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IBM Security March 2017

White Paper

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Discover and deliver actionable intelligence to help identify, predict and
prevent criminal, terrorist, and fraudulent activities
2 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Contents comprehensive range of visual analysis tools help users build insight
and understanding on complex data sets. It helps drive the faster
2 Introduction discovery of key individuals, connections, relationships, events,
3 Who should read this white paper patterns and trends in data that might otherwise be missed.
Integrated Social Network Analysis capabilities also deliver
3 Potential benefits of i2 Analyst’s Notebook increased comprehension of social relationships and structures
5 Key features of i2 Analyst’s Notebook within networks of interest.

23 Technical description The results that are delivered from this detailed analysis can
then be shared with intuitive and visual briefing charts or
23 What prerequisites are required to install the product?
visualizations. These simple visualizations can easily be
23 What documentation is provided? included in other end intelligence products. This greatly
simplifies the communication of sometimes complex
23 For more information
information and scenarios and ultimately helps to drive more
timely and accurate operational decision making.

i2 Analyst’s Notebook’s a technology is road-tested by

IBM® i2® Analyst’s Notebook®
over 2,000 organizations worldwide. It is designed to help
provides rich visual analysis capabilities that help to quickly
government agencies and private sector businesses
turn complex sets of disparate information into high-quality
in their fight against increasingly sophisticated criminal
and actionable intelligence. It is designed to help analysts,
and terrorist organizations.
and others involved in intelligence analysis to identify, predict,
and prevent criminal, terrorist and fraudulent activities.
i2 Analyst’s Notebook offers a wide range
i2 Analyst’s Notebook allows users to quickly collate both of analysis and visualization capabilities
structured and unstructured information in a powerful visual
analysis environment. It supports analysts in rapidly building a
that can aid in the identification of key
single, cohesive intelligence picture. The intuitive, modern user actionable intelligence.
experience reduces user familiarization times, allowing users and
organizations to quickly take advantage of productivity gains. The
flexible data model and visualization environment coupled with a
IBM Security 3

Potential benefits of i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Reduce the time that is required to deliver rich,
actionable intelligence from complex sets of
disparate data
• Quickly turn data into easily understandable visualizations to
aid in the analysis of complex scenarios
• Combine all available information to build a single cohesive
intelligence picture
• Perform effective analysis of a wide range of data types with
a flexible data modeling and visualization environment
• Increase insight and understanding and the depth of
intelligence products for more effective resource utilization

i2 Analyst’s Notebook supports the dynamic

human thought process and offers unparalleled
visual analytics.
Who should read this white paper
This white paper is intended for:

• Potential users of i2 Analyst’s Notebook such as analysts

and investigators who want information about i2 Analyst’s
Notebook and the potential benefits it provides.
• Managers or team leads who want to learn more about
how their teams can use the application most efficiently.
• System administrators who want to gain a high-level
understanding of the product and system prerequisites
that are needed to install and run the application.

This document relates to i2 Analyst’s Notebook version 8.9.7

4 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Identify connections, patterns, and key intelligence Rapid deployment delivers near-immediate
that might otherwise be missed productivity gains
• Identify the key who, why, what, where and when of any • Remove the need for professional services deployment
analysis question with a wide range of visual analysis tools costs with wizard-driven installer
• Combine association, temporal and geospatial aspects of data • Reduce the time to streamline analysis and end intelligence
with multi-dimensional analysis views product generation activities with rapid deployment of
• Quickly highlight key individuals and relationships and their powerful visual analysis capabilities
connections to key events with core link analysis capabilities • Rapid deployment and intuitive, modern user experience
• Understand critical timeline of events or patterns within delivers near immediate productivity gains
criminal activities with powerful temporal analysis tools
• Identify potentially important intermediaries between Proven worldwide visual analysis solution
• Over 2,000 organizations worldwide have used this
seemingly unconnected entities in a network
intelligence analysis solution
Increase understanding of complex criminal, terrorist, • Designed with input garnered from customer experiences
and fraudulent networks collected in real operational environments
• Gain better insight and understanding of the structure, • Comprehensive support infrastructure for global organizations
hierarchy and ‘modus-operandi’ of complex networks with with language versions available in 17 languages
integrated Social Network Analysis tools
• Aid the decision-making process and ensure best resource Key features of i2 Analyst’s Notebook
utilization for operational activities in network disruption,
surveillance or influencing Overview
i2 Analyst’s Notebook is a powerful visual analysis environment
Simplify the communication of complex information that offers users a comprehensive range of capabilities to
to support timely and accurate decision making identify actionable intelligence hidden within disparate data
• Clearly communicate complex data and scenarios with sets. These capabilities include:
intuitive and easy-to-follow charts and visualizations
• Drive the effective and efficient sharing of intelligence • Flexible data acquisition tools to quickly ingest a wide
for internal teams and across intelligence organizations variety of data types and formats
• Effectively share intelligence with a familiar tool that over • Flexible data modeling and visualization environment that
2,000 organizations use does not constrain the input of complex relational data
• Powerful range of visual analysis capabilities that enables
users to quickly gain increased understanding and reduces
the time to pin-point key intelligence
• Effective dissemination tools that simplify the communication
of complex data and scenarios
IBM Security 5

Flexible data acquisition

i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides a range of methods to quickly
ingest the wide variety of information that intelligence analysts
are faced with everyday. This flexible approach to data
acquisition allows users to input a broad range of data types.
Examples include telephone call records, financial transactions,
computer IP logs and mobile forensics data, to name but a few.
i2 Analyst’s Notebook’s data acquisition allows users to:

• Rapidly import structured data via a wizard-style

visual importer
• Simplify manual data entry with an intuitive drag and
drop mode
• Connect to and query available data sources via numerous
extensibility options

Visual importing of structured data

i2 Analyst’s Notebook users can rapidly import data from
structured data files via the wizard-style visual importer. These import specifications can also be saved and shared. Data
Import specifications that map the data from tabular style files of the same format, for both individuals or across groups of
in to an i2 Analyst’s Notebook chart can be quickly created. analysts, can be quickly imported and visualized. These shared
Users are able to visually create how the different data aspects specifications help to provide data ready for analysis, with the
are to be mapped. Inputting this tabular style data into the minimum of effort and removal of any repetition of work.
visual environment of i2 Analyst’s Notebook can greatly
increase the potential of discovering key information. It helps
to identify connections and relationships or communication
and commodity flows across a network that would otherwise
remain hidden.
6 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Drag and drop manual data entry This visual interface in i2 Analyst’s Notebook displays the wide
i2 Analyst’s Notebook includes manual data entry options that range of icon, link, and attribute types available to users. This
are designed to allow rapid chart item creation and editing. This extensive range can be used to best represent the imported data
function provides an intuitive drag and drop interface that helps and allows users to quickly add the wanted information on to a
to quickly build chart data. Users are able to choose from the chart. Templates that can be tailored to a user’s data entry
extensive array of icon types to visually represent real-world requirements can also be created.
items or events.
Other importing methods
i2 Analyst’s Notebook also offers the ability to import data in
XML format. Style sheets can be created that are used in the
import process to transform the data into the format that is
required for i2 Analyst’s Notebook.

There are also a number of dedicated importers for specific

formats related to telephone and mobile forensics data.

Data acquisition extensibility options

The potential benefits of i2 Analyst’s Notebook can be further
enhanced by combining it with other capabilities from the
IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Portfolio. Automated data
acquisition products such as IBM i2 iBridge and IBM i2
Information Exchange for Analysis Search for i2 Analyst’s
Notebook are available. Live connections, to one or more
of an organization’s existing data sources, can be established
directly from within the i2 Analyst’s Notebook environment.
IBM Security 7

This smooth integration gives analysts the ability to retrieve Flexible data model and representation
and analyze information that is stored in multiple, standard i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides users with an environment
relational databases. With live data access, analysts can use that offers flexibility in how data is modeled. The flexibility is
designed to ensure that users are not constrained in the input
i2 Analyst’s Notebook to quickly retrieve vital information from of complex relational data. The intuitive environment allows
key databases. Users are also assured that any analysis is based data to be modeled in various ways. Information can be
on the most up-to-date information available. It also helps displayed in the most effective manner to suit the type of
remove any reliance on a database specialist or the need to data to be viewed and the analysis to be performed.
learn a complex query language.
This flexibility allows users to:
Organizations can also create data connections to existing data
• Represent information to best suit the data to be analyzed
sources themselves by using the IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook SDK.
• View data in multiple ways in the form of network and
timeline views
i2 Analyst’s Notebook can be upgraded to • Effectively visualize a wide range of data sets
allow connectivity to one or more of your • Perform various tasks for both analysis and briefing purposes
existing data sources. The visualization environment within i2 Analyst’s Notebook
allows users to represent information in association or timeline
charts. Items can be represented as entities, links, events,
timelines or attributes in order to best present the type of data
to be analyzed. This helps drive the effective analysis and
visualization of a wide range of data sets. Examples include
social networks, telephone records, financial transactions and
internet traffic records, to name but a few.
8 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Association charting/Link analysis The link analysis environment in i2 Analyst’s Notebook allows
Link analysis, the bedrock of i2 Analyst’s Notebook since its users to display their data in association charts. The association
inception, is a proven tool for intelligence analysts. It remains a view can be used to show the relationships between entities
key ingredient in identifying key connections and relationships such as people and organizations and illustrate how they are
within complex data. The extensive association visualization and interconnected. A wide range of formatting options allows
analysis tools in i2 Analyst’s Notebook help users in identifying users to quickly and easily represent real-world information.
key aspects within a data set of interest such as: These extensive options help provide increased insight and
understanding of a wide variety of ‘networks’. It helps analysts
• Key individuals and their relationships with others better understand the relationships within criminal networks,
• Structures in networks the communication patterns between individuals in a network,
• Close-knit groups of individuals (clusters) and how money flows across a network and much more.
• Information or commodity flow across a network
Timeline charting
i2 Analyst’s Notebook goes beyond just how entities are
interconnected by also allowing information to be portrayed in
the form of timeline charts. These temporal views can be used
to illustrate how sequences of events unfold over time.
They help not only reveal the interactions between entities but
also portray when these interactions occur.
IBM Security 9

Timeline charts are commonly used to analyze information such • Items can also be graded to record information such as source,
as telephone call records and any forms of communications or reliability and clearance level. The grading structure is
financial transactions. They also enable users to build a picture configurable to suit the needs of an organization.
of a sequence of events for time periods of interest. These type • Items that are imported from external data sources can also
of charts provide a powerful visualization that help to simplify return the property information on those items in the form
both the analysis and briefing of key temporal information. of data records. This rich data can then be used by many of
the analysis tools within i2 Analyst’s Notebook.
Item property model
Users can easily use the following methods to store properties Item visualization/Formatting
or supplemental information for an item within i2 Analyst’s i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides an extensive icon set with a
Notebook: high-quality, ultra-modern 3D look that offers clear, modern
and detailed real-world representations in charts. The extensive
• An item’s type is an important property. The type property is range of icons that are provided includes individual sets that are
used to define both entity and link types in a chart. In the targeted at specific sectors. These icon sets include Defense,
case of entities, the type can be used to define the visual icon Cyber, Telephone and Financial / Fraud analysis to name a few.
style that is displayed in the chart.
• Semantic types can be applied to give real-world meaning Users are also provided with many formatting options. These
for an item type. The real-world meaning helps when options help in the identification of key information during
performing a search on a data set. For example, a search for analysis or for emphasizing important items when briefing
a person type returns both males and females in the results. intelligence. The formatting options available in i2 Analyst’s
• Other item properties can be stored as attributes against Notebook include the ability to:
an item.
• i2 Analyst’s Notebook includes a wide range of entity • Apply color icons to visually represent real-world properties
(including associated visual icons), link, and attribute types. of an entity, such as the color of a vehicle.
However, users can easily create and add their own. • Visually categorize items in the form of colored Icon
• Users (or their organization) can create templates so that Frames that can be used to visually group items with common
users are only given the option to choose types that are most properties. These Icon Frames can also be used
commonly used. Organizations can standardize the way to visually display analysis results from tools such as Social
information is entered across an entire organization. Network Analysis.
• An image — for example mug shots or CCTV imagery — can • Modify the size of entities to identify or emphasize key or
also be stored against an entity. These images can then be important entities within a data set
used to display on the chart in place of an entity’s visual icon. • Include other supporting data such as pictures to enhance
• Supplemental information — that is, extra information on an briefing charts or reports with images of individuals. Timeline
item from a different source — can be added in the form of charts can also be enhanced to include event
cards. These cards provide a method to record text-based frames that depict, for example, CCTV images of an event.
information against an item while also recording the source.
10 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

• Display the direction of links to visually represent who called Conditional formatting
who within a phone call or how money flows Any formatting can also be applied semi-automatically with the
between accounts use of i2 Analyst’s Notebook Conditional Formatting. Users can
• Categorize links with the use of color, width, or link define a set of rules that automate the process of formatting
style. Easily identify differing types of relationship, higher chart data to emphasize significant information for analysis or
volumes of calls between individuals, relative size of financial presentation purposes. Rules can also be saved so that repetitive
transactions between accounts, or the confidence level of tasks that are required across many charts can be automated.
information that links two people together.
• Group items within a chart to ensure that items can be Multiple rules can be set up in conditional formatting
selected and moved together as a group either manually specifications to perform complex formatting tasks. These
or when a user runs one of the analytical layouts. rules can be configured to work against the properties that are
• Change the display status of an item. Items can be hidden contained within chart entities, links and attributes. As with
(the item still exists but is not displayed) or “grayed-out” so import specifications, the conditional formatting specifications
they are de-emphasized compared to other chart items. can be saved either locally or in a workgroup. Organizations
Users can then put emphasis on particular items in a chart are provided with an effective method of standardizing analysis
but still maintain their context within a wider network. and briefing tasks across wider teams. These specifications
can be shared to standardize the techniques that are used for
both analysis and presentation purposes. Examples include
identification of important information in the analysis phase,
or for standardizing the format of charts for reporting and
presentation purposes.

Powerful analysis capabilities

i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides a wide range of analysis
capabilities. The extensive analysis environment enables users to
quickly gain understanding of the information they are faced
with and pin-point any key intelligence.

These capabilities can help analysts to quickly analyze complex

data sets and allows users to:
IBM Security 11

• Quickly analyze data by providing multiple analytical information of relevance. Any non-relevant information that
views on data of interest does not pass the filter criteria can be filtered out by either
• Drill down into data sets to identify non-obvious hiding it or ‘graying’ it out. Multiple filters can also be applied
connections, patterns, and trends to quickly and efficiently narrow down larger data sets and
• Get better insight into the critical timeline of events. identify possible high-value intelligence.
• Identify potentially important intermediaries between
seemingly unconnected entities in a network
• Increase understanding of target criminal, terrorist,
or fraudulent networks
• Identify potential duplicates within imported data.
• Understand the who, what, when, where and why of
any analysis task

i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides the tools to quickly analyze

complex data sets and the ability to create multiple analysis views
on data of interest. Data can be displayed as association,
temporal, spatial, statistical and spreadsheet views. These
multiple views help to give a wider understating of all the
important who, why, what, when and where aspects.

i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides users with a range of temporal,

social and geospatial analysis tools. The multiple views can
help analysts gain greater insight of a charted data set from
within a single user environment.

Data filtering and histograms

The dynamic filtering and histogram views available within i2
Analyst’s Notebook provide users with quick feedback on the
information that is contained within a charted data set. Users
can quickly browse and filter information that is based on any
property of the data within a charted data set. Insight is
provided to a user with the use of visual bar graphs, such as list
view or histograms. These interactive list and histogram views
allow users to quickly identify, select and drill down into
12 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Histogram view filtering —Histogram filters provide a Temporal analysis and visualization

powerful mechanism for quickly delivering visual feedback Answering the ‘when’ question is a critical need for most tasks
on a range of data types that are contained within any chart. that are posed to intelligence analysts and their organizations.
This interactive view is highly suitable for range-based data i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides a set of temporal analysis tools
types such as date, time or transactional amounts. It allows that help in understanding the temporal aspects of any data
users to identify areas of interest in chart data set such as peaks, set. These powerful tools help analysts to:
troughs, or patterns in activities. Users can then drill down to
quickly highlight any relevant information. • Drill down in to the temporal aspects of an entire charted
data set with instant, interactive visual temporal views
The interactive histogram view provides the following capabilities: • Identify areas of interest within chart data, such as
temporal peaks, troughs, or patterns in activities that require
• Select single or multiple bars in the histogram view to highlight further investigation
the corresponding items within the main chart view • Understand potential temporal trends such as activities
• Drill down to perform more detailed analysis of a data set that occur more at a particular time of day and day of week
Users can display a more granular view of the entire data • Create a more detailed timeline view of activities for
set or display the information for a selected range only items of interest down to individual event granularity
• Run an animation of chart data to show how activities
occur over time or how a data set builds over time Activity view — To fully understand a timeline of events there
• Copy the histogram view as a bitmap to allow easier is the need for analysts to understand a timeline down
integration into reports or presentations to individual event granularity. Many of these events also
occur over time. It is vitally important to be able to record and
List view filtering — List view filters provide effective and fast visualize the duration over which any particular event
visual feedback for non-range-based data with a chart occurred. The Activity view in i2 Analyst’s Notebook allows
data set. This visual statistical summary can be used for any users to do just that. The ‘Gantt-style’ temporal visualization
aspect of a charted data set. It can offer quick insight into the allows users to plot, down to individual event granularity, all
information that is contained within. Multiple list view filters time-based activities that occur within selected chart data.
can also be used to quickly identify commonality within items Both ‘point-in-time’ events and activities that occur over time
in a chart that is based on complex filter criteria. can be plotted with the Activity view. It provides users with a
full view of an item’s activity timeline.
IBM Security 13

Histogram view — The histogram functionality in i2 Analyst’s

Notebook provides a powerful tool to display temporal data.
The interactive view allows analysts to select time periods of
interest and filter out non-relevant information that falls outside
these times. This powerful capability helps users to quickly
identify potential time periods of interest, such as peaks,
troughs, or patterns in activities, in a chart data set. Users can
then drill down in these areas of interest to gain better insight in
to the potential causes.

This detailed temporal view greatly reduces the time that is

required to re-create and then understand any critical timeline
of events. It also helps analysts to identify potential anomalies
within a timeline. It can highlight overlaps in an individual’s
activities, such as being in two places at the same time. It also
more clearly highlights time periods with no information,
helping to pinpoint areas for further data-gathering by
operational teams.

The activity view can also be used side-by-side with a network

chart, allowing analysts to compare both association and
temporal aspects simultaneously.
14 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Users can perform a more detailed analysis of a data set with This understanding can help users to quickly identify patterns
interactive histogram view. Data can be viewed at a more granular in activity or aspects of a target’s likely pattern of life. It also
level — for example, show by days instead of months. helps identify how and when a target individual works or
It can also display the data for a selected range only —for example, whether there are any regular patterns in terms of their
show only the items in June. common activities.

The histogram view also works interactively with the main The heat matrix view, in the same way as the histogram view,
chart view. Data that falls outside the selected time period works interactively with the main chart view.
within the histogram can be hidden or ‘grayed-out’ within the
chart. Users can then display both association information Social network analysis
within the main chart and temporal information within the i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides analysts with the means to
histogram simultaneously. This combination is designed increase understanding of the structure, hierarchy and modus
to help users to gain better insight into how, over time, operandi of criminal and terrorist networks.
communications occur between individuals or how finances
might flow across a network. Social network analysis (SNA) has emerged as an effective
intelligence analysis technique. It enables the analysis of how
Heat matrix view — The heat matrix takes the temporal and why social groups operate, interact and behave in particular
analysis of a charted data set a step further. It offers a more ways. This quantitative technique enables users to map and
detailed breakdown of the temporal content of data, allowing measure complex networks of entities such as people and
users to map and visualize activities against two temporal ranges. organizations, by measuring the interactions between them.
This capability helps to provide a much quicker answer to
temporal questions — do activities happen at a certain time of SNA techniques can help analysts gain better insight and
day AND a particular day of the week? understanding of complex networks by providing users with
insight into aspects of social structure and sources and distribution
of power of a network. This can shed critical insight on the
intricacies of a network, highlighting who knows whom and who
does business with whom. By monitoring the communication
patterns between network nodes, the network’s structure can be
established, which then enables identification
of critical nodes and their relationships.

SNA techniques can also help give insights into the performance
of a network as a whole and its ability to achieve its key
goals. It helps to identify characteristics of a network that
normally are not immediately obvious, such as the existence
of smaller subnetworks that operate within a larger group.
The relationships between prominent people of interest who
IBM Security 15

wield the greatest influence over the rest of the network can be The SNA centrality measures that are included in i2 Analyst’s
understood better. SNA also helps identify how directly and Notebook are:
quickly information flows between people in different parts of the
network. Degree centrality — Identifies entities who are the most
active in a network that is based on the number of direct links
Using SNA measures can help analysts to understand individuals’ to other entities
roles within a network. Coupled with the temporal analysis
capabilities within i2 Analyst’s Notebook, SNA can help identify Closeness centrality — Identifies entities who have the best
so-called emerging leaders and rising stars. These individuals are access to other parts of a network and visibility of activities
people who increase in importance or influence within a network within the rest of a network
over time.
Betweenness centrality — Identifies entities who act as
Better understanding of a network, its structure, hierarchy, and gatekeepers or bridges of information and control information
individuals’ roles within a network is vitally important. This flow between different parts of a network
understanding helps drive better operational decision making
whether for network disruption, surveillance, or information Eigenvector centrality — Identifies how well-connected an
access and dissemination purposes. entity is and how much direct influence it has over the most
active entities in the network

i2 Analyst’s Notebook also includes an SNA clustering

technique in the form of K-Cores. This clustering measure
can help identify tightly interlinked groups within a network;
this information points to potentially smaller subnetworks that
operate within a wider group.

SNA can also be enhanced by the use of weightings. These

scores help to indicate the strength of differing relationships
(links), each of which can affect a target network. Weighting
relationships helps to deliver a more real-world indication of
the dynamics and structure of a target network.

Directed links can also be included in the calculation of

centrality measures in i2 Analyst’s Notebook. The use
of link direction on a chart is often useful in assessing how
information and commodities flow through a network.
16 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

This direction of flow has an important bearing on how

quickly information is passed from one part of the network
to another. For example, a person may receive information
from many others in the network but only send information on
to a select few.

For more information, see the overview and technical Social

Network Analysis white papers. These white papers are
available at

Find connecting networks

i2 Analyst’s Notebook offers users the means to help identify
potential important intermediaries between entities in a network.

The Find Connecting Networks feature helps users to identify

potential intermediaries between seemingly unconnected
entities and highlight possible networks that connect multiple
entities of interest. Geospatial analysis
Combining geospatial data and understanding with both
One example of this is searching for a network that joins several association and temporal understanding is a key requirement for
bank accounts that are involved in fraud. Find Connecting analysts and their organizations. The combined understanding
Network results could help to identify an intermediate account of all these aspects helps to facilitate turning information into a
or accounts that distribute money to those accounts and possibly full intelligence picture. The Google Earth Exporter within i2
play a central role in the fraudulent activity. Analyst’s Notebook enables users to export selected chart data
to an installed Google Earth client. More detailed geospatial
Users can control this analysis to: analysis is also available with the addition of the optional
IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Connector for Esri.
• Exclude specific entity or link types to refine the search such
as concentrating just on actual communication or Google Earth Exporter — If items in a chart contain
transactional information. geographical information, i2 Analyst’s Notebook can identify
• Exclude specific entities to remove those known not be and map this information to a separately installed Google
involved in investigations. Earth client. As well as the ability to simply map selected chart
• Test hypothesis by excluding items to help identify potential data, the date, and time information can also be sent
effects of removing that entity from a network. For example to Google Earth. This extra information allows users to track
the effects of freezing a bank account on the movement of the movement of suspects or events over time with the time
funds between other accounts of interest. slider animation in Google Earth. i2 Analyst’s Notebook also
• Format the results on the chart to help to clearly enables users to export selected chart data to a kml or kmz file.
communicate analysis findings
IBM Security 17

This mapping file format can be imported in to other common More information on the benefits and capabilities of this
mapping applications. offering can be found in the i2 Analyst’s Notebook Connector
for Esri Product Overview white paper. This white paper is
Analyst’s Notebook Connector for Esri — i2 Analyst’s available at
Notebook Connector for Esri is an optional plug-in to i2
Analyst’s Notebook. It enables users to combine the link and Entity matching
temporal analysis capabilities of i2 Analyst’s Notebook with the With the ability to take data from a wide variety of sources it
geospatial capabilities provided by an available Esri ArcGIS becomes important to identify, and utilize items from different
Server. This powerful combination allows users to connect to data sources that are in fact the same real-world object. Entity
and utilize available Esri geospatial analysis services. These matching, within i2 Analyst’s Notebook, is the process of finding
services include base maps, dynamic map feature layers, and occurrences of items on a chart that represent the same item. i2
analytical services such as Geocoding, Find Route, and Analyst’s Notebook provides two types of
Drive-time analysis. entity matching:

This closely coupled, two-way integration allows users to Automatic entity matching — i2 Analyst’s Notebook
create a geospatial view directly inter-connected with the automatically detects entities that are the same as other entities
association and temporal views of i2 Analyst’s Notebook. as they are being imported into a chart. This matching works
It allows users to perform the who, what, when and where on item identity or database identity. The identities of two
analysis all from within a single combined environment. entities are deemed to be the same if they match exactly and
are the same case character for character. Because two identical
entities are not allowed to coexist on the same chart, i2
Analyst’s Notebook merges them together, even if their labels
are not the same.

Find Matching Entities — With data potentially coming from

different data sources, situations commonly arise where data
imported into a chart has differing unique identities but refers to
the same real-world object. This situation could involve people
who are imported from different data systems, where name
formats are different or name synonyms used, such as Danny
instead of Daniel. Items also could have been imported with
different unique identities but have a number of equivalent
properties behind them. The use of an alias name is one example.
18 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Search and discovery

With the ability to ingest a wide variety of information from a
wide variety of sources comes the need to be able to efficiently
search that data. Effective search techniques are vital to allow
users to quickly identify information of interest, key connections,
or patterns that are hidden within any charted data set.

i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides a number of search and

discovery capabilities that aid users in the identification of
key areas of interest. These capabilities include:

Search — i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides two main search

functions that can be used based on the depth of search that is
required by the user. The Find Text search returns exact text
matches, ideal for when a user knows exactly what they are
looking for. The Search Bar provides a wider search by taking
Find Matching Entities allows users to quickly identify imported into account name variants. It returns results in a ranked list
items that have enough similarity that may indicate they are the that is based on the closeness of the match. This method is
same entity. All matches are ranked by smart matching ideal when performing a search with terms that are likely to
technology that automatically analyzes chart item information have potential variances in the data to be searched.
for equivalency. This technology uses various inputs from name
variants, spelling, and phonetics to Semantic Type Libraries. List Items — The List Items view in i2 Analyst’s Notebook
The Semantic Type Libraries can be used to categorize items by allows users to view charted data in a spreadsheet (tabular) view.
defining common meaning, for example, male and female can This structured view allows analysts to quickly sort data based
be categorized as person. on specific properties. Sorting helps quickly identify items with,
for example, the highest or lowest values or to identify specific
These definitions can be used to align data from different groups of items that have certain properties in common.
sources. Better data alignment improves the accuracy of any
potential matching and reduces the time that is taken to identify
possible duplicates. These ranked results help in the final
human-led decision as to whether the items are the same and
can be merged into a single item.
IBM Security 19

Infotips — Any top-level item in i2 Analyst’s Notebook can hold Visual Search — Visual Search provides an intuitive search
a wealth of information underneath it. Infotips provide faster interface that allows users to visualize the search criteria they
access to an item’s information by providing an instant summary wish to perform on a charted data set. Search criteria can be
view of an item. This view can include information about the quickly created for both single item and linked item searches.
item’s properties. It can also display any supplemental Single item searches can be built based on their type, label,
information, who or what the item is linked to and information date and time, and attributes. Linked item searches take that a
on an item that is sourced from external data sources. Infotips step further by being able to visually specify the search criteria
can also be configured to display only relevant information of for a pair of linked items. This linked search helps to find items
interest so users can identify and highlight the most important or the links between them that match the specified conditions.
information quickly. One example is searching for a “blond male who owns a blue
BMW with license plate number that includes YH57”.
20 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Find Path — Identifying hidden connection paths between

items that appear not to be directly connected is important in
determining potential relationships between parties. The Find
Path function in i2 Analyst’s Notebook helps to identify paths
from one item to another, based on a user’s specified criteria.

It helps answer the questions of “Is Item A connected to Item B

and how are they connected?”. Users are able to set various rules
about which items are allowed on the path both entities and links.
These rules allow users to exclude particular relationships or
communication types as being valid connection paths.

Linked Items Bar — The Linked Items Bar is an analysis

tool that can help users discover the items that are connected
to a selected entity. In smaller charts, which are created
manually, it is simple to see which chart items are linked to
a particular entity. However, in larger charts, from sources
such as telephone call logs, it can be more difficult to see what
other items are directly connected across an entire network.
The Linked Items Bar provides a quick summary of each of the
connections for a selected entity, and also interacts with the
main chart view.

Analytical layouts — i2Analyst’s Notebook provides a number

of analytical layouts that can be applied to charted data. These
layouts help analyze the structure of chart data or help in
managing the data on the chart for briefing or presentation
purposes. Two main types of layout are provided. Depending
on what data a chart contains, users can apply layouts for both
association and for timeline charts. These layouts can be used to
emphasize different aspects within a charted data set. Layouts
help to visualize the structure of a network, identify different
groups, or display data as a hierarchical or organizational view.
IBM Security 21

Simple communication of complex data Sharing chart information — Information that is often

But with all these visual analysis capabilities it is equally identified within a chart is required for other end intelligence
important for analysts to be able to effectively convey key reports in differing formats. i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides
intelligence in a clear and concise manner. The effective a number of methods that allow users to:
dissemination of data is vital to aid operational decision
makers in making rapid, accurate, and informed decisions. • Copy or save a whole chart or parts of a chart to various
image formats (.bmp, .jpg, .png). These visuals can then
i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides users with the means to: be used in other intelligence documents.
• Copy or save a view of the visual results of i2 Analyst’s
• Communicate complex data with intuitive and Notebook analysis tools. These tools include the Histogram,
• easy-to-follow visual briefing charts Heat Matrix, and Activity views.
• Create detailed charts or visuals to enhance other end • Export all snapshots of a chart that are taken with the
intelligence products Snapshot tool to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
• Export chart visualizations to other commonly used • Export a whole chart or parts of a chart to an Adobe
distribution formats PDF document
• Create ‘down-graded’ versions of charts to easily share the
right level of information with others who have different Chart redaction — i2 Analyst’s Notebook provides the means to
security clearances grade all data within a chart. The grading aids in recording
• Easily share charts with non-Analyst’s Notebook users information such as confirmation status, reliability of source or
security clearance level. Users are also provided with the ability
Charts — i2 Analyst’s Notebook charts are a common currency to save a redacted version of a chart. Redacted versions can
for the dissemination of key intelligence. The comprehensive be created to include information that is based on either the
visualization environment that is coupled with the array of visual grading level of items within a chart or on a specific property.
formatting options allows users to convey complex information This capability allows users to easily share chart information
within easy-to-understand visual representations. These visual with others who have a lower security level. Users can quickly
charts can then be used for the effective briefing of end create separate charts with all ‘sensitive’ information removed.
intelligence information. i2 Analyst’s Notebook also
provides a tool to further simplify the process of briefing, in IBM i2 Chart Reader — i2 Analyst’s Notebook charts can also
particular, larger charts. be shared electronically to anybody who does not have access to
i2 Analyst’s Notebook. IBM i2 Chart Reader is available at no
The Snapshot tool enables users to store multiple snippets of charge and provides read-only access to charts that can then be
a chart and then play them back in a required order. Users are navigated, searched, or printed. Rich information behind chart
able to ‘walk-through’ chart information during briefings with entities and links can also be searched and read.
the minimum of effort.
22 IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

Extensibility i2 Analyst’s Notebook SDK empowers developers, by using the

i2 Analyst’s Notebook is a powerful stand-alone visual analysis i2 Analyst’s Notebook API, to:
environment in its own right. There is also an extensive range of
options available to further extend the capabilities to provide • Develop plug-in components to enhance and extend the
even greater value to analysts and their wider organization. functionality that is provided by i2 Analyst’s Notebook
• Create separate applications that can control and power
IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Premium i2 Analyst’s Notebook via its automation interfac.
IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Premium builds on the powerful • Build custom stand-alone applications that use the i2
visual analysis capabilities of i2 Analyst’s Notebook. It provides a Analyst’s Notebook controls to add analysis capabilities
rich data-centric analysis environment complete with an to the application
optimized local analysis repository. It further helps to reduce the
costs that are associated in uncovering key connections, Data acquisition
networks, patterns, and trends to help predict and prevent IBM i2 iBridge — IBM® i2® iBridge enables i2 Analyst’s
criminal, terrorist, and fraudulent activities Notebook users to directly connect to key existing databases
to speed the data acquisition and analysis process. A live
It includes all the key elements that are required for single connection allows users to access the most current data.
users to collate, manage, explore, and analyze all of their The powerful search and query capabilities help analysts to
local information. uncover hidden links that are buried in existing data sources.
i2 iBridge enables users to sequentially access data from multiple
• Local analysis repository that is optimized for data sources, increasing the accuracy and depth of analysis.
management, information discovery and analysis
• Data management interface to enable rapid data entry IBM i2 Information Exchange for Analysis Search
and management, as well as powerful search and discovery Services — IBM® i2® Information Exchange for Analysis Search
capabilities for i2 Analyst’s Notebook enables i2 Analyst’s Notebook users to
• Near-seamless integration with the powerful capabilities connect to multiple data sources and perform a single,
of the rich visual analysis environment empowers users to simultaneous search. This single search across multiple sources
quickly build multi-dimensional views on the identified data accelerates data acquisition processes and promotes greater
of interest efficiencies in the use of analyst resources.

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook SDK Collaboration

i2 Analyst’s Notebook SDK (software development kit) enables IBM i2 iBase — IBM i2 iBase is an intuitive intelligence
organizations to extend i2 Analyst’s Notebook to meet their database application. It enables collaborative teams of analysts
individual requirements. It provides technical specialists with the to capture, control and analyze multi-source data in a secure,
software, documentation, and sample materials that are required workgroup environment. i2 iBase enables multiple users to
to extend and enhance (through development) the functionality effectively and securely access and share key information.
available within i2 Analyst’s Notebook. This collaborative ability aids intelligence analysis teams in
uncovering meaning and connections in increasing volumes
of complex structured and unstructured data.
IBM Security 23

Geospatial analysis What prerequisites are required

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Connector for Esri — i2 Analyst’s to install the product?
Notebook Connector for Esri integrates i2 Analyst’s Notebook For information about hardware and software
with Esri ArcGIS server. It provides analysts with a single compatibility, see the detailed system requirements
centralized work environment that integrates link and temporal at
analysis with geospatial analysis. It helps analysts increase
understanding into the critical where aspects of any analysis, and What documentation is provided?
reduces the time to build a comprehensive operational picture. The following documentation is supplied with
i2 Analyst’s Notebook:
Unstructured data analysis
IBM i2 Text Chart — IBM i2 Text Chart is an intuitive,
• i2 Analyst’s Notebook Release Notes
user-controlled tool that speeds the process of extracting and
• i2 Analyst’s Notebook Online Help
visualizing key information that is hidden within unstructured
data. It also facilitates the effective sharing of findings via
The documentation (other than the online help) is provided in
intuitive visual charts.
electronic form only. In order to display the documentation a
PDF viewer must be present on the installation system.
IBM i2 Text Chart Auto Mark — IBM i2 Text Chart Auto
Mark builds on i2 Text Chart with the automatic discovery and Is i2 Analyst’s Notebook available in languages
markup of key entities. This ability further reduces the time that other than English?
is required for the manual tagging and extraction process. i2 Analyst’s Notebook is developed in US English. It is
supported on Western Europe, United States, Central
For more information, visit European, Baltic, Cyrillic, Turkic, Arabic, Korean, Japanese,
Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese regional versions
Technical description of the supported operating systems.
Product Architecture
i2 Analyst’s Notebook is a stand-alone desktop product that
is designed to provide users with a powerful visualization and
analytical tool. i2 Analyst’s Notebook has an API to enable
programmatic control of the application via the i2 Analyst’s
Notebook SDK.
As well as English, i2 Analyst’s Notebook is available in the
following language versions:

• French
• German
• Spanish © Copyright IBM Corporation 2017
• Italian IBM Corporation
• Portuguese (Brazilian) IBM Security
• Japanese Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
• Chinese (Simplified)
• Chinese (Traditional) Produced in the United States of America
March 2017
• Korean
• Russian IBM, the IBM logo,, i2, and Analyst’s Notebook are trademarks of
International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions
• Polish
worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM
• Arabic or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the
• Hungarian Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at
• Turkish
• Czech Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
• Slovak
• Hebrew This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may
be changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every
country in which IBM operates.
For more information
To learn more about IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook, please The performance data discussed herein is presented as derived under
specific operating conditions. Actual results may vary. It is the user’s
contact your IBM representative, or visit: responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other products
or programs with IBM products and programs. THE INFORMATION IN
To learn more about all of the IBM Smarter Cities solutions, THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT
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