DH 2 Talents Combined

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Tier 1 Talents

DH2 Ambidextrous Ag 30 Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Reduce penalties for using two weapons.
DH2 Blind Fighting Per 30 Perception Fieldcraft Eliminates melee combat penalties for obscured vision.
Beyond Bodyguard Agility 35 Agility Defence Take an attack that would hit an allly.
DH2 Catfall Ag 30 Agility Fieldcraft Reduce falling damage.
Clues from the
DH2 Fel 30 General Social Can re-roll a test made to gather information froma group.
DH2 Die Hard WP 40 Willpower Defence Test Willpower to avoid Fatigue from Blood Loss.
DH2 Disarm Ag 30 Weapon Skill Defence Force opponent to drop weapon.
DH2 Double Team — General Offence Gain additional +10 for outnumbering opponent.
DH2 Enemy † — General Social An organization or group particularly despises the character.
Within Flagellant Willpower 30 Offence Toughness Gain fatigue to gain +10 bonus to willpower based tests.
Ferric Lure
DH2 Ferric Summons Willpower Tech Can summon larger metallic objects.
DH2 Frenzy — Strength Offence Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses.
Without Grenadier Ballistic Skill 35 Ballistic Skill Finesse Reduce the distance scattered up to half BS bonus.
DH2 Iron Jaw T 40 Toughness Defence Test Toughness to overcome Stunning.
DH2 Jaded WP 40 Willpower Defence Ignore mundane horrors.
DH2 Keen Intuition Int 35 Perception Social Can retry Awareness test once with –10 modifier.
DH2 Leap Up Ag 30 Agility General Stand as a Free Action.
Agility 35, Dodge
Without Leaping Dodge Agility Defence May use dodge instead of agility against spray weapons.
Operate+10 or
Ballistic Skill / reduces any penalty for making corresponding attacks (Melee or Ranged)
Within Mounted Warrior † Survival+10, BS or Offence
Weapon Skill from a moving vehicle or mount by 10.
WS 30
DH2 Nowhere to Hide Per 30 Perception Offence Can add DoS from the attack to reduce armour value of cover.
DH2 Peer † Fel 30 Fellowship Social Character has good reputation amongst chosen group.
DH2 Quick Draw — Agility Finesse Draw weapon as Free Action.
DH2 Rapid Reload — Agility Fieldcraft Reduce reload time.
DH2 Resistance † — Toughness Defence Gain +10 bonus to particular resistance test.
Without Skilled Rider Operate+10 Agility Fieldcraft Allows for agility test to Mount or Dismount a vehicle as a FA.
DH2 Sound Constitution — Toughness General Gain an additional wound.
DH2 Takedown — Weapon Skill Offence Make special attack to stun opponent.
DH2 Technical Knock Int 30 Intelligence Tech Un-jam gun as Half Action.
Psy Rating,
DH2 Warp Sense Psyniscience, Per Perception Psyker Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action.
Tech Use +10, Int
DH2 Weapon-Tech Intelligence Tech Increase potency of advanced weaponry.
DH2 Weapon Training † — General Finesse Use Weapon Group without penalty.

Tier 2 Talents
Ambassador Fellowship 35, Reduces penalty's and allow re-rolls to Interaction skill tests for dealing with
Without Perception Social
Imperialis Intelligence 35 xenos.
Allow re-rolls at -10 on Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test when utilizing
Without Archivator Int 40 Knowledge Perception
sources of recorded information.
Int 35, Tech-Use,
DH2 Armour-Monger Intelligence Tech Increase the efficacy of physical armour.
Trade (Armourer)
DH2 Battle Rage Frenzy Strength Defence Parry while frenzied.
DH2 Bulging Biceps S 45 Strength Offence Remove bracing requirement from Heavy weapons.
Willpower 45, Iron
Beyond Bulwark of Faith Defence Willpower When you pass a fear test against a daemon it take 1 damage.
DH2 Combat Master WS 30 Weapon Skill Defence Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering the character.
Int 35 or Per 35, Can use Per or Int instead of Ag for Initiative rolls, and rolls two dice (picking
DH2 Constant Vigilance † Perception Defence
Awareness +10 higher) for the result.
DH2 Contact Network Cover-Up, Int 35 Fellowship Leadership Use Fellowship instead of Influence for Requisition tests.
S 40 or WP 40,
Coordinated +10 bonus to all Interrogate tests, additional +5 for others who also have
DH2 Clues from the Intelligence Social
Interrogation Coordinated Interrogation.
DH2 Counter Attack WS 40 Weapon Skill Defence May attack after successful Parry.
DH2 Cover-Up Int 35 Intelligence Knowledge Can reduce Influence by 1 to gain 1d5 Subtlety.
Forbidden Lore
Re-roll failed Awareness and Psyniscience Tests againts deamons attacks
Beyond Daemonhunter (Daemonology), Offence Willpower
agianst daemons gain Proven (3).
Willpower 40
Psy rating 3,
Willpower 45,
Beyond Daemonologist Psyker Willpower +10 bonus to the Focus Power test against daemons.
Forbidden Lore
DH2 Deny the Witch WP 35 Willpower Defence Can use Willpower to Evade against psychic attacks.
DH2 Devastating Assault WS 35 Weapon Skill Offence A successful All Out Attack grants a second attack.
DH2 Double Tap Finesse Offence Successful first attack grants bonus to second attack.
Exotic Weapon
DH2 — Intelligence Finesse Gain proficiency with one exotic weapon type.
Training †
Fel 35, Clues from
DH2 Face in a Crowd Fellowship Social Can use Fellowship instead of Agility when Shadowing.
the Crowds
Ballistic Skill or
Weapon Skill 40 When using called shots the character may use Forbidden Lore (Xenos) skill,
Ballistic Skill /
Without Field Vivisection † Forbidden Lore Knowledge he makes a Medicae (WS) or Medicae (BS) test in place of the normal Weapon
Weapon Skill
(Xenos–Any), Skill or Ballistic Skill test.
Medicae +10
DH2 Hard Target Ag 40 Agility Defence –20 to hit character when he Charges or Runs.
Willpower 35, 10
Beyond Hardened Soul Defence Willpower When gaining Corruption exchange up to have with insanity.
DH2 Hardy T 40 Toughness Defence Character always heals as if Lightly Damaged.
DH2 Hatred † — Weapon Skill Social Gain +10 bonus to attack hated creatures.
DH2 Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Characters may shoot when moving.
Operate+10 or
Without Hotshot Pilot Agility Tech Take fatigue to reduce or increase DOS on Operate Tests.
DH2 BS 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Fire at multiple targets more than 10 metres apart.
BS 40 or WS 40, Per Ballistic Skill / Attacker imposes penalty on DoS from Evasion test equal to DoS his initial
DH2 Inescapable Attack † Finesse
35 Weapon Skill attack.
Beyond Inspiring Aura Halo of Command Leadership Willpower Can use the command skill on all allies.
Resistance (Fear),
Beyond Iron Resolve Defence Willpower Re-roll failed fear and pinning with a -10 modifier.
DH2 Killing Strike WS 50 Weapon Skill Offence Spend Fate point to make melee attacks unavoidable.
Linguistics (Any)
Without Lexographer Intelligence Knowledge Treats all unlearned languages as basic untrained skills.
DH2 Luminen Shock Weapon Skill Tech Character can discharge energy in melee attack.
Maglev Coils,
DH2 Mechanicus Intelligence Tech Character can hover for longer periods of time.
DH2 Marksman BS 35 Ballistic Skill Finesse No penalties for firing at long or extreme range.
Mechadendrite Use Mechanicus
DH2 Intelligence Tech Gain ability to use certain Mechadendrites.
† Implants
Without One-on-One Weapon Skill 40 Finesse Weapon Skill Gain half WS bonus on successful WS tests.
Psy rating, Strong
Within Penitent Psyker Minded, Willpower Psyker Defence Gain fatigue to gain bonus's to opposed willpower tests.
Ballistic Skill /
DH2 Precision Killer † BS 40 or WS 40 Finesse No penalty to making Called Shot in either Ranged or Melee Combat.
Weapon Skill
DH2 Prosanguine Toughness Tech Test to heal 1d5 damage.
Within Purity of Hatred † Hatred (Any) Offence Willpower Gain Vengeful (9) against those you hate.
Common Lore
(Imperial Creed)
Once per round as a half actions the character can causes daemons to suffer -
Beyond Rites of Banishment +10 or Forbidden Offence Willpower
10 to their willpower tests.
WP 30, Resistance
DH2 Strong Minded Willpower Defence May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.
(Psychic Powers)
DH2 Swift Attack WS 30 Weapon Skill Finesse May make multiple melee attacks.
Psy rating,
Within Tainted Psyker Psyniscience +10, Knowledge Psyker Gain corruption in exchange for bonus's to Focus Power tests.
10 Corruption
Two-Weapon Ballistic Skill /
DH2 — Finesse May fight with two weapons.
Wielder † Weapon Skill
Ambidextrous, Ag When fighting unarmed, attacks hit as Deadly Natural Weapons and user can
DH2 Unarmed Specialist Strength Offence
35, WS 35 re-roll damage.
Psy Rating, Strong
DH2 Warp Conduit Willpower Psyker Spend Fate point to add 1d5 to psy rating.
Minded, WP 50

DH2 Whirlwind of Death WS 40 Weapon Skill Finesse Make one attack for each melee opponent.
Forbidden Lore
Within Witch Finder (Psykers) +10, Knowledge Perception Gain the Psyniscience skill.
Willpower 45
Forbidden Lore
Without Xenosavant Intelligence Knowledge Treats all unlearned Forbidden Lore (Xenos) as basic untrained skills.

Tier 3 Talents
Jaded, Resistance
DH2 Adamantium Faith Willpower Defence Reduces DoF from failed Pinning and Fear tests.
(Fear), WP 45
Shared Destiny,
This character and allies can reduce corruption gained by 1 or
Within Aegis of Contempt Shield of Contempt, Defence Leadership
spend a fatepoint to gain 0 corruption.
Hatred (any)
DH2 Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatics Weapon Skill Fieldcraft After melee attack, test Acrobatics to move.
Psy Rating, Strong
DH2 Bastion of Iron Will Willpower Psyker Gain bonus for Opposed tests against psychic powers.
Minded, WP 40
WS 30, Weapon
DH2 Blademaster Training (any Weapon Skill Finesse Reroll missed attack, once per round.
DH2 Crushing Blow WS 40 Weapon Skill Offence Add half WS bonus to damage inflicted in melee.
Bane of the
Daemonic Creatures with Warp Instability trait roll on test for Warp Instability, after a
Beyond Daemon, Willpower Willpower General
Disruption successful attack.
50, Untouchable

Hardened Soul, 20 When gaining a mutation due to corruption, the character may choose to
Beyond Dark Soul Toughness Willpower
Corruption points pass.
DH2 Deathdealer † BS 45 or WS 45 Perception Finesse Add Per bonus to damage inflicted in combat.
Fel 50,
Delicate Reduce Subtlety loss by 1d5 when conducting an
DH2 Coordinated Intelligence Finesse
Interrogation investigation.
Ballistic Skill 45,
Within Divine Protection General Finesse Spray attacks do not harm allies.
Willpower 35
Spend 1 Fate point to increase damage and
DH2 Eye of Vengeance BS 50 Ballistic Skill Offence
DH2 Favoured by the War WP 35 Willpower Psyker Roll twice for Psychic Phenomena and choose result.
Int 40, Contact
DH2 Flash of Insight Perception Knowledge Spend 1 Fate point to reveal a clue.
DH2 Halo of Command Fel 40, WP 40 Fellowship Leadership Affect NPCs within 100xFelB metres with Social skills.
DH2 Hammer Blow Crushing Blow Strength Offence Make a thunderous strike with a melee weapon.
Operate+10 or
Without Hull Down Agility Fieldcraft Vehicle gains decreases size by 1 and gains cover against attacks.
DH2 Infused Knowledge Int 40, Lore (any one Intelligence Knowledge Know a little bit about everything.
Instrument of
Beyond Willpower 50 Offence Willpower Increase damage by double your willpower against Daemons.
his Will
Adamantium Faith,
If the inquisitor passes a fear or pinning test, allies and
Into the Jaws Halo of
Within Leadership Willpower servants reduce their degress of failure on the same test
of Hell Command, Will of
by the inquisitors fellowship bonus.
the Inquisitor
Shared Destiny,
Strength through
Indomitable This character and allies can reduce Insanity gained by 1 or
Within Conviction, Leadership Willpower
Conviction spend a fatepoint to gain 0 insanity.
Resistance (Fear),
Beyond Iron Faith Iron Resolve Defence Willpower Grants immunity to the effects of the Baneful Presence trait.
DH2 Lightning Attack Swift Attack Weapon Skill Finesse Character may make many melee attacks with single roll.
Luminen Shock,
DH2 Luminen Blast Capacitors, Ballistic Skill Tech May discharge stored energy as a ranged attack.
DH2 Mastery † Rank 4 in selected sk Intelligence Knowledge May spend Fate point to succeed on test.
DH2 Mighty Shot BS 40 Ballistic Skill Offence Add half BS bonus to ranged damage rolls.
Ignore penalties from Critical damage by spending Fate
DH2 Never Die WP 50, T 50 Toughness Defence
DH2 Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50 Agility Offence Double speed when charging.
Operate+10 or
Without Push the Limit Perception Tech Once per round, the character may add +20 to an Operate test .
Favoured by May spend a fatepoint to negate psychic phenomena when
Beyond Sanctic Purity Psyker Willpower
the Warp, using Sanctic Daemonology powers.
Willpower 50
Beyond Shield Wall Defence Weapon Skill Re-roll one failed Evasion test to Parry an attack per round.
Weapon Skill 40
DH2 Sprint — Agility Fieldcraft Move more quickly in combat.
DH2 Step Aside Agility 40, Dodge or PAgility Defence Can make additional Dodge or Parry attempt.
DH2 Rank 2 in Medicae skIntelligence Fieldcraft Gain +20 to Medicae tests, bonuses to first aid tests.
DH2 Target Selection BS 50 Ballistic Skill Finesse May shoot into melee without penalty.
DH2 Thunder Charge S 50 Strength Offence Break enemies with armoured charge.
DH2 True Grit T 40 Toughness Defence Reduce Critical damage taken.
Ag 45,
Ambidextrous, BS
Two-Weapon No penalties when fighting with two single-handed
DH2 40 or WS 40, Two- Finesse Offence
Master weapons.
Psy Rating,
DH2 Warp Lock Strong Minded, WP Willpower Psyker Ignore Psychic Phenomenon once per session.
Without Weapon Intuition Exotic Weapon Train Intelligence Finesse reduce the penalty for using a untrained weapon by 10.
Aegis of Contempt Ambidextrous
The Inquisitor wards his mind and soul to withstand the This talent does not represent true ambidexterity so much
influence of the Archenemy of Mankind. Just as his as sufficient training with both hands to make the
Acolytes help him to guard Mankind against such distinction moot.
damnation, so does he guard them, strengthening their Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
resolve with benedictions of hatred and cleansing prayers. Tier: 1
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within Prerequisites: Agility 30
Tier: 3 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill
Prerequisites: Shared Destiny, Shield of Contempt, Hatred Effects: When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder talent,
(any) the penalty for making attacks with both weapons in the
Aptitudes: Defence, Leadership same turn drops to –10.
Effects: Whenever this character or an ally within 10
metres gains Corruption, reduce the amount gained by 1
to a minimum of 0. In addition, an ally within 10 metres Archivator
can spend a Fate point to gain 0 Corruption instead. These Whether through years of experience or specialized
effects do not stack when there are multiple characters training, the Acolyte is a master of mining information
with this talent within range. from the Imperium’s countless archives. From delving into
deep info-crypts to searching moldering librarium stacks

Adamantium Faith and deciphering ancient tech-slabs, the Acolyte can

uncover knowledge thought long lost.
The Acolyte has become inured to horrors that would Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
cripple lesser men. This might come from years of facing Tier: 2
incoming fire, staring down the terrors of the Warp, or Prerequisites: Int 40
simply his absolute faith in the Emperor. Aptitudes: Knowledge, Perception
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Effects: When making a Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore
Tier: 3 test utilizing sources of recorded information of any sort,
Prerequisites: Jaded, Resistance (Fear), Willpower 45 such as cogitators, tomes, info-nets, and data-slates, the
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence character can re- roll a failed test once with a –10 penalty.
Effects: He can subtract his Willpower bonus from his In addition, tests to perform research or find information
degrees of failure on a failed Fear or Pinning test. If this in these circumstances take half the usual time.
reduces the result to zero or less, he counts as having
passed the Fear test with 1 degree of success.
Ambassador Imperialis The Acolyte is a skilled armourer, and constantly tinkers
and improves his armour, or keeps it in pristine shape by
Whether from serving in the fleet of a Rogue Trader or repairing the slightest damage it sustains. With years of
dealing with xenos mercenaries on frontier worlds, the training, he has even learned to enhance the protection
Acolyte is experienced in dealing with alien and the most afforded by his armour and how to use it to its optimum.
divergent of non- Imperial cultures, able to avoid the Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
subtle faux pas that can so easily cause a negotiation to Tier: 2
deteriorate into bloodshed. Prerequisites: Intelligence 35, Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer)
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
Tier: 2 Effects: The character gains an extra amount of Armour
Prerequisites: Fellowship 35, Intelligence 35 points equal to his Intelligence bonus, which he can
Aptitudes: Perception, Social distribute to any locations that his armour would normally
Effects: The character reduces any penalty to Interaction cover, as long as he has at least an hour each day to clean
skill tests for dealing with xenos or non-Imperial NPCs by and repair it or make minor modifications. This bonus
20. In addition, once per encounter, he can reroll a failed applies only to armour when the Acolyte is wearing it, as it
Interaction skill test when interacting with such an NPC. combines his training with his skill at armoury.
Assassin Strike Blind Fighting
The character’s natural agility and graceful martial form Years of practice and development of his other senses
turn him into a dervish of death in combat. allows the Acolyte to fight in close combat without the
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB benefit of sight.
Tier: 3 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Prerequisites: Acrobatics, Agility 40 Tier: 1
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft Prerequisites: Perception 30
Effects: After making a melee attack, a successful Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
Challenging (+0) Acrobatics skill test allows the Acolyte to Effects: He ignores all penalties for fighting with a melee
move at half rate as a Free Action. He may only make this weapon while suffering from obscured vision, permitting
move once per round, and the character’s opponent does him to fight in fog, smoke, or darkness more effectively.
not receive a free attack resulting from this move. See page 229 for a full list of normal penalties based on
lighting and vision. Note this talent only improves his

Bastion of Iron Will chances to hit with melee weapons, and has no effect on
ranged weapon attacks.
The Acolyte’s sheer willpower and psychic focus have
become one and the same, over years of practice and
training, such that their combined use is second nature. Bodyguard
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB The Acolyte has trained to protect his allies or superiors,
Tier: 3 prepared to even throw himself in the way of a bolt shell
Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 40 or whirring chain blade if necessary.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
Effects: He adds 5 x his psy rating to any Opposed test he Tier: 1
makes when defending against psychic powers. Prerequisites: Agility 35
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence

Battle Rage Effects: After an enemy makes a successful attack against

an ally, the character may use a Reaction to move up to his
Long experience and indomitable will have allowed the Half Move distance in order to interpose himself between
character to master the beast within, directing its rage the attacker and target. The attack is then resolved against
while keeping his head, despite the howling bloodlust in the character instead of the original target. In the case of a
his mind. melee attack, the character may also attempt to Parry the
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB attack as part of his Reaction.
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Frenzy
Aptitudes: Strength, Defence Bulging Biceps
Effects: The Acolyte can Parry while Frenzied, and can re- Whereas a weaker man might be sent flying by the recoil
roll a failed test to snap out of Frenzy or resist entering of a heavy weapon, this Acolyte’s strong physique allows
Frenzy if he so chooses. him to remain standing.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB

Blademaster Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Strength 45
The Acolyte’s mastery of bladed weapons and their martial Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
disciplines has no peer. Effects: He can fire a heavy weapon using Semi- Auto Burst
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB or Full Auto Burst without bracing the weapon, and does
Tier: 3 not suffer the –30 penalty for failing to brace it. In addition,
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30, Weapon Training (any whenever he uses the Heft special use of the Athletics skill
melee) (see page 98) he can add +20 to his Athletics skill test to
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse reflect his powerful musculature.
Effects: When attacking with any bladed weapon,
including chainswords, axes, and power swords, he can re-
roll one missed attack per round.
Bulwark of Faith Constant Vigilance
The Acolyte’s faith is both a shield and a weapon. So filled From years of surviving ambushes and surprise attacks,
with righteous fervor is he that Daemons recoil from the the Acolyte is always ready for battle. His subconscious is
blinding light of his faith, their unholy forms sundered. alert to the slightest footstep or activation of a lasgun pack,
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond and he acts often before he is fully aware of the threat.
Tier: 2 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Prerequisites: Willpower 45, Iron Faith Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower Prerequisites: Awareness +10, Intelligence 35 or
Effects: When the character passes a Fear test caused by a Perception 35
Daemon, the Daemon suffers 1 Energy damage ignoring Specialisations: Intelligence, Perception
armour and Toughness bonus for each degree of success Aptitudes: Perception, Defence
on the Fear test. Effects: When this talent is taken, the character selects the
Specialisation that matches the prerequisite (Perception or

Catfall Intelligence) used in purchase. He can use the

characteristic that matches that Specialisation when
Gymnastic ability and natural balance enables the Acolyte rolling for Initiative instead of his Agility value, and rolls
to fall great distances without harm. two dice for the roll (picking the highest of the two for his
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB score).
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Agility 30
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Contact Network
Effects: He automatically reduces the effective distance of Acolytes rely on a web of relationships, favours, debts, and
all falls by a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus, obligations that can range from within a hab-block to
ignoring this distance as if it did not exist. He also adds +20 spanning an entire system. Developing and exploiting this
to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special network properly allows them to gain access to weapons,
skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling. travel berths, personnel, and other resources when
needed; those who maximize their connections can ensure

Clues from the Crowds they are well-armed and well-prepared as they face a new
It is often difficult to extract information from groups such Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
as hive gangs or Administratum scribes, as often numbers Tier: 2
can bolster recalcitrance to questioning. A veteran Acolyte Prerequisites: Cover-Up, Intelligence 35
knows that such groups can hold critical information to Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
complete an investigation, and can throw more effective Effects: An Acolyte with this talent can use his Fellowship
nets when interrogating groups and reveal valued clues. characteristic in place of his Influence when making
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Requisition tests (see page 142).
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Fellowship 30
Aptitudes: General, Social Coordinated Interrogation
Effects: Once per day, he can re-roll a test made to gather A trained Acolyte, especially when working in conjunction
information from a group of people. with fellow veteran Acolytes, can induce cooperation from
even the most hardened of suspects and captured heretics.

Combat master Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB

Tier: 2
The Acolyte’s weapon seems to be everywhere at once, Prerequisites: Clues from the Crowds, Strength 40 or
keeping many more opponents at bay in close combat Willpower 40
than would seem possible. Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Effects: He gains a +10 bonus to all Interrogation tests, and
Tier: 2 gains an additional +5 for each other character
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30 participating in the interrogation who also has
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence Coordinated Interrogation. This counts as test assistance,
Effects: Opponents fighting him in hand-to-hand combat and thus also gains the standard assistance bonuses as per
gain no bonuses for Ganging Up (see page 229) page 25.
Counter Attack Prerequisites: Forbidden Lore (Daemonology), Willpower
The Acolyte’s lightning ripostes are things of deadly Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower
beauty; swift and invisible as the wind. Effects: The Acolyte may re-roll failed Awareness and
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Psyniscience tests to detect the presence of Daemons. In
Tier: 2 addition, his attacks against Daemons gain the Proven (3)
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40 quality.
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence
Effects: Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an
opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Daemonic Disruption
Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that The Untouchable’s very presence is anathema to Daemons,
opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The and only the strongest can threaten him. Creatures of the
character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test Warp that lay claw upon the Untouchable must struggle to
for this attack. maintain their hold in reality, lest mere contact hurl them
back into the Immaterium.

Cover –Up Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond

Tier: 3
Even the slightest whisper of the Inquisition’s presence Prerequisites: Bane of the Daemon, Willpower 50,
can be enough to scatter suspected heretics and drive Untouchable elite advance
cults into hiding. To prevent the growth and spread of Aptitudes: Willpower
rumours, Acolytes use combinations of well-placed bribes, Effects: Whenever a creature with the Warp Instability
dire threats, and other means to keep their activities as trait makes a successful attack test against this character,
secretive as possible. it must immediately test for Warp Instability after
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB resolving the attack.
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Intelligence 35
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge Daemonologist
Effects: At the GM’s discretion, the character can reduce The Acolyte is practiced in the dark arts, and
his Influence to increase his group’s Subtlety. For every knowledgeable in the strengths and vulnerabilities of
point of Influence lost in this way, the Acolyte increases Warp creatures. He is especially skilled at banishing
his warband’s Subtlety by 1d5. Daemons—or harnessing them—through the use of his
psychic abilities.

Crushing Blow Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond

Tier: 2
The Acolyte has the ability to focus his entire body into Prerequisites: Psy rating 3, Willpower 45, Forbidden Lore
close combat attacks. (Daemonology)
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Aptitudes: Psyker, Willpower
Tier: 3 Effects: When the character takes the Focus Power action
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40 and the target of the psychic power is a Daemon, he gains
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence a +10 bonus to the Focus Power test. At the GM’s
Effects: He adds half his Weapon Skill bonus (rounding up) discretion, this bonus may apply to other tests, such as
to damage he inflicts with melee attacks. rituals to summon or bind a Daemon.

Daemonhunter Dark Soul

Through years of experience and countless encounters Whether through devotion to the Emperor, sheer
that would blast the sanity and soul of a lesser man, the willpower, single-minded dedication to his duty, or the
Acolyte has honed his abilities to uncover and destroy the blessing of some dark power, the Acolyte’s internal
Daemon wherever it may be found. He knows and corruption remains outwardly invisible. With no mutations
recognizes the spoor of the Daemon, and his righteous to mark him as accursed, the Acolyte can continue his
anger ensures that his blows land squarely on the unholy radical work without detection.
adversary. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond Tier: 3
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Hardened Soul, 20 Corruption points
Aptitudes: Toughness, Willpower
Effects: When the character would test to gain a mutation Devastating Assault
as a result of increasing Corruption, he may choose to The Acolyte launches a furious attack on his foe, the rage
automatically pass the test. If he does, he also gains a of the Emperor powering his assault.
Malignancy and increases his Corruption total by 1d10. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 2

Deathdealer Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 35

Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
The Acolyte can place his hits where they inflict maximum Effects: Once per turn, after resolving an All Out Attack
harm, such as gaps or joints in armour. action that successfully hits, the character may make a
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB second All Out Attack action against the same target as a
Tier: 3 Free Action, with the same bonuses and penalties as the
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45 or Weapon Skill 45 first.
Specialisations: Ranged, Melee
Aptitudes: Perception, Finesse
Effects: When this talent is taken, the character selects the Die Hard
Specialisation that matches the prerequisite used in Through either mental resolve or sheer stubbornness, the
purchase (Melee with Weapon Skill, Ranged with Ballistic Acolyte refuses to fall.
Skill). When the character’s attack in that combat type Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
inflicts Critical damage, he adds his Perception bonus to Tier: 1
the damage result. Prerequisites: Willpower 40
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence

Delicate Interrogation Effects: When this character would suffer a level of

Fatigue due to the Blood Loss condition, he makes a
Questioning suspects and witnesses is always a necessary Challenging (+0) Willpower test; if he succeeds, he does
part of any investigation. Such sessions must remain not suffer a level of Fatigue.
secretive or obscured, however, lest others learn of the
Inquisition’s interest, and a variety of subterfuges,
deceptions, and outright threats come into play to aid this Disarm
effort. The Acolyte can wrest weapons from his opponents’ hands
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB through practiced technique or brute force.
Tier: 3 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Prerequisites: Coordinated Interrogation, Fellowship 50 Tier: 1
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse Prerequisites: Agility 30
Effects: Whenever the Acolyte would decrease his Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence
warband’s Subtlety due to an interrogation, the amount of Effects: As a Full Action, the character may make an
Subtlety lost is reduced by 1d5. If this results in a negative Opposed Weapon Skill test against one target with whom
number, the Acolyte’s skilled efforts increase the he is engaged. If the Acolyte wins the test, the enemy
warband’s Subtlety by 1. drops his weapon to the ground. Should the Acolyte score
three or more degrees of success, he can take the enemy’s

Deny the Witch weapon from him.

The Acolyte draws on his faith and mental fortitude to act

as his shield against those tainted by the Warp. Double Tap
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB The Acolyte is practiced in making dual attacks, and can
Tier: 2 almost subconsciously tell when his hits strike to best
Prerequisites: Willpower 35 effect.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Effects: The character may use his Willpower Tier: 2
characteristic when making an Evasion Reaction against Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Wielder
ranged or melee attacks against him made with psychic Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence
powers. When successfully evading an attack with an area Effects: When making a second ranged attack action in the
of effect, the character does not move but instead is same turn against the same target, he gains a +20 bonus
simply unaffected by the psychic power.
to the attack test if his first attack scored one or more approval of the GM, if the character has redeemed himself
successful hits. with the group in question. The Enemy talent can be
awarded multiple times for the same group, in which case

Double Team it should be listed as Enemy (X), with X equaling the

number of times the talent has been awarded. This can be
The Acolyte has experience of fighting in paired teams that used to represent groups who particularly hate the
work together to take down their enemies. Acolyte and want to see him dead. In game terms, the
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB penalty to Fellowship tests increases to –10 times X.
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: None
Aptitudes: General, Offence Exotic Weapon Training
Effects: When Ganging Up on an opponent, he gains an Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
additional +10 bonus to Weapon Skill tests. If both the Tier: 2
characters that outnumber the enemy have this talent, Prerequisites: None
then both gain an additional +10 bonus, for a total of +20. Specialisations: Each different exotic weapon
This bonus is in addition to the normal bonus gained from Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
Ganging Up on an opponent (see page 229). Effects: The Acolyte is trained to use a particularly obscure
type of weapon, such as a graviton gun or needle pistol.

Divine Protection Weapons requiring this unique talent are noted in their
armoury descriptions. Unlike other kinds of weapons
Those who hunt the witch and mutant often prefer to use training, this talent applies only to a single weapon type
cleansing ire to purify their unclean enemies. As if to and not a class of weapons. Note that an Exotic weapon
further demonstrate the cleansing power of lame, some with the Heavy class would also require the Weapon
such blessed warriors even use flamers and similar Training (Heavy) talent as well as Exotic Weapon Training
weapons when their allies are in the line of ire, yet in that specific weapon.
miraculously leave them unaffected. If a supposed ally
does succumb to the lames, surely that is only evidence of
concealed heresy. Eye of Vengeance
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within The Acolyte can focus his intent on where it is likely to do
Tier: 3 most damage to his enemy and then strike his foe down
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45, Willpower 35 with a single shot.
Aptitudes: Finesse Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Effects: When the Acolyte attacks using a weapon with the Tier: 3
Spray quality, it only strikes enemies within the area of Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50
effect; the attack does not harm allies. Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
Effects: Before making a ranged Standard Attack action, he

Enemy can spend a Fate point. If he does so, he adds the number
of degrees of success scored on the attack test to both his
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB damage and penetration for the hit.
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: None
Specialisations: Any listed in the sidebar The Powers of Face in a Crowd
Askellon above and others at GM’s discretion A successful investigation often involves trailing suspects
Aptitudes: General, Social without their knowledge, the better to follow them to
Effects: The opposite of Peer (see page 130); the Acolyte is hidden dens of heretical worship or criminal activity. With
particularly despised and possibly hunted by a specific training, the Acolyte can ensure none notice his presence,
social group or organization, heretical cult, or xenos race. through careful replication of a crowd’s mannerisms or
He suffers an additional –10 penalty to Fellowship and even joining gatherings while still keeping a careful eye on
Influence tests when dealing with this group, and the GM his quarry.
can use them to complicate his life from time to time. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Unlike other talents, Enemy does not cost any xp to Tier: 2
purchase and cannot be taken as an advance. Instead the Prerequisites: Clues from the Crowds, Fellowship 35
GM and player can agree to award it when appropriate to Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
the adventure or campaign. It can be removed with the
Effects: When employing the Shadowing special use of the Tier: 1
Stealth skill, he can use his Fellowship characteristic Prerequisites: Willpower 30
instead of his Agility. Aptitudes: Offence, Toughness
Effects: As a Full Action, the character can inflict some

Favoured by the Warp suitable punishment on his own body, suffering 1d5–2
levels of Fatigue (to a minimum of 1). He then gains a +10
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB bonus on Willpower tests to resist Fear, Pinning, psychic
Tier: 3 powers, or suffering Corruption, for one hour or until the
Prerequisites: Willpower 35 end of the current encounter. If the Acolyte also possesses
Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker the Frenzy talent, he can enter a Frenzied state as a Free
Effects: Whenever this character rolls on Table 6–2: Action while under the effects of this talent.
Psychic Phenomena (see page 196), so long as he does not
receive the Perils of the Warp result, he may roll a second
time and choose which result he receives. Flash of Insight
Despite steady application of logic and careful analysis,

Ferric Summons some conundrums remain insoluble, but inspiration could

come from outside sources, such as reading patterns from
The Acolyte has trained himself in better use of his Ferric wisps of lho smoke or even making direct appeals to the
Lure Implants (see page 182). Emperor for guidance. An Acolyte who has trained his
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB mind to process such lateral data can leap to conclusions
Tier: 1 that direct thinking cannot provide, and thus quash even
Prerequisites: Ferric Lure Implants, Mechanicus Implants the most hidden of heresies.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Effects: He can summon to his hand an unsecured metal Tier: 3
object weighing up to 2 kilograms per point of his Prerequisites: Contact Network, Coordinated
Willpower bonus, and can summon such objects up to 40 Interrogation, Intelligence 40
metres distant. Aptitudes: Perception, Knowledge
Effects: When stuck in an investigation, he can spend one

Field Vivisection Fate point to reveal a single clue or lead to aid in the
progression of his efforts.
The Acolyte is well-versed in the blasphemous anatomy of
his xenos foes, and uses this knowledge to utmost effect,
both in the laboratorium and on the battlefield. Frenzy
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without The Acolyte’s temper and passion boil just below the
Tier: 2 surface of his psyche, mostly held in check by his rational
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill 40, Forbidden mind, but easily released when needed.
Lore (Xenos–Any), Rank 2 in the Medicae skill Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Tier: 1
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Knowledge Prerequisites: None
Effects: Each time this talent is taken, the character selects Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
the Specialisation that matches the Characteristic and Effects: If he spends one full round fuelling his anger—by
Aptitude pair (Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill) used in flagellation, drugs, or other means—on the next round, he
purchase. When using the Called Shot action with a melee goes into an uncontrolled rage, gaining a +10 bonus to
or ranged attack (depending on the Specialisation) against Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but
a target for which the character has the appropriate suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, and
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) skill, he makes a Medicae (WS) or Fellowship. Note that characteristic penalties are different
Medicae (BS) test in place of the normal Weapon Skill or from characteristic damage (see page 188), and cannot
Ballistic Skill test. reduce a characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the
character must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat

Flagellant if possible. If he is not engaged with the nearest enemy, he

must move towards that enemy and engage it if possible.
The Acolyte knows that pain is cleansing, and regularly He will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping
mortiies his own flesh to atone for his sins. off a building in order to engage someone on the ground,
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within but he will take any actions that offer a reasonable
opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy. Effects: When he uses an All Out Attack action to make a
While Frenzied, he is immune to Fear, Pinning, Stunning single melee attack, he can add half his Strength bonus
effects, and the effects of Fatigue; he cannot Parry, retreat, (rounded up) to the weapon’s penetration. The attack also
or flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of the counts as having the Concussive (2) weapon quality, to
combat, and cannot use psychic powers while Frenzied. represent the shocking force of the blow’s impact.
After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy
targets for the character to attack, he can make a
Willpower test to snap out of his Frenzy. If he fails, he Hard Target
must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each Light on his feet, the Acolyte dodges and weaves as he
successive round, however, he can make another moves, skills learned from long years in the line of fire.
Willpower test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Tier: 2
Frenzying, he cannot Frenzy again for at least an hour, as Prerequisites: Agility 40
he recovers his mental and physical strength. Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Effects: When he performs a Charge or Run action,

Halo of Command opponents suffer a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill tests made
to hit him with ranged attacks. This penalty continues until
The Acolyte has trained himself to better to lead and sway the start of his next turn.
others, either motivating or terrifying those around him to
greater levels.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Hardened Soul
Tier: 3 The Acolyte knows that he must sacrifice his own salvation
Prerequisites: Fellowship 40, Willpower 40 in order to safeguard humanity, but that he must resist the
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership corruption for as long as possible. Through practiced
Effects: When targeting friendly NPCs through skills that meditation, self-flagellation, prayer and fasting, force of
have either the Social or Leadership Aptitudes (such as will, or even sorcerous rites, the character staves off the
Charm, Command, and Intimidate), he can affect those effects of his growing corruption, delaying the inevitable.
within 100 times his Fellowship bonus in metres rather Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
than 10 times that number. Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Willpower 35, 10 Corruption points

Grenadier Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower Effects: Whenever the

character would gain Corruption points, he may reduce
The Acolyte knows that grenades and other explosives are the amount gained by half (rounded up) and gain Insanity
amongst the most effective ways to bring down points equal to the amount reduced.
marauding alien beasts, or to quickly thin out hordes of
lesser xenos monstrosities.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without Hardy
Tier: 1 The Acolyte’s constitution allows him to rebound quickly
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 35 from shock or injury.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Effects: When the character misses with a thrown weapon Tier: 2
or weapon with the Blast quality, he may reduce the Prerequisites: Toughness 40
distance it scatters by a number of metres up to half his BS Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
bonus. Effects: When undergoing medical treatment or healing
from injuries, he always recovers damage as if Lightly

Hammer Blow Damaged, regardless of the level of damage he sustained.

The Acolyte strikes a single blow with such focus and force
that it breaks armour and pulps flesh as it strikes. Hatred
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB A group, organization, or race has wronged the character
Tier: 3 in the past, fueling this animosity.
Prerequisites: Crushing Blow Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Tier: 2
Prerequisites: None
Specialisations: Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Mutants,
Psykers, Xenos (specific), others including groups from the Hull Down
sidebar The Powers of Askellon on page 94. The Acolyte remains aware of his foes at all times in
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Social combat, carefully angling his vehicle or steed at each
Effects: When fighting opponents of that group in close moment to present a narrower silhouette to all attackers,
combat, the Acolyte gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill as well as taking the best advantage of any intervening
tests made against them. He also finds it difficult to back terrain to gain cover.
down from a fight with his hated foe, and must make a Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
Challenging (+0) Willpower test to retreat or surrender Tier: 3
when fighting them, unless suicidality outnumbered or Prerequisites: Rank 2 in Survival or any Operate skill
outclassed. Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
Effects: When the character takes a vehicle combat action

Hip Shooting with the Movement subtype, his vehicle or steed counts
the value of its Size trait as being one lower for purposes
The Acolyte’s prowess with ranged weapons is such that of attack modifiers and the benefits of cover until the start
he can still fire accurately without his eye behind the of his next turn.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 2 Independent Targeting
Prerequisites: Agility 40, Ballistic Skill 40 The Acolyte has developed his situational awareness to a
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse point where he can fire in two directions within a split
Effects: As a Full Action, he can both move up to his Full second.
Move rate and make a single attack with a ranged weapon. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
This attack can only be a single shot, and so cannot be a Tier: 2
semi- or full-automatic ranged attack for example. Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40
Characters with the Two-Weapon Fighting talent can use Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
this talent with Hip Shooting to make two single shots, if Effects: When firing two weapons as part of a single action
they are armed with a ranged weapon in each hand. (using the Two- Weapon Fighting talent, for example), the
character does not need his targets to be within 10 metres

Hotshot Pilot of each other.

Effects: When the situation calls for it, the operator

stretches the bounds of his abilities, displaying impressive Inescapable Attack
feats of maneuvering. This experience has also taught the The Acolyte can anticipate his opponent’s reactions, and
Acolyte how to recover from what might become fatal ensures his hits strike no matter how a foe tries to avoid
mishaps for a less skilled operator attempting such them.
maneuvers. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 or Weapon Skill 40,
Prerequisites: Rank 2 in Survival or any Operate skill, Perception 35
Agility 35 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee
Aptitudes: Agility, Tech Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Finesse
When the Acolyte succeeds on an Operate test (or Survival Effects: This talent applies to Melee or Ranged attacks,
test in the case of a living steed), he may voluntarily suffer depending on the Speciality chosen. After making a
1 level of Fatigue to add a number of degrees of success successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an
equal to half of his Agility bonus. When the Acolyte fails an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack, or
Operate test (or Survival test in the case of a living steed), Stun action, the character imposes a penalty on all evasion
he may voluntarily suffer 1 level of Fatigue in order to attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this attack
reduce the degrees of failure by an amount equal to his equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on
Agility bonus, to a minimum of 1. the attack test.
Infused Knowledge Into the Jaws of Hell
The Acolyte has been imbued with a great breadth of lore, The Inquisitor’s strength of conviction and faith in the
either through punishing noetic techniques or by arcane Emperor— or perhaps the fear of his retribution—inspires
methods kept secret by the guardians of technology and those at his side to fight on, even in the face of
learning. overwhelming odds and the terrors of the galaxy.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Lore (any one) Prerequisites: Adamantium Faith, Halo of Command, Will
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge of the Inquisitor
Effects: He counts as having all Common Lore and Aptitudes: Leadership, Willpower
Scholastic Lore skills at rank 1 (Known)—basically, he Effects: Servants and allies within 10 metres can subtract
knows something about everything. If he wishes to later the Inquisitor’s Fellowship bonus from their degrees of
improve his Lore skills, these advances must be bought failure on a failed Fear or Pinning test, so long as the
using experience points (from rank 1) as normal. He also Inquisitor passes the test. If this reduces the degrees of
adds one degree of success to any successful Common or failure to 0 or less, a character counts as having passed the
Scholastic Lore tests, due to his ingrained training. test with 1 degree of success. The effects of this talent
apply to Acolytes in the Inquisitor’s warband and to other

Inspiring Aura servants of the Imperium fighting under the Inquisitor’s

orders, as well as others at the GM’s discretion.
The Acolyte’s strength of will inspires those under his
command and his comrades in equal measure. Looking to
his faithful example, his allies can overcome their own fear Indomitable Conviction
in order to do the Emperor’s work. An Inquisitor must often share a part of his burden of
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond knowledge and understanding with those who serve
Tier: 2 alongside him. Although some Acolytes might succumb to
Prerequisites: Halo of Command madness and despair, those who undergo such mental
Aptitudes: Leadership, Willpower trials with their sanity intact come out stronger for it. An
Effects: The character can affect allies of any kind—not Inquisitor can also benefit from such an experience,
only subordinates—with the Terrify special use for the drawing strength from his comrades and renewing his
Command skill (see page 101 of the Dark Heresy Core faith in his duty to Mankind.
Rulebook 2nd Ed). This need not represent threats and Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within
intimidation, but might represent inspiring words, Tier: 3
encouragement, or sheer steadfastness in the face of Prerequisites: Shared Destiny, Strength through
terrifying foes. Conviction, Resistance (Fear), Jaded
Aptitudes: Leadership, Willpower

Instrument of his Will Effects: Whenever this character or an ally within 10

metres gains Insanity, reduce the amount gained by 1. In
The Acolyte strikes down daemonic foes with holy fury, his addition, an ally within 10 metres can spend a Fate point
blows landing as if guided by the hand of the Emperor to gain 0 Insanity instead. These effects do not stack when
Himself. The keen edge of his faith and hatred presents there are multiple characters with this talent within range.
the true threat to the Daemon, not his physical strength or
the potency of his weapon.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond Iron Faith
Tier: 3 The Acolyte’s faith is as unyielding as plasteel, and it
Prerequisites: Willpower 50 protects him against the unnatural aura of the daemonic.
Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower With the strength of his conviction, he faces down the
Effects: After making a successful attack against a Daemon otherworldly terrors of the Warp the way a lesser man
(this can include striking it with a psychic power), the might look down the barrel of a lasgun.
character may spend a Fate point to increase the damage Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
of the first hit he inflicts as part of that attack by an Tier: 3
amount equal to twice his Willpower bonus. This Prerequisites: Iron Resolve
additional damage ignores armour and Toughness bonus. Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
Effects: The character is immune to the effects of the unavoidable with the Dodge and Parry skills until the end
Baneful Presence trait. of the round. Other means of avoiding or stopping attacks
(such as displacer fields or alien protective devices) are

Iron Jaw unaffected.

The Acolyte has taken blows from Orks and given back as Leap Up
good as he got, bouncing back from most strikes without A combination of athletic ability and speed allows the
ill effects. Acolyte to spring to his feet in virtually any circumstance.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Toughness 40 Prerequisites: Agility 30
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Aptitudes: Agility, General
Effects: Whenever this character becomes Stunned, he Effects: He can stand up as a Free Action.
may make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test as a Free
Action to ignore the effects.
Leaping Dodge
Jaded The Acolyte has become practiced at escaping weapons
that cover an area to deadly effect, from flamers to
The Acolyte’s wide travels have shown him both wonders strange xenos devices.
and horrors beyond the ken of most. The galaxy has Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
thrown its worst at him and he has yet to flinch. Tier: 1
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Prerequisites: Agility 35, Rank 2 in the Dodge skill
Tier: 1 Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Prerequisites: Willpower 40 Effects: When he would make an Agility test to avoid
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence attacks from weapons with the Spray quality, he may
Effects: Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to make the test using his Dodge (Ag) skill instead.
xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity
points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations,
and other unnatural effects still affect him normally. Iron Resolve
The Acolyte is inured to the terrors of both combat and

Keen Intuition the Warp, knowing that he must control his fear in order
to face foes that threaten both body and soul. When
The Acolyte has trained extensively to notice objects that confronted with the machinations of heretics, threats to
seem out of place or hidden. This can bring the smallest life and limb, and even the otherworldly creatures of the
irregularity to prominence, revealing the heresy festering Warp, the Acolyte stands firm.
beneath the surface. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Tier: 2
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Resistance (Fear), Jaded
Prerequisites: Intelligence 35 Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower
Aptitudes: Perception, Social Effects: After failing a Fear or Pinning test, the character
Effects: After failing an Awareness skill test, the character can re-roll the test with a –10 modifier.
can re-roll the test with a –10 modifier.

Killing Strike From years poring over dusty tomes and examining
With expert precision, the Acolyte can land blows which ancient ruins on forgotten worlds—and perhaps even
defy his opponent’s ability to counter, slicing through speaking face-to- face with inhuman beings—the Acolyte
defenses as surely as a powerblade cuts flesh. has become an expert in deciphering lost human
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB languages as well as those of xenos.
Tier: 2 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 50 Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Prerequisites: Rank 3 in Linguistics (Any)
Effects: At the beginning of each of his turns, the character Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
may spend a Fate point to make his melee attacks
Effects: The character can attempt any Linguistics skill in Effects: The Acolyte has learned how to better use his
which he is not trained as an untrained skill test as if it implanted maglev coils, and can hover for a number of
were not a Specialist skill. minutes equal to 1d10 plus twice his Toughness bonus. He
can move his Run speed when making a Half Move action

Lightning Attack and suffers no damage from falling if the coils are active.
Each use drains half the power stored in the coils
The Acolyte’s speed with weapons is unmatched, allowing (therefore he can use the coils twice before recharging
him to launch flurries of attacks in melee. them).
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Swift Attack Marksman
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s steady hand and eagle eye allow him to keep
Effects: He can make the Lightning Attack action (see page crosshairs steady on any target, regardless of range.
222). Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 2

Luminen Blast Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 35

Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors Effects: Distance is no protection against the character’s
can be expelled in a ranged attack. marksmanship, and he suffers no penalties for making
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Ballistic Skill tests at Long or Extreme range.
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Luminen Shock, Luminen Capacitors,
Mechanicus Implants Mastery
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Tech Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Effects: The character always counts as being equipped Tier: 3
with a Pistol weapon with a 10m range. This can only be Prerequisites: Rank 4 in selected skill
used in single shot mode, and deals 1d10 plus twice his Specialisations: Any skill
Willpower bonus in Energy damage, with Pen 0 and the Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
Shocking quality. The character always counts as having Effects: The Acolyte has mastered a single skill. He can
Weapon Training for this weapon and after making an spend a Fate point to automatically pass a skill test with
attack with it, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 his chosen skill, provided the final modifier to his skill test
level of Fatigue. is Challenging (+0) or better. He scores a number of
degrees of success equal to the characteristic bonus of the

Luminen Shock skill’s associated characteristic. This talent may be taken

more than once, each time for a different skill.
The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors
can be expelled by touching a foe.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Mechadendrite Use
Tier: 2 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Prerequisites: Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Tech Prerequisites: Mechanicus Implants
Effects: The character always counts as being equipped Specialisations: Weapon, Utility
with a melee weapon that inflicts 1d10 plus his WPB in Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
Energy damage, with Pen 0 and the Shocking quality. He Effects: The Acolyte is trained in the use of a particular
always counts as having Weapon Training for it and after kind of mechadendrite (see page 183) in much the same
making this attack, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer way as Weapon Training allows the use of weapons.
1 level of Fatigue. Though there are many different types of mechadendrites,
this talent divides them into two broad categories: •

Maglev Transcendence Weapon: Mechadendrites of this type end in either ranged

or close combat weapons, and have the supplemental
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB power supplies and mechanical support necessary for
Tier: 2 combat. • Utility: Including such varied types as
Prerequisites: Maglev Coils, Mechanicus Implants Manipulator, Medicae, Utility, Optical, and countless
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
others, these generally require less hardy mountings, but
all function in a similar manner. Nowhere to Hide
The Acolyte’s keen eye ensures he can spot soft points

Mighty Shot even in the most impregnable of protective cover.

Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
The Acolyte knows the weak points in every type of Tier: 1
armour and material, and has the skill to ensure that his Prerequisites: Perception 30
shots land exactly where they can do the most damage. Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Effects: When he damages cover (see page 229), the
Tier: 3 character adds his degrees of success from the attack to
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 the reduction of the cover’s Armour value. If using a
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence weapon that does not require a skill test, he adds 1
Effects: He adds half his Ballistic Skill bonus (rounded up) instead.
to damage he inflicts with ranged weapons.

Mounted Warrior The Acolyte is a master of single combat. Without the
Hard-won experience fighting from the saddle or seat of a distractions of multiple opponents, he fights at his best,
vehicle has trained the Acolyte to adjust for the motion of taking every opening and leaving none.
mounted combat, moving with the vehicle instead of Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
fighting against it. Tier: 2
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40
Tier: 1 Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill
Prerequisites: Rank 2 (Trained) in any Operate skill or Rank Effects: When fighting a single enemy in melee combat,
2 (Trained) in Survival skill, Ballistic Skill 30 or Weapon Skill the character scores extra degrees of success on successful
30 Weapon Skill tests equal to half of his Weapon Skill bonus
Specialisations: Melee, Ranged (rounded down).
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, Offence
Effects: When a character purchases this talent, he selects
the specialisation that matches the characteristic Peer
prerequisite and aptitude used in purchase. He then Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
reduces any penalty for making corresponding attacks Tier: 1
(Melee or Ranged) from a moving vehicle or mount by 10 Prerequisites: Fellowship 30
for each time the talent has been purchased in that Specialisations: Any listed in the sidebar The Powers of
specialisation. This applies to both ordinary attack actions Askellon (see page 126), others at GM’s discretion
and vehicle combat actions, such as Hit and Run. Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
Effects: The Acolyte knows how to deal with a particular

Never Die social group or organisation, or even xenos race. He gains

a +10 bonus to all Fellowship and Influence tests when
The Acolyte’s will or devotion to the Emperor can sustain interacting with this chosen group, and at the GM’s
him when his mortal body fails. discretion can sometimes call upon them for favours. The
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB GM and player may agree to award this talent when
Tier: 3 appropriate to the adventure or campaign, though the
Prerequisites: Willpower 50, Toughness 50 character must still pay the experience cost for the Talent
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence as normal. This talent can be awarded multiple times for
Effects: He may spend one Fate point to ignore the effects the same group, in which case it should be listed as Peer
of injury (such as those from Critical damage), Fatigue, and (X), with X equalling the number of times the talent has
Stunning for a single combat, so long as they would not kill been awarded. This can be used to represent groups who
him immediately. This talent does not prevent the damage, particularly like the character and may even be staunch
but allows him to temporarily ignore its effects for the allies. In game terms, the bonus to Fellowship tests
duration of the combat. Once the encounter ends, the increases to +10 times X. Additionally, when the character
effects trigger as normal. acquires this talent, he increases his Influence by 1.
Penitent Psyker Prosanguine
Psykers are hated and shunned throughout the Imperium, Through the Acolyte’s iron will, he is able to speed the
and even those psykers who serve the Emperor often function of his Autosanguinator.
struggle with their curse. Whether a rogue psyker taken Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
under an Inquisitor’s wing or a sanctioned psyker whose Tier: 2
faith condemns his abilities, such an individual might Prerequisites: Autosanguine Implants, Mechanicus
develop the ability to act as a kind of psychic lightning rod, Implants
sacrificing his own flesh in order to protect his allies from Aptitudes: Toughness, Tech
the Warp-spawned powers of the witch and wyrd. Effects: He must spend 10 minutes in meditation and
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within make a Tech-Use test. If he succeeds, he removes 1d5
Tier: 2 points of damage. If he rolls a 96 or higher, he loses the
Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 40 ability to use his Autosanguinator for one week.
Aptitudes: Psyker, Defence
Effects: When the psyker or an ally within 10 metres
becomes the target of a psychic power, the psyker may Purity of Hatred
voluntarily suffer any number of levels of Fatigue. Each The Acolyte has honed his hatred to a razor’s edge, pure
level of Fatigue suffered grants the target a +10 bonus on and unsullied by mercy or doubt. When facing the object
any Opposed test to resist the power or Evasion test to of his hatred, whether it be the witch, mutant, heretic, or
avoid its effects. If the target’s test to resist or avoid the traitor, the Acolyte is an instrument of the Emperor’s Will,
power results in a roll of doubles, the psyker generates dispatching His judgement upon the enemies of humanity
Psychic Phenomena, just as if he had used the Focus as if guided by His very hand.
Power action. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within
Tier: 2

Precision Killer Prerequisites: Hatred (Any)

Specialisations: Any group for which the character
The Acolyte’s eye, hand, and weapon act seamlessly possesses the Hatred talent
together, place his attacks exactly where he intends. Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Effects: When selecting this talent, the character chooses
Tier: 2 one specific group for which he possesses the Hatred
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 or Weapon Skill 40 talent. Against opponents of this group, the Acolyte’s
Specialisations: Ranged, Melee attacks gain the Vengeful (9) quality. If the Acolyte’s
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Finesse weapon or attacks already possess this quality, decrease
Effects: When this talent is taken, the character selects the the value by one (to a minimum of 1).
Specialisation that matches the Characteristic and
Aptitude pair (Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill) used in
purchase. When making a Called Shot (see page 219) with Push the Limit
a melee or ranged attack (depending on the Specialisation), Whether through study, practice, or sheer intuition, the
he does not suffer the usual –20 penalty. Acolyte is aware of the limits of his vehicle or steed, and
knows how to push it to those limits and beyond. Although

Preternatural Speed overtaxing a beast or executing wheel-tearing turns can

provide a great advantage in combat or pursuit, a single
The Acolyte is a swift-moving bringer of death, a living, wrong move can prove catastrophic, injuring the pilot or
bloody scythe before whom foes die like corn before the even ripping his vehicle apart.
reaper. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Rank 2 in Survival or any Operate skill, Tech-
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Agility 50 Use
Aptitudes: Agility, Offence Aptitudes: Perception, Tech
Effects: When making a Charge action, he doubles his Effects: Once per round, the character may add +20 to an
normal Charge movement (for instance, if he has an Agility Operate test (or Survival test in the case of living steeds);
bonus of 3 and thus a Charge movement of 9 metres, his however, if he fails the test by 4 or more degrees of failure,
movement is then doubled to 18 metres with this talent). immediately roll 1d5 on Table 7–32: Motive Systems
Critical Hit Effects on page 257 of the Dark Heresy Core
Rulebook 2nd Ed and apply the result. If he is riding a living the Warp. These holy words disrupt the Daemon’s hold in
mount, roll 1d5 on Table 7–18: Impact Critical Effects – Leg the material universe, weakening its malefic form.
on page 239 of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 2nd Ed and Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
apply the result. Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 or

Quick Draw Forbidden Lore (Daemonology)

Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower
The Acolyte has practiced so frequently with his weapons Effects: Once per round as a Half Action, the character
that they practically leap into his hands in response to a may speak the litanies and invocations to disrupt Daemons.
simple thought. Until the beginning of his next turn, Daemons within a
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB distance equal to twice the character’s Willpower bonus in
Tier: 1 meters suffer a –10 penalty to Willpower tests.
Prerequisites: None
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
Effects: As a Free Action, the character may draw and Sanctic Purity
ready a Pistol or Basic weapon, or a one-handed Melee Sanctic Daemonology is often considered the most pure of
weapon. psychic disciplines. Practitioners can seem beyond the
dangers of the Warp that all too often plague other

Rapid Reload psykers. Such mastery is taxing, but an experienced

Daemonologist can resist the influence of the Warp where
The firing ranges and weapon drill chambers are the other psykers would succumb.
Acolyte’s constant abode. Hours of reloading countless Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
magazines or power cells means that he can replace them Tier: 3
without looking and without thinking, even in the middle Prerequisites: Daemonologist, Favoured by the Warp,
of combat. Willpower 50
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Aptitudes: Psyker, Willpower
Tier: 1 Effects: When the character triggers Psychic Phenomena
Prerequisites: None when manifesting a power from the Sanctic Daemonology
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft discipline, he may spend a Fate point in order to negate
Effects: He halves all reload times, rounding down. Thus, a the result entirely.
Half Action reload becomes a Free Action, a Full Action
reload becomes a Half Action, and so on.
Shield Wall
Resistance The Acolyte is a master of the art of weapon-and-shield
combat. Forgoing the offensive abilities of a second
The Acolyte’s background, experience, training, exposure, weapon or the advantages of ranged weaponry, he proves
or plain stubbornness has developed a resistance within the superiority of this most ancient and honourable of
him. fighting styles. His shield seems to always be in the right
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB position to block his foe’s strike, leaving his target open for
Tier: 1 the inevitable counter.
Prerequisites: None Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Beyond
Specialisations: Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers, Tier: 3
Radiation, Vacuum, Other Prerequisites: Ambidextrous, Weapon Skill 40
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Aptitudes: Defence, Weapon Skill
Effects: Each time he selects this talent, choose one area Effects: When armed with a shield, the character can re-
of resistance. He gains a +10 bonus when making tests to roll one failed Evasion test to Parry an attack per round.
resist effects of this type. The GM can require approval for
certain choices, or justification based on the Acolyte’s past.
Skilled Rider
Rites of Banishment Often, the best way to overcome the heretic is with
merciless speed, and so many Acolytes make extensive use
In battle against the daemonic, the Acolyte ceaselessly of vehicles and mounts in their pursuit of humanity’s
intones sacred rites and invocations against the Daemon, enemies. Whether the character has used his prized bike
calling on the Emperor to cast the abominations back into until it feels like an extension of his own body, or he has
the experience necessary to instantly adjust to the strange attempt a single Dodge or Parry against each individual
mounts and vehicles found across the Askellon Sector, attack.
moving to or from the saddle or pilot’s seat is second
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without Strong Minded
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Rank 2 in any Operate skill The Acolyte’s mind acts as a fortress against psychic
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft attacks.
Effects: Whenever the character would be thrown from or Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
tossed about within his vehicle, he makes an Ordinary Tier: 2
(+10) Agility test. If he succeeds, the character may choose Prerequisites: Resistance (Psychic Powers), Willpower 30
to either land safely on his feet or retain in his original Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
position in the vehicle. In addition, once per round the Effects: He can re-roll failed Willpower tests to resist any
character can attempt an Ordinary (+10) Agility test to psychic powers that affect his mind. This talent does not
Mount or Dismount a vehicle as a Free Action. affect psychic powers that have a physical effect, such as
Smite or Assail.

Sound Constitution
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Superior Chirurgeon
Tier: 1 The Acolyte’s advanced medical training enables him to
Prerequisites: None knit flesh with deft mastery, essential for treating combat
Aptitudes: Toughness, General casualties. His exceptional education in use of the
Effects: The Acolyte gains an additional wound. He can Narthecium, Med-Slate, and supplemental drugs give his
purchase this talent additional times up to twice his patients an enormous advantage.
Toughness bonus. When he gains this talent multiple times, Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
note the number of times it has been taken after the Tier: 3
talent, such as Sound Constitution (3). Prerequisites: Rank 2 in the Medicae skill
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft

Sprint Effects: He gains a +20 bonus on all Medicae skill tests.

When providing first aid, he ignores the penalties for
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Heavily Damaged patients and only suffers a –10 penalty
Tier: 3 for those suffering Critical damage.
Prerequisites: None
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
Effects: The Acolyte moves at great speeds, and when Swift Attack
taking a Full Move action can move an extra number of The Acolyte’s ability with weapons is legendary, allowing
metres equal to his Agility bonus. Additionally, whenever him to attack with amazing speed in melee.
he takes a Run action, he may move double the normal Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
distance. If he did so in the previous round, however, he Tier: 2
suffers 1 level of Fatigue. Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse

Step Aside Effects: He can make the Swift Attack action (see page
Swaying his body out of the path of an attack, the Acolyte
causes the shot to pass through thin air, or turns his blade
mid-swing to deflect a blow. Tainted Psyker
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Though all psykers draw their power from the Warp, the
Tier: 3 Scholastica Psykana teaches that the Warp is something to
Prerequisites: Agility 40, Dodge or Parry fear. Some psykers ignore these warnings, whether wyrds
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence who escaped the Black Ships, scholars of maleic lore, or
Effects: He can make an additional Evasion attempt (either even sanctioned psykers fallen from grace. Such tainted
a Dodge or a Parry) once per round. In effect, this gives psykers embrace the true potential the Warp offers, and
him a second Reaction that can only be used for Dodge or even heed its denizens’ whispered promises of greater
Parry attempts, allowing two Dodges, two Parries, or a power.
Dodge and a Parry in each turn. However, he can still only Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Psy rating, Rank 2 (Trained) in Psyniscience Thunder Charge
skill, 10 Corruption points The Acolyte charges into combat using his body as an
Aptitudes: Knowledge, Psyker additional weapon. Driven by his rage and momentum, the
Effects: When making a Focus Power test, the character impact of such a charge can knock foes flying or bring
may gain a number of Corruption points up to his psy them to their knees.
rating. For each point he gains in this way, he gains a +10 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
bonus to the Focus Power test but adds +5 to rolls on Tier: 3
Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena (see page 196 of the Dark Prerequisites: Strength 50
Heresy Core Rulebook 2nd Ed). Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Effects: When he makes a Charge action, he can barrel

Takedown through enemies to get to his target. The character makes

an Opposed Strength test against each foe in his way
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB (those who his movement would take him past or
Tier: 1 through). Each foe that loses the Opposed test is knocked
Prerequisites: None Prone. After resolving these Opposed tests, the character’s
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Charge action resolves against his original target as normal.
Effects: When making a Standard Attack or Charge action,
the Acolyte can declare that he is attempting a takedown
his target. He then rolls to hit (using his Weapon Skill) as True Grit
normal, applying all the regular modifiers for the attack The Acolyte is able to shrug off wounds that would fell
action. If the character hits and would have done at least 1 lesser men.
point of damage (after reduction for Armour and Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Toughness), no wounds are caused. Instead, the opponent Tier: 3
must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or be Prerequisites: Toughness 40
Stunned for 1 Round and knocked Prone. In addition, Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
when performing a Stun Action, the character does not Effects: Whenever he suffers Critical damage (after
suffer the normal –20 penalty to his Weapon Skill. reduction for Armour and Toughness), reduce the amount
by his Toughness bonus (to a minimum of 1 damage).

Target Selection
The Acolyte’s dread gaze marks out his chosen victim, and Two-Weapon Master
not even the riotous confusion of close combat interferes. The Acolyte has mastered the difficult ability of wielding a
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB weapon in each hand, making him deadly both in personal
Tier: 3 and short- ranged attacks.
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50 Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Tier: 3
Effects: He can shoot into melee with no penalty. If he also Prerequisites: Agility 45, Ambidextrous, Ballistic Skill 40 or
makes an Aim action beforehand, he prevents any chance Weapon Skill 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee, Ranged)
of hitting friendly targets as well. Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence
Effects: When armed with two single-handed weapons

Technical Knock (such as a pistol or sword in either hand), he ignores the –

20 penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting (see page 228).
Either through the ease of long practice, or the proper
ritual to appease a weapon’s machine spirit, the Acolyte
can clear stoppages with a simple knock or solid smack of Two -Weapon Wielder
his hand to a weapon. Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Tier: 2
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: None
Prerequisites: Intelligence 30 Specialisations: Melee, Ranged
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Aptitudes: Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, Finesse
Effects: Once per round, he may attempt to unjam a gun Effects: Intensive training allows the Acolyte to use a
(see page 224) as a Half Action rather than a Full Action. weapon in each hand when needed. When armed with
He must touch the weapon to make use of this talent. two one-handed weapons (ether melee or ranged
weapons), after making a Half Action attack (this can be a From years of experience, the character can quickly
Single Attack, a Swift Attack, or a Lightning Attack with a discern the firing mechanisms and balance of even the
melee weapon, or it can be a single shot, semi-auto burst, strangest weapons, regardless of its origin.
or full auto burst with a ranged weapon), he can make a Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
single additional Half Action attack following the same Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Exotic Weapon Training (Any)
restrictions with the other weapon as a Free Action. In Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
effect, this allows him to attack twice in a round, once Effects: The character reduces the penalty for using a
from each of his weapons. Both of these attacks count as weapon without the proper training by 10.
being part of the same Half Action, and both tests made to
attack with the weapons suffer a –20 penalty. This talent
can be taken twice, each time with a different Warp Lock
specialisation (melee or ranged). If he possesses both The Acolyte has learned to swiftly cut himself off from the
talents, then he can fight with one melee and one ranged Warp to protect himself from harm.
weapon. When this talent is taken with the melee focus it Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
counts as having the Weapon Skill and Finesse aptitudes, Tier: 3
and when it is taken with the ranged focus it counts as Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 50
having the Ballistic Skill and Finesse aptitudes. Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker
Effects: Once per game session, he may ignore the Psychic

Unarmed Specialist Phenomena he has rolled (including the Perils of the Warp
result on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena, see page 196),
After extensive training, the Acolyte has made his body as completely negating its effects. Such rapid dislocation
dangerous as any Munitorum-issued weapon. from the Warp, though, is stressful and traumatic to his
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB mind. He suffers 1d5 Energy damage to the Head location
Tier: 2 (not reduced by Armour or Toughness) as a result, and
Prerequisites: Agility 35, Ambidextrous, Weapon Skill 35 cannot make any Focus Power tests or sustain other
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence psychic powers until the beginning of his next turn.
Effects: He gains the Deadly Natural Weapon trait (see
page 135), and counts as armed even when facing
weapon-wielding opponents while barehanded. While Warp Sense
fighting barehanded, he can also re-roll the damage he The Acolyte’s senses have evolved to perceive the Warp in
inflicts. parallel with the physical world.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB

Warp Conduit Tier: 1

Prerequisites: Perception 30, Psy rating, Psyniscience
The sheer power of the Acolyte’s mind allows him to Aptitudes: Perception, Psyker
channel vast amounts of Warp energy when he chooses. Effects: The character can use the Psyniscience Skill as a
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Free Action instead of as a Half Action. He can also
Tier: 2 passively detect psychic effects and entities without the
Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 50 need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character
Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM
Effects: When Pushing (see page 194), before rolling his can allow him to make a Psyniscience skill test to detect it,
Focus Power test the character may spend one Fate Point in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an
to add an additional 1d5 to the effective psy rating of the ambush without knowing it is there.
power. Channeling such vast amounts of power is
dangerous, however, and so he adds +30 to rolls on Table
6–2: Psychic Phenomena when he makes as a result of this Weapon-Tech
talent. The Acolyte calls upon the blessings of the Omnissiah,
channeling his faith into his weapon and performing

Weapon Intuition armament rituals to more readily smite his foes.

Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
In the prosecution of his duties against the alien, the Tier: 1
Acolyte wields the most arcane and rare weapons the Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Tech Use +10
Adeptus Mechanicus can craft, and perhaps even takes up Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
the very armaments of the xenos to better combat it.
Effects: Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action, this sign and spoor of the psyker. Although some are
character may enhance any Melta, Plasma, Power, or themselves psykers, or employ the services of such, others
Exotic weapon he is personally wielding. This increases the train their own senses and mind to detect even the
weapon’s damage and penetration by an amount equal to subtlest traces of psychic activity.
the character’s Intelligence bonus until the end of the Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Within
round. Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Rank 2 (Trained) in the Forbidden Lore

Weapon Training (Psykers) skill, Willpower 45

Aptitudes: Knowledge, Perception
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB Effects: The character counts as possessing the
Tier: 1 Psyniscience skill at Rank 1 (Known), even though he is not
Prerequisites: None a psyker. Note that he cannot spend experience to gain
Specialisations: Bolt, Chain, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launcher, additional ranks in the skill.
Melta, Plasma, Power, Low-Tech, Shock, and Solid
Aptitudes: General, Finesse Xenosavant
Effects: The Acolyte can use all weapons with Class: Pistol, In his study and prosecution of the xenos threat, the
Basic, Melee, Throwing, and Vehicle within the group he Acolyte has become well-versed in the ways and forms of
has selected with this talent. When a character attempts the myriad alien races that menace humanity.
to use a weapon he does not have the correct Weapon Book: Dark Heresy 2nd Without
Training talent for, he suffers a –20 penalty to any relevant Tier: 2
Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill test. The character can only Prerequisites: Rank 3 in Forbidden Lore (Xenos–Any)
use weapons with Class: Heavy without suffering the –20 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
penalty if he has both Weapon Training in the appropriate Effects: The character can attempt any Forbidden Lore
group and Weapon Training (Heavy). This talent can be (Xenos) test in which he is not trained as an untrained skill
taken more than once, each time with a different test as if it were not a Specialist skill.
Specialisation. Note that a character without the Weapon
Training (Low-Tech) talent operating a weapon that
functions as a Low-Tech weapon in certain circumstances
does not suffer this penalty, so long as he has the
applicable Weapon Training talent for the weapon (Power
for a power sword, for example).

Whirlwind of Death
When facing massed opponents in close quarters, the
Acolyte becomes a streak of blows, moving, hacking,
gutting, and beheading his enemies with ceaseless fury.
Book: Dark Heresy 2nd CRB
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse
Effects: As a Half Action, the character may make one
Standard Attack action (see page 224) with a melee
weapon against a foe, plus one additional Standard Attack
action with the same weapon targeting each other foe
also engaged in melee combat with the character beyond
the first (to a maximum number of attacks up to his
Weapon Skill bonus).

Witch Finder
In order to root out the witch, wyrd, and sorcerer, an
Inquisitor or Acolyte must be able to detect and follow the

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