Creation and Initial Validation of The Physical Educator Efficacy Scale For Teaching PDF

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Journal of Physical Activity Research, 2017, Vol. 2, No.

1, 7-14
Available online at
©Science and Education Publishing

Creation and Initial Validation of the Physical Educator

Efficacy Scale for Teaching Lifetime Physical Activities
Kason M. O’Neil*

Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology, East Tennessee State University,
PO Box 70671, Johnson City, TN, 37614, USA
*Corresponding author:

Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument that measures self-efficacy perceptions of
physical educators towards teaching lifetime physical activities. This Physical Educator Efficacy Scale for Teaching
Lifetime Physical Activities (PEES-LPA), was validated through expert review, and pilot procedures, and
exploratory factor analysis (EFA). EFA revealed a six-factor model that accounted for 67.8% of the total observed
score variance (PAF extraction/Varimax rotation). Additionally, results demonstrated: (a) factors showing simple
structure that aligns with related literature, (b) high factor scores (>.40) with no double loadings, (c) efficacy items
relating to Net/Wall activities and Target activities loading together, and (d) internal consistency showed to be very
high for both the full model (.95) and each individual factor (.92-.95). The PEES-LPA appears demonstrate
accptable reliability and validity, though further analysis needs be explored for items that may influence
multicollinearity and normality.
Keywords: self-efficacy, lifetime physical activities, validation, physical education, validation
Cite This Article: Kason M. O’Neil, “Creation and Initial Validation of the Physical Educator Efficacy Scale
for Teaching Lifetime Physical Activities.” Journal of Physical Activity Research, vol. 2, no. 1 (2017): 7-14.
doi: 10.12691/jpar-2-1-2.

outcomes state that “the goal of physical education is to

develop physical literate individuals who have the
1. Introduction knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of
healthful physical activity” (p. 11) As a result of the
The prevalence of childhood obesity and physical emphasis being placed on schools for the promotion of
inactivity has brought about numerous federal initiatives lifetime physical activities it is clear that lifetime of
to educate children and adolescents about making physical physical activity is the catalyst to prolonged wellness, and
activity a lifelong commitment. Programs such as the First it then becomes essential to examine how confident
Lady’s Let’s Move, the Society of Health and Physical physical educators are to develop and implement
Educators’ (SHAPE America) Let’s Move Active Schools curriculum highlighting lifetime physical activities.
initiative, the United States Department of Health and
Human Service’s (USDHHS) Healthy People 2020, and
the National Physical Activity Plan all revolve around the 2. Defining Lifetime Physical Activities
promotion of physical activities that can be participated
throughout one’s entire life, or lifetime physical activities. Researchers [18], have suggested that children who find
A lifetime physical activity is one that has the possibility physical activity a positive experience from an early age
of lifelong participation, and requires a minimal amount of are much more likely to sustain physical activity
participants, structure, organization, and equipment participation in to adulthood. As a result, there has been a
[2,10,18,43]. strong importance placed on physical education
One common denominator that all of the above curriculum, specifically in high school, focusing on the
mentioned national initiatives addressed is school-based promotion of physical activities that aligning with lifelong
physical education as a vital component to the promotion participation. This is opposed to activities that involve
of lifetime physical activities. School physical education team sports and striking and fielding games [2,3,18].
has been found to be an vital medium for the promotion of Compared to team or invasion games, lifetime physical
lifetime physical activities for its ability to offer classroom activities are seen as having better carry-over value as
opportunities where students can regularly be physically students transition into adulthood [18,44].
active, and for creating experiences where students can Though physical education is an excellent outlet for
participate in physical activities that can transfer outside students to participate in lifetime physical activities,
of the school setting when transitioning into adulthood operationally defining specific lifetime physical activities
[32,44]. In addition, the SHAPE America’s (2014) is still a bit of an uncertainty within the field of physical
physical education national standards and grade level education. Ross, et al., [43] define lifetime physical
8 Journal of Physical Activity Research

activities as any physical activity readily carried over into Although a great deal of research has been conducted
adulthood due to the nature of being accomplished by a on teacher efficacy [8], unfortunately few researchers have
minimum of one or two people, and require little structure, specifically examined, and validated instruments,
organization, and equipment. Though numerous activities measuring efficacy specific to teaching physical education
appear to fit this definition, a 2013 publication by the [27,32]. This is especially concerning due to the obesity
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, epidemic placing increased emphasis on physical
Recreation and Dance (now SHAPE America) helped educators to become the gateway for student developing
further clarify what activities constituted being defined as lifetime fitness [38], and further demand on teaching
a lifetime physical activity. The operational definition for accountability and re-tooling of curricular strategies in
this study pertaining to lifetime physical activities will physical education [17].
align with AAHPERD’s [2] recommendation and relevant Due to the task- and situational-specific defining
literature [10,18,43]. Based on those recommendations, characteristics of self-efficacy, Bandura [8,9] has affirmed
lifetime physical activities are any activity that falls within that there can be no one all-purpose measure for perceived
the following seven categories: self-efficacy. Self-efficacy measurements must be
1. Outdoor Pursuits (e.g., hiking, backpacking, mountain specifically aligned to activity domains, and assess
biking). multidimensional ways in which self-efficacy beliefs
2. Fitness Activities (e.g., running, cycling/biking, operate within the selected activity, thus, linking factors
yoga, weight/resistance training). that demine quality of functioning in the domain [9]. “The
3. Dance & Rhythmic Activities (e.g., modern, line, ‘one-measure-fits-all’ approach usually has a limited
social and square) explanatory and predictive value because most of the
4. Aquatics (e.g., swimming, diving, water aerobics) items in an all-purpose test may have little or no relevance
5. Individual Performance Activities (e.g., gymnastics, to the domain of functioning” ([9], p. 307). If future
track and field, self-defense) research is to continue to develop an understanding of the
6. Net/Wall Games (e.g., tennis, pickleball, badminton) impact physical education teacher efficacy has on the
7. Target Games (e.g., golf, archery, bowling) learning process, content-specific instruments should be
[2,10,18,43]. created and validated specific to the physical education
Prior to the AAHPERD [2] publication, there has been pedagogy.
little consensus to the operational definition of lifetime As a result this study was conducted in response to a
physical activity and the specific activities that classify as need for a psychometrically sound instrument measuring
such. With the continual push towards physical education physical educator self-efficacy perceptions towards
curriculum emphasizing lifetime physical activities, the instruction of lifetime physical activities.
operational definition of what constitute appropriate
physical activities for lifelong participation should
hopefully continue to become clearer. 3. Methods
Self-efficacy theory. Bandura [7,8] has stated that there
are two major resources that a person must have to be The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument
successful in performing a task: skill/knowledge and self- that measures self-efficacy perceptions of physical
efficacy. Self-efficacy is defined as a set of beliefs, or educators towards teaching lifetime physical activities.
expectations, about how competent a person feels in their This instrument, the Physical Educator Efficacy Scale for
ability to perform a particular task with a desired outcome Teaching Lifetime Physical Activities (PEES-LPA), was
[8,9]. One’s self-efficacy beliefs play a key role in human developed through expert review and numerous pilot
functioning because they not only affect direct behaviors, procedures based on Bandura’s Self Efficacy Theory [5,6].
but it impacts factors such as goals, aspirations, outcome Following IRB approval, this study was conducted in four
expectations, and perceptions of impediments in the social different phases: (a) Phase I- Item generation, (b) Phase II-
environment [9]. With this reasoning, an individual’s Prepilot review, (c) Phase III, Validation study, (d) Phase
behaviors can often be better predicted by the beliefs that IV, Assessment of reliability and construct validity [45]. It
they hold about their capabilities, rather than by what they is also important to note two major delimiting factors that
are actually capable of accomplishing [40]. helped shape the development of this instrument: (a) all
In an academic context, self-efficacy research has reference to best practices in physical education
gained increasing attention over the past 20 years, most programming were a directly result of AAHPERD
specifically in research aimed at measuring motivation recommendations [2], and (b) only current in-service
and self-regulation [40,51]. Personal efficacy perceptions physical education teachers who have affiliation with
of teachers have been found to strongly influence SHAPE America/AAHPERD were included in the study.
instructional decisions as well as their orientation towards Phase I: Item generation. To align the PEES-LPA
the educational process [6]. Teacher self-efficacy properly with self-efficacy theory, a self-efficacy
perceptions have also been linked to an assortment instrument needs to address two major facets: task and
of variables in the teaching and learning process such situation specificity [9]. Task specificity in the PEES-LPA
as: student achievement [4,39,42], increase use of various was addressed through teaching behaviors and guidelines
teaching modalities [1,23,48], persist longer with students presented by NASPE’s [33] National Initial Physical
who are struggling [20], are less critical of student Education Teacher Education Standards, and situation
errors [4,20], greater classroom-based decision making specificity was addressed through the use of selected
[26,53], and an overall greater enthusiasm towards lifetime physical activity categories commonly taught in
teaching [1,24]. secondary physical education.
Journal of Physical Activity Research 9

Teaching task constraints. A deductive approach was Format. The Pre-Pilot questionnaire consisted of three
used to develop task constraints that influence self-efficacy different sections: (a) demographic information, (b) items
perceptions towards instruction of lifetime physical measuring perception towards personal ability using a
activities that were extracted from (a) National Initial 6-unit (0-5) scale with the following qualitative label
Standards for Physical Education Teacher Education [33,36], descriptors: no experience, novice, advanced beginner,
and the (b) Physical Education Teacher Evaluation Tool competent, proficient, expert [31], and (c) items measuring
[34]. The ‘Standards’ and the ‘Evaluation Tool’ [33,34] efficacy towards instruction of lifetime physical activities
addressed teaching task constraints in six different areas: using an 11-unit (0-10) response scale was used with
scientific and theoretical knowledge, skill and fitness the following qualitative descriptors: 0 = no confidence,
based competence, planning and implementing, instructional 5 = moderate confidence, and 10 = complete confidence [9].
delivery, impact on student learning, and professionalism. Phase II: Pre-pilot review. The first draft of the
Commonalities were extracted from the two source instrument was then reviewed by a group of physical
documents by the principal investigator (PI) to establish education pedagogy professors at doctoral-granting
teaching task constraints that are specific to teaching universities across the United States (n = 6) for expert
physical education. The PI later used feedback provided review. Experts were asked to evaluate items and provide
during expert review to refine the delimited teaching task feedback on their representation of the task constraints a
constraints. physical educator may have when teaching a specific
Lifetime physical activity content. Using the lifetime physical activities. Experts were also asked to
AAHPERD [2] recommendations as the platform for this review the instrument based on readability, clarity,
portion of the study, the classification of a lifetime conciseness, and overall layout. The PI used both the
physical activity was delimited for this study by the qualitative and quantitative expert feedback to contribute
following criteria: to both face and content validity [16].
1. Lifetime physical activities represent the categories Phase III: Validation study. The final version of the
of outdoor pursuits, selected individual performance PEES-LPA consisted of 68 items: 5 demographic, 21
activities, aquatics, net/wall sports, & target games perception of personal skill ability (i.e., 3 items for each of
[2]. the 7 lifetime physical activity categories), and 42
2. Invasion games and fielding/striking games were self-efficacy perception towards instruction (See Table 1).
excluded because they require team participation Participants were recruited to participate based on either
and are not appropriate for lifelong participation [2]. receiving a solicitation email through participating state
3. To address the most wide-spread lifetime physical AAHPERD email listserve, or in-person recruitment at a
activities taught in the United States, activities were national SHAPE America convention. The PI contacted
eliminated based on their geographical specification the Executive Directors for all 50 state-level AAHPERD
(e.g., ice skating, surfing, bouldering/climbing) organizations asking their willingness and permission to
4. Net/Wall games were expanded to represent: distribute an email with embedded PEES-LPA link among
badminton, table tennis, tennis, racquetball/squash, their listserve of members. In addition, the PI conducted
and pickleball [2]. in-person solicitation of secondary physical educators
5. Target games were expanded to represent: archery, agreeing to participate in the study at a national SHAPE
croquet, golf, horseshoes, bocce, bowling, and disc America conference. The final sample consisted of 182
golf. [2]. in-service secondary physical education teachers.
Table 1. Abbreviated survey items from the Physical Educators Efficacy Scale Towards the Instruction of Lifetime Physical Activities
Lifetime Physical Activity Categories
Outdoor Pursuits Dance/Rhythmic Activities
Fitness Activities Net/Wall Activities
Aquatic Activities Target Activities
Selected Individual Sports

PEES-LPA Items Addressing Perceptions of Experience

1. Please rate how you would classify your personal skill ability for each of the activitiy categories
2. On average, how freqently have you participated in the following activity categories (competiviely or recreationally) within the past year?
3. Please rate how you would classify your competence to teach a variety of activiteis within each activity category.
PEES-LPA Items Addressing Confidence Towards Insruction of Lifetime Physical Activities
How confident are you in your ability to….
4. Identify and define critical skill elements in the following activity categories
5. Present (describe & demonstrate) critical skil elements in the following activity categories
6. Accurately assess student skill ability of critical skill elements in the following activity categoris
7. Provide skill-specific feedback of critical skill elements in the following activity categories
8. Differentiate to meet the needs of both high and low level learners typically found in general physical educaiton class in the following
activity categories
9. Address the eneds of students with disabilities (physical, sensory, or intellectual) who may be included in your physical educaiton class in
the following activity categories
10 Journal of Physical Activity Research

Phase IV: Assessment of Reliability and Construct violations of normality, especially when no observed
Validity. Because of the remaining uncertainty as to the outliers influence said normality, as well as the normal
number and nature of the factors underlying the items distribution found in skewness and kurtosis (<1.0), the
located in the PEES-LPA instrument, exploratory factor variables were left unaltered [21,47].
analysis (EFA) was conducted on items pertaining to A principal axis factor (PAF) extraction was conducted
physical education teacher’s (N = 182) confidence to and both varimax and oblim rotations were considered in
instruct lifetime physical activities. The validation steps attempt to uncover simple structure. Prior to performing
for the full instrument (PEES-LPA) utilized quantitative the PAF, the dataset was screened to ensure accuracy of
methodology to determine how many items to retain, the the data, and to verify its suitability for factor analysis.
factor structure of the latent variables, and the reliability The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test for sampling
of internal consistency. adequacy (KMO = .890) was found meet the .60 minimal
The number of factor to be retained was based on a standard [19], as well as Bartlett’s test of sphericity
fulfilling a variety of considerations, including: (a) minimal rejected null hypothesis that the correlation matrix is an
factor retention score of .40, (b) parallel analysis, (c) identity matrix, therefore data meets minimal standard
Kaiser's Eignevalue rule (greater than 1) (Kaiser, 1958), (d) (χ2= 15413.4, df = 1953, p < .001). Additionally, variable
examination of the scree plot, (e) the amount of variance correlations were examined for extreme correlations and
accounted for by the solution that are retained (> 50%) for enough correlations to warrant factor analysis (r > 0.3)
[19], (f) no more than 5% of the items should load on to [19]. A visual inspection of the correlation matrix revealed
more than one factor, and (g) results should have good minimal low extreme correlations, and the majority of
internal consistency reliability and interpretability [19]. correlations meeting the minimal benchmark for factor
analysis (r > 0.3). A visual inspection of the high-end
extremes showed that the Identify and Present variables,
4. Results as well as the Feedback and Assess variables did have
extremes that possibly influenced multicollinearity (>.85).
After removal of participants for either incomplete Due to the exploratory nature of the research design, as
surveys, or self-identified as being elementary physical well as initial adherence to construct validity, the items
education teachers, the final sample of participants for this were left in the sample.
study comprised of 182 individuals (n=117, 64.3%, Principal Axis Factor extraction was performed using
females; n=65, 35.7%, males). Participants represented 24 SPSS MAC 22.0 on the 63 self-efficacy items in the
states in the United States and one province in Canada, PEES-LPA. As a preliminary step, principal component
with the highest number of participants from Virginia extraction revealed the presence of 10 factors with
(n=102), New York (n=12), Nevada (n=10), and South eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which accounted for 81.7%
Carolina (n=9). Of these teachers, 41.2% (n=75) taught of the total observed score variance in the unroated model.
high school physical education, 44.5% (n=81) taught Examination of the resulting structure matrix failed to
middle school, and 14.3% (n=26) taught at a combination reveal a clear pattern of simple structure across the 10
of both high school and middle school. Participants had an factors. A visual inspection of the scree plot revealed a
average of 15.2 years of experience teaching physical clear point of inflexion after the sixth factor, supporting
education (SD=10.8, range=0 to 43), and 36.8% (n=67) the retention of only 6 factors.
indicated having a bachelor’s degree, 62.1% (n=113) held A follow-up examination using varimax rotation
a master’s degree, and 1.1% (n=2) held a doctorate degree. indicated that the six factors model accounted for 67.9%
A Missing Value Analysis (MVA) of the survey of the cumulative score variance, and appreciable amounts
responses items showed that 24 of the 182 participants of variance for each of the six factors: 15.5%, 11.8%,
failed to self-report at least one item of the survey. A 10.9%, 10.5%, 9.7%, 9.2%. An examination of the
follow-up Little’s MCAR test (Little, 1988) resulted in a structure matrix of the six-factor solution revealed simple
chi-square = 1471.99 (df=1479, p=.48), which indicates structure for the when loadings ≥ 0.40 were considered
that the data were indeed missing at random (MAR), and (see Table 2). Due to the simple structure being found in
no identifiable pattern exits to the missing data [29]. Due the varimax (orthogonal) rotation, this model was selected
to the missing data showing no identifiable patterns (MAR), to use in results interpretation.
and the PI’s attempt to avoid ad-hoc missing data procedures The final six-factor model did reveal two survey item
that reduce sample size, the Expectation-Maximization categories that loaded together (Target Activities and
(EM) was used to handle the imputation of missing data Net/Wall Activities), with the remaining activity
[29,41]. categories loading independent of one another. The
Of the 63 total survey items, 18 variables displayed to breakdown of item factor loadings were:
be univariate outliers. A Shaprio-Wilk’s tests of the 18 • Factor 1-Items specific to Target Sports & Net/Wall
variables with univariate outliers revealed statistically Activities (N= 18)
significant departure from normality (p’s < .05/63). • Factor 2-Items specific to Dance & Rhythmic
Logarithmic (Log 10) transformations were applied to the Activities (N=9)
18 variables resulting in more normal distributions • Factor 3- Items specific to Aquatic Activities (N=9)
(skewness & kurtosis < 1.0). In addition, all follow-up • Factor 4- Items specific to Outdoor Pursuits (N=9)
univariate outlier analysis on these transformed variables • Factor 5- Items specific to Fitness Activities (N=9)
failed to reveal any potential outliers (all Z’s < 3.29). Due • Factor 6- Items specific to Individual Sport
to the robustness exploratory factor analysis has towards Activities (N=9).
Journal of Physical Activity Research 11

Table 2. Varimax Rotated Factor Matrix: Six-Factor PAFa

1 2 3 4 5 6
Assess Skill Ability in Target Activities .836
Provide Feedback in Target Activities .831
Provide Feedback in Net/Wall Activities .818
Assess Skill Ability in Net/Wall Activities .816
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Net/Wall Activities .803
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Target Activities .783
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Net/Wall Activities .773
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Target Activities .770
Differentiate Instruction in Target Activities .768
Differentiate Instruction in Net/Wall Activities .724
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Target Activities .628
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Net/Wall Activities .620
Personal Skill Ability in Target Activities .609
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Target Activities .586
Personal Skill Ability in Net/Wall Activities .580
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Net/Wall Activities .565
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) in Target Activities .484
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) in Net/Wall Activities .278
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Dance Activities .931
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Dance Activities .928
Assess Skill Ability in Dance Activities .925
Provide Feedback in Dance Activities .917
Differentiate Instruction in Dance Activities .896
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Dance Activities .836
Personal Skill Ability in Dance Activities .770
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Dance Activities .743
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) in Dance Activities .725
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Aquatic Activities .908
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Aquatic Activities .869
Assess Skill Ability in Aquatic Activities .856
Provide Feedback in Aquatic Activities .846
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Aquatic Activities .840
Personal Skill Ability in Aquatic Activities .829
Differentiate Instruction in Aquatic Activities .820
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Aquatic Activities .735
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) Aquatic Activities .495
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Outdoor Pursuit Activities .897
Provide Feedback in Outdoor Pursuit Activities .895
Assess Skill Ability in Outdoor Pursuit Activities .886
Differentiate Instruction in Outdoor Pursuit Activities .857
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Outdoor Pursuit Activities .838
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Outdoor Pursuit Activities .824
Personal Skill Ability in Outdoor Pursuit Activities .765
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Outdoor Pursuit Activities .719
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) Outdoor Pursuit Activities .572
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Fitness Activities .834
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Fitness Activities .815
Assess Skill Ability in Fitness Activities .795
Differentiate Instruction in Fitness Activities .791
Provide Feedback in Fitness Activities .782
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Fitness Activities .689
Personal Skill Ability in Fitness Activities .664
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Fitness Activities .655
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) Fitness Activities .440
Identify and Define Critical Skill Elements in Individual Sports .804
Assess Skill Ability in Individual Sports .766
Confident Teaching a Wide Variety of Individual Sports .761
Provide Feedback in Individual Sports .757
Present (Describe/Demonstrate) Individual Sports .748
Personal Skill Ability in Individual Sports .677
Differentiate Instruction in Individual Sports .669
Address the Needs of Students with Disabilities Within Individual Sports .641
Frequency of Personal Participation (Within Last Year) Individual Sports .479
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
12 Journal of Physical Activity Research

Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure internal An evaluation of the factor loadings, and communalities
consistency of the 63-item self-efficacy instrument. extracted from the EFA it is clear that simple structure
Reliability results for the full instrument was Cronbach’s was evident from the early stages in the process.
α=.95. Internal consistency was also measured for each of Furthermore, the final model when six-factors were
the six factors (subscales) with results, which also resulted retained, showed (1) no crossloadings, and (2) very high
in high alpha scores overall (all factors > .92). factor loadings (most loadings >.50) for each factor.
Though prior to participant recruitment the desired sample
size was sought to be higher, the factor structure,
5. Discussion correlations, and factor scores, demonstrate that 182
participants is deemed acceptable for this EFA.
The purpose of the present study was to provide initial Upon initial examination of univariate outliers in the
validation for, and explore the factor structure of, the dataset, 18 outliers were found (z’s > 3.29). Multivariate
Physical Educator Efficacy Scale for Teaching Lifetime procedures are particularly sensitive to univariate outliers,
Physical Activities (PEES-LPA). The PEES-LPA was the so variable transformations were conducted. An examination
first documented attempt to construct a scale specific to of the historgrams and skewnewss statistics, revealed that
secondary physical educator self-efficacy perceptions all 18 variables showed moderate negative skew, showing
towards the instruction of lifetime physical activities. The participants, overall, rated their self-efficacy levels quite
PEES-LPA was constructed and validated using the high for those variables. Tabachnick et al., [49], discussed
recommendations and guidelines in the provided that data transformation is a common practice, and should
instrument development literature, and was assessed using be seen more as data re-expression, rather than transformation.
pilot and validation procedures to help provide evidence It should be noted here that these transformations do
for face, content, and construct validity [9,16]. Additionally, impact the ability for further research to descriptively
no criterion-related validation procedures were conducted interpret statistical findings, thus confirmatory evaluation
in testing of the PEES-LPA instrument due to the is recommended.
exploratory nature of the research design, and no other In addition, the Shapiro-Wilk’s test for normality for all
instrument is presently close enough in nature to align for 63 self-efficacy items did show significant departure from
predictive or concurrent validity [16,25,30]. normality (p’s < .05/63). Many multivariate researchers
Content validity and face validity evidence for the consider this to be a major red flag that would
PEES-LPA came from conducting an evaluative expert significantly hinder proceeding with future analyses
review process. One notable finding resulting from the [19,25]. Due to the robustness exploratory factor analysis
expert review process was that when experts were given has towards violations of normality, especially when no
the specific quantitative parameters (i.e., 1-5 agree/disagree observed outliers influence said normality, as well as the
scale) to frame their evaluation, they were all generally in normal distribution found in skewness and kurtosis (<1.0),
agreement on the content presented in the PEES-LPA the variables were left unaltered [21,47].
items. Though an evaluation of the open-ended responses The final six-factor model accounted for 68.7% of total
from each expert showed there was a wide variation in observed score variance. The factor structure revealed all
how they felt the PEES-LPA items could be improved to of the activity areas grouping individually, excluding the
help align more closely with the selected construct, thus Target activities and the Net/Wall activities, which
demonstrating some degree of disagreement. As a result of factored together. Five of the final six factors were named
this disagreement, a follow-up technique known as based on activity area grouping (i.e., all fitness activity
cognitive testing, where potential respondents are asked to items loaded together, thus naming the factor self-efficacy
evaluate the questions empirically, would have helped to teach: (a) fitness activities, (b) outdoor pursuits, (c)
clarify discrepancy [9,16]. individual performance activities, (d) dance/rhythmic
Evidence of construct validity in the validation of the activities, and (e) aquatic activities. Due to the fact that the
PEES-LPA came from the review processes in the pilot Net/Wall and Target activity areas loaded together on the
procedures, as well as the statistical examination of the same factor (reducing seven activity areas, down to six),
factor structure using exploratory factor analysis. the new factor representing the grouping the two needed
The final sample for this study consisted of 182 to be re-named. After further examination of the literature
participants with 63 variables used in the factor analysis, supporting lifetime physical activities in physical
for a final item-to-participant ratio of 1/2.9. In many education [2,11,14,18,33,34,35], this PI chose to rename
researching circles this sample size would fall below the factor as ‘Hand/Eye Activities’, with potential future
recommended limits [13,19,50]. What these recommendations research addressing the reduction of these Hand/Eye
fail to take in to account is the nature of the data, and the variables.
complex dynamics of factor analysis [15]. “In general, the Reliability estimates for the full six-factor model
stronger the data, the smaller the sample can be for an revealed a high level of internal consistency, Cronbach’s
accurate analysis. Strong data in factor analysis means alpha = .95 [37]. In addition, each of the six factors
uniformly high communalities without crossloadings, plus (activity groupings) were analyzed for item-total correlations
several variables loading strongly on each factor” ([15], p. 4). and Cronbach’s alpha if deleted. Results for all six factors
Gualdagnoli & Velicer [22] further supported this point by were additionally quite high (alpha range .924-.955).
illustrating that when communalities are quite high (> .60), Historically speaking, alpha scores greater than .70 are
and correlation coefficients are > .80, then smaller sample considered to be acceptable for scale development, with
sizes are acceptable. scores between .85-.95 deemed excellent [16,25,37].
Journal of Physical Activity Research 13

Though all of the reliability scores, including the full analysis (CFA) to assess unidimensionality of the
model, all fall within the excellent category [25,37], construct, (b) replicate the study with a larger, and more
results should be interpreted cautiously. Clark and Watson diverse sample that are not dependent on a third party
[12] address that there is such a thing as having internal (state AAHPERD) to help distribute the survey and
consistency that is too high, thus having overly redundant ideally obtain a larger sample size, (c) focus replication
items that are measuring content that is far too specific. efforts on the reduction of factor variables that represent
Additionally, some researchers [12,19,25,37] have noted possible multicollinearity (e.g., reducing items form
that internal consistency can be highly sensitive to the Net/Wall and Target, and possible re-evaluation of the
number of variables in an instrument. Individual Performance activity variables due to the
Inter-item correlations among were also evaluated to moderate factor correlation it had with three other factor
test the correlation between each of the factors within the groupings, (d) potentially reducing items that show
PEES-LPA [25]. Inter-item correlations that are at the stronger inter-item correlation extremes (e.g., Feedback
high extreme (> .85) suggested that a set of items are not and Assess items), and (e) continue to investigate the
contributing to something unique, and therefore are accuracy of self-reported teacher behavior in regard to
redundant [25]. Additionally, variables that have a great instruction of lifetime physical activities (as well as other
deal of correlations below .30, then should be considered sport-specific critical skill elements.
for removal.
Results from the inter-item correlations showed the
following: 7. Conclusion
• The Assess and Feedback variables appeared to
have a very high correlation The growing body of evidence and support for the
• The Present and Identify variables appeared to promotion of lifetime physical activities through school-based
highly correlate physical education is more vital than ever. As a result of
the value placed on these physical education programs, it
• The Frequency of Participation variables did not
becomes important to examine how confident physical
have strong correlations with many variables
educators are to deliver such skills and competencies.
The results from these correlations suggest that future
As a result, the current study offers preliminary support
confirmatory evaluation may look to combine variables, as
for the psychometric properties of the PEES-LPA for
well as removal of the Frequency variable.
validity and reliability. The major findings from this study
demonstrated that: (a) the resulting factors exhibited
6. Limitations and Implications for simple structure that aligns with literature supporting the
classification of lifetime physical activities [2], (b) factors
Future Research were composed of items that logically relate, as well as
showed high levels of internal consistency, and (c)
Though the psychometric results of this study provided preliminary results showed that the PEES-LPA appears to
support for the self-efficacy theory as the framework for be an appropriate instrument for measuring self-efficacy
measuring perceptions towards instruction of lifetime perceptions of physical educators, though item reduction
physical activities in physical education, instrument (while still upholding high internal consistency) may be a
validation is an ongoing process. The most prominent logical approach to future confirmatory research.
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