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Maria Cortez


Period 6

Medical Foundation

September 15, 2017

Vaccine Wars Essay

When it comes to the vaccination of infants who should be the one to decide whether they

get vaccinated or not? If it comes to the life of your own children, the parent or guardian should

be the one to decide what is best for their children. After all they are the parent, they have full

authorization of their child. It is better the parent making the decision rather than a complete

stranger making it for them. Vaccinating your children shouldn’t be something that has to be

enforced by the government. A parent should vaccinate their children to prevent horrible diseases

but it should be their choice whether they want to or not.

Vaccines are important to this world. They help prevent disease and prevent the spread of

diseases. Why would you want your child to get diseases? If the parents decide that they don’t

want to get their kids vaccinated they shouldn’t be judged on by it. They shouldn’t be treated any

less or any more because it is their child they know more than anyone what is best for them. If

the child does get sick because they aren’t vaccinated then that would be the parents fault.

They’ll be the ones that have to live with it, it’s better that way instead of getting their kids
vaccinated and then seeing that it did something to the kid. “Our children receive 49 doses of 15

vaccines before they reach kinder garden. We are not asking the state to decide if shots are good

or bad or sake or unsafe. We are asking those of you who represent the people of Mississippi to

restore our fundamental parental right to make medical decisions for our own children.” Says the

Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights (MPVR). Personally I believe parents should vaccinate

just for the safety of the children. “Once your child has been vaccinated against a disease, their

body can fight it off against it better.” Vaccines should always be an option but they shouldn’t be


“Vaccines do have risks, but our brain has a hard time putting risk in perspective”. Says

Neal Halsey, M.D., a pediatrician and director of the Institute for vaccine safety at John Hopkins

University. Vaccines are just there to help out to those who need it or cry out for it. Parents

should vaccinate their kids. It might have side effects but those side effects can’t be worse than

having the actual disease. At the end of the day it is the parents responsibility to look after their

kids and if they should not then that shouldn’t be a problem.

Work Cited “Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights”

Jan. 19, 2017- MPVR “Vaccine Debates” – Neal Halsey “Why vaccinate

your kids”

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