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Ethics In Business – Mini Assignment 3

Subject – Ethics in Business (Mini Assignment – 3)

Tushar (PGP-18-071) Teacher: Prof. Jagdish Rattanani

1. Offer your ideas of the "four spheres"?

Ans. As an economic agent – Before joining SPJIMR, I worked with Tata Steel where I closely observed
my bosses and their decisions. Now, I can easily fit them in the role of economic agent. In last 6 months,
we have been taught to take decisions like an economic agent. This is adding new dimensions to my
decision making considerations. Now, I think about the EBIDTA and brand perception which eventually
affect the bottom line of a company. Now, I feel that a manager is paid for taking decisions which
affects company’s revenues; market share, customer perception etc. and I will be only responsible for
profit churning in the company. But, I think my personal traits will also impact my decision making.

As a person – I think personal values and principles play vital role in decision making process of any
individual. My parents taught me not to do harm others for personal benefits and be honest to your
different spheres of life. I followed same in last 25 years. Tata Steel also imbibed similar ethical values in
me. Even my close friends acknowledge the fact that Tushar will take decision which is most ethical one.
In a nutshell, I want to say that personal values are crucial and they have stronghold over our psyche. I
might take decisions which would affect bottom line of the company in terms of profit but I would never
part my ways from ethics.

As a company leader – I worked with Tata Steel as Manager, Operations. I was looking after team of
200+ members. Somehow, I defended them in every scenario and fought for their rightful amenities and
facilities. I earned lot of respect in their hearts. I gave them equal status and made efforts to reduce
their problems so that they can work better for organization. I think, as a company leader, we have to
not only think about the profits of the company but also well-being of the employees and their families.

Beyond firm’s boundaries – Tata gave me exposure of this sphere also. I think that one needs to feel
responsibility towards society and environment also. We utilize lot of resources of this society and very
same society comprises of our loved ones only. So, if you take decisions which can harm society, you are
harming your own organization. Many might think that increasing revenues, profit, market share etc
might be a way of giving back to society but I feel that manager should be responsible for the effects
created due to his/her decisions beyond boundaries also. His success should be measured in both terms.
If we exploit such resources, we might be churning high profits currently but in future, we will suffer
definitely in future. So, I don’t think a manager can be successful without considering impact of his/her
decisions beyond boundaries of organization.

2. The four commitments can and often do send out contradictory signals. How might you navigate
that space?
Ans. I feel that except our role as a company leader, other spheres will contradict many times in our
professional life and we have to take decisions maintaining balance between them. I will always value
ethics over anything else. But ethics is very subjective and I will always consider that my decision should
Ethics In Business – Mini Assignment 3

do well for maximum number of people in longer run. So far, I might not have taken so many decisions
in my life. In future, I might take some decisions wherein my role as company leader would dominate.

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