humane.

Partially of civilians and soldiers may say dropping the atomic bombs was the best way to

stop the war but, one person decided to drop it. Document 1 of atomic bomb," The final decision

of where & when to use the atomic bomb was up to me." said by President Harry S. Truman. He

saw that Japan wanted a battle so he sent out the atomic bombs at Japan to show power. His
decision showed that he will do anything to protect America. Document 5 in atomic bombs," For

Americans in uniform & those who waited for them to come home, outrageous as this might

appear from the moral heights of hind sight it was a sunburst of deliverance. Giving the chance

for some soldiers to go home is a great opportunity. Ever country that was thinking about going

to war suddenly stop after viewing the atomic bomb. Over all many people saw a chance to go

home so they agree with the decision.

The atomic bomb was honestly the worst way to end a war. Document 2,” The Japanese

were already defeated & read to surrender.” Japan made the mistake of attack the USA but they

surrendered and ready to face consequences. Dropping the atomic bomb may be the worst

punishment for them. The Japanese wanted to show that they were stronger but that’s not true

after the battle finished. Document 4,” This is not war; this is not even murder; this is pure

nihilism.” The bomb was to show power but it wasn’t right to do so. It killed hundreds of

innocent civilians. The fault of a leader should pay the price not thousands of other families. So

including these facts no one should decide the lives of children and their families during a war.

The use of a deadly weapon is the worst way to end a battle. Many families lived in those

areas and they didn’t do anything to America. The devastation atomic bomb is something that

shouldn’t be used at all. It is also said that there was a 0.01% chance the atmosphere would catch

on fire and kill everyone. No one wants to die so launching those lethal bomb could one day end

everyone as we know it. People only agree with the atomic bomb being launched because they

only thought of themselves. The use of it is so deadly and fatal that it would leave everyone to

miserable lives. The Hiroshima & Nagasaki bomb are represented as power but it’s a power well

beyond comprehensive.

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