Grading Criteria

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To grade this assignment, I will look for the following things in their paper:

● An introductory paragraph that does more than outline the paper

○ Is it interesting? Is it relevant? Is it accurate?
● A clear and strong thesis statement
○ Does it have an argument? Is it the argument they actually lay out in the paper?
● References to the text
○ Are there quotes? Do they exhibit what the author claims they exhibit? Do they
appear throughout the paper, or just in one or two paragraphs?
● Rhetorical Appeals and Devices
○ Do they point them out (correctly) in the text? Do they show why they are
important? Are they used to strengthen the argument?
● A conclusion
○ Does it wrap up the paper and make it seem finished?
● Transitions
○ Are they appropriate? Do they help ideas to connect and flow?
● Form
○ Does the paper adhere to the proper format detailed in the assignment?

My paper:

Introduction– Defines a central term to the text and sets up the context. Could be more detailed;
slightly brief.
Thesis– Not a super strong argument, just arguing that the text was compelling. However,
outlined the appeals and devices that will be used
References to Text– At least one quote in each body paragraph and also has specific references
to the text throughout that embody the rhetoric that is being argued
Rhetorical Appeals & Devices– Three clear examples that move in a logical order that harken
back to the argument
Conclusion– Explores the text’s argument as well as the feeling it instills in the reader by using
the devices explored in the paper.
Transitions– Connect ideas from surrounding paragraphs together and wraps up ideas well
Form– correct

Grade: 94 because the paper does what it’s supposed to but the thesis is too simplistic and
doesn’t really argue anything new

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