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Salesperson’s GTM Guidebook

Analytical CRM
Last updated on 25th February 2015

Author: Oliver Wilkes

Objectives of the GTM Guidebook............................................................................................................................... 2
GTM readiness overview ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Brief product overview ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Target market .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
User base, live and implementing................................................................................................................................ 4
Collateral for marketing and self-education ............................................................................................................... 4
Readiness checklist ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pricing........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Contacts in Temenos.................................................................................................................................................... 6
FAQ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Please check Uni-T regularly to get the most up-to-date version of this
guidebook. Information in this guide is subject to change at any moment
as deals and go-lives occur and as the product evolves.

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
Objectives of the GTM Guidebook
This guidebook is a compilation of resources that should help you better sell this new product. It will be
updated (and re-posted on Uni-T) on a regular basis to reflect changes over time, for instance new live
customers, new references or case studies, new marketing collateral, new FAQs, etc.

Should you have questions that are not addressed in this guidebook please raise these to the Product
Manager for inclusion in future iterations.

GTM readiness overview

Readiness levels Status Comments
Enhancements Currently in
Available to demo? No
Insight and T24 Price list
On price list? No
still being worked on
Reference client? No No implementations as yet
Has not been implemented
Available to implement? Yes
at a beta client as yet
Mostly complete, Presales
GTM complete? Partial and Services training to
take place Feb

Brief product overview

Analytical CRM is a subset of an overall CRM solution. It covers opportunity generation (aka lead
generation) as a result of analysis of available banking data.

T24 Analytical CRM is able to generate opportunities based on two sources:

 Rules based analysis of T24 data (e.g opportunity to sell product ‘internet banking’ to all
customers who have created an FT through a cheque, for whom we have an email address.
These opportunities may either be preprepared (via a service that can run intra-day or during the
cob) or generated realtime based on a committed record, similar to a context enquiry.
 Correlation based analysis of Insight data – Insight provides a list of ‘next best product’
suggestions based on identified correlations – similar to the ‘people who purchased product x
also purchased product Y’ approach, with percentage likelihood figures. These opportunities can
then be uploaded into T24 to ensure they are presented at an appropriate time.

All opportunities generated may be displayed through enquiries in SCV and elsewhere (e.g on internet
banking) as appropriate.

Benefits to banks

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
 Increased wallet share – system identifies cross selling opportunities for existing clients
 Improved customer service – opportunities offered are relevant and useful to the customer
 Efficient use of resources – marketing effort directed at appropriate customers.
 Potential to reward and encourage loyalty – exclusive offers and promotions can be targeted at
suitable candidates.
 Nonfiancial potential – can also supply prompts such as birthday greetings, appropriate
reminders on periodic items (e.g missing documents).
 Embedded within system – opportunities are part of banking system, enabling success analytics,
profitability measuring of campaigns etc to be simplified. Bank should be able to trace any
product origination to the initial opportunity, and thereby calculate campaign effectiveness.
 Integration with workflow – opportunities can be configured to trigger workflows based on status
reached – to improve and handle sales automation.
 Saturation checks – opportunities are compared with past offers, to ensure that client is not
offered products they have rejected (within a set time period), that duplicate offers are sent when
not appropriate, and that customers are not contacted excessively within specified time periods.

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
Target market
It is likely that CRM may be viewed as a separate product to core banking, may be handled under a
separate department and budget, and be on a different replacement/upgrade lifecycle. However,
Analytical CRM should still be targeted to all banks, ranging from the Tier 1 and 2 banks who may have
their own data warehouses / analytical tools, but would benefit from integration into the banking system
for saturation processing/sales analytics/360 view purposes. In its simplest form, it may simply receive
opportunities that have been calculated externally. Other banks may also require the analytical toolkit,
may also use the Insight calculations and may not have a CRM product currently or are looking for
better value.

User base, live and implementing

As of 12/01/2015

Go Live
Customer Reference? Account manager Collateral

Live customers


Customers currently


Collateral for marketing and self-education

Type Title Where? Link

Sales In progress Coming mid-

presentation march

Case study No clients currently using the service


This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
Technical None available

Solutions None available In progress


Benchmark None available

test results

Intranet Update on UniT with link to the new On UniT

website video

External None available


Press None available

Readiness checklist
Area Status Contact

Early Early adopter still being identified Oliver Wilkes

Adopter /

Product Documentation in progress. Testing complete. Product Oliver Wilkes

Readiness going into MB May 2015.

Pre-sales Demo system available end with R15 GA2015. Presales Oliver Wilkes
and Demos training and demonstrations TBC

Sales Nothing developed yet – will be generated with Andrea Oliver Wilkes

Services Christos Vazaios identified as GCL. Training will be Oliver Wilkes

delivered later as part of overall training program.

Marketing In Progress Andrea Herbert

Pricing is still TBC.

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
Contacts in Temenos
Subject Contact

Product Manager Oliver Wilkes


Product Marketing Andrea Herbert

Pre-sales tbc

Services Tbc

Internal training for Services Paul Gerard Thomas


External training (for tbc


Q: What is a CRM system?

A: Many things, you might as well ask ‘what is a banking software system’. CRM is used in many
industries, and has many components – some complementary, some entirely unrelated. Most CRM
systems are platforms hosting various features – just as T24 hosts modules for retail, corporate,
treasury, private banking etc.

Q: What is Analytical CRM

A: See Overview. It is the capability to improve the organisation’s decision making capability in
terms of providing recommendations of actions for specific customers.

Q: What information can Analytical CRM use

A: Any data held in T24 can automatically be used by Analytical CRM. In addition, if an external system
can generate a list of opportunities/insights, these can be uploaded as opportunities into the system,
provided the external system has an understanding of the available products of the bank.

Q: Can the Analytical CRM system consume data from 3rd party databases

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.
for internal use only
A: At present, only through a file upload of the calculated opportunities. There are plans to expose
the rules engine underpinning the opportunity generation to external data sources through IRIS,
however there are no deadlines on these plans.

This Temenos Guidebook contains company confidential information and is intended strictly for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of Temenos.

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