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The Forty-Niners: People rushing, every man hungry with the gold fever.

People wanting to
strike gold and get rich, these people are called the Forty-Niners. All thanks to James Marshall
for the discovery of gold, in 1848. Why are these people called Forty Niners you may ask,
although most of them are not 49. People all over the US came to California to strike gold in the
year 1849. If you want a chance to get rich, come to California today, before it’s too late.

The War with Mexico:They call us greedy people? While they cross over our borders, on the Rio
Grande as well as killing 16 soldiers on the duty of patrol. The Mexicans have,”Invaded our
territory and shed American blood on American soil.” We already took over New Mexico and
now we need more soldiers to help defeat the Mexicans. For honor and great rewards, join the
army today, to make our Manifest Destiny come true.

Lewis and Clark:After the U.S bought Louisiana from France, Lewis and Clark was sent on a
mission by President Jefferson, to explore this vas and unknown land. Lewis was tasked with
finding a river route to the Pacific, he also had the job of drawing accurate maps that included
important landmarks and camping sites. In addition, Jefferson also wanted Lewis record
information about the climate, soil, plants, and animals. He had to do this while making friends
with the Natives Americans and learning about their languages, houses, religion, appearance,
laws, and customs. Lewis knew that the expedition would have a better chance of success if he
had a partner. So he asked his friend William Clark to join him, who was more than happy to
come along on this journey. Along the journey they meet Sacagawea, which was a great help
on their journey West.

The Chinese Stay: The Chinese are they here to be our friends? Or are they trying to steal our
gold? Who knows… We're running out of gold!!, and the Chinese just come out of nowhere and
starts taking our gold. This is not right, it’s our land and we the people deserve to have
whatever's on it. Making them pay taxes didn’t work, so what must we do now? We must bully
them and discourage them, so they finally leave our land!!
Spain needs to control Florida!! After all the raids from the Florida Seminole, along with all the
runaway slaves. President Monroe had enough, he decided to order Andrew Jackson, to order
the end of the raids. But, instead Andrew Jackson marched into Florida with 1,700 troops. Over
the next couple weeks, he managed to captured nearly every military base in the colony.
Monroe being scared of war, he turned to his cabinet for advice, all but one member advised
him to remove Jackson and apologize to Spain. That one exception was John Quincy
Adams(Secretary of State), instead of apologizing, Adams convinced Monroe to send a blunt
message to Spain. Which states,” Either govern Florida properly or get out.” Spain, equally
fearful of war, decided to get out. In 1819, the Spanish government agreed to give up Florida to
the United States. In return, the United States agrees to pay off 5 million dollar in settlers claims
against Spain. As well, the US honor Spain’s long time claim to Texas. Some people aren’t
happy about this, since they say,” Texas was worth 10 Florida.”

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