Gratitude Write Up Gawin

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Gratitude Write Up

Your Name: Leah Gawin Date: 4/08/19

1. At the close of keeping a gratitude journal on D2L, what have you learned?
I have learned that I have a lot to be grateful for, even on the hard-stressful days. I am blessed in
many ways. I also learned that I need to vocalize my gratefulness to my friends and family. I am
grateful for them and their impact in my life but sometimes I don’t always say it. A simple thank
you to a loved one can go a long way.

2. How does it feel to you when you look back over what you have written/posted?
Looking back at my posts, I couldn’t help but smile. It reminded me the events I did during those
weeks and the happy feelings that associated with them. For instance, spending time with my
family and boyfriend. I also feel content with all the life has brought for me. This world can be
very reliant on instant gratification, but this journal helped me realized the amazing things I have
surrounded around me.

3. Have you noticed any common themes after reviewing your gratitude posts? Please
Some common themes I noticed were gratefulness for nature, family, transportation and friends.
A lot of my peers and I really admired nature and calming effects nature has to bring. In addition,
we appreciated the impact our families had on our lives and the appreciation we had for them.
Finally, we were grateful for transportation and our ability/freedom to drive places.

4. What have you learned from reviewing and responding to other’s posts?
I learned new perspectives by viewing my classmates’ posts. They showed me things I didn’t
even realize I was grateful for. For instance, my car. I didn’t even realize how grateful I am for
my car and the freedoms it allows me to have. This was a great assignment and really taught me
to remember the things that make me who I am and to be grateful for them.
I do have a suggestion for next semester. It was hard to come up with things I am grateful for and
comfortable with 17 people reading. I feel like it would have been nice to keep a personal log
and have one person and faculty read my daily posts and comment on them- similar to the self-
care journal. Just an idea 

Sp 18 MOC

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