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• 字体样式:一律使用 Times New Roman。

• 字体大小:一律为 12pt。不管是标题还是页眉或者其它,一律 12pt。
• 行距:应当设为 2 倍。
• 页边距:四边一律设为 1 英寸。
• 段落对齐:应当设置为左对齐,而不是两端对齐。
• 段落缩进:各段落应当使用首行缩进,缩进量为 5~7 个空格。
• 页眉:应当是文章标题的前 2 或 3 个单词+5 个空格+页码。页眉显示在所有的页面上,居右对
• 页序:封面、摘要、正文、参考文献、附录、注释、表格、图片标题、图片。


• 第一行:“Running head: ASDFGHJKL”,长度不应超过 50 个字符。居左对齐,无缩进。

• 页面中部:标题+作者+单位。居中对齐,单词首字母大写。


• 第一行:“Abstract”。居中对齐。
• 摘要:不超过 120 个单词。不分段。不缩进。所有数值要表示为数字,不可以用单词。


• 第一行:文章标题。居中对齐。
• Introduction:紧接在文章标题下面,前面无空行,不写作者,不使用小标题。

各级标题(不含文章标题):字体大小一律 12pt。

• 1 级标题:单词首字母大写。粗体。居中对齐。
• 2 级标题:单词首字母大写。粗体。居左对齐。无缩进。后面紧跟的段落首行缩进 5 个空格。
• 3 级标题:第一个单词首字母大写。粗体。居左对齐。缩进 5 个空格。有句号。随后的正文不分段紧

Level One Heading

Level Two Heading

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
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bla bla bla.

Level three heading. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
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bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla.


• 参考文献不紧接在正文后部,需在新页面开启。
• 第一行:“References”。居中对齐。
• 参考文献:紧接在标题下面,前面无空行。按作者的字母顺序排列。首行悬挂缩进。具体的写法托
付给软件即可(推荐使用 zotero)。


• 第一行:“Appendix”。居中对齐。如果超过一个,使用“Appendix A/B/C/…”编号。
• 其他规定如正文。


• 因为放在文章末尾,所以是尾注。但是正式出版时可能改为脚注。
• 第一行:“Footnote”。居中对齐。
• 用数字编号,其他规定如正文。


• 每个表格一页。
• 第一行:“Table 1/2/3/…”。居左对齐。无缩进。
• 第二行:表格标题。居左对齐。无缩进。斜体。
• 表格:紧接在标题下面,前面无空行。使用三线框,即:顶线、标题行底线、底线。无竖线。标题行


• 第一行:“Figure Captions”。居中对齐。
• 图片标题:紧接在标题下面,前面无空行。“Figure 1. Asdfghjkl.”其中“Figure 1”要斜体。居左


• 每个图片一页。

以上的规定是 APA 对期刊投稿时的手稿的规定,日常使用未必要严格按照它来进行。最主要的是内文引



字体按照 APA 格式的话应当使用 Times New Roman,如果你不喜欢的话可以选用自己看起来较舒服

的字体。较好并较常用的替代有 Georgia、Garamond、Palatino、Century 等。

对他人的观点和文字的必须给出资料来源。内文引用(text citation)的基本格式是引文作者加上其发表

下面举例部分来自网上可取得全文 pdf 的一篇文章,该文章电子档的网址为[1]。

内文引用主要分为两种形式。一种是整合在句子的语法结构中(例 1),另一种是独立在句子的语法结构
之外(例 2)。

【例 1】 Ten years later, Tobin (1990) prepared a follow-up synthesis of research on the
effectiveness of teaching and learning in the science laboratory.

【例 2】 The National Science Education Standards in the United States and other
contemporary science education literature continue to suggest that school science
laboratories have the potential to be an important medium for introducing students to
central conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in science (Bybee, 2000).

如果资料来源有两名作者,则整合引用以单词“and”连接两者(例 3),而独立引用以符号“&”连接两者
(例 4)。

【例 3】 Gunstone and Champagne (1990) suggested that meaningful learning in the

laboratory would occur if students were given sufficient time and opportunities for
interaction and reflection.

【例 4】In reviewing the literature we wrote (Hofstein & Lunetta, 1982) that it was difficult
to identify a simple relationship between students’ science achievement and their work
with materials in the laboratory.

如果资料来源有两名以上作者,则情形如下(例 5、6)。

【例 5】 This is especially appropriate because in recent decades we have learned much

about human cognition and learning (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000).

【例 6】 ... for example, Shymansky, Kyle, and Alport (1983) conducted a meta-analytic
investigation on students’ performance in science resulting from schooling using the
science curricula developed in the 1960s.

隔开(例 7)。

【例 7】 Moreover, there is a growing sense that learning is contextualized and that

learners construct knowledge by solving genuine and meaningful problems (Brown,
Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Polman, 1999; Roth, 1995; Wenger, 1998; Williams & Hmelo,

内文引用的资料来源有时只是举例,表示还有其他资料来源只举部分列出(例 8、9)。
【例 8】In the 1980s, multiple reports were published by prominent groups and authors
identifying “crisis” and calling for reform in science education (see, for example, Harms
& Yager, 1981; Hurd, 1983; Kyle, 1984; Press, 1982; Yager, 1984).

【例 9】Science educators (e.g., Schwab, 1962; Hurd, 1969; Lunetta&Tamir, 1979) have
expressed the view that uniqueness of the laboratory lies principally in providing
students with opportunities to engage in processes of investigation and inquiry.

如果要进行对词句的直接引用,即引用原文,应当给出页码(例 10)。

【例 10】Used properly, the laboratory is especially important in the current era in which
inquiry has re-emerged as a central style advocated for science teaching and learning
(NRC, 1996, p. 23):

Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that involves making observations; posing questions;

examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known;
planning investigations; reviewing what is already known in light of experimental
evidence; using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data; proposing answers,
explanations, and predictions; and communicating the results. Inquiry requires
identification of assumptions, use of critical and logical thinking, and consideration of
alternative explanations.

次列出全部作者,以后只列出第一作者,其余作者以 “et al.”表示;如果是五个以上作者,则从第一
次开始就只列出第一作者,其余作者以“et al.”表示(例 11、12)。

【例 11】There is a need to provide students with frequent opportunities for feedback,

reflection, and modification of their ideas (Barron et al., 1998).

【例 12】The importance of promoting cooperative learning in the science classroom and

laboratory received substantial attention during the 1980s (e.g., Johnson et al., 1981;
Johnson & Johnson, 1985; Lazarowitz & Karsenty, 1990) as a way to engage diverse
students in collaboration with others in inquiry and to develop a classroom community of

cited in”连接(例 13)。

【例 13】Blablablablablabla (Abcde, 1984, as cited in Edcba 1989).

用时,就应当给出人物的全名缩写,注明“personal communication”,并给出日期(例 14)。

【例 14】A. B. Cdefg (personal communication, July 4, 1989) blablablablablabla.


用的字数(words)少于 40 个,则以引号包含后整合于正常的行文之中,例如:

Tobin (1990) wrote that “Laboratory activities appeal as a way of allowing students to
learn with understanding and, at the same time, engage in a process of constructing
knowledge by doing science” (p. 405).

如果引用的字数(words)多于 40 个,则写成独立的段落。排版上还需注意引用的整段文字左边应当缩
进 5 个空格。例如:

Used properly, the laboratory is especially important in the current era in which inquiry
has re-emerged as a central style advocated for science teaching and learning (NRC,
1996, p. 23):

Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that involves making observations; posing questions;

examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known;
planning investigations; reviewing what is already known in light of experimental
evidence; using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data; proposing answers,
explanations, and predictions; and communicating the results. Inquiry requires
identification of assumptions, use of critical and logical thinking, and consideration of
alternative explanations.


【期刊文章】Blosser, P. (1983). The role of the laboratory in science teaching. School

Science and Mathematics, 83, 165–169.

【尚未正式发表的期刊文章】Hofstein, A., Shore, R., & Kipnis, M. (In press). Providing high
school chemistry students with opportunities to develop learning skills in an inquiry-type
laboratory—A case study. International Journal of Science Education.

【在线发表的电子期刊】Bergen, D. (2002, Spring). The role of pretend play in children's

cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from

【使用 DOI 编号的期刊文章】Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support,

marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24,
225-229. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225

【书籍】Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain,
mind, experience, and school. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

【作者为组织的书籍】American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1993).

Benchmarks for scientific literacy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
【第 N 版的书籍】Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R. T. (1985). Learning together and alone:
Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning (2nd ed.), Engelwood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.

【一个编辑的编著】Gabel, D. L. (Ed.). (1994). Handbook of Research on Science Teaching

and Learning: A Project of the National Science Teachers Association. New York, NY:
MacMillan Reference Books.

【多个编辑的编著】Warwick, P., Wilson, E., & Winterbottom, M. (Eds.). (2007). Teaching and
Learning Primary Science with ICT. New York, NY: Open University Press.

【书中的章节】Baird, J. R. (1990). Metacognition, purposeful enquiry and conceptual

change. In E. Hegarty-Hazel (Ed.), The student laboratory and the science curriculum
(pp. 183–200). London: Routledge.

【会议论文】Shymansky, J. E., & Penick, J. E. (1978). Teachers’ behavior does make a

difference in the hands-on science classroom. Paper Presented at the Annual Conference
of the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science (AETS).

【会议文集】Hodson, D. (2001). Research on practical work in school and universities: In

pursuit of better questions and better methods. Proceedings of the 6th European
Conference on Research in Chemical Education, University of Aveiro, Aviero, Portugal.

【网络资料】Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved from
Vanguard University, Department of Psychology Web site:

【没有日期的网络资料】Nielsen, M. E. (n.d.). Notable people in psychology of religion.

Retrieved August 3, 2001, from http://www.psywww.com/psyrelig/psyrelpr.htm

【没有作者和日期的网络资料】Gender and society. (n.d.). Retrieved from


【网络可取的资料】Reiser, B. J., Tabak, I., & Sandoval, W. A. (2001). BGuILE: Strategic and
conceptual scaffolds for scientific inquiry. In S. M. Carver & D. Klahr (Eds.), Cognition and
instruction: Twenty-five years of progress. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. (Also available at


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