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Corn 1

Justin Corn

Ms. Figueroa

English 2

8 March 2019

Corrupt Existence

Corruption can be stronger than power itself. Power fuels and drives corruption and can

lead great people to their doom. Corruption can manipulate and destroy any manor of people. In

the play Macbeth when Macbeth first hears the promise of power he is in disbelief. However,

once he obtains this power he becomes corrupt wanting to destroy anyone who could take that

power eventually leading to his downfall. The theme of corruption found in Macbeth is also seen

in society today from media outlets to business and lastly government.

Media outlets of today are heavily corrupt in the way they are blind to the struggles of

those they influence. This first example comes from a place you should know about, YouTube.

This company has changed from supporting creators to letting their work be claimed.

“YouTube’s content claim system is out of control.”(Gus Johnson). The quote references to how

YouTube allows random. People to claim entire videos revenue for their own personal gain. In

the next example displays the corrupt nature of the media. “Social media play an important and

positive role in improving corporate accountability, leading to less profit diversion and

corruption in politically connected companies.”(Ruben Enikolopov, Maria Petrova, Konstantin

Sonin). This quote shows how social media can corrupt other parts of society. Overall, corruption

in media is dangerous to the public and itself.

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Corruption spreads further than media, it is also found in businesses. The example of a

corrupt business is found anywhere. “Businesses use bribes to shut down competition or support

personal ambitions” ( Businesses take bribes in order to build relationships and gain

power. Corruption is found wherever there is power and power is found in some of the most

unlikely places. “Small businesses that start off well can fall victim to corruption through over

ambitious owners.” ( The business down the street can fall victim to corruption through

bribes and expensive investments that are led by over confidence. All in all, businesses are

immensely corrupt and fall the most to corruption when it spreads too deeply.

Some places should feel safe, but always end up being the most corrupt, one such place is

your own government and political system. Corruption in government is found everywhere even

in smaller countries like Nigeria. “Massive widespread and pervasive corruption affected all

levels of government.” (Tobi Soniyi). the quote was used to display that corruption is found all

over especially in smaller governments. Trump is a corrupt individual and continues to corrupt

our political system. “Trump’s corruption of our institutions, which includes efforts to dismiss

public faith in our democracy.” (Greg Sargent). Such a quote shows the true corruption in the

American political system. The government that we trust to protect us is full of corrupt ideals

and policies.

Corruption is not only found in stories like Macbeth but also in our society from media to

businesses and government. A play like Macbeth brings awareness for the corruption that

plagues this world. Media allows for misinformation and distribution of power in that system.

Businesses harm mostly the littler people. Finally there is government that holds power and

influence over many people. Everything considered, corruption is something that we deal with

every day and can either sit and ignore it or fight to remove it.
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Works Cited

Ruben Enikolopov,

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