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Bentuk usaha mempromosikan dan memasarkan suatu Daerah atau Daya Tarik Wisata

memalui Media Sosial

Aktivitas : Website, Social Media, Online Advertising, Email Direct Marketing, Forum Discussion,
Mobile Applications, dsb.
Memiliki banyak kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh strategi Marketing konvensional, diantaranya dalam
hal Measurement.

Broader Target
Depends on Internet
Speedy Connectivity

Mobile Applications Android
88% Windows
Windows Phone

Tourism Profesional Website, Link to

Website SEO to Google, Yahoo, Bink, and Forum Discussion
Digital Blog and Upload Photo of Tourist Atractions
Marketing 100% Hotel Bookings and Tours Bookings

100% Twitter
Social Media Instagram

E a s t J av a

Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

Seminar Nasional Pariwisata
Four Points Hotel Makassar
Presented By :
Riki Hamado
Triskah Ramadanty M

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