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Animals and their habits/activities

No Animal activities
1 Snake It bites
2 Bee It stings, sucks nectar
3 Bird It flies, perches on tree, sings
4. Bat It flies, hangs on tree
5. Gecko/Lizard It crawls, eats mosquitos
6. Cat It sleeps, eats fish
7. Dog It barks
7. Horse It runs, gallops
8 Turtle It swims
9 Lion/Tiger It roars, attacks preys, eats meat
10. Buffalo It eats grass
11 Rabbit It eats carrot
12. Buttterfly It flies, sucks nectar
13 Fish It swims
14 Frog It jumps
15 Kangaroo It jumps

Contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective (adjective) and habit (Kebiasaannya):

1. Snake
It is a snake. It has a long body. It is dangerous and poisonous. It bites.
2. Butterfly
There is a butterfly. It has beautiful color. It’s colorful. It flies
3. Bird
There are some birds. They have colorful feather. They sings beautifully. The fly and perch on a
4. Tiger
That is a tiger. It has sharp claws and teeth. It roars and attacks its preys. It eats meat it belongs
to carnivore animal
5. Fish
.There is a fish in the aquarium. It is a small fish. It live in the water. It swims
6. Cow
This is a cow. It belongs to a tame animal. It eats grass. It produces milk

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