Beowulf Revised

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Justin corn

Ms. Figueroa

English 1

7 December 2018

Beowulf’s heart of heroes

The image of a hero is not hard to picture but what does it mean? The Anglo-Saxons

where a Germanic tribe who concurred Britain and had many wondrous beliefs. In the story of

Beowulf, the hero Beowulf helps the king Hrothgar by slaying the unholy creature Grendel, His

mother, and a dragon. This poem portraits the Anglo-Saxon values that were most respected in

this era. The Anglo-Saxon’s valued many things but none more than heroism, loyalty, and honor.

In Beowulf the value of heroism is shown most prominently. Heroism is first shown by

Beowulf in his first appearance in the poem. “I alone and with my men purge all evil from this

hall” (Beowulf 165-166). When Beowulf said this he shows heroism by saying he would slay

Grendel for Hrothgar. Heroism is found thorough Beowulf as well as when he fought the dragon.

“With fate against him, with glory denied him, he knew it, but he raised his sword” (Beowulf

669-670). This quote shows heroism by Beowulf knowing he could lose and still risking his life

for his kingdom. Heroism is a highly valued Anglo-Saxon which was shown many times in

Beowulf thorough time.

Loyalty is a highly cherished Anglo-Saxon value which is displayed by many in the epic

Beowulf. There is a character by the name of Wiglaf who practically breaths loyalty. “We swore

that these swords and armor were each for us all” (Beowulf 734-735). What Wiglaf means by this
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is that they are part of Beowulf’s army and should always be by his side in battle. Loyalty is a

further shown by Wiglaf earlier in the poem. “I’d rather burn myself than see flames swirling

around my lord” (Beowulf 726-727). The Anglo-Saxon value of loyalty is shown by how Wiglaf

would die for his king. Wiglaf is the personification of loyalty in the poem Beowulf.

The value of honor was thought highly of in Anglo-Saxon society. Beowulf was a man of

honor through the epic showing his strength on the inside and outside. “it so great that he needs

no weapons and fears none. Nor will I.” (Beowulf 168-169). Beowulf said that if Grendel doesn’t

use weapons than he won’t either to create a fair and honorable fight. Honor can also be shown

by respecting the dead. “But Beowulf repaid him for those visits, found him laying dead in his

corner, armless… then struck off his head with a single swift blow.”(Beowulf 540-543). Beowulf

finished off Grendel for those who lost their lives. Beowulf is the most honorable person in


The values of Anglo-Saxon heroes are most summed up by heroism, loyalty, and honor.

The Anglo-Saxon’s were a strong and powerful tribe that controlled Britain for some time. They

also lived by these values and had impressive imaginations. Beowulf is a hero that we can all

look up to and admire.

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