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Learning Episode 1.

What Lies Ahead

NCBTS Domain 1 Strand 1.1;
LET-TOS No. 1 (1.1, 1.2 AND 1.7)

My Learning Episode Overview

My first episode will explain the expectations of my Teacher Education Institution
Capiz State University -Tapaz Satellite College
Name of college/university

And my Cooperating School : Tapaz Central Elementary School

Name of your Cooperating School

This will allow me to better understand the do’s and don’ts of teaching in the real
workplace. The orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor and the cooperating principal
will ensure my success as a student intern.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

To get to know my cooperating school better, I must do the


Read the vision, mission and core values of the school.

Attend the orientation session with my practicum

Supervisor and Cooperating Principal.

Record important notes during the orientation.

Ask question if necessary.

Accomplish the Learning Episode

My tasks (Activities)
A. After the orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor/cooperating
principal, what are the things that I need to remember.

Name of cooperating principal: Pio S. Morano

Name of cooperating school: Tapaz Cental Elem.School

This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

Expectation What I need to do
 I am expecting that my cooperating school  I will listen to what my cooperating school
could give and help my necessary needs as instructed and wanted us to do.
practice teacher to enhance my teaching
 I will bear in mind and obey the advices
 I am expecting that my cooperating teachers and instructions of my cooperating
will guide me well in making and preparing teachers.
my lesson plans and instructional materials.
 I will make sure that all of my lessons is
 I am expecting that my pupils will be good accurate and active inside the classroom.
to me, for me to give them easily the
knowledge that I have which they deserve to  I will be a good follower of my
learn. cooperating school. I will give respect and
extra effort to perform well.
 I am expecting that my cooperating school
will mold us and equip us the knowledge
 I will practice what I have learned from
and important things that a teacher must
the experience teacher and ameliorate it if
possess when they are in teaching field.
I have some more creative ideas.
 I am expecting that the spirit of a great
teacher will be guiding and transforming us
into what they are which is an important
thing in education and for the benefits of
the pupils.

B. After my orientation session with my practicum supervisor and cooperating principal, I

need to equip myself with the practice teaching kit to better prepare myself in this
wonderful world of teaching.

 Adopting the existing curriculum

 I will utilize and maximize appropriate
support instructional materials.

This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

 Promoting the activities that will make my
students go out from their comfort zone.
 Giving the activities that the learners can
use their talents, such as dancing, singing
Skills and acting.

 Relating the lesson in real-life situation.

 Motivating my students to participate in the
 Treating my class equally and fair.

 Monitoring their habits

 Knowing the attitudes of the learners
 Promoting good values

My analysis
Complete the structured frame.

Orientation sessions are conducted because the practice teaching

supervisor and the cooperating principal wanted that the student interns
will be familiarized of the school and the environment. They make sure that
every practice teacher has their knowledge about the cooperating school,
the cooperating teachers, the pupils and the structure of school. It is also
for them to be aware of the rules of DepEd and of the school which is need
Itoneed to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating school so
be respected.
that we have a harmonious relationship and for an order and peaceful
environment. It is important to respect and follow their rules because we are
obliged and it is part of our duty to give respect and follow their
Reflections/ Myrules which I know for the betterment of everybody.
A. How did I feel after the orientation? Complete the empty face and explain what you
feel that way? What are your joys/ apprehensions?

I need to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating

school so that I am aware of dos and don’ts of the school and for us
not to violate their regulations. It is also for our good consumption
which being a good abiding citizen. I know that if you are obeying the
rules everybody in the community or school will have a better, peace
and organized environment.

B. Am I really prepared to teach? Why? Why not?

Yes, I know I am already ready it is because I already have the theories in teaching and
orientation given by the cooperating principal as well as by our practice teacher supervisor. The

This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

theories that we’ve learned from the four corners of our rooms in CapSU is very useful and can
be our medium in teaching our pupils. The things that we are going to gain I think is to improve
and enhance our teaching ability because I know that first-hand experience or practice teaching
will really evolve us far as to what we have now.

My Application (from theory of practice)

1. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

I. Establish he right atmosphere

II. Formulate guidelines to follow
III. Develop good relationships
a. I only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

2. Why do we need to the do’s and don’ts of the cooperating schools?

a. To have better relationships with the school community.

b. To ensure the completion of the required units.
c. To strengthen the ties between the Teacher Education Institution and the Cooperating
d. To complete the requirements set by the school.

3. Meeting the expectations of the Teacher Education Institution is important.

a. To have better relationship between the Teacher Education Institution and the
cooperating school.
b. To ensure completion of the school.
c. To fully attain the objectives set forth by the college
d. To stress the need for standardization of requirements.

This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents,
Evidence, Records, etc)

My Assessment (how did I perform in this learning episode)

This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds/ Meets/ Needs/ Unacceptable
expectations expectations improvements performance





Total Score Average


This Portfolio belongs to John Lebert Gapasinao, CapSU-Tapaz

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