Rashi Script Exercises PDF

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Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

i"¦Wx© a©z§M
i h g f e d c b a `
i h g f e d c b a `

st r q op mn l jk
st r q op mn l jk

z y x w uv
z y x w uv

Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

Colour in red the letters that look like normal block letters and are easy to recognise.
Colour in blue the letters that are unusual and different from other block and Rashi letters.
Put a green circle around the letters that are confusable with other Rashi, block or script letters.

Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

Copy each piece of text into Rashi Script, exactly as you see it, on the lines:

i¦A Ÿ§x«©f¡gd¤ W¤ ,mÏ©w§e i©g K¤l«n¤ ,Li«¤pẗ§l i¦p£̀ d¤cFn (`

.L«z¤ p̈En¡` dÄ©x ,dl̈§ng¤ A§ i¦zn̈§W¦p

.aw£r©i z©N¦dw§ dẄẍFn ,d¤ n Ep« l̈ d˦v dẍFY (a


Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ d¤Ur£ ©i `Ed ,ein̈Fx§nA¦ mFlẄ d¤ r (b

.o¥n`¨ Ex§n`¦ §e ,l¥̀ ẍ§U¦i lM̈ l©r§e

.m¦i«c̈ï z©li¦h§p l©r Ep«Ë¦ve§ ,ei¨ e§vn¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ x¤W£̀ . . . (c


Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

Copy each piece of text into Rashi Script on the lines:

.ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ mg«¤ ¤l `ivF

¦ O« d© . . . (d

.zFpFfn§ i¥pin¦ `xFA

¥ . . . (e

.ot«¤ B̈d© ix¦R§ `xFA

¥ . . . (f

.u¥rd̈ ix¦R§ `xFA

¥ . . . (g

.dn̈c̈£̀ d̈ ix¦R§ `xFA

¥ . . . (h

.Fxäc§ A¦ d¤id¦
§ p lŸMd© W¤ . . . (i

Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

Copy each piece of text into Rashi Script on the lines:

¨ vÎlk̈
§ e§ ux¤`¨ d̈e§ m¦in© Ẍd© ENª
ki§ e© . . . (`"i

min¦ Ÿ wiC¦ v© Wi`¦ gŸ

© p gŸ
© p zŸcl§ FY d¤N ¥̀ . . . (a"i
...eiz̈ŸxŸcA§ dïd̈

Ljia¦ `¨ zi¥AanE
¦ e Ljz
Y§ c©§ leFn
¦ e Ljv§ x§`© n¥ jLl§ ÎKj¤l . . . (b"i
:J̈j ¤̀ x§`© xW
y¤ £̀ ux¤`¨ d̈Îl ¤̀

Lci§ g§
¦ iÎz ¤̀ L§pAÎz
¦ ¤̀ `p̈Îgw© xn`Ÿ ¤ Ie© . . . (c"i
§ iÎz ¤̀ Ÿa§ d© `Îx
¨ W£̀ ¤

Name: Exercises in Rashi Script

Copy this piece of Rashi text using regular Hebrew script writing:

'e wxt xzq` zlibn

Ÿ§xA© C¦ x¤W£̀©M qEQ©dÎz¤̀§e WEa§N©dÎz¤̀ g©w x¥dn© on̈d̈§l K¤l¤Od© x¤n`I©e i

x¤W£̀ lM¦n xäC̈ l¥RY© Îl©` K¤l¤Od© x©rW© A§ a¥WFI©d i¦cEd§Id© i©k¢Cx§ n̈§l o¥kÎd¥U£r©e
ik̈¢Cx§ n̈Îz¤̀ W¥A§l©I©e qEQ©dÎz¤̀§e WEa§N©dÎz¤̀ on̈d̈ g©T¦I©e `i :Ÿ§xA© C¦
u¥tg̈ K¤l¤Od© x¤W£̀ Wi¦`¨l d¤Ur̈¥i dk̈M̈ eip̈ẗ§l `ẍ§w¦I©e xi¦rd̈ aFg§xA¦ Ed¥ai¦Mx§©I©e
iEt£g©e l¥a`¨ Fzi¥AÎl¤̀ s©gc§¦p on̈d̈§e K¤l¤Od© x©rW© Îl¤̀ i©k¢Cx§ n̈ aẄÏ©e ai :Fxẅi¦A
Edẍẅ x¤W£̀ÎlM̈ z¥̀ eiä£ `Îlk̈§lE FY§W`¦ W¤x¤f§l on̈d̈ x¥Rq© §i©e bi :W`x
z̈FN¦gd© x¤W£̀ i©kC¢x§ n̈ mi¦cEd§Id© r©x¤Gn¦ m¦` FY§W`¦ W¤x¤f§e ein̈k̈£g Fl Ex§n`I©e
:eip̈ẗ§l lFR¦Y lFtp̈Îi¦M Fl l©kEzÎ`l eip̈ẗ§l lR§p¦l

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