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Cues Nursing Diagnosis Goal/ Plan Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Acute pain related to post After 1 hour of INDEPENDENT: After 1 hour of nursing
operative procedure nursing intervention intervention the patient’s pain
Determine pain characteristics through Establishes baseline for assesing
(craniotomy) as evidenced by the patient’s pain will improvement/change is under control as evidenced
client’s gestures and response to
guarding behavior be controlled as interventions by less guarding behavior ,
evidenced by less decreased bp, and less
guarding behavior, withdraws to pain
decrease in BP, and Monitor vital signs High Bp indicates pain; to check
less withdraws to pain patient’s reponding well to interventions

Objective: INTERFERENCE: Avoids direct pressure(intra cranial

Positioning of client pressure) to area of post op wound
Guarding behavior Behavior response to avoid pain which could result in vasoconstriction/
increased pain.
Restlessness Expressing behavior for pain
Appropriate pain killers to provide
Irritability Expressing behavior for pain relief of discomfort when unrelieved by
Administer specific pain management
drugs as prescribed by the physician other measures (e.g. acitaminophen, and
anti-inflammatory drugs)
Change in BP Elevation of blood pressure
promotes vasoconstriction which
makes pain increased The patient’s experiences of pain may
Provide rest periods to facilitate comfort,
sleep, and relaxation become exaggerated as the result of

COLLABORATIVE: To have a close monitor of the client’s

Collaborate with the people from the progress regarding its wound and
laboratory properties biological properties related
to her post-op condition

To update patients prognosis after

Collaborate with the nuerologist craniotomy
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale evaluation

After 30 minutes of nursing After 30 minutes of nursing

Ineffective breathing pattern intervention the patient will be INDEPENDENT: intervention the patient
related to neuromuscular able to establish effective Monitor Mechanical ventilator To obatain baseline for assesing established effective
dysfunction secondary to Post respiratory pattern as evidenced especially the manual RR improvement /change in client’s
operative surgery by normal respiratory rate, breathing
absence of tachypnea .

Assess for pain May limit respiratory effort

Suction airway as needed To clear out secretions
With oxygen ventilator The patient needs oxygen to be Place head 30 degrees elevated Semi-fowler’s provide good
saturated and assist in breathing breathing pattern

Tachypnea The client experiences RR of 30- DEPENDENT:

1:1 lung expansion Normal is 1:2 ratio To suffice needed oxygen
Adjust oxygen at lowest
concentration indicated and requirement of the patient
Low hemoglobin Low concentration of prescribed respiratory
hemoglobin makes poor medications
transport of oxygen
Give combivent nebule q 6 hrs To provide normal breathing if
Low potassium Low potassium weakens muscle as prescribed by the phycisian other measures are ineffective
strength an neuron function;
affects breathing
Pain Pain makes breathing difficult

Referal to the laboratory For the CT scan and montioring

of patient’s prognosis
Cues Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Impaired skin integrity After 4 days of nursing INDEPENDENT: After 4 days of nursing
related to presence of suture intervention the patient will intervention the patient displayed
Monitor vital signs To obtain baseline data
over the head display timely wound timely wound repair/healing
repair/healing Note changes in color, texture, To assess extent of injury
and turgor

INTERFERENCE: Provide wound care To assist client in

Objective: correcting/minimizing condition
and to promote optimal healing
Emphasize aseptic technique A first line defense against
With intact suture on right side closed site of wound from the nosocomial infections and cross
of the head post -operation (craniotomy) conatmination

Swelling of suture site Swelling always occurs after Keep the patients position and To avoid pressure on the wound
surgery and may stay for 5 days; ensure the suture is intact and to keep it from accidental re-
indication risk for infection opening
Hyperthermia Incision induce elvated Provide optimum nutrion, To aid in healing and for tissue
temperature increased protien and Vit. C repair

COLLABORATIVE: The physician knows the time

intervals, right frequency of
Assist physician to wound care tending the surgical wound and
remving of suture.
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Goal/ Plan Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Risk for infection related to After

increased WBC count
secondary to post-op surgery

Objective data: INTERFERENCE:

Post-op surgery Invasive procedure increases risk

for invading pathogenic
Inadequate secondary defense Decreased hemoglobin count

WBC count slightly increased
Signs of potential infection

Swelling of incision site

Cues Nursing Diagnosis Goal/ Plan Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Data: Afte


Objective data:



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