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MBB 3613/MBC 3613 Business Mathematics

Lecturer: Dr. Wendy Ling Shin Yie
Room 13, Ground floor, Academic building, UCTS.
Tel: 084-367413

Rationale: - This course is designed to provide knowledge on business

- To expose students towards variety of topics under this course especially on
the application of equalities and inequalities, probability and statistics,
matrix algebra, linear programming, differentiation and integration.
- This course aims at equipping student with a broad based knowledge of
mathematics with emphasis on business applications.
Course Grade: Quiz: 10%, Progress Test: 20%, Assignment: 20%, Final exam:
Teaching & Learning: 2 hours lecture + 1 hour tutorial – for 14 weeks (extra
classes will be held from time to time depends on the need)
Classroom policies:
1. Attendance is mandatory. Failing to attend 90% of the classes will result
in barred from final exam, which will result in failing grade.
2. If you miss a lecture, it is the student’s responsibility to make up.
3. Be on time
4. Come prepared
5. Do quality work and do it on time
6. The use of mobile telephones inside the classroom is NOT allowed.
7. The use of any electronic device is also NOT allowed (unless required).
8. Within the 3 hours class, students are not allowed to leave. If there are
any excusable matters, permission have to be enquired.
9. Homework assignments should be worked independently. Exchanging
ideas are permitted orally but don't require any kind of copying.
10. Plagiarism (Academic Dishonesty)
- All students are expected to turn in work that is their own. Any attempt
to pass off another's work as your own will constitute an "F" in the entire
- Using part of, or the entire work, prepared by another or turning in a
homework assignment prepared by another student or party are
examples of plagiarism.
- You may discuss assignments and projects with each other, but you
should do the work yourself. In the case of group projects, you will be
expected to do your share of the work. If you use someone else's words
or ideas, you must cite your sources.
Content Outline of the course:
1. Applications of equalities and inequalities (6 hours)
- Application of equations
- Linear inequalities
- Applications of inequalities
- Absolute value

2. Introduction to probability and statistics (6 hours)

- Basic counting principle and permutations
- Combinations and other counting principles
- Sample spaces and events
- Probability
- Conditional probability and stochastic processes
- Independent events
- Bayes’s formula

3. Matrix algebra (6 hours)

- Matrix notation and terminology
- Types of matrices
- Matrix operations
- Solving system by reducing matrices
- Inverses and determinants

4. Linear programming (6 hours)

- Linear inequalities in two variables
- Linear programming
- Multiple optimum solutions
- The simplex method

5. Differentiation (9 hours)
- Limit and continuity
- The product and quotient rule
- Chain rule
- Implicit differentiation
- Derivatives of exponential functions
- Parametric differentiation
- Logarithmic differentiation
- Maximum & minimum problems
- Extremum of functions of two variables

6. Integration (9 hours)
- Areas and integrals
- Area bounded between two curves
- Integration by substitutions
- Integration by parts
- Integration by partial fractions
- Integration by tables
- Double integration

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