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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as complete and
descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team and your teacher a clear
picture of what you accomplished in your project.

Name – Daniel Sweeney Project Start Date – January 30, 2019

Title of Project – Overview of Ponzi Schemes Project Completion Date – April 8, 2019

1. In 40 words or more describe who your project benefited and how. In other words, what was the
impact of your project? Be specific.

The goal of my project is to raise awareness for Ponzi schemes. The video I created benefits those
who watch it by explaining Ponzi schemes. Anyone who watches the video and learns at least one thing is
benefitted. By teaching people about Ponzi schemes, it will have a lasting impact by reducing the amount
of people who could potentially fall victim to Ponzi schemes.

2. In at least 40 words explain how the project challenged you. How was this a stretch for you? Be
honest. If it was not really a stretch for you, explain why you chose not to take the opportunity to
challenge yourself.

This most challenging part about my project was the topic. I had a difficult time coming up with
an interesting way to present Ponzi schemes. Ultimately, I chose to create a video. I have never created a
video before or filmed skits. This was a stretch for me because I was not sure how to make a video.
Also, I have never written a script for a skit or filmed a skit.

3. List and then describe 5-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project. If you cannot think of 5-8, just list and describe what you

• Creation of Video: I learned how to create a video with iMovie. I have never created a video
from scratch. So, I got to learn about all the intricate details that go into making an informative
• Writing Skit Script: I had to write a script for the skits that are shown in my video. I spent a lot
of time fine tuning the script, until I found it to be informative and comical.
• Photography: Taking photographs and videos is not a skill that I had prior to this project. I learned
a lot about using a camera while recording the skits in my video.
• Communication: This is the most important skill that I enhanced while completing this project. I
believe that practice makes perfect. Without communication, I would not have had a project. I had
to communicate with many people for a multitude of different reasons.
• Time Management: Time was the most stressful part about this project; however, I succeeded
because I made many lists of different tasks I needed to do by certain dates
• Awareness: I found that people enjoy learning new things. Also, I realized that awareness is an
excellent defense against fraud, as many people are not familiar with Ponzi schemes.
4. List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and briefly
describe how you solved each. If you cannot think of 4-8, just list and describe what you can. If
you did not solve the problem, then tell why.

• Email Difficulty: I emailed a previous teacher of mine, asking if I could teach her class about
Ponzi schemes. She said I could teach her class, as long as the principal and student activity
coordinator approved it. They did not respond to me. Instead, after sending two emails, the
teacher responded and told me I could not come and teach her class.
• Time: Due to the difficulties I faced with securing a class to teach, I wasted a substantial amount
of time waiting for emails instead of focusing on creating my project.
• Voice Recordings with Background Noise: I found that there was a substantial amount of
background noise when I recorded my voice for the narration in the video. I solved this by
placing the recording device on a bed, which absorbed the noise. Also, I edited the recordings to
enhance my voice and eliminate the background noise.
• Video Audience: I had a difficult time finding an audience to show my video. At first, I was
hoping to teach a middle school class. I solved this issue by posting it to YouTube and presenting
to business professionals.

5. List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

• Family: My family was supportive in every way possible.

• Mrs. V: I received great advice from Mrs. V.
• Consultant: Mrs. Hill gave me guidance when I needed it. Also, she is going to show my video
to her ethics classes.
• Friends: My friends were also supportive; however, two in specific were really helpful. Two of
my friends are featured in my video. They played an integral role in the completion of my video
and the skits would not have been possible without them.

6. How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you started the
project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

Initially, I was planning on teaching a middle school class about Ponzi schemes. The reason I
created a video instead is due to difficulty I faced while trying to find a teacher willing to let me teach
their class. I found a previous teacher of mine that said she was willing to let me teach her class;
however, after weeks of emailing her and the principal of the school, I was told I could not teach her
class. I created a video thinking that I could show it to another class. This allowed me to work on the
video while seeking class to teach instead of wasting time waiting for an email. While working on the
video, I realized that posting it on YouTube was better than teaching a class because it reaches a wider
range of people. I ended up presenting the video and surveying four business professionals in order to
receive feedback about the video. I utilized their feedback to make changes to the video prior to posting it
on YouTube.

7. If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you speak from

Speaking from experience, I would have liked to have started this project months before I actually
did. If I had more time to work on this project, it would be significantly better. I should have thought of
my topic last year. This would have allowed me to start working on the project much earlier, instead of
brainstorming what I would do for the project for weeks. Looking back, I think I missed out by not
utilizing my consultant to the fullest extent. My project would have much more potential if I regularly
sought out the advice of my consultant.

8. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself? What did you get out of the experience
in terms of personal growth?

I learned that I can do a lot in a short amount of time. As the days passed, the stress kept stacking
up. I was worried that I would not complete my project in time; however, I proved myself wrong. This
project has shown me that greater projects are possible in the future. Also, I am quite knowledgeable
about Ponzi schemes now, which might prove beneficial to my financial status in the future.

9. Reflecting on the total amount of time and effort that you put into this opportunity, and reflecting
on the overall quality of the final product, what grade would you give yourself on the project? Be
honest with yourself! Justify the evaluation of your grade in at least 25 words.

Grade: B


I spent a significant amount of time planning and creating my video. Also, I think that Ponzi
schemes is a difficult topic to tackle. I not only worked in class to complete this project, but I also spent a
lot of time outside of school. The survey results I received were positive and my video is getting more
and more views each day. The project achieves the goal I set, which is to raise awareness about the issue
of Ponzi schemes.

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