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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________ Block: ______

English Language Arts - ​Romeo and Juliet​ Act 4, Scene 5 Character Analysis
Directions​: Complete the chart below with each character’s reaction to Juliet’s apparent death. When thinking about a character’s emotional reaction, it is best to think about
both​ the character’s tone of voice as well as what they may be feeling inside--sometimes these may be the s​ ame​, sometimes they may be ​different​.
Example​: A person could speak with a calm tone, but show that they are scared through their choice of words.

Tone of voice & Evidence from the play How this quote shows the chosen Is the reaction appropriate considering what
emotion shown (abbreviation is fine) emotion they knew about Juliet’s situation? Why?

Sorrowful “ Most lamentable day, most It is repeated. That means that she Yes. because the that is a appropriate
woeful day that ever, ever I did can’t get over what just happened. reaction for the nurse because she was
yet behold”. It also means that she is in pain Juliet's caregiver. She feels like it was her
and how it’s affecting her. fault that happened.
Nurse (pg.201)

Devastated “ O me! O me! My child, my only It shows that she is devastated Kind of. She is expected to be upset but not
life, Revive, look up” because it was her only child. She as much as the nurse. Because she didn’t
repeats the words because she seem like she really cared aboutJuliett. But
(pg.201) doesn’t know what to think or no matter what Juliet is her only daughter.
Lady expect.

Distressed “ Alack, my child is dead and with It shows that he cared about her This is more or less expected fromCapulett.
my child my joys are buried”. and that he is upset. He is saying Because he cares about her because she is his
how she was his joy and how she is daughter and he loves her.
dead and so will his happiness.
Capulet (pg.2030)
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________ Block: ______

Tone of voice & Evidence from the play How this quote shows the chosen Is the reaction appropriate considering what
emotion shown (abbreviation is fine) emotion they knew about Juliet’s situation? Why?

Inversion “ to see this morning’s face, and He is upset. But not like everyone For the most part. He was upset because she
doth it gives me such a sight as else. Juliet didn’t mean anything to died. And she was his bride. But he didn’t
this?” him yet. She was his bride to be. have any real feelings for her yet.
But he didn’t actually know her.
Paris (pg.201)

Not sorry “Dry up your tears and stick your He is not sorry because he knows Yes. because he knew everything that was
rosemary on this fair corse”. that it was their own fault. He going on. He knew both sides. He knew how
knows that they brought that upon everything is going to work out or at least
Friar themselves. should work out.
Lawrence (pg.203)


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