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How does work affect your school performance?

Group #2

Jordan Brandon
Jaxon Jabara
Chantal Ramirez

Gary Lewallen
April 24, 2019
Group #2 How does work affect your school performance?
page: 1

When deciding what question to survey students, our group decided on a topic that we all

had in common. That topic was work outside of school. Each of us respectively work, above

twenty hours outside of school. We all understand the lack of time we have to spend on

homework, because of our intense work schedule. We felt it was a necessary topic to survey, and

figure out if work outside of school is affecting performance, grades, etc. Our questions included,

What is your GPA?, How many hours do you work a week?, How frequently have you had to

miss school due to work?, How many credit hours are you taking?, Do you consider your job

stressful or nonstressful? , Do you consider your classes stressful or nonstressful?.


After viewing the results to our questions we were surprised with the amount of students

who actually work outside of school. We were surprised, because it was fewer amount of

students than we suspected. When asked, “How many hours do you spend outside of school at

work?”, our mode was 0.

Group #2 How does work affect your school performance?
page: 2

Meaning students are more focused on school performance than working. Furthermore,

when asked, “What is your GPA?”, our most frequent response was 4.0. More students also find

their school work to be more stressful than their outside of school job.


After analyzing our data we have come to the conclusion that most students are more

focused on school rather than work. In the end, as a group our hypothesis was, that most students

are working, and don’t have enough required time for school. Our hypothesis, is not fully correct

considering most of the student responses show an average of 3.3 GPA, and a mode of a 4.0.

Meanwhile, we also had a high amount of students say they work 0 hours a week. To answer our

question of, How does work affect your school performance, work does not affect the school

performance, because out of the students surveyed, most of them are not working.

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