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Kitzya Camacho

Christopher Russell

Political Issue

March 17, 2019

The Political Issue that you didn’t know was affecting you.

The Political Issue that I will be talking about is abortion, and I decided to talk

about this topic because it has affected us somehow as a community, and not everyone

really thinks about this, that’s why I thought it would be interesting to see how it’s been

affecting us. How do they affect us you ask? And how can we find a solution to it, and

as a community what can we do about it? Because you probably think this issue it’s

exclusive to women, but in reality it also affects our economy and environment. That’s

why others should care about the issue. Abortion should be a pro-choice, because of

how it affects finances, women’s lives, and the environment.

One of the most important reason why women want a choice it’s because of their

financial stability and their goals in life. According to Abortion proCon.org from their

findings of their survey from Sep. 2005 in the peer-reviewed Perspectives on Sexual

and Reproductive Health asking women why they had an abortion found that 73% of

respondents said they couldn’t afford to have a baby, and 38% said giving birth would

interfere with their education and career goals.

This issue affects women in a lot of ways. They risk their lives to have an

abortion. That’s the major reason why this should be legal, because it doesn’t make

sense if people are pro-life then they should care about women giving birth. Instead of a

fetus that hasn’t been born yet and the pro-life community won’t really care about the

baby after its birth, they’re not going to take care of him or look after him, that’s why

women want a choice, so they can have all the kids they want when they decide it’s the

perfect time to have them or when they are financially stable to have something to give

to their kids and not bring them to the world without even having the resources to

support them. And they want abortion to be legal, so they can have a safe abortion

without being afraid of losing their lives or get injured. According to Daniel R. Mishell

“The world Health organization estimated in 2004 that unsafe abortions cause 68,000

maternal deaths worldwide each year, many of those in developing countries where

safe and legal abortion services are difficult to access”.

Abortion is also an environmental issue. The environment is affected by Human

Overpopulation, and It’s one of the most pressing environmental issues. For example

overpopulation contributes to: the loss of freshwater, depletion of natural resources, the

increase of global warming and climate change. Philosopher Peter Singer, Professor of

Bioethics at Princeton University, defended abortion as a way to curb overpopulation.

Overpopulation means that more food and fresh water is required to maintain a

population, but when overpopulation occurs it also means that there’s not enough to

sustain the population.

Now looking at the perspective of the pro-life group, they don’t want the concept

of abortion being legalized because they feel like they’re accepting to murder children.

And the pro-choice group would legalize it, because they’re thinking about the child’s

future, and that if he is not able to have caring parents or if they aren’t financially stable,

the parents should have the option of abortion, just so the child doesn’t have a

miserable life, struggling with living. Isidewith.com made an abortion poll in Utah and all

the states in the United States, and the 43% were pro-choice in Utah. Most of the

pro-choice community wanted to have a better sex education for the community,

provide and have more options of birth control, and more social services to reduce the

number of abortions, and that’s the perfect solution I would suggest. They don’t want

the option of abortion just to not be responsible, like the pro-life community thinks, it

would only be in case of emergency. In Utah the pro-life community is bigger and it’s

because this is a mormon state, and religion can make you see things in a different

perspective, but putting together all the states in the United States a 62% of the

population is part of the pro-choice community.

Legal laws of abortion: When the supreme court handed down its decision about

abortion in the case of ​Roe v. Wade​ and ​Doe v. Bolton,​ ​ in 1973, states have been

constructing and working on their abortion laws. According to state policy, only 42 states

require a licensed physician to perform an abortion, 43 states prohibit abortions

generally except when the women's life is at risk. 16 states uses public funding to

perform abortion and pay medicaid, but 33 states of the District of Columbia prohibit

them except in the case where a woman is raped or where her life is at risk. 37 states
require the parent involvement in a minor's decision to have an abortion but 26 states

require one or both parents to consent to perform the abortion. And these are some of

the laws about abortion in the United States of America.

Abortion should be legal because we don’t want to overpopulate and ruin our

economy and environment more than it already is. We want people to be aware of this

so we can make a change in our world and see the change in our surroundings like the

environment and economy, to live a better life without worrying about hungry and

uneducated people. That’s the reason why others care about the issue. And apply a

solution that we can all agree to the issue, to have a peaceful community, and that

would be: have a better sex education to prevent abortions, but we would still have the

option just in case of an emergency and not to over explode the concept and get

advantage of it, that way women can decide when is the perfect time to have children.

​Works Cited

“Abortion ProCon.Org.” ​ProConorg Headlines,​ abortion.procon.org/.

Everythingconnects.org​, ​www.everythingconnects.org/overpopulation-effects.html​.

“An Overview of Abortion Laws.” ​Guttmacher Institute,​ 1 Apr. 2019,

A reflection of the class:

Taking this class helps you grow as a person, it also taught me how to think

when it comes to politics, and I am sure that everyone should take this class because it

really helps us to get an understanding of how the government works, and everyone

should know who is ruling us, and in order to have an opinion and be able to make

change we should vote and know who are the better options to make a better world.

I am really happy to end this class, because it was hard for me to take it but I

always like a good challenge, because if you don’t challenge yourself and you don’t take

a step out of the box and your comfort zone you are never going to grow, and achieve

more things in life, you are always going to be stuck in the same place, and this class

taught me how I can still achieve something that I didn’t see that was possible for me

to achieve like passing a class as difficult as this one.

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