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Fitbands High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Routine of the Week: Booty On Fire!

Complete 3 Rounds Created By IRONWILL GEAR

BURPEES (10-15x reps)

Start by standing with the fitbands around the ankles and your feet hip distance apart or very slightly wider. Lower
down into a deep squat to bring the hands all the way down to the floor by the feet. Keeping the fitbands tight, jump
the feet back into a plank position, with the shoulders directly over the hands and abs tight. Jump the feet back into
your low squat position and then jump into the air reaching the hands overhead.
(To modify, stand back up instead of jumping.)

CRISS CROSS (20x reps)

Lay on your back with the band around the arch of your feet and over your shoelaces. Place the hands behind
and lift into an ab curl twisting to the RIGHT. Keep the RIGHT knee in towards chest in tabletop, and press the
LEFT leg out to 45 degrees. Use the obliques to twist the torso to the LEFT, as you use the lower abs to pull the
LEFT knee into tabletop and press the RIGHT leg out. Remember to always twist towards the knee that's in to the
chest. Repeat 10 times on each side for a total 20 repetitions.
TAP BACKS (20x reps)
Start in a full plank position on the hands, with the fitband around the ankles. Engage the abs to keep the
hips steady and lift the RIGHT leg straight up to squeeze the booty at the top. Lower the toe back down
and repeat on the other side. Complete 10 reps on each side for a total of 20 reps.

ARM+LEG REACH (20x reps)

Come onto your hands and knees with the loop around the arches of the feet and the tops of the shoelaces.
Engage the abs to keep your spine neutral and your hips steady. Lift the RIGHT leg back straight behind
you as you reach the LEFT arm straight in front of you. Make sure you squeeze the booty in the back, then
lower back down to the hands and knees. Repeat on the other side lifting the LEFT leg and the right arm.
Continue for 10 reps on each side for total of 20 reps.
PLANK JACKS (30-60 secs)
Start in a plank position with the band around your ankles and your feet hip distance apart. Keep your shoulders
right over your hands and your hips steady as you jump your feet wider than shoulder width apart, and then back
narrow, as if you were doing jumping jacks. Make sure to keep your abs tight and your body in a perfect plank.
Continue the "jumping jacks" for 30-60 seconds.

ROLL UP (10x reps)

Sexy, Strong, and Ready

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