Community Service Reflection

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Portfolio 2018-19

Community Service Reflection

Date(s) of community service: ​March-28, April -2,4,9,11,16,18,and 25

Location of community service: ​Washington Boys and Girls Club

With whom did you work during your community service? ​I worked with Taina.

Why did you choose this community service activity (or activities)? ​I chose to do my community
service here because it was close by and had a relaxed environment.

What did you learn about the organization, company, or business during your participation? ​I
learned about which kids are regulars, and how they have to keep the kids occupied. The kids
have to be kept in line in order to make sure that they don't hurt themselves or get to loud.

How does your community service connect to any of the following: your career interests,
personal interests, academic achievement, and targeted soft skills? ​I’m considering being a
financial advisor( we’ll see) and while i was volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club I
occasionally had to help kids with their homework, which could be compared to helping people
manage their assets and financial restrictions.

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