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2nd meeting MBO reach out strategy

Best to read it with the other summary, we took every box and then thought how we could
create an intervention. ​

See - “Translate” the news to the most accessible way / infographic

- 5 minit easy to understand carbon footprint calculation
- Adress “fastfashion” and the impact of certain brands on climate justice, on
the shops they visit.
- notify teacher about the conference
- LCOY, youtube content OR
- seek out/convince a Youtube influencer ​​ 7juli 2019
- “Cute” animal vids/ad

Say - show them successes of organisations/initiatives

- show them small things they can do, what we are already doing
- be encouraging

Think & feel What are other countries doing: “NL is asking to much, in comparison with
other countries”
Example countries we need to know what they are doing : (asia) China,
(n-america) Us, Russia,(asia) Indonesia, (asia) Iran/ Saoedie Arabia,
(s-america) Brasil, (africa) Nigeria, (europe) France. Or top 5 most populated
countries, or through the most wealthy countries.
- burn out rate - time management - time efficient activist “ you don't have to
be present at every thing #FOMO”
- acknowledge their other worries and look for a combination solution
- approaching refugee / students with a different ethnic background

Hear & do - exchange views on cheap solutions, and trying to erase “ povertý” stigma
and infuse another type of pride. “Buying expsive things is chasing after
famous people, how can we make cheap, durable things more trendy”
- making 2nd hand clothes cool > nobody knows its 2nd hand-. Trendy ->
unique -> clothing swap day
- people with better “living standards” should promote cheap solutions without
shame, with confidence, there should nothing be wrong with having less
money/being poor.
- influencing parents e.g. some parents dont allow children to go vegan.
Children love to “challenge” their parents.

Pain & gain Most things got covered.

With current knowledge explain the uncertainty of things.

Developing one or more of these concept to offer through a contact email to the MBO/vocational
institute, email or personal conversation, to do at their location.
- workshop on “safe space”
-competition/challenge + reward = e.g. get driven in a Tesla to the LCOY
- clothing swap day
- Do It Yourself workshop : clothing repair/adjusting, Faicial cremes, art made by recycled stuff,
food growing from scraps
- find and use Influencers
- collect/make cuddly animal advertisment
- boys - game night, games, technology, gadgets, ride in electric vehicels or buiding small race
vehicles. Free ride in a Tesla.
- how can a sports activity be combined with enviromental issues. ( e.g. kick the can, soccer
game, or maybe as leisure at the venue)
- create some type of “ambassador group” of 10 mbo students to be at the LCOY. (not
discussed, random idea)

Frequency of meeting the students:

- More than once, maybe twice a month. Until the LCOY.
OR try to inspire one of their own students to take up the task of organizing these activities
where we (the whole LCOY team) coach/help them in certain area’s.

QUESTION: how does this sound/feel to the rest of the team, which one do we want to develop.
When and how are we gonna approach the MBO’s. (approach email/text in development)
What can you add?
- during an open day, or “meeloop dag”

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