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ONLINE EXAM DECEMBER 2,3,9 and 10, 2017

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection

( )
Pre. Phase I Online Exam 2017
General Instructions
This crack set consists of 100 questions in three parts.
All questions are compulsory.
Answer the questions quickly and as carefully as you can. Some questions may be difficult and others easy.
Do not spend too much time on any question.
Time 60 Min. Max. Marks 100
Part Subject Number of Questions
I English Language 30
II Numerical Ability 35
III Reasoning Ability 35

Part I English Language

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) 4. Depending on the location you select, the cost of
and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in setting up a new factory has vary from ` 50 lakh to
bold in the following sentence to make the sentence ` 10 crore.
grammatically meaningful and correct? If the sentence is is varied between will vary from varying about
correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) could vary around No correction required
as the answer.
5. Although other parts the world 20% of the farm
1. We have received many complaints from area is owned by women, in India women own less
customers and have appointed an auditor to help us than 7%.
identify the reason for the various delays. If in other parts However some parts
variety of delay various delay Where another part of While in other parts of
varied delaying variety delays No correction required
No correction required Directions (Q.Nos. 6-10) Rearrange the following six
2. A bank has loans to its own employees at interest sentence A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to
rates below the rate decided by RBI. form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions
is giving loans to loans their given below them.
can give loans to its has given loans for its A. Besides, they get a lot of exposure to novel things
No correction required through media.
B. Therefore, their mental development did not show any
3. The Indian banking sector is growing rapidly and extraordinary signs.
banks are opening much of branches in unbanked C. Children of the present generation appear to be smarter
areas. than their earlier counterparts.
many branches D. Thus, the environment of present days has brought out
numberous branch these changes.
mostly branch E. This is probably because there are lots of opportunities
as much branches as for their indirect learning.
No correction required F. Children of yester-years did not have these facilities.

74 Bankin Guru November 2017

6. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence Directions (Q.Nos. 21-30) Read the following passage
after rearrangement? carefully and answer the questions given below it.
A B C D E Once a large herd of elephants lived in a jungle. Their King
was a huge, majestic tusker. He looked after them with
7. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST)
love and care. A severe drought hit the are As there was
sentence after rearrangement? no rain for a few years, all the rivers and tanks had dried
up. The wild elephants suffered for want of water. Their
8. Which of the following will be the SECOND King knew that it they did not get water soon, many of
sentence after rearrangement? them would die of thirst. He had to find water as quickly as
A B C D E possible.
He asked the elephant to go in different directions to look for
9. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence water. One of them found a large lake full water in another
after rearrangement? jungle far away. The King ordered all the elephants to make
A B C D E their way to the lake. Close to it was a colony of rabbits. The
10. Which of the following will be the THIRD elephants had to pass through this colony. Thousands of
sentence after rearrangement? rabbits were trampled to death and thousands more were
injured. The rabbits were in a panic. Their king called a
Directions (Q.Nos. 11-15) Read the sentence to find out “A herd of wild elephants is passing through our colony,”
whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error he said. “They have already killed or injured thousands of
in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. us. We have to take urgent steps to prevent more deaths. I
The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, want all of you to think of a way to save our race.” One little
the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any). rabbit stood up. “Your Majesty,” He said, “if you send me
as your messenger to the King of the elephants, I may be
11. The scheme has been (a)/ implemented only in able to find a solution.” “By all means, go as my messenger
these (b)/ part of the country and the (c)/ Prime and see what you can do,” said the King. The little rabbit
Minister will visit it shortly. (d) No error (e) hurried out. He saw a group of elephants returning from
the lake. Right in the middle was the King. To get near him
12. The company has (a)/ decided to sell half (b)/ of it was impossible. “I will be crushed to death,” thought the
shares (c)/ to a Chinese firm. (d) No error (e) rabbit. So he climbed up a huge rock. “Oh, king of the
elephants,” he shouted, ‘‘hear me, pleasse.’’.
13. Rajiv has won a prize of (a)/ two million dollars
The King heard his voice and turned towards him. ‘‘Well,
which (b)/ has to be shared (c)/ with all his team who are you?’’ he asked. “I am a messenger from the
members. (d) No error (e) mighty Moon, “replied the rabbit. What is your business?.
14. We have an account (a)/ with this bank and (b)/ Is there a message for me from the Moon?” asked the King.
find the staff much (c)/helpful and knowledgeable. (d) To this the rabbit said, “Yes, your Majesty.” The King said,
No error (e) “Very well. Say what you have been sent to say.” “Sir,” said
the little rabbit, “the Moon has this to say,”
15. By opening so many (a)/ branches in such a (b)/ “You, the King of the elephants, have brought your herd to
short time, they have (c)/ used the wrong strategy. (d) my holy lake and soiled its waters. You have killed
No error (e) thousands of rabbits on your way to the lake. You know that
rabbits are under my special protection. Everyone knows
Directions (Q.Nos. 16-20) Pick out the most effective that the King of the rabbits lives with me. I ask you not to
word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the kill any more rabbits. Otherwise something terrible will
sentence meaningfully complete. happen to you and your herd.”
The King of the elephants was shocked. He looked at the
16. There is no need of any proof because little rabbit. “You are right,” he said. “We may have killed
everything is very ......... . many rabbits on our way to the lake. I shall see that you do
obvious uncertain definite not suffer anymore. I shall request the Moon to forgive me
regular essential for my sins. Please tell me what I should do.” “Come with
17. Onions grow in .............. in this part and hence me alone,” replied the rabbit. “Come, I shall take you to the
Moon.” The little rabbit took the huge elephant to the lake.
they are always very cheap here.
There they saw the Moon reflected in the still waters.
demand abundance peak There, your Majesty, meet the Moon,” said the little rabbit.
excessive dearth
“Let me worship the divine Moon,” said the elephant, and
18. Normally he is very ............ in his behaviour, but dipped his trunk into the water. At once the water was
on that occasion he behaved very aggressively. disturbed. The Moon seemed to mover to and fro. The
rude obedient docile rabbit said, “Now the Moon is angrier than ever.” “Why ?”
intolerant immature asked the King. “What have I done ?” “You have touched
the holy waters of the lake,” replied the rabbit.
19. If you .... in advance, you will get some concession. The elephant bowed his head. “Please ask the Moon to
buy work submit forgive me. Never again will we touch the holy waters of
pay decide this lake. Never again will we harm the rabbits whom the
20. I have in my album photographs of some of my Moon loves so much.” And the King and his herd went
very close friends ............, I can never forget. away. Soon there was rain and the elephants lived happily.
that who whom which those
It did not occur to them ever that a little rabbit had
fooled them.

Bankin Guru November 2017 75

21. Why did the King of elephants have to look for The rock was used as a stage all the time by the rabbits.
another source of water? He was afraid he would get trampled and killed if he went
As it was his duty to look for a new source of water near the herd of elephants.
every year. He could see all the elephants clearly from there.
As a famine had hit the area where the elephants lived and
there was scarcity of water. 26. Which of the following is true about the King of
As the other elephants wanted to drink the same water as the elephants as can be inferred from the story?
rabbits. He and his herd had trampled and killed rabbits unintentionally.
As the water in the area where the elephants lived was dirty. He was afraid of the King of rabbits.
As the elephants did not like the taste of the water that was He had deliberately killed many rabbits.
available in the area where they lived. He wanted the lake in the jungle all for himself.
All are true.
22. Why were the rabbits in a panic?
The King of elephants had warned the King of rabbits that he 27. Which of the following can be the most
would kill the entire rabbit race. appropriate title for the story?
The area in which they lived was hit by a severe drought. The Mighty King The Moon’s Message
The elephants had killed and harmed many rabbits on their The Brave Elephant King The Lake in the City
way to the lake. The Elephant’s Revenge
There was no water left for the rabbits to drink after the
elephants had their share. 28. What, according to the little rabbit, was the
None of the above message from the Moon?
23. Which of the following cannot be said about the A. The king of rabbits lived with the Moon.
little rabbit messenger? B. The lake was sacred to the Moon.
A. He was a coward. C. The rabbits were protected by the Moon.
B. He hated his King. Only A All of these A and C
Only C B and C
C. He was intelligent.
Only B Only C Only A 29. What did the King of elephants do when he
B and C A and B heard the message from the Moon?
24. What happened to the herd of elephants finally? He laughed at the rabbit and left the lake.
It attacked the rabbits and killed all of them He ignored the message and continued to drink water from
It decided to migrate and settle next to the lake in the jungle the lake.
The King of rabbits killed the herd of elephants He asked the rabbit to beg for forgiveness from the Moon.
The entire herd perished due to lack of water He went to the lake to ask for the Moon’s forgiveness.
It never returned to the lake in the jungle He informed his herd about the angry Moon.

25. Why did the little rabbit messenger convey the 30. How did the elephant see the Moon?
Moon’s message from the top of a rock? From its reflection in the water
In the little rabbit’s eyes
The message could be heard better from the rock than any In the sky
other place in the jungle. Not mentioned in the passage
The King of rabbits had asked the little rabbit to do so. None of the above

Part II Numerical Ability

Directions (Q.Nos. 31-35) In each of the following Directions (Q. Nos. 36-40) What approximate value
number series only one number is wrong. Find out that should come in place of the question marks in the
wrong number. following questions? (You are not expected to calculate
the exact value.)
31. 2, 3, 8, 27, 112, 566, 3396
566 27 8 36. 473 × 971 × 27 × ?
112 3 55 351 61
32. 8, 15, 29, 55, 113, 225, 449
11 18 4 21 27
15 29 55
113 225 37. 5734.96 − 3624.03 − 1512.86 = ?−3611.43
33. 7, 3, 5, 9, 20, 52.5, 160.5 4210 4290 4020 4150 4340
52.5 9 5 38. 33. 008 × 4. 97 − 11. 87 +74.13 = ?
20 3 195 176 200 230 270
34. 2, 7, 17, 37, 67, 157, 317 39. 2
4938 × ( 6. 96 ) = ?
37 17 7
67 157 3050 3780 3140 3550 3450

35. 3, 4, 9, 17, 33, 58, 94 40. 62.1 × 2799 ÷ 341 + 120 = ?

4 9 33 580 630 705
17 58 505 690

76 Bankin Guru November 2017

Directions (Q.Nos. 41-45) What will come in place of number of blue-collar ones is reduced by 5, the ratio
the question marks in the following questions? becomes 1 : 2. What is the number of blue-collar
41. 14 + 15 × 2. 5 − 7 × 2. 5 = ? workers presently?
40 34 27.5 37.5 44 30 45 65
35 None of these
42. 12. 56 − 23. 44 − 4. 35 − 3.15 = ?
53. A trader gives a discount of 10% on a certain
27.5 28.5 32.65 29.85 27.85
article. And successive 2% is given on a purchase over
43. 2 1 + 3 4 − 1 2 + 2 1 = ? ` 10000. A man purchased article worth ` 10010. What
3 5 3 5 amount should he pay after discount?
` 8628.82 ` 8888.88 ` 8828.82
2 2 4 1 2 ` 8838.8 None of these
5 6 7 7 2
15 3 15 3 3
54. A street hawker purchases mangoes at the rate of
44. 3 2 × 1 1 ÷ 8 1 = ? ` 9 per kg and sells it at ` 15 per kg. 10% of the total is
5 4 2 wasted. If he sells 6 boxes of 10 kg in a day, what is
his earning per day?
1 1 17
` 270 ` 290 ` 360
4 8 20 ` 325 None of these
None of these
2 55. A garden measuring 150 m in length and 70 m in
width has 1.5 m wide path around it from inside. Find
45. 25. 256 + 36.734 − 22. 490 = ?
the cost of gravelling it at the rate of ` 7.50 per sq m.
39.50 49.50 30.5
36.5 None of these ` 4884 ` 4882.50 ` 4912.50
` 4868 None of these
46. After John gave ` 12 to Hari and Hari gave ` 4 to
56. A number when divided by 12, 16, 24, 48 and 60
John, both had equal amounts with them. Who had
gives 2 as remainder. What is the number?
the smaller amount initially and by how much?
248 244 242
Hari by ` 12 John by ` 4 Hari by ` 8 240 None of these
John by ` 8 None of these
57. Taps A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 4 hours
47. Anup is 3 years younger than Kumar. Anil is 2
respectively. Another Pipe C can empty the tank in 3
years older than Anup. What is Kumar’s age in
hours. If all the pipes are turned on simultaneously in
relation to Anil?
what time will the tank be filled completely?
3 yr older 4 yr younger 4 yr older
10 h 8h 12 h
1 yr older 1 yr younger
14 h None of these
48. When the price of TV set was increased by 30%, 58. A bag is full of ` 5, ` 20 an ` 50 notes in the ratio 4
the number of TV sets sold decreased by 20%. What : 6 : 9. If the total amount equals to ` 2950, what is the
was the effect on revenue? count of ` 50 notes?
8% decreases 8% increase 4% increase
27 36 45
4% decrease None of these
54 None of these
49. Ramesh purchased a plot of land at ` 80 per sq m 59. The sides of a ∆PQR are 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm
through an estate dealer. If the area of the plot was and a circle is inscribed in the triangle. The area (in sq
300 sq m and the rate of commission was 3%, what cm) of the circle
amount did Ramesh require to pay in all? 4 1 π
` 24900 ` 24720 ` 23100 4π None of these
` 23280 None of these
60. The difference between a discount of 40% on
50. The average salary of 20 workers in an office is ` 500 and two successive discounts of 36% an 4% on
` 1900 per month. If the manager’s salary is added, the same amount is
the average salary becomes ` 2000 per month, what is Zero ` 1.93 `2
the manager’s annual salary? ` 7.20 None of these
` 45600 ` 24000 ` 25200
` 46800 None of these
61. A man sells a horse for ` 8000 and loses
something. If he had sold it for ` 9800, his gain would
51. A person purchased an article and sold it at a loss have been twice the amount of loss in the former
of 10%. If he had bought it for 20% less and sold it for case. The cost price of the horse is
` 55 more, he would have made a profit 40%. The cost ` 7200 ` 8500 ` 8600
price of the article is ` 8900 None of these
` 225 ` 250 ` 275 62. ` 1000 is to be divided among A, B and C such
` 300 None of these
that A gets twice as much as B and B gets thrice as
52. The ratio of white-collar and blue-collar much as C. The share of C is
employees of a company is 1 : 3. If the number of ` 50 ` 100 ` 125
white-collar employees increases by 5 and the ` 200 None of these

Bankin Guru November 2017 77

Directions (Q. Nos. 63-65) Study the following graph 63. The students from the faculty of Commerce
and answer the questions given below it. studying in College B are approximately, what
Number (in thousand) of Students from Various Faculties percent of the total number of students studying in
Studying in Various Colleges the same college?
Arts Commerce Science 30 35
43 48
35 53
30 64. What is the average number of students from the
Number of Students

25 faculty of Arts from all the colleges together?

26250 27250
27000 26500
15 None of these

10 65. What is the average number of students

studying in College A from all the faculties together?
26000 28500
0 26500 27000
A B C D None of these

Part III Reasoning Ability

66. If ROSE is coded as 6821, CHAIR is coded as ‘A + B’ means ‘B is the mother of A’.
73456 and PREACH is coded as 961473, what will be 72. If P + Q − R ÷S × T, then R is T’s
the code for SEARCH? Brother-in-law Sister-in-law Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
246173 214673 214763 Cannot be determined None of these
216473 None of these
73. Which of the following shows ‘N is the
67. How many meaningful English words can be
mother-in-law of K’ ?
made with the letters EMTA using each letter only
K ÷L × M + N K × L −M + N K−L+M×N
once in each word? K ÷L + M × N None of these
None One Two
Three More than three Directions (Q.Nos. 74-76) Read following information
carefully and answer the questions that follow.
68. The positions of the first and the second digits in
Sunita is taller than Seema and Renu. Renu is shorter than
the number 421653 are interchanged. Similarly, the
Radha and Gauri. Bina is taller than Radha and shorter
positions of the third and the fourth digits are than Sunita. Sunita is not the tallest and Renu is not the
interchanged and so on. Which of the following will shortest.
be the third digit from the right end after the
74. Who is the tallest?
Sunita Bina Gauri
6 2 1
Data inadequate None of these
4 None of these
69. In a certain code WEAK is written as 5%9$ and 75. Who is the shortest?
WHEN is written as 5*%7. How HANK written in Radha Renu Bina
Seema None of these
that code?
*9$7 9*$7 $97* 76. What is the position of Radha from the shorter
9*7$ None of these end?
70. If the digits in the number 5734629 are arranged Fourth Second Third
Data inadequate None of these
in ascending order from left to right. How many
digits will remain at the same position? Directions (Q.Nos. 77-80) In the following questions, the
None One Two symbols @, ©, $, % and δ are used with the following
Three More than three meanings as illustrated below.
71. In a certain code ‘eat good food’ is written as ‘ke ‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
la pa’ ‘good quality’ is written as ‘pa jo’ and ‘eat less’ ‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q’.
is written as ‘ke ra’. What is the code for ‘food' ? ‘P δ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
ke la pa ‘P © Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than
ke or la None of these Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
Directions (Q.Nos. 72-73) Read the following information
In each of the following questions assuming the given
carefully and answer the questions given below it.
statements to be true, find out which of the two
‘A − B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’. conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’. Give answer
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘B is the brother of A’.

78 Bankin Guru November 2017

Only conclusion I is true. Only conclusion II is true. Conclusions
Either conclusion I or II is true. I. At least some players are tall.
Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
Both conclusions I and II are true. II. All players being tall is a possibility.
77. Statements M δ R, R $ T, T © N 87. Statements All stones are water. Some water are
Conclusions I. N @ M II. T@M
78. Statements B % H, H $ W, W @ M
I. At least some stones are clean.
Conclusions I. B @ W II. M δ H II. No stone is clean.
79. Statements K δ M, M % A, A @ T 88. Statements Some phones are watches. All
Conclusions I. K δ A II. T δ M watches are guns.
80. Statements B $ P, P © R, R % S Conclusions
Conclusions I. P @ S II. B $ R I. All guns are watches.
Directions (Q.Nos. 81-84) Study the following II. Some guns are definitely not phones.
information to answer the given questions. Directions (Q.Nos. 89-92) Each of the question below
P, Q, R, S, T, V, X and Y are seated in a straight line facing consists of a question and two Statements I and II are
North P sits fourth to the left of V. V sits either sixth from given below it. You have to decide whether the data
the left end of the line or fourth from the right end of the provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the
line. S sits second to right of R. R is not an immediate question. Read both the statements and
neighbour of V. T and Q are immediate neighbours of each Give answer
other but neither T nor Q sits at extreme ends of the line. if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the
Only one person sits between T and X. X does not sit at the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient
extreme end of the line. to answer the question
81. What is the position of Q with respect to P? if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient
Fifth to the right Immediate neighbour to answer the question
Second to right Third to left
if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone
None of these
are sufficient to answer the question
82. Which of the following represents persons if the data even in both the statements I and II are not
seated at the two extreme ends of the line? sufficient to answer the question
P, V Y, S R, V if the data in both the statements I and II together are
Y, P R, Y necessary to answer the question

83. How many persons are seated between R and T? 89. How many children are there in the group?
One Two Three I. Sangita has ‘scored more marks than 12 children in
Four None group.
84. If P is related Q and S is related to T in a certain II. Reena has scored less than Sangita.
way, to which of the following would V be related to 90. What is the value of 36$4*8?
following the same pattern? I. P $ Q means divide P by Q.
Y P R II. A * B means multiply A by B.
91. What is Samir’s rank from the top in the class of
Directions (Q.Nos. 85-88) In each question below are 30 students?
two statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You
have to take the two given statements to be true even, if I. Sudhir, who is four ranks above Samir, is 15 in
they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts rank from the bottom.
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically II. Samir is 3 ranks below Neeta who is 18 from the
follows from the given statements disregarding bottom.
commonly known facts. 92. Who among L, N, F, G and Q was the first to
Give answer reach the college?
if only conclusion I follows I. F reached before L and G but not before Q who
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or II follows
was not the first to reach.
if neither conclusion I nor II follows II. N reached before F and G and L reached after F.
if both conclusions I and II follow
Directions (Q.Nos. 93-96) Study the following
85. Statements Some pastries are toffees. All toffees information carefully and answer the given questions.
are chocolates. A word and number arrangement machine when given an
Conclusions input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an
I. At least some chocolates are toffees. illustration of input and rearrangement.
II. Some toffees are definitely not pastries. Input nine poll 19 34 12 69 hour call
86. Statements Some players are singers. All singers Step I call nine poll 19 34 12 69 hour
are tall. Step II call 12 nine poll 19 34 69 hour

Bankin Guru November 2017 79

Step III call 12 hour nine poll 19 34 69 There will be no such step
Step IV call 12 hour 19 nine poll 34 69 None of the above
Step V call 12 hour 19 nine 34 poll 69
and Step V is the last step of the rearrangement of the Directions (Q.Nos. 97-100) Study the following
above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, information carefully and answer the questions given
find out in each of the following questions the appropriate below.
step for the given input.
P, Q, R, S and T are five friends who travelled to five
93. Step II of an input is ‘bend 15 will care 46 53 29’ different cities Dehradun, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Raipur and
How many more steps will be required to complete the Bengaluru by three different modes of transport - train,
aeroplane and car from Delhi not necessarily in the same
order. Out of the three modes of transport, two modes have
Five Three Four
been used for by at most two persons.
Six None of these
Aeroplane has been used as a mode of transport only by the
94. Step III of an input is ‘and 25 jungle 93 84 kite person who travelled to Bengaluru. T went to Jaipur by car
more 36’ and P went to Chandigarh by train. One who travelled by
Which of the following is definitely the input? train didn’t go to Dehradun. Q travelled by train whereas R
travelled by car.
93 84 kite more and 36 35 jungle
93 84 and 25 kite jungle more 36 97. Which of the following combinations is true for
jungle 93 and 84 25 kite more 36 Q?
Cannot be determined
None of the above Chandigarh-Car Jaipur-Train Dehradun-Train
Jaipur-Car Raipur-Train
95. Input land 62 clear over 41 37 again 56
98. Which of the following combinations of person
Which of the following steps will be the last but one? and mode is correct?
VI None of these T-Train P-Car R -Aeroplane
Q-Car S-Aeroplane
96. Step II of an input is, ‘desk 12 year victory 86 71
99. The person travelling to Dehradun went by
store 65’
which of the following modes?
Which of the following will be Step VII? Train Aeroplane
desk 12 store 65 year 71 victory 86 Car Data inadequate
desk 12 store 65 71 year victory 86 Train or Car
desk 12 Store 65 year victory 86 71

100. Who among the following T S

travelled to Dehradun? R P
Data inadequate

Hints & Solutions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 113 × 2 − 1 = 225 33 + ( 5)2 = 58
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 225 × 2 − 1 = 449 58 + ( 6)2 = 94
11. Use ‘this’ in place of ‘these’ . Obviously, 55 is the wrong number.
Obviously, 9 is the wrong number.
12. Use ‘its’ in place of ‘it’. 33. The pattern of the series is 470 970 30
7 × 0.5 + 0.5 = 3 4
36. ? ≈ × × ≈ 1184
. ≈ 11
13. It should be ‘his team mates’ or ‘the 55 350 60
members of his team’. 4 × 1+ 1= 5 (approx.)
14. Use ‘very’ in place of ‘much’. 5 × 15. + 15
. =9
9 × 2 + 2 = 20 37. ? ≈ 5735 − 3624 − 1513 + 3611 = 4209
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20 × 2 .5 + 2 .5 = 52 .5 ≈ 4210 (approx.)
20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
52.5 × 3 + 3 = 160.5 38. ? ≈ 33 × 5 − 12 + 74 = 227 ≈ 230
25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Obviously, 3 is the wrong number.
30. (approx.)
34. The pattern of the series is
31. The pattern of the series is 39. ?≈ 4900 × (7 )2 = 3430 ≈ 3450
2 ×2 + 3=7
2 × 1+ 1= 3
7 × 2 + 3 = 17 (approx.)
3×2 + 2 = 8
17 × 2 + 3 = 37 40. ? ≈ 62 × 2800 ÷ 340 + 120
8 × 3 + 3 = 27
37 × 2 + 3 = 67 77
27 × 4 + 4 = 112 = 510.58 + 120 ≈ 630 (approx.)
77 × 2 + 3 = 157
112 × 5 + 5 = 566 565 157 × 2 + 3 = 317 41. ? = 14 + 37.5 − 17.5 = 14 + 20 = 34
565 × 6 + 6 = 3396 Obviously, 67 is the wrong number. 42. ? = 12 .56 + 23.44 − 7.50
Obviously, 566 is the wrong number.
35. The pattern of the series is = 36 − 7.50 = 28.50
32. The pattern of the series is
3 + (1)2 = 4
8 × 2 − 1 = 15 7 19 5 11
43. ?= + − +
15 × 2 − 1 = 29 4 + (2 )2 = 9 8 3 5 3 5
8 + ( 3)2 = 17 35 + 57 − 25 + 33 100 20 2
29 × 2 − 1 = 55 57 = = = =6
57 × 2 − 1 = 113 15 15 3 3
17 + ( 4)2 = 33

80 Bankin Guru November 2017

44. ?=
17 5 17 17 5 2
× ÷ = × × =
1 Amount to be paid = 9009 − 18018
. 9800 − x = 2 ( x − 8000)
5 4 2 5 4 17 2 = ` 8828.82 ⇒ 9800 − x = 2 x − 16000 ⇒ 3 x = 25800
45. ? = 25.256 + 36734
. − 22 .490 ∴ x = ` 8600
54. Cost price of 60 kg mangoes
= 61990
. − 22.490 = 39.5 = 60 × 9 = ` 540 62. Amount to be divided = ` 1000
and selling price of 60 kg mangoes Suppose C’s share = ` 1
46. Suppose initially Hari has ` x and
= 60 × 15 = ` 900 B’s share =`3
John has ` y.
∴ y − 12 + 4 = x + 12 − 4
10% of mangoes are wasted A’s share = 3 × 2 = ` 6
⇒ y−8= x+ 8 = 900 × = 90 ∴ A: B : C = 6 : 3 : 1
100 1000
⇒ y − x = 16 Net profit = 810 − 540 = ` 270 Hence, share of C = × 1 = ` 100
47. Anup = K − 3 55. Area of path
63. Students studying commerce in
[Q K = Kumar] …(i) = 2 × 150 × 15. + 2 × 67 × 15
. College B = 32500
⇒ Anil = Anup + 2 = 450 + 201 = 651 sq m Total number of students in College B
⇒ Anup = Anil − 2 Cost of gravelling = 7.50 × 651 = ` 4882.50
From Eq. (i), we have Anil − 2 = K − 3 = 22500 + 32500 + 20000 = 75000
56. LCM of 12, 16, 24, 48 and 60 = 240 32500
⇒ K = Anil +1 Required percentage = × 100
∴Kumar is one year older than Anil. ∴ Number = 240 + 2 = 242 75000
= 43% (approx.)
48. Suppose price of TV set = ` 100 57. Taps A and B can fill the tank in 1 h
Suppose number of TV sets sold = 50  1 + 1  part. 64. Number of students having Art from
 
Total revenue = 100 × 50 = ` 5000  6 4 all Colleges
1 = 25000 + 22500 + 32500 + 25000
If price of TV set = ` 130 (30% increase) C in 1 h will empty = part
and number of TV sets sold = 40 (20% 3 = 105000
decrease), then total revenue So, part filled by A + B − C in 1 h 105000
1 1 1 2 + 3−4 Required average = = 26250
= 130 × 40 = ` 5200 = + − = 4
200 6 4 3 12
∴ Net effect on sales = × 100 5−4 1 65. Average number of students in
5000 = =
12 12 College A
= 4% increase
25000 + 27500 + 30000
So, tank will be filled in 12 h. = = 27500
49. Required amount 3
= 300 × 80 + 3% of ( 300 × 80) 58. Let, the notes be 4x, 6x and 9x
3 respectively. 66. The alphabets are coded as shown
= 24000 + of 24000
100 Then, 4 × 5 x + 6 × 20 x + 9 × 50 x = 2950 ROSECHA IR
= 24000 + 720 = ` 24720 ⇒ 20 x + 120 x + 450 x = 2950 6 8 217 34 56
2950 So, in SEARCH, S is coded as 2. E as 1 , A
50. Monthly salary of the manager ⇒ 590 x = 2950 ⇒ x = =5
590 as 4, R as 6, C as 7, H as 3. Thus, the code
= 21 × 2000 − 20 × 1900 = ` 4000
Number of ` 50 notes 9 × 5 = 45 for SEARCH is 214673.
∴Annual salary of the manager = ` 48000
59. Here, 2s 67. Following meaningful words can be
51. Suppose CP of the article = ` P
= a + b + c = 5 + 12 + 13 = 30 ⇒ s = 15 formed by using EMTA letters.
SP of the article = P − 10%of P =` MATE, MEAT, TEAM, TAME
10 ∴Radius of the inscribed circle (r)
4P 1 68. Given number = 4 2 1 6 5 3
Changed CP = P − 20% of P = ` = ( s − a )( s − b )( s − c )
5 s New number = 2 4 6 1 3 5
9P 1
Changed SP = + 55 = (15 − 5)(15 − 12 )(15 − 13) Hence, 1 will be the third digit from the right
10 15 after the rearrangement.
4P 40 8P
Profit of 40% = × = 1 W E A K W H E N
5 100 25 = × 10 × 3 × 2 = 4 = 2 cm 69.
4P 8P 9P
∴ + = + 55 ⇒ P = `250 Hence, area of the inscribed circle
5 25 10 5 % 9 $ 5 % 7
πr 2 = π 2 2sq cm = 4 π sq cm
52. Let, the number of blue collars = x Therefore,
Number of white collars = y 60. Discount of 40% on ` 500 H A N K
y 1 40
= ⇒ x = 3y = × 500 = ` 200
x 3 100
9 7 $
⇒ x − 3y = 0 36
…(i) Discount of 36% on 500 = 500 × = ` 180
y+ 5 1 100 70. 5 7 3 4 6 2 9
x−5 2 Now, discount of 4% on 500 − 180 = 320
⇒ 2( y + 5) = x − 5 320 × 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
= =`
⇒ x − 2 y = 15 …(ii) 100
71. eat good food → ke la pa ...(i)
Subtracting Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii),
∴Two successive discounts = 180 + 12.80 good quality → pa jo ...(ii)
y = 15
= ` 192.80 eat less → ke ra ...(iii)
∴ x = 3 × 15 = 45
= Number of blue collar workers Hence, the difference = 200 − (192 .80) From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
10010 × 10 = ` 7.20 good → pa
53. First discount = = ` 1001
From Eqs. (i) and (iii), we get
100 61. Suppose CP of horse = ` x
Remaining = 10010 − 1001 = ` 9009 If SP is ` 8000, loss = ( x − 8000) eat → ke ...(iv)
9009 × 2 If SP is ` 9800, gain = ( 9800 − x ) From Eqs. (i), (iii) and (iv), we get
Additional discount = = ` 18018
100 Now, according to the question, food → la

Bankin Guru November 2017 81

72. According to the question, P © R→ P = R 92. From Statement I, N > Q > F > L ; G
Husband and R % S→ R≥ S So, N reached the college first.
Sister Brother / Wife ∴ B≤ P = R≥ S
Q R S T From Statement II,
s r s Conclusions N > F, G
I. P @ S → P > S (False) F>L
II. B $ R → B ≤ R (True) Relation is not identified with Q.
P Hence, only conclusion II is true. Solutions (Q.Nos. 93-96) After careful
Here, Gender of R is not confirm. While, R Solutions (Q.Nos.81-84) Sitting analysis of input and various steps of
is either brother or sister of S. Hence, R arrangement of eight persons are as follow rearrangement it is evident that in each step
may be brother-in-law or sister-in-law of T. one word or number is rearranged. The
Taking options (b) K × L − M + N words are arranged in alphabetical order

and the numbers are arranged in ascending
73. N order.
93. Step II bend 15 will care 46 53 29 then
Husband Step III bend 15 care will 46 53 29 then
/ Wife
M 81. 82. 83. 84.
Step IV bend 15 care 29 will 46 53 then
r s 85. Step V bend 15 care 29 then will 46 53
Here, N is mother of L who is the wife of K. Step VI bend 15 care 29 then 46 will 53
Hence, N is mother-in-law of K. Pastrie Toffee
Solutions (Q.Nos. 74-76) According to the Chocolate
information, 95. Input land 62 clear over 41 37 again 56
Sunita > Seema and Renu Step I again land 62 clear over 41 37 56
Conclusions I. T II. X Step II again 37 land 62 clear over 41 56
Radha and Gauri > Renu
Hence, only conclusion I follows. Step III again 37 clear land 62 over 41 56
Sunita > Bina > Radha
86. Step IV again 37 clear 41 land 62 over 56
Sunita (not tallest)
Step V again 37 clear 41 land 56 62 over
Renu (not shortest)
Player Singer Tall Step VI again 37 clear 41 land 56 over 62
On arranging the above data, we get
Hence, Step V is the last but one step.
∴Gauri > Sunita > Bina > Radha > Renu
> Seema 96. Step II desk 12 year victory 86 71
Conclusions I. T II. T store 65
74. 75.
Hence, both conclusions I and II follow. Step III desk12 store year victory 86 71 65
76. Third
87. Step IV desk 12 store 65 year victory 86 71
Solutions (Q.Nos. 77-80) According to the Water Step V desk 12 store 65 victory year 86 71
given informations Clean
Stone Step VI desk 12 store 65 victory 71 year 86
$→ ≤ @→ > δ→ <
Step VII Not step.
©→ = % →≥
Solutions (Q.Nos. 97-100) According to the
Conclusions I. X II. X given informations
77. Statements M δ R → M < R
Hence, either conclusion I or II follows.
R $ T→ R≤ T Friend ' City Modes of Transport
and T © N→ T = N
88. Gun P Chandigarh Train
∴ M < R≤ T = N
Phone Watch
A~ bú¶'hþAm Train
Conclusions S Bengaluru Aeroplane
I. N @ M → N > M (True) T Jaipur Car
II. T @ M → T >M (True)
Conclusions I. X II. X 97. 98. 99. 100.
Hence, both conclusions I and II are true.
Hence, none follows.
78. Statements B % H → B ≥ H `
89. Both the statements are not sufficient
H $ W→ H≤ W to give answer. 12
and W @ M→ W > M
90. From statements I and II, ñmånyU© H$ [a¶a ‘mJ©Xe©H$ ...
∴ B≥ H≤ W > M 36
Conclusions 36 $ 4 * 8 = 36 ÷ 4 × 8 = ×8
I. B @ W → B > W (False) = 9 × 8 = 72
II. M δ H → M < H (False) 91. From Statement I,
Bg‘| h¡
Hence, neither conclusion I nor II is true. 15 + + 10 ‘hrZo ^a H$ s H$ aoÊQ> ݶyO
79. Statements K δ M → K < M H$ [a¶a OmZH$ mar Ed§ {deofkm| H$ s gbmh
Sudhir Sameer
M % A→ M≥ A
and A @ T→ A > T ∴Sameer’s rank from the top in the class is Q> m°ng© BÊQ> aì¶y
20th. gm‘mݶ kmZ JmoëS> Z ßdm°BÊQ²> g
∴ K < M≥ A > T
From Statement II,
Conclusions Om°ãg H$ s OmZH$ mar
I. K δ A → K < T (False) 12 + + 14
narjm H$ s aUZr{V Ho$ gmW gm°ëdS> nong©
II. T δ M → T < M (True) Neetu Sameer
Hence, only conclusion II is true.
gm‘mݶ kmZ, A§H$ J{UV, arOqZJ, A§J«oOr
∴Sameer’s rank from the top in the class is ^mfm VWm {hÝXr ^mfm na Aܶ¶Z gm‘J«r
80. Statements B $ P → B ≤ P 16th.

82 Bankin Guru November 2017

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