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The speed of a chain is subject to periodic fluctuations, even for a constant speed
of the driving sprocket, due to the fact that a chain lying on a sprocket forms a poly-
gon rather than a circle. It is shown that the dynamic loading of the chain due to this
"polygonal action" is similar to that of a simple forced vibration where, beyond a cer-
tain critical speed, higher speeds produce lower dynamic loads.


R = radius of sprocket (to center of chain pin)

T = n u m b e r of teeth in sprocket
n = mean speed of sprocket in rad. per sec.
r = period of tooth engagement nT
p = circular frequency of tooth engagement = n T rad. per sec.
l = length of chain
I = m o m e n t of inertia of driven system about axis of rotation
k = longitudinal stiffness of unsupported length of chain
T h e suffixes 1 and 2 refer to the driving and driven system, respec-

When the driving sprocket of a chain drive runs at constant speed,

the speed of the chain itself is not constant but is subject to periodic
fluctuations. This fluctuation, which is caused by the fact t h a t the
chain when wrapped on a sprocket forms a polygon rather t h a n a circle,
is known as polygonal action.
One effect of polygonal action is to produce a periodic variation in
the velocity ratio of the drive, and if the frequency of this variation
coincides with a resonant frequency of the system, large stresses m a y
occur. In this respect the chain drive is similar to a Hooke's joint.
Another product of the geometry of the chain drive is impact. The
cause of impact is the difference in the velocities of the point on the
roller and the point on the sprocket t h a t come into contact. Polygonal
action is continuous being characterized by small fluctuations, while
impact represents a sharp blow of short duration. At high chain speeds
the effects of impact are very complex; each impact sets up a train of
travelling waves which, after reflection at the sprockets, combine with
the next train and so on. The resultant "surge" of the chain completely
i Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ceylon, Colombo, Ceylon.
24 S. ~/[AHALINGAM [J. F. I.

predominates the dynamic effects of polygonal action. It would there-

fore be very difficult to separate the two factors at high speeds.
At low speeds, however, the impulsive loads are small and, owing to
the longer interval between impacts, the travelling waves are damped
out. Then under certain conditions the dynamic load due to polygonal
action is of great importance and an analysis of this factor is made below.
Some aspects of polygonal action have been discussed in recent years.
In a paper on the use of chain drives in marine diesel engines, Bremer ~
referred to the fluctuation of the chain speed and tO minimize it he rec-
ommended sprockets of at least about 30 teeth. The variation of the
angular speed of the driven sprocket was studied by Morrison. 3 In his
analysis the drive was considered as being equivalent to a series of four-
bar-linkages, each acting for a period equal to the period of tooth en-
The analysis given below deals with the dynamic load in the chain
strand, taking into consideration the elasticity of the chain and the
moment of inertia of the driven system. It is shown that the effect of
polygonal action is similar to that of a forced vibration.
In the following analysis it will be assumed that the driving sprocket
runs at a constant speed of nl rad. per sec. The reference axes, taken
at 01, will be parallel and perpendicular to the direct common tangent
to the pitch circles of the sprockets. The change of slope of the chain
will be neglected.
In Fig. 1, A 1 and A 2 represent the pins that are articulating and
therefore 01A1A202 represents the equivalent four-bar-mechanism.
Angles BIOICI and B202C2 represent the range of operation of the link-
age. The exact formula for 02, assuming A 1A 2 to be rigid, as given in
(3) is extremely cumbersome and an approximate value may be obtained
as follows :
Speed of chain ~ nlR1 sin 01
R1 sin 01
0~ --- nl R2 sin 0--------2' (1)

In practice this method usually gives a high degree of accuracy be-

cause the angles BIOIC1 and B202C2 are small and the change in the
slope of A 1A 2 is negligible.
When two equal sprockets are used at a distance apart equal to an
integral multiple of the pitch, then R1 sin 01 is always equal to R2 sin 02, and
t~2is constant. In all other cases 02 will be subject to small fluctuations.
2 N. C. BREMER, "Heavy Duty Chain Drives for Marine Propulsion Service," Trans.
A.S.M.E., Vol. 69, pp. 441-452 (1947).
a R. A. MORRISON, "Polygonal Action in Chain Drives," Machine Design, Vol. 24, pp.
155-159 (1952).

T h e elasticity of the chain will n o w be considered. Since each four-

2~r 2~r
bar-linkage operates for a period r niT1 n2T~ the q u a n t i t y R1
sin 01 is a function of period r and can therefore be expressed as a Fourier
series. If we include only the f u n d a m e n t a l harmonic term of the series,
then it m a y be shown t h a t

R lsin01-~R1-2sin~ 1 2
Tx ~ - 1 cos pt I (2)

where p = niT1 = n2T~, and t represents time.

In m o s t power t r a n s m i t t i n g sprockets the n u m b e r of t e e t h is never
less t h a n a b o u t 15 and therefore the coefficient T12 _ 1 m a y be re-
garded as a small q u a n t i t y .

\\ A, I II

FIG. 1. Equivalent four-bar linkage in chain drive.

E q u a t i o n 2 m a y be written in a simpler form as

R1 sin 01 -- a0 + al cos pt.

T h e speed of A~ is then given b y

-- ~1 --~ nl(a0 + al cos pt)


and by integration

-- Xx -~" nl ( aot +-~ol sin pt) + A (3)

where A is the constant of integration. In a similar manner it may be

shown that

R2 sin 02 - Nao + ~ cos (pt - a) (4)


a -- a "phase angle" corresponding to the fractional pitch in the

direct common tangent to the pitch circles.
N -- speed ratio

__T2sin __~r
R2 7r T2
R1 T2 sin i "
7r T1

Equation 4 has been derived on the assumption that the speed of the
driven sprocket is constant. The speed is in fact subject to small
fluctuations but it may be shown that the error involved in Eq. 4 is
Equation 4 may be written
31 cl
R2 sin 02 -- Nao + ~ cos pt + ~ sin pt (5)
bl = al cos a

Cl = alsina.

Let the speed of A 2 be given by

nl { 11 ml }
- Na0 + cos pt + - ~ sin pt (6)

where/1, rnl are constants to be determined.

Integrating and substituting boundary conditions

-- x2 ~ - - Naot + sinpt---~cospt + (A + l). (7)


-- ~2
Now 02 - and substituting from (5) and (6) and noting
R~ sin 0~

t h a t bl and Cl are small quantities we get

nl {
02 -"'-~ 1 +
(li -- bl) cos pt + ( m l
N,ao 61) sin - - Pt[I
N2a o

This gives

02 -'- n~p { (ml - cl) cos pt - (ll - bl) sin pt}. (8)
N ~a 0

For the oscillation of the driven system about its axis of rotation,
the equation of motion is

102 + k(x~ + l -- x2)R2 sin 02 = 0 (9)

where I = m o m e n t of inertia of driven system about axis of rotation,

and k = longitudinal stiffness of chain.
Substituting for 02, x2, Xl and R2 sin 0~ we get

{p~(ml - Cl) - ¢o~ml} COSp t + {o~(l, - alN 2)

- - p2(ll -- ba)} sinpt = 0 (10)
whereo0= ( k N e a d ) '.

Since this equation is to be satisfied for all t, we get


bx -- a l - p~
/1 ~ °

D y n a m i c load in chain = k(Xl + l - x2)

= T--~ ~ - - a l sinpt--~cospt .

Substituting for ll and mx the maximum dynamic load is given by

k {(bx )2 (Ci)2}, 1 (11)

] - - __

This shows'that-the dynamic effect of polygonal action is similar to

that of a forced vibration a n d : t h a t large forces may develop when p,
the circular frequency of tooth engagement, is equal to w, the natural
circular frequency of the system.
bl = a~ cos a
c l = axsina,
we get
P ~ ~a12 {(cos a - N~) ~ + sin 2 a}

o~ al--~
~ (1 - 2N 2 cos a + N0.

This shows that for a given speed ratio N, the dynamic load P is
(i) a minimum when a = 0, that is, integral number of pitches in
the direct common tangent.
(ii) a maximum when a = 7r, that is, an odd number of half pitches
in the direct common tangent.
As can be expected, the dynamic load is zero when N = 1 and a = 0,
t h a t is, equal sprockets at a distance apart equal to an integral multiple
of the pitch.
It is also possible for resonance to occur at half the critical speed,
being excited by the second harmonic, but the dynamic load due to this
is likely to be small.

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