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Uncertainty Avoidance

This dimension deals with a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately
refers to man’s search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to
feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. (
Pakistan with the high score of 70 shows that their society’s people are less risk takers and they
maintain inflexible codes of beliefs and are intolerant of unconventional behavior. This displays
that people are generally emotional and sensitive. Such people try to avoid uncertainty by
planning everything carefully. Their society’s people reduce its risk to minimum and proceed
with changes steps by steps and by making a contract. (Shakeel Khan, 2017). On the other hand,
United Kingdom with the low score of 35 indicates that that as, a nation they are quite happy to
wake up not knowing what the day brings and they are happy to ‘make it up as they go along’
changing plans as new information comes to light. They believe that practices are matter than
principles. They feel comfortable in unpredictable atmospheres and try to have as few standing
operating procedures as possible. (Dwyer, Mesak, & Hsu, 2005)
Pakistan with the score of 70 which mean it deals with uncertainty avoidance in negative way,
that shows that this culture has less interest towards change and innovation. Which means that
M&S should make those kind of marketing strategies that helps in getting their interest towards
their product and make them satisfied and build up trustworthy relationship between customers
and their products. (Khilji 2003).

Long Term Orientation.

Pakistan with the score of 50 and United Kingdom with the score of 51 both indicates a positive
image towards long term orientation. The findings indicate that societies have nurtured strong desires
towards future rewards. There is a common perception about Pakistan that their people are lively who
enjoy their life at best they spend their time in leisure, merrymaking with friends, spending and
consuming. Two years back Pakistan was declining on STO but now it’s more towards LTO
which means that their society’s wants to change their interest is now more towards innovation
slowly and gradually. (Wali Zahid, 2015)

Indulgence Vs Restraints.
This dimension is defined as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses.
Pakistan with an extreme low score of 0 which indicates that it’s a restrained society. It shows
that this society do not put much importance on freedom and control the gratification of their
desires. On the other hand, United Kingdom with the high score of 69 which indicates that it’s an
indulgenced society. People in this society are generally expose of willingness to realize their
impulses and desires about enjoying life and having fun. They possess a positive attitude and
have a tendency towards optimism. In addition, they place a higher degree of importance on
leisure time, act as they please and spend money as they wish. (
Basically, Pakistan is wrapped in to three strong layers that control the emotions and of the
individuals concerning IVR. (Syed Afzal Moshadi Shah & Dr. Shehla Amjad, 2011)

 Country’s Religion
 Culture Binding
 Class consciousness
Country’s Religious: Islam is a major religion country that play vital roles on decides the
activities on individuals. There are some certain rules according to Islam which are must to
followed. Government rules, regulations and laws are also set according to the Islamic point of
Culture Binding: People in Pakistan are closely tied in cultural boundaries. They prefer to opt for
IVR that is culturally acceptable. Wearing typical dresses, offering particular food & drinks on
weddings and funerals is a good example of cultural influence.
Class Consciousness: People preferences on the choice of locality for building their houses, type
of the cars they require to maintain, cloths they should wear etc. are some of the influences made
by class consciousness.
So according to these factors this dimension is shows a sensitive image among all others.
Because of this M&S have to make good strategies which are interrelated to the strong three
layers. However new generation adopt 10% of the European culture, their taste and way of living
has become slightly change but still these three factors have the same importance as before.
Cultural dimension that can impact M&S:
According to research the conclusion came out that M&S needs to highly focused on three
dimensions that can slightly affects the profit of the business those are indulgence Vs restraints,
uncertainty avoidance and individualism Vs Collectivisms Factors. Because Pakistan is a pure
restraints society and more towards collectivisms and have a very low tolerance towards
uncertainty avoidance comparative to United Kingdom so Marks & Spencer’s marketing team
requirements are to makes strategies that interlinks with these factors to make their position solid
and make it less risky because the target market is huge once they started trusting their products
they will become their loyal customers. The profit will increase but slowly and gradually.

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