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Question #1

1. Study the following basic facts about ABC Elementary School.

2. Have a situational analysis of the school. Present your analysis in 4 columns showing the

3. Based on your analysis make a plan of action showing your interventions to improve ABC
Elementary School.


I. Core Values, Vision and Mission

Core Values: Integrity, Excellence, leadership

Vision: A high performing school with dedicated teachers and administrator, adequate
resources and facilities, strong supportive parents all towards the development
of the child’s full potential.

Mission: Promote a competitive environment for the total development of the child
through the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders.

II. Profile of the community and the School

A. Community

ABC Elementary School is located in Barangay XYZ which is 3 kilometers away from
the town with 10 tricycles and 10 motorbikes providing the ride needs of the populace on its
bumpy road. Means of communication is through few private cellular phones.

It has a barangay plaza with a stage, multipurpose pavement , a barangay hall with a
day care center and playground facilities for children. And it has street lights.

B. School

ABC Elementary School is a complete monograde school with a total enrolment of 450
pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 6 with 10 teachers, all of whom are TI. The school is headed by
a newly appointed Head Teacher .
On pupil achievement

For the last three years, the school has these NAT results

SY English Science Math Araling Filipino


2007- 34.00 42.08 23.00 51.00 46.00


2008- 32.43 41.00 34.00 45.00 45.00


2009- 31.09 36.00 21.00 42.00 41.00


Pupils are polite and obedient but many of them have irregular class attendance.

On Instructional supervision

In terms of instructional, the Head teacher who has been appointed for 3 months
needs training and mentoring or coaching. He has never observed any class.

On Manpower and staff

Ages of teachers range from 25 – 59 years. Though teachers attended many trainings
for capacity building with focus on contents and strategies, all of them have not attended any
training on diversity of learners and performance-based assessment.

Teachers are cooperative, resourceful and creative but 30% of them are always absent
and don’t write lesson plans.

On curriculum

30% of the teachers can’t finish all the skills in the PELC. There are lesson guides for
Science and Math but there’s none for English, Filipino and Araling Panlipunan.

Textbook-pupil ratio in all subject areas is 1:5.

There’s no TV and VCD for classroom instruction use.

Physical Facilities/Equipment
Most of the instructional classrooms are in good condition. Only 2 classrooms need
minor repair.

The school has no playground facilities and sports equipment for the socio-
psychomotor and physical development of the pupils.

On Community Extension

Only 50% of the parents are attending Brigada sa Eskwela and the same percentage
of parents attend PTCA meetings.

Social Opportunities

-Loving people; high number of professionals

-Some parents are illiterate.

Question #2: Identify some trends, problems and issues in the Philippine Educational system in each
of the four streams ( Equitable Access, Quality and Relevance, School
Management of Education Services and Performance Indicators) . Cite solutions,
i.e., PROGRAMS AND/OR PROJECTS , both local and international initiated in
order to improve the status of the system.

Question #3 : Explain /discuss very comprehensively the following topics: Substantiate your
discussion by citing authorities/advocates of each.

1. Educational Management
2. Functions of Management
3. Managerial Ethics
4. Managerial Communication
5. Personnel Management
6. Managing Conflict and Change
7. Motivation
8. Leadership and Leadership Styles
9. Supervision and Administration
10. Laws Related to Education
a. Republic Act 9155
b. Education Act of 1982
c. Republic Act 6713
d. Philippine Constitution

Question #1-A: Discuss the philosophical/psychological thought/s of each of the following


1-B: Cite their contribution/s to education.

- Aristotle
- Thomas Aquinas
- John Locke
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- John Dewey
-Sigmund Freud

Question # 2-A Draw your own philosophy. Cite your personal convictions about:

a. The Nature of God

b. The Nature of the Universe
c. The Nature of Man
-his place in the universe
-man and education
d. Reality/Truth
e. What is good/evil?

Question #2-B. Based on your own personal philosophy, come up with a school you want to establish.
Discuss every comprehensively the_______ of this school.

a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Aims of the school
d. Curriculum
e. Methods of Teaching
f. The teachers that you are going to hire
g. The students that you are going to accept

Question #3 Considering the METAPHYSICS, EPISTEMOLOGY, LOGIC , AXIOLOGY), which of the

EXISTENTIALISM)has the greatest impact in Philippine education. Cite
common practices to support your answer.

Question #1: Regardless of type or method, all research studies are conducted using more or
less the same process. Below is a graphical presentation of the research process. Discuss very
comprehensively and clearly each of the steps included in the process.


Identification and definition of a Research Problem

Statement of Theoretical/Conceptual Operational Definition

Research Problem Framework Formulation of Variables

Hypothesis Formulation

Choosing Appropriate Research Design

Identification of Target Population and Sampling

Data Collection

Preparation of Reliabity Question Quality

research Instrument Testing and Administration/Inter- Control
Validation view

Data Processing

(Editing, Coding, Encoding, Creation of Data files Tabulations)

Data Analysis and Interpretation

(Statistical Analysis, Interpretation, Generalization

Report Preparation and Information Dissemination

Question N0. 2. Make a research proposal on any educational related subject of your interest. Be
sure that your proposal has the following basic parts:
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Statement of the Problem/Research Objectives
4. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
5. Significance of the Study
6. Review of Related Literature (Discuss here the literature/studies that you have to
7. Methodology (Description of the design, sampling, data collection, data processing
and data analysis)

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