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‫نماذج لخطابات توصية‬

‫من المهم جدا أن يظهر الخطاب هوية المرسل و مدى و كيفية معرفته بالطالب باإلضافة إلى‬
‫نقاط قوته‪ .‬أفضل خطاب تحصل عليه يكون عادة من مشرفك سواء كان مشرف في مشروع‬
‫تخرجك أو الماجستير أو غيره‪ .‬ثم تأتي األفضلية ألساتذة الجامعة الذين درسوا لك بعض‬
‫المواد ثم المعيدين‪ .‬و يمكنك أيضا الحصول على خطابات توصية من مديرك في العمل‪.‬‬
‫عموما البد أن يحتوي الخطاب على أربعة مكونات رئيسية‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬قطعة مختصرة كمقدمة لمدى معرفة األستاذ الموصي بالطالب نفسه‪ .‬و كلما تقاربت‬
‫العالقة كلما كان الخطاب أكثر واقعية و مصداقية لدى المتلقي (الجامعة المتقدم لها)‬
‫‪ .2‬نقاط القوة الموجودة في الطالب و عادة ما تبحث الجامعة عن شخص يمكنه العمل في‬
‫فريق و ياحبذا لو له روح قيادية كما تبحث الجامعات المميزة عن خدمة الطالب لمجتمعه‬
‫سواء عالقة بحثه بذلك أو أعماله التطوعية و هكذا‬
‫‪ .3‬التوصية بالطالب في برنامج الدراسات العليا بالجامعة و وسيلة التواصل إذا كانت لديهم‬
‫أي أسئلة‬
‫‪ .4‬التوقيع‪ :‬االسم و المنصب أو الوظيفة‬

‫النماذج المذكورة أدناه هي أمثلة لخطابات توصية تم استخدامها‪ .‬ال ينبغي نسخ و لصق‬
‫الخطاب أبدا و إنما هي أمثلة عملية لتغطية النقاط األربعة المذكورة أعاله‪ .‬المهم أن تحافظ‬
‫على األربع مكونات الرئيسية‪.‬‬

‫و نرجو لكم التوفيق‬

‫‪ -‬خطوات‬
Samples for recommendation letters:

Sample 1

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is my pleasure to write this reference letter in support of the application of Mr.

STUDENT NAME to enter into your program. I have known Mr. STUDENT FAMILY
NAME as my graduate student for three years, and I find myself in a position to judge
his capabilities and merits.

Mr. STUDENT FAMILY NAME has the following strengths:

1. He is consistently a hard worker.

2. He is persistent when paying attention to the details to get things done right (e.g.
doing a literature review or exploring hardware design choices).

3. He can work independently with some guidance.

4. He is outstanding in algorithm development and testing.

5. He can apply what he learns and reads to solve problems.

Moreover, Mr. STUDENT FAMILY NAME is a team player and enjoys serving the
community. In his master’s thesis, he focused on designing and building a device for at-
home diagnosis of sleep apnea. He has shown the ability to understand the clinical
problem, establish a constructive dialogue with the clinicians, and apply the knowledge
he accumulated as a student to solve the design and implementation problems.

Attending the last IEEE EMB conference in China, Mr. Al-Alshmouny has demonstrated
the ability to communicate the details of his work to attendees who stopped by his
poster papers. His work has earned the interest and the admiration of most of those
who stopped for questions or discussions.

I highly recommend STUDENT FAMILY NAME for acceptance into your program. If you
have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone (+2010
0000000) or email (
Best regards,

Ali Hosny, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Aerospace Engineering Dept.

Helwan University

Sample 2

I have known STUDENT NAME since 2000 as a tutor (2000-2003) - teaching him three
Mathematics Courses in: algebra, information theory, and geometry - and as a dear
friend since his graduation. I consider my knowledge of his personality, academic
standing, and research potential to be adequate to write this letter of recommendation.

STUDENT FAMILY NAME was an example of a hardworking, highly motivated, self-

directed student in his classes. In the courses I taught him, he and his colleagues
developed a psychological game that gave the user the ability to define his character by
drawing his dream house. This project was implemented using C language and it
impressed the committee and got a distinction grade for both the data structure course
and the project. In the Databases course, he developed a Biomedical Consultation and
Maintenance Database System using SQL Server and Visual Basic for GUI. He also
gave a presentation to his colleagues about ODBC and he showed very good
presentation and communication skills. He got a distinction grade for the course, the
project and the presentation. In last course, I taught him in his final year, he got a
distinction degree. He gave a presentation about basic network topologies, Cryptology,
and DICOM. After these courses, given that I was away for a number of years, I kept in
touch with him by e-mail to keep updated with his news. He continued to impress me
with his achievements and bold moves in his career. We met again after my return from
University of Pennsylvania and I was pleased to notice his overachievements in his
Master degree and his published papers in IEEE/EMBC05, Shanghai. In addition, he
got the position of technical manager in the company he works in.

STUDENT FAMILY NAME has an organized mind and possesses the talent and desire
to pursue new ideas. In particular, he is an excellent hardware designer, a skillful
user/developer of statistical analysis and signal processing algorithms, as well as being
highly skilled in using the library/computing resources. He has been working extremely
well within his team of students where he shares information with other members; helps
new members get acquainted with the available resources, as well as to give talks
about several topics about his thesis research or from his own personal interests and
working experiences as a technical manager. Besides all that, he also has a pleasant
personality and has shown integrity in every respect along the many years I was
fortunate to have him as a student and a friend.

I would highly recommend STUDENT FAMILY NAME for the PhD program in your
school without reservations. His solid programming background and being a fast learner
will make his work rather fruitful to your school.

This reference letter was written upon a request from STUDENT NAME. Should you
have any further questions about him, please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to
answer them through my e-mail:

Best regards,


Said Gamal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

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