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attack on Drona. There, see Bhima, unrecognizable mass.

But Bhima escaped

Satyaki, Yudhamanyu, Kshatradharma, by jumping off the car in the nick of time.
Nakula, Uttamaujas, Drupada, Virata, He knew all about elephants. He got
Sikhandin. Dhrishtaketu and other below the great and fierce elephant and
warriors have all come to protect showered blows on its vital points. The
Yudhishthira and are pressing Drona hard. great beast got mad and whirled round
We should not stand idly watching, when like a potter's wheel, trying to throw off
we have put such a heavy burden on the Bhimasena, who was sticking to its legs
acharya. Great as he is, there is a limit to and attcking it from below.
the load even he can carry. Even wolves It bent down and caught Bhima by its
combined in large numbers can harass and trunk and was about to crush him under its
kill a mighty elephant, Let us proceed. It knees, when Vrikodara somehow released
will not do any longer to leave Drona himself from its hold and again got below,
unsupported." in between its limbs and sticking to the
78. BRAVE BHAGADATTA elephant's under-regions, caused
DRONA made many attempts to take exceeding pain to the beast.
Yudhishthira prisoner, but failed. Bhima was thus gaining time in the hope
Duryodhana led a large elephant division that some elephant on the Pandava side
against Bhima. Bhima defended himself would be led to attack Bhagadatta's
from his chariot with well-aimed arrows. elephant and enable him to get away.
He sent crescent-headed shafts and tore But, when Bhima disappeared from view,
down Duryodhana's flag and cut down his being hidden in between the beast's legs,
bow even as he held it in his hand. Seeing the soldiers thought Bhima was slain.
the king harassed in this manner, the They exclaimed: "Bhima is dead!
Mlechchha king Anga marched against Bhagadatta's elephant has crushed
Bhimasena seated on a huge elephant. Bhimasena!" and the cry was repeated all
But Bhima sent shafts that laid the over Kurukshetra.
elephant low and killed the Mlechchha Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking
king, which resulted in scattering that Bhima was slain, urged the forces to
section of the Kaurava forces in fear and destroy Bhagadatta. The king of Dasarna
confusion. When the elephants charged against Bhagadatta. Dasarna's
stampeded, the horses also took fright and elephant was also a fierce beast and there
thousands of footmen were trampled was great battle between Supratika and
under the feet of the elephants and the Dasarna's elephant.
horses, flying in wild panic. But Supratika's tusk pierced Dasarna's
Seeing this great confusion and the beast in the side and it crashed down dead.
scattering of the Kaurava forces in all At that moment, Bhima emerged from
directions, the king of Pragjyotisha, the below Supratika and ran out safe. And the
brave Bhagadatta grew indignant. Pandava army cheered when they saw
He got up on his renowned elephant Bhima alive.
Supratika and charged against Bhimasena. Bhagadatta was now attacked on all sides,
The gigantic beast rushed forward with but he did not lose heart. Resplendent on
widespread ears and twirling trunk, his elephant, he shone like a forest fire on
crashed into Bhimasena's chariot. And in a hill. Ignoring the enemies around him,
an instant, horses and vehicle were an he drove his beast on Satyaki's chariot.

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