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Electoral College Pros and Cons

Instructions:​ Either independently or with a partner, list at least 7 pros and 7 cons for the Electoral College
system of electing the President of the United States. Each pro and con more than 7 will be counted as extra
credit assuming it is described or rebutted thoughtfully.
1.) Decide which side you are “for” and which side you are “against”.
2.) For your pros, write a quick description as to how you can use it to support your overall position in a
3.) For your cons, write a description rebutting (speaking out against or disproving) this point to help you win
your argument.
***Use your document packet to help you with this task as well as the internet. If you are working with another
classmate, only submit one assignment for the two of you with both names at the top.


● Dealing with less numbers is a Pro because it makes it easier to

● Directs more power to all of the states
● It protects a two party only system
● It protects minority interests
● Makes it easier to count up the total amount of points a candidate has earned
● The Electoral College guarantees certainty to the outcome of the presidential
● Candidate must reach out to more than one region of the country


● The electoral college reduces votes of people that didn’t win.

● The Electoral college favors some people over others
● States that have bigger population gets more votes. Which makes the other states
feel like their votes don’t matter and won't make a difference.
● If there is a tie in the electoral votes the people don’t have any more say in it. So
they don’t get to elect their own president.
● Some representatives votes are worth more than others
● Potential runners could win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote.
● The more different kind of parties running the less electoral vote there are which
means the less chance of someone that the people want to be president will get to
be president.

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