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Text Book of Agada Tantra

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Chaukhambha Orientalia, New Delhi, 2011. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. Contents: 1. Introduction of
Agadtantra. 2. Visha. 3. Mythological origin and Panchabhautika concept of Visha. 4. Visha Pareeksha. 5.
Classification of Visha. 6. Concept of Gara. 7. Dooshivisha. 8. Sthavara Visha. 9. Visha Vegas. 10. Sthavara Visha
Chikitsa. 11. Chaturvimshati Upakramas. 12. Sarpa. 13. Keeta Visha. 14. Vruschika. 15. Lootha Visha. 16.
Mooshika Visha. 17. Alarka Visha. 18. Madaatya. 19. Food poisoning. 20. Viruddhara. 21. Air pollution. 22. Water
pollution. 23. Land pollution. 24. Toxicology. 25. Poisons. 26. Mechanical irritant poisons. 27. Metallic poisons. 28.
Special Agadas. Page Extent: vi + 378.

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