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Woods 1

Courtney Woods
Professor Campbell
University Writing 1104
23 January 2019

I typically dread writing assignments. I consistently go into them feeling doubtful and uneasy. I

usually ask myself a series of questions. “Does my writing flow?” “Did I get my point across?” “Is

my punctuation accurate?” “Is my writing good?” I suffer from anxiety and it affects my writing

process most of the time. My thoughts are racing which causes difficulty concentrating. I get so

worried about the outcome that I second guess myself. I continuously overthink the little things.

One thing I did not realize until I started this class was the importance of brainstorming and pre-

writing. I always skipped this step. Not because I didn't think it was essential, but because I

never had a problem knowing what I wanted to write about. I had it all planned out in my head.

The problem with this is that although it’s perfectly organized in my mind, it comes out confusing

on paper. Instead I skip straight to the writing. I never revise my own papers. I rely on close

family and friends to help edit my writing. Often, I overlook errors, so it helps having an extra

pair of eyes to catch them. Starting writing assignments virtually right away helps me. I’m not a

procrastinator so I prefer to finish well before the deadline.

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