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Jerry Uelsmann Showcased at UA

By Michael John

Untitled​ - Photograph by Jerry Uelsmann

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - The Sarah Moody Gallery of Art, located on the UA campus, showcased

the work of renowned photographer Jerry Uelsmann on Tuesday, April 16th. The exhibit

features 58 photographs from Uelsmann’s most recent work, where he photographs normal

scenes, such as people or landscapes, then distorts them through dodging and masking

photography techniques. The result is an array of surrealistic black and white photographs. The

photos showcased in this exhibit are inspired by Uelsmann’s relationship with Dr. Moa Petersen,
a European art history scholar and friend to the featured artist. The artist’s photographs show his

introverted personality through the distortion of reality and solitary style of art. These are both

authentic traits of Uelsmann that reflect directly in his individualistic art pieces. Will Dooly, art

director, said “It is amazing that we are able to host such a renowned artist who has inspired so

many for decades.” Uelsmann has produced exquisite photography for years, as far back as 1967,

when his solo show work was shown in the Museum of Modern Art. “You can tell, Uelsmann

leaves a trail of history in his photos,” said Connor Ranges, a UA art history major attending the

exhibit. Ranges continued, “It’s really cool to interpret his work and allow the images to mean

different things depending on the time period and what his theme is for that specific showing.”

Jerry Uelsmann’s work will be featured in The Sarah Moody Art Gallery until May 1st.

Word Count: 255

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