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Connection Symbol

PoE Harbingers' Language Deciphering 

Additional source​:
Note​: The following google document is editable by everyone. Please, edit with caution, use
comments first. :-)

PoE Harbingers' Language Deciphering
Word Symbols
Translating Harbinger’s Equipment
Whole Story
All of the interpretations concerning the flavor texts sentence by sentence
GGG News 1
Boss Harbinger (Beachhead)
Existing Harbinger Monsters
Harbinger Pillar Summon
Connection Symbols
Connection Symbol


I have a theory about the connecting symbols. I agree that the 1st and the 5th in the list
below simply connect two words and form a negation respectively. I think the 2nd denotes
the relationship between subject and verb, the 3rd a relationship between verb and object
and the 4th denotes a possessive relationship. The most clear example of this structure is on
the unique mask. This interpretation places less emphasis on the particular particle.

I have thought in my mind about the connecting symbols, and they kinda feel to me like
interactions that the harbingers witness and then try to describe. Basically, when talking
about the list below, this is how I interpret them: 1st: The two things around them make a
one, single, new thing, with more of a material meaning.
2nd: Seems that mostly they relate a cause between the two things, a causal connection,
like because of one the other thing happens.
4th: The first term seems to modify the second term semantically or sometimes in a more
material way, with the second term dominating. Overall most of the the second thing
remains, but it is modified by first thing.
5th: Agree with the meaning, it just makes the sentence negative.

When there are words without symbols connecting between them, it seems that the first
“matched” symbol remains of importance. Basically the last symbol that appeared in a trio
that didn’t follow without a symbolic connection, for example, in the case of the harbingers
that use multiple skills, where all words symbolising skills still connect with “harbinger”, which
is the cause of them.

Another detail that comes to my mind is how ALL of the harbinger symbols seem to
represent more of actions than substantives. Even the ones that really sound like
substantives. The “Harbinger” one, for example, would be the act of being a harbinger, of
doing whatever harbingers do. So when “increase” and other modifying words are applied to
them with the first symbol, it’s not the harbinger that produces a new effect, but the act of
being a harbinger, which involves the summoning of the minions. Every other word would
follow the same rule, which would result in some important differences in meaning of the
flavor texts, that, to me, makes way more sense. JUST A WILD GUESS THO.

I think It might be read right to left.

Theory about this symbol.

I was fighting a Harbinger with the symbol and he was buffing his minions(making
them a little bigger and stronger). And the , I see it on a lot of symbols that are
minion related, so can agree that this symbol means creature/minion/summon. And it would
make a lot of sense with all context.
Connection Symbol

I’ll start with the symbols.

The ​symbol definitely makes sense because it is a creature.

The ​ ​has the creature symbol in the middle so I think could mean Surrounded/enclosed as
there are no exists.

The symbol has the creature symbol and Harbingers that have this symbol creates
large balls of lighting that fire little lighting ball from it could refer that those large balls are
summons that do something(note: I didn’t seen a Harbinger with this symbol so I can’t say
much about it, just use the information that others have provided)
The ​ ​it means buffing/making stronger creatures because as I said Harbinger with this
symbol made multiple minions stronger.

The ​could mean increase creatures as more creatures/summons and it could make a
lot of sense with pillars: More summons of GoD’s followers.
This symbol I’m no t sure what it could be but it could be some creature or a
creature doing something like throwing something or descending.
The​ ​has the creature symbol but much bigger, it goes well with the creature context
because Harbingers with this symbol enlarges they’re minions, more specifically one minion

And the ​ symbol (Kitava’s face) the creature symbol is on the top so it could mean
Kitava as a creature, not a god to the Harbingers or a powerful creature or a creature
controlling Kitava.
But if the symbol is a creature, then the context of uniques have a very different meaning. Or
I could be very wrong and everything I typed doesn’t add up.

PS: will rewrite when I’ll have some time.

Lore Inspiration

Looking away from the linguistic side of things, I decided to do google search for “god of
domination”. I found some interesting things that I believe are definitely relevant. One link
yielded the D&D (4e Homebrew? I have no idea what that means) diety “Ashmedei” which
describes a god who was thrown in
Connection Symbol

to hell for being an accomplice in the murder of another god. In the descriptions, he was
known as various titles including “God of Domination”. He was betrayed by one of his
favoured followers “Tatenal” who stole knowledge and the truth about gods and something
about a murder plot I’m not sure how to interp ret because I’m not into
D&D.In Forgotten Realms Campaign, another description of an “Ashmadai” says that this is
a secret devil worshipping cult that worships the god “Asmodeus”. These cultists summoned
devils that were bound to a mortal body, leading them to kidnap people to use as vessels for
summoned demons.

I am aware that some of the GGG team are fans of D&D so I reckon that there has to be a
connection of some sort. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about D&D so all I can say is that
I believe this is one of their inspirations for the lore. This might help in figuring out what the
unique item story is.

Alright I’m not sure how I mixed MTG with DnD. I recall that Chris Wilson was a player of
Connection Symbol

Toshis8 on the forums​ makes an interesting case for the structure of the sentences:
Many are trying to read symbols linearly, like we are used in our language, though that is
not the case for Harbinger symbols. For example:

This should be taken into account.

Connection Symbol

These connection symbols are tipped 90° on the harbinger pillars (imprinted on the sides),
but the word symbols are not tipped.

Connection symbols 

Symbol  Meaning 

No Symbol ((Starting a new word)):​ comma or “and”

((Links two wordy symbols together))


Preposition showing connection, belonging, use of something (of, for,


over, on, “in”? to? while

what about from the arrow points away from the dot

around, (Aura), nearby, bound

possessive form? I.e. “Fire’s Harbinger”, “Faith’s Fire”
put (as in unshattered): the beast put people in the ground over time:
The fact that it is always perpendicular (see pillars) to the reading
orientation might mean that this connection is not time based.

a negative word prefix meaning “not” (like un-, dis-, im-)?

According to symbol codenames this one should be very similar to the

one which links two word symbols together yet slightly different
Appearance: ​stargate and obsolete shield flavor text
Connection Symbol

Word Symbols
Important note​: Symbols probably don’t mean a single word, but an idea.
Bold translation​: established meaning.

Word symbols 

Symbol  Meaning 

Harbinger​ (being)

Appearance:​ on every Harbinger

Monster(including Boss), on the Stargate, and
imprinted on the Belt, the Quiver, the Shield, the
Staff, the Sword, the Map and the Obelisks

Fire​, Flame

Appearance: ​only on Harbinger Monsters that

have fire skills and on Stargate

Lightning​, Storm, Thunder

Appearance: ​only on Harbinger Monsters that

have lightning skills, on the Stargate, and imprinted
on the Mask

Ice​, Frost

Appearance: ​only on Harbinger Monsters

that have cold skills, on the Stargate, and imprinted
on the Mask

Blast​, Explosion, Expansion, Cataclysm

Maybe there is more common meaning like
“Expansion from within” or “Something trying to
break through”
Something weird about this, I had a harbinger with
fire and this and he was flame dashing? I’ve asked
GGG if it was a bug and will see the answer. But
why would fire + this = flame dash?
Appearance:​ on the Staff, the Sword, and on
Harbinger Monsters that use specifically Flame
Connection Symbol

Time​, Duration, (perhaps also speed?)

Appearance:​ only on the Belt, the Mask, the

Quiver, the Shield, and imprinted on the Belt

Direction, ​Projectiles?

Appearance: ​imprinted on the Quiver, the quiver

summons the Harbinger of Directions.

Obelisk​, Pillar, Totem, monolith

Appearance: ​Name of Pillars summoned by

See screenshots at end of this file.
These pillars look like miniature obelisks, but
function like Spell-Totems.

Strike​, Hit, “Earth”, “Ground”, “Mountain”,

“fight” “combat” ​(I am not sure about the “earth,
ground, mountain”, whoever added it any proof?)
Maybe it means physical as opposed to any of the
elements (there is symbols for fire, cold and
lightning, this might be ​phys)​ -​ ​This is more than
likely strike since when it’s joined with lightning the
harbinger uses lightning strike ​I agree with blue, +1
for removing “earth, ground & mountain” from the

Appearance: ​on the Map, the Quiver, the Sword,

and on specifically the Harbinger Monsters that use
Lightning Strike

Summon, ​Call

Appearance:​ only on specifically the Harbinger

Monsters that use Storm Call and on Stargate

Focus​, Target, Surround?

Appearance:​ only on the Sword and imprinted on

the Shield
Connection Symbol

“The Arcane”, hidden, secret, something not known

to many, secret knowledge maybe? beacon?
Probably “Surge”... and [Surge]+[Ice] would
become Frost Bomb...

PS: The “Harbinger of The Arcane” grants “Arcane

Surge” to the player: more spell damage and cast

I​ t does look like a target for dropping a bomb on

something. Or can it mean death ? Or fallen?

​ rop ye
“Drop” could fit the symbol indeed. d


Appearance: ​on the Mask, the Staff, imprinted on

the Sword and on specifically Harbinger Monsters
that use Frost Bomb (on death)

A synonym of arcane is apparently ‘concealed’

according to google - this fits frost bomb too

Ball (as in Ball lightning), Nova ?

Radiate, Develop, Expand?, ​afftecting all around

Appearance: ​only on the Mask and specifically on

Harbinger Monsters that use Lightning Nova..

I found this symbol on a harbinger who cast a ball

lightning-like projectile - this certainly is what the
symbol looks like to me.
Maybe it means birth? Creation or something like
that? Would fit some unique item flavors. Or maybe
something that dies like a star? So a symbol for
death? Maybe rebirth.

alternatively it could mean heavy because it looks
like something falling
and as stated in the comments harbingers with this
symbol grant the “massive” buff

Maybe it means Growth? Could be this or empower

Improve/Strengthen/Better? ​Increasing?

Appearance: ​only on the Belt and specifically on

Harbinger Monsters that empowers allies
Connection Symbol

Same with ​, minions also larger

Meaning kind of overlaps with(Increase)​

Dash, Movement, Teleport?

Appearance: ​on the Mask, on specifically

Harbinger Monsters that use Flame Dash

Maybe, it’s something like “chain” or “ailme

PS: We found another Harbinger with Flame Dash

but without this symbol. But this one here did it 3
times, against 1 for the other.
Maybe give to others? or connection in all

This could simply mean direction, since the center

is a bit off, or maybe movement in a direction?
This vaguely reminds me of Reinhardt’s shield from
Overwatch. Perhaps this means “defence”?

Faith, Pray, ​Righteous, “the righteous?”; often

paired with glyph for the God of Domination.
Followers? Worshipers? Templar?

Appearance:​ on the Map, the Belt, the Quiver, the

Sword, the Staff, the Mask, the Harbinger Boss,
specifically Harbinger Monsters that use Righteous
Fire and the sides of obelisks that Harbingers


Appearance: ​only on the Map and the Sword. It’s a

pixelated version of Wraeclast continent.

Deadliness? Assassination? ​Deadly​?

Killer? Death? Less? in sleep?

Appearance: ​only on the Shield and specifically on

Harbinger Monsters that use Assassin’s Mark

PS: It looks like a bridge or passage. Shown on the

Connection Symbol

stargate ground.
PS I think Unshattered agrees it’s death. As in (The
beast put people to death over time).

Decrease? Reduce? weakness?

Appearance: ​only on the Mask and specifically on

Harbinger Monsters that use Enfeeble

“The Beast”

Appearance: ​on the Shield and the Mask, ​GGG

News 2

God of Domination, “GoD”

Appearance: ​on every Unique, the Boss

Harbinger and the sides of Harbingers obelisks,
Ps. Really looks like the shaper’s head any
relation? could have an impact on the story. ​Indeed.
I wonder if there is any more info about this symbol


Brutality​, (en)rage

Appearance: ​only on the Shield, the Staff and

imprinted on the Staff

Source = Harbinger’s Staff “[...] of Brutality.”

Increase, More creatures?

Chance? growing stronger
Multiple (?)

PS: Why not Minion? or Exile? or Summon? (or

Appearance)? or Stationary(aka: standing still)?
How about “Build” or something similar?
Multiples/Many/More of the same(attacks, arrows,
summons, …)?

Appearance: ​on the Belt, the Quiver, the Sword

and on the ​sides​ of obelisks that Harbingers
summon, ​GGG News

Meaning kind of overlaps with(Buff)

Connection Symbol

Context makes me think “Portal”.

knowledge, skill

Appearance: ​only on the Belt and the Sword

I think this symbol means ‘skill/skill gem’. It looks
somewhat like a socketed skill gem.

X have anything to do with Kitava theme?

Could this be a crossed over harbinger? Maybe not.
It looks like the negation prefix though, being
crossed over.

Appearance: ​only on the Staff

Broken, Slit

holding, possess something?

Appearance: ​on the Map, the Shield, and the Staff

Stop movement, Stun, Freeze
Cut, slice, break through, destroy

I am seriously starting to think this might actually

not be “Prison” at all, but rather “domain/rule” as in
“conquered territory”. The pictogram would be a
binding of many smaller “sticks”, much like GoD’s
symbol is an arrow pointing (oppression) on many
small sticks.

I think this could mean not prison but freedom or

breaking free because it looks like bars being cut or

Appearance: ​on the Mask, the Quiver, the Staff,

and the Shield

Location, (Dream/Nightmare?) Space, Realm

Appearance:​ on the Belt, ​GGG News

Protect, Avoid, Resist

This looks like a weapon being swung. Could it
mean ‘avoid’, since the Harbinger of Focus grants
ailment immunity.
Grow stronger
Connection Symbol

Appearance: ​only on the Shield

I think this might mean ‘to break apart/shatter’

This slightly resembles the preposition meaning “of,
doing, having”.

Maybe one of its meanings is “gather”? (just my

Appearance: ​only on the Map and the Mask
3 dots separated by a crowbar, could mean isolate
or something like that?
Based on the look: maybe “a path changing
direction” or “something moved out of position”. I
would say avoid.

Leader?, Commander?

Suggestion: Chosen one from many? or Imbued.

The name of harbinger boss name something like
“God’s followers (maybe it’s a “God’s will” in this
context) making this action IN (among) Harbinger(s)

Appearance: ​only on the Harbinger Boss

3 dots, 1 big, with an arrow pointing at it, maybe it
denotes a leader as someone said in thread
comments? compare to the three dots separated by
a crowbar, and the three dots in neat configuration

Will, Mind ​(from context something that stays

Suggestion: Submission or Domination (upside
down arrows from the GoD)
Appearance:​ only on the Shield
Could mean ‘connect’ as in you have to connect the
broken pieces.
Or maybe mean “channelling [skill]”, because the
shield increase your channelling skill’s damage.
Then this could mean: “You can [do something (last
symbol)] while God of Domination use channelling

Wild guess only based off of the rippling thoughts

flavor text:
Disappear or leave, maybe decay in other context
Maybe it means descend?
could also mean “wave” (considering the special
effect on Rippling Thought)
Connection Symbol

Appearance:​ only on the Sword

3 dots in a very neat configuration as opposed to
the symbol second over this and the one above
Ranged AOE?

Spend, ​allocate, give

Trophy? Reward? Loot?

because of its appearance pretty unimportant
Appearance:​ only ​GGG News

Many merging into one larger, maybe simply

“​Enlarge​”? ​(Harbinger with this symbol makes
tougher and l​ arger​ certain minions
Appearance: ​only specifically on Harbinger
Monsters that enlarges allies

Meaning kind of overlaps with(Expand)

Void, Space, End

Appearance:​ only on the Stargate

Appearance: ​only on the Stargate

“Over, on, in - that is supposedly the meaning of

this symbol without brackets. What could that mean
for the meaning of this symbol in brackets? My first
idea was “dominion”, but then i realized that would
be better suited for the smaller arrow with a bigger
dot -> “preposition showing connection, belonging,
use of something”


(looks like Kitava’s face)

Perhaps this means “alien”? “Of an alternate
Appearance: ​only on the Stargate
Connection Symbol

Translating Harbinger’s Equipment

Bex hinted that items must be arranged in this order to get complete translation: Belt > Mask
> Quiver > Shield > Staff > Sword.
The God used his [knowledge,skill,etc] to gain
[control,mastery,etc] over space;
The God used his [knowledge,skill,etc] to gain
[control,mastery,etc] over time;
The followers of the God were empowered by his

God unified all his followers. God Made his followers

immortal. They thanked God for The time he gave.

GoD does {A} in doing {increased prevalence} in

GoD does {A} in doing {increased prevalence} in
GoD’s faith grows from GoD’s {A}. ?

Could it be:
GoD manipulates all creatures in dream.
GoD manipulates all creatures in time
With his righteousness, GoD ascends to a GoD of

I can’t get structure of phrase on it :/

how “3rd lesser symbol (IN) interacts with “2nd lesser
Flow Untethered symbol”? this isn’t like ​“no symbol” in Harbinger’s

God is mighty (control?) on the multiple realms

God is mighty (same) in the multiple times
God’s followers are stronger because god is mighty.
Alternative last line : God’s followers were envious of
god’s might (control)

another suggestion:
God reached (like with his divine powers) to appear
IN map (dream)

God reached to appear IN Time (reality)

(Number of )God’s Followers Grow in God’s Reach

(That was a time, when god wasn’t tethered by
anything and was doing as he pleases)
{harbinger} of {time}
Connection Symbol

(1){The Beast} around {Time} {Nova?}

{God of Domination} of {Decrease} {Direction} Maybe

this means lost purpose?

(2)Heavily reinspired, see below:

“The beasts {time, cascade}
GoD dwindles and moves
GoD’s faith is/does stop/stops {1} GoD
GoD’s faith is/does {B}{1} GoD’s magic”

(3)Can we read this as:

Tempest’s Binding During the time of the Beast’s nova (cataclysm)
The God was weakened and fled (moved)
The followers of the God imprisoned him
The followers of the God did something (stole,
scattered, redirected?) with his magic
Trying to make more ‘storytelling-like’ sentences,
based on (3) and some imagination trying to create a
logical lore:
During the Beast’s nova, the GoD was weakened and
fled. The GoD’s Rurighteous imprisoned him and
used the GoD’s arcane power for their own.

The void expands with time

God shrinks (?)
God’s followers imprisoned him
They disagreed on his fall

{frost} and {lightning}
Binding the power of thunderstorms and blizzards
into a single item, meaning the support gems the item
includes, derived from item’s name.
Connection Symbol

{increased chance} of {god} of {strike/hit/fighting}

{god} of {time} and {stun, free, imprison?}
{righteous} of {god} use {???} in {increased} on

GoD’s multitude strikes.

GoD’s {time, prison}.
GoD’s faith does {B}{1} multitude strikes. ?

1) GoD’s Multiple Fights = GoD waged war

2) GoD’s Prison-Time = GoD was imprisoned (for it)
3) GoD’s Faithful Scattered into Many Fights = GoD’s
servants started fighting amongst themselves (in
GoD’s absence)

After multiple attempts (strike)

God finally broke free of his prison
(Meanwhile ?) The followers of god were misguided
Fracturing Spinner on fighting (?) (multiple, strikes)

Another wild guess appears: (revising)

… God Gave

{harbinger} of {directions}
Connection Symbol

{The Beast} around {Time}+{Assassin’s Mark’s


It’s supposed to tell history. The Beast killed many

over time. God of Dominion Swiftly stopped the fight.
Their faith(bringer people) was no longer broken.
{God of Domination} of {Brutality} and {???} over
{Prison? Imprison? Freeze? Stun?}

Just guessing on this one:

In the moment the beast died
Unshattered Will!
GoD brutally and {C}{1} stop
[the God became enraged (brutal) and attacked his
GoD’s will is unshattered

The void around time created paths

God did not enrage (deflect, rage) during his prison
God’s will is unshattered

Another dude’s wild guess: (revised)

When the Beast was Vulnerable (assassin’s mark →
likely to be crit, take more damage → more
The GoD enacted brutally/cruelly and struck without
The GoD’s {resolve?} remained unbroken

{harbinger} of {focus}

-The Beast slowly died

-GoD Did Contained Hisself (Hunger) From Breaking
-GoD Wasn’t ready to break through his prison

The Beast’s time has ended.

God has become more brutal while imprisoned.
God’s will has not shattered.
Connection Symbol

{God} of {brutal} on {movement impair?}

{God} around {arcane} use {???} {target/focus}
{God} around {movement impair} use {not broken}
{God} around {arcane} {target/focus} use {???} on
{God} around {righteous} around {arcane}
Entity of brutal over stop
The magic in the entity have {C}-expansion
Entity containing stop remained whole
Enmity Divine Entitys “Arcane Surge?” {C} over entity containing
unrighteous magic-aura

Just guessing on this, also outdated:

GoD was enraged by his prison
GoD’s magic {D}-{Grow}
GoD’s prison was unshattered
GoD’s arcane surge was {D} from GoD’s faith’s magic

A Wild Guess Appears:

The GoD stopped his brutality
The God’s power grew in his body
The stopping did not break the GoD
Instead, As the GoD’s power grew, his body geave
power to his devotees

{harbinger} of {brutality}
Connection Symbol

General thoughts​: somewhere in this text the god of

Domination has to leave or disappear because in the
last line there is no symbol for it. That would also
make sense because this is the last sentence of the
whole story.

{gods?} around {Righteous} leads to

{increased chance} of/in {strike/fight}

{gods?} around {Righteous} leads to {focus} over ???

Justified focus on Wraeclast

Just guessing on this one:

GoD’s faith {increased prevalence} from strife
Rippling Thoughts GoD’s faith {B} from expansion
God’s faith focused from {F}
Faith focused from Wraeclast
m/war Another wild guess appears (outdated):
Entity’s {thoughts?} uses projectiles that have
become hits
Entity’s {thoughts?} uses {single target?} that have
become expanded/area
Entity’s {thoughts?} uses focus that has become {?}
{thoughts?} uses focus that has become {rippling?}
God’s followers are better fighters
God followers’ power grows
God’s followers are focused on an objective.
Followers’ focus is wraeclast

Guessing here:
GoD’s Followers were Called for War
GoD’s Followers Powers got Enhanced
GoD’s Followers Concentrated on Leaving
Followers Concentrated on Wraeclast

{harbinger} of {arcane}
Connection Symbol

{God} around {Righteous} use {???} in

Use {broken} in {wraeclast}

“gods around” the unrighteous have

{A} over strikes
have shattered over wraeclast

Just guessing on this one (reworked

again from coming suggestions after):
GoD’s faith is scattered from attacks
That strike from Wraeclast

Line 1:
1+2+3=“A harbinger boss”
4+5=”does something untranslated”
6=”???”, 7=”strikes, battle, combat”
Line 2:
1=”does” (previous line?), 2=”breaks”
3=”???”, 4=”Wraeclast”

line 2: maby break into wreaclast?

Beachhead A wild interpretation appears (revised):

The kidnapped followers of the GoD
are sent to fight and break Wraeclast
(into submission)

A guess:
The righteous GoD will shatter the
land, destroying all of wraeclast.

GoD’s Faithful are scattered towards

fight for break towards Wraeclast
GoD’s Faithful are scattered to
conquer Wraeclast

God’s followers diverged to fight, to

break into Wraeclast


Connection Symbol

Whole Story

GGG released info revealing that the uniques tell the harbingers story, then posted the
symbols printed on the different items, representing the different harbingers they can
summon, in the following order. As someone concluded, it is probably the order in which to
read the story.


The God will use his knowledge to gain control over space.
The God will use his knowledge to gain control over time.
The followers of the God will be empowered by his knowledge.
Connection Symbol


At the time of the cataclysm,

The God was weakened and fled,
His followers imprisoned him,
His followers divided amongst themselves his magic powers
Connection Symbol


The God has the mastery over fighting.

During the time of his imprisonment
his followers will divide this mastery amongst themselves.
Connection Symbol


When the time of the Beast is over

the God will become enraged and tries to break his imprisonment.
His mind remains unshattered.
Connection Symbol


The God is enraged at his imprisonment.

His power leads to his hunger growing.
His imprisonment remains unbroken.
The growth of his power leads to hunger for the power of his followers
Connection Symbol


The followers of the God have mastery over fighting.

The followers of the God are expanding their knowledge.
The followers of the God are focused on leaving?
Their prayers focus on Wraeclast.
Connection Symbol


The followers of the God have divided their attacks

and broken onto Wraeclast.

Random dude’s attempt: (19/10/17)

Belt - The God of Domination gained mastery of Space and Time. His disciples worshipped
him for his wisdom.
Mask - Then the Reign of the Beast came. The God of Domination was weakened and fled.
The outraged disciples imprisoned him and stole his arcane powers.
Quiver - The God of Domination was a skilled fighter. During his imprisonment, his disciples
stole his fighting prowess.
Shield - When the Beast was killed, the God of Domination raged and struck at his prison.
His [determination?] did not break.
Staff - As the God of Domination raged against his prison, his hunger for arcane power grew.
His prison did not break. But his hunger for arcane powers also made his disciples grow
hungry for arcane power.
Sword - His disciples gained mastery of fighting. Their power is growing. They have turned
their attention to ascension/godhood. The disciples looks to Wraeclast.

All of the interpretations concerning the flavor texts sentence by

Connection Symbol

The Flow Untethered - Harbinger of Time

GoD _is able to_ appear in maps.

GoD used __ to bring Many to Places (Maps)

The God used his [knowledge,skill,etc] to gain [control,mastery,etc] over space;
God unified all his followers.
GoD does {Ab} in doing {increased prevalence} in {maps}
GoD manipulates all creatures in dream.
God is mighty (control?) on the multiple realms
The God of Domination gained mastery of Space

GoD _is able to_ appear in Time.

GoD used __ to bring Many over Time

The God used his [knowledge,skill,etc] to gain [control,mastery,etc] over time;
God Made his followers immortal.
GoD does {Ab} in doing {increased prevalence} in time.
GoD manipulates all creatures in time
God is mighty (same) in the multiple times
The God of Domination gained mastery of Time

GoD’s believers gain strength of GoD’s _abilities._

The followers of the God were empowered by his [knowledge,skill,etc]

They thanked God for The time he gave.
GoD’s faith grows from GoD’s {A}
With his righteousness, GoD ascends to a GoD of manipulation.
God’s followers are stronger because god is mighty.
God’s followers were envious of god’s might (control)
His disciples worshipped him for his wisdom.
The God's worshippers were endowed with his powers

The Tempest's Binding - Harbinger of Storms

The Beast’s time begins.

{The Beast} around {Time} {Nova?}

The beasts {time, cascade}
Connection Symbol

The Beast, Herald of Time

The beast's time to shine/develop
During the time of the Beast’s nova (cataclysm)
The void expands with time
The time of cataclysm begins
The Beast grows
At the time of the cataclysm
Then the Reign of the Beast came.

God will weaken and flee.

{God of Domination} of {Decrease} {Direction}

___ lost purpose
GoD dwindles and moves
The God was weakened and fled (moved)
God shrinks (?)

GoD’s followers lose the faith in GoD.

GoD’s faith is/does stop/stops GoD
The followers of the God imprisoned him
The followers defeated him
The followers were disconnected from God
The outraged disciples imprisoned him

GoD’s faith is/does separated from GoD’s magic

The followers of the God (stole, scattered, redirected) with his magic
and [the followers] used the GoD’s arcane power for their own
They disagreed on his fall
His followers divided amongst themselves his arcane powers
and stole his arcane powers.

The Fracturing Spinner - Harbinger of Directions

{increased chance} of {god} of {strike/hit/fighting}

GoD’s multitude strikes.
GoD’s Multiple Fights
GoD waged war
After multiple attempts (strike)
GoD gave {X}
The God had control/mastery over fighting,
The God of Domination was a skilled fighter.
Connection Symbol

{god} of {time} and {stun, free, imprison?}

GoD’s {time, prison}.
GoD’s Prison-Time
GoD was imprisoned
God finally broke free of his prison
GoD's time halted
During the time of his imprisonment,

{righteous} of {god} use {???} in {increased} on {strike}

GoD’s faith does {B}{1} multitude strikes.
GoD’s Faithful Scattered into Many Fights
GoD’s servants started fighting amongst themselves (in GoD’s absence)
(Meanwhile) The followers of god were misguided on fighting (multiple, strikes)
GoD's Faithfull Disbanded(Shattered), resulting in Fight of Many (basically War)
His followers divided this mastery amongst themselves
his disciples stole his fighting prowess.

The Unshattered Will -- Harbinger of Focus

{The Beast} around {Time}+{Assassin’s Mark’s symbol}

The Beast killed many over time.
In the moment the beast died
In time the beast died
The time of the Beast was over, has ended
The void around time created paths
When the Beast was Vulnerable (crit → take more damage → more vulnerable)
When the Beast died
When the Beast arrived in their world (bridge)
When the Beast was killed

God of Dominion Swiftly stopped the fight.

{God of Domination} of {Brutality} and {???} over {Prison? Imprison? Freeze? Stun?}
GoD brutally and {C}{1} stop
the God became enraged (brutal) and attacked his imprisonment
GoD brutality grew stronger over prison
GoD uses Physical (brutality) Resistance (Protection/Evasion/Shield) to overcome his prison
God did not enrage (deflect, rage) during his prison time
Connection Symbol

The GoD enacted brutally/cruelly and struck without resistance

The God became enraged and broke his imprisonment
the God of Domination raged and struck at his prison.

Their faith(bringer people) was no longer broken.

GoD’s will is unshattered
But GoD’s Mind was not connected
The GoD’s {resolve?} remained unbroken
However, [SOMETHING] remained unbroken (his soul/mind was uncorrupted, his will, etc?)
His [determination?] did not break.
This God cannot be dominated

The Enmity Divine -- Harbinger of Brutality

{God} of {brutal} on {movement impair?}

Entity of brutal over stop
GoD was enraged by his prison
The GoD stopped his brutality
The God was furious over the imprisonment
The God is enraged at his imprisonment,
As the God of Domination raged against his prison,

{God} around {arcane} use {???} {target/focus}

The magic in the entity have {C}-expansion
GoD’s magic {D}-{Grow}
The God’s power grew in his body
His magic/power leads to his hunger growing,
his hunger for arcane power grew.
GoD’s powers grew explosively...

{God} around {movement impair} use {not broken}

Entity containing stop remained whole
GoD’s prison was unshattered
The stopping did not break the GoD
The disbelief does not end
His imprisonment remains unbroken,
His prison doesn’t break.
Connection Symbol

{God} around {arcane} {target/focus} use {???} on {God} around {righteous} around {arcane}
Entity’s “Arcane Surge?” {C} over entity containing unrighteous magic-aura
GoD’s arcane surge was {D} from GoD’s faith’s magic
Instead, As the GoD’s power grew, his body gave power to his devotees
The growth of his magic/power leads to hunger for the magic/power of his followers
But his hunger for arcane powers also made his disciples grow hungry for arcane power.

The Rippling Thoughts -- Harbinger of the Arcane Skill

{gods?} around {Righteous} leads to {increased chance} of/in {strike/fight}

GoD’s faith {increased prevalence} from strike
Entity’s {thoughts?} uses projectiles that have become hits
God’s followers are better fighters
God’s People come up with the Attack.
GoD’s Followers were Called for War
The followers of the God have mastery over fighting,
His disciples gained mastery of fighting.

GoD’s faith {B} from expansion

Entity’s {thoughts?} uses {single target?} that have become expanded/area
God followers’ power grows
God’s People become strong.
GoD’s Followers Powers got Enhanced
The followers of the God are expanding their knowledge/skills
Their power is growing.

{gods?} around {Righteous} leads to {focus} over ???

God’s faith focused from {F}
Entity’s {thoughts?} uses focus that has become {?}
God’s followers are focused on an objective.
God’s People are no more (move to emptiness).
GoD’s Followers Concentrated on Leaving
The followers of the God are focused on leaving
They have turned their attention to ascension/godhood.

Justified focus on Wraeclast

Connection Symbol

Faith focused from Wraeclast

{thoughts?} uses focus that has become {rippling?}
Followers’ focus is wraeclast
People move to Wraeclast.
Followers Concentrated on Wraeclast
Their [prayers,hopes] focus on Wraeclast
The disciples looks to Wraeclast.


{God} around {Righteous} use {???} in {combat}

“gods around” the unrighteous have {A} over strikes
GoD’s faith is scattered from attacks
A Harbinger boss does something untranslated strikes, battle, combat
The kidnapped followers of the GoD are sent
The righteous GoD will shatter the land
GoD’s Faithful are scattered towards fight
GoD’s Faithful are gathered
God’s followers diverged to fight
The followers of the God have divided their attacks

Use {broken} in {wraeclast}

have shattered over wraeclast
That strike from Wraeclast
does break Wraeclast
break into Wraeclast
to fight and break Wraeclast
destroying all of wraeclast.
for break towards Wraeclast
to conquer Wraeclast
to break into Wraeclast
and broken onto Wraeclast
Connection Symbol


Harbinger of Storm Call + Frost Bomb (​Bombs dropped on minions’ deaths)​

PS: Maybe “Frost Bomb” is translated from {Drop}{Frost} -or- {Bomb}{Frost} -or-
{Drop}{Death} -or- {Bomb}{Death}?
Initially, was found on the Sword, meaning “Harbinger of The Arcane”, but {Arcane}
doesn’t really fit to “Frost Bomb”. There’s probably a wider translation.

For some reason I can't see the other harbinger with that new symbol but I had it last night
and posted on the wiki that it enlarged minions / allies and used flameblast. This symbol

GGG News 1

Bits of text provided by GGG​ that might help figure things out (the text from GGG could be
related… or not… worth exploring):
possible explanations from Toshis8

Time __ Reward(?) __ Fight/Strike Quote:

Better rewards for time spent in combat. The changes we're making in the near
future should make the league more
enjoyable to play while also providing much
Suggestion: This doesn’t mean whole
better reward for you time spent fighting
sentence GGG said, maybe it’s just part
for Time => spent IN combat

We're also going to increase the chance for
Harbingers to appear in maps, and they'll
often be more powerful and capable of
Harbinger __ Many(?) __ Maps summoning more minions.
Increase chance of Harbinger to appear in

Suggestion: Maybe it’s also just part for

Harbinger => Appear IN Maps (dream).
Connection Symbol

This one is found from here
Yes, but I don’t see any GGG text near this
GoD’s Prison(?) __ Not Break(?)
picture, that might explain what this
Yes I can’t see no text near it too, but by
using the translation pattern with the two
above ones it could be translated
hread/1942381/page/15 ​ look at the

If we use ​Toshis8​ mechanism on other texts… this is what we get:

Boss Harbinger

[Leader]? for GoD’s Faithful to direct Harbingers

Sword, 1st sentence

[increased chance]? for GoD’s Faithful to start Fighting

Mask, 3rd sentence

[Prison]? for GoD’s Faithful [verb] GoD

Mask, 4th sentence

[Shatter]? for GoD’s Faithful [verb] GoD’s Magic/Arcane

Quiver, 3rd sentence

[Shatter]? for GoD’s Faithful [verb] [increased chance]? for

Staff, 1st sentence

Brutality for GoD [verb] [Prison]?
Connection Symbol

... ...

Boss Harbinger (Beachhead)

This is taken from the boss harbinger in the beachhead. It seems to say something like:
God’s Follower who became leader of (IN) Harbingers

(or maybe the second symbol is a will or power, then it can be read as “God’s Will imbued
into harbinger” (this probably wrong))
“Entitys righteous/unrighteous has ??? over harbingers”
- “Divine being of ? over harbingers”
- “Our just ? over harbingers”
- “Entitys divinity of ? over harbingers”
- “Our god having ? over harbingers"
- “GoD’s faith leading from harbingers”
- ​“Entity’s Divine Will whose ??? becomes/turns/brings forth into harbingers” (also looks legit
- Here’s mine: “Our God’s Righteous commander/lieutenant” (i.e. the name denotes the
harbinger’s rank in an “Army of God”- perhaps based on the Crusades?)
-Since reading the symbols seems to require some contextualization, I’ve taken to reading it
as this: “High Templar Harbinger”
Just my translations. Please retranslate if you feel the need, and post it!
Connection Symbol

Existing Harbinger Monsters

Source​: ​
Note​: ​Red ​means “to confirm.”

Harbinger Monsters 

ID  Name  Skill(s) identified 

HRB1 Righteous Fire

HRB2 Flameblast

Flame Dash (3 times)

(Movement of Fire)

HRB4 Storm Call

Lightning Strike
HRB5 (looks like Storm Cascade
of the Rippling Thoughts)

“Enlarge Minions”
+ Flameblast

“{Buff Allies}”
+ Flame Dash (3 times)
Connection Symbol

Storm Call
+ Frost Bomb

Lightning Strike
+ Lightning Nova

Righteous Fire
+ Storm Call

+ Flame Dash

Flameblast (was also

HRB12 flame dashing??)
+ Storm Call

Storm Call
+ Lightning Strike

HRB14 Flameblast
+ Lightning Strike

Hatred Aura
HRB15 + Righteous Fire
(Need to confirm)

Wrath Aura
HRB16 + Lightning
Strike​(Lightning Cascade)

Anger Aura
+ Flameblast

Enfeeble (Aura)
+ Flame Dash
Connection Symbol

Assassin’s Mark
HRB19 (Blasphemy Aura)
+ Storm Call

Hatred + Righteous Fire +
Storm Call

Wrath + Flameblast +
HRB21 Flame Dash
(No screenshot found)

HRB22 + ??? (Fireball?)
+ Storm Call

Enfeeble (Aura)
HRB23 + Lightning Strike
+ Storm Call

Assassin’s Mark
(Blasphemy Aura)
+ ???
+ Lightning Strike

Anger + Enlarging
HRB25 (Enrage?) + Righteous

Enfeeble + Enlarging
HRB26 +Flameblast
(No screenshot found)

Assassin’s Mark + Flame

HRB27 Dash + Frost Bomb
(No screenshot found)

HRB28 + Storm Call
+ Lightning Nova
Connection Symbol

The Portal probably asks for specific skills ??

+ ​
Stargate symbols (clockwise, starting from bottom left):
Cold Harbinger
Lightning Fire (Firestorm?)
Lightning { } (Arc or Spark?) (“Void storm?” Referencing a location?)
??? Call/Summon
Harbinger ???
??? Cold
Harbinger Call/Summon
??? Fire
Connection Symbol

Harbinger Pillar Summon

All pillars seem to have the same text, no matter what they do:


1st side

2nd side

3rd side

4th side
Connection Symbol

Proximity Shield Pillar: o

Connection Symbol

Fire Trail Pillar (in Action): the pillar scorches a burning line on the ground

Discipline or something like that:

Connection Symbol

Throwing weird Molten Strike Orbs (the left one):

Hindering Aura:

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