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Lower Extremity Arterial Disease:

Medical Management and
Decision Making

MEDICAL MANAGEMENT 1378 Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia 1386

Risk Factor Modification 1378 Medical Therapy Versus Revascularization 1387
Exercise Therapy for Claudication 1379 Limb Amputation Versus Revascularization 1387
Pharmacologic Treatment of Claudication 1380 Endovascular Treatment Versus Open Surgery 1387
Cilostazol 1380 Situational Perfusion Enhancement 1388
REVASCULARIZATION 1380 Threatened Limbs, With or Without Peripheral Arterial
Defining Treatment Success 1382 Disease 1389
Limb- and Patient-Centered Outcomes 1382 Impact of Conduit Availability, Preoperative Functional
Claudication 1382 Status, and Comorbid Disease 1389
Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia 1383 Conduit Availability 1389
Treatment Guidelines According to Anatomic Disease Influence of Comorbid Conditions and Preoperative
Classification 1383 Functional Status 1389
Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus RISK PREDICTION MODELS 1390
Runoff Score 1383 DISEASE 1390
PRESENTATION 1384 Future Trends 1393
Claudication 1384 Decision Analysis 1393
Medical Therapy Versus Revascularization 1385 Cost Considerations 1394
Endovascular Treatment Versus Open Surgery 1386 Unmet Needs 1394

The management of lower extremity peripheral artery disease prevalence of PAD is expected to increase in the United States
(PAD) represents one of the most challenging problems for the and worldwide as the population ages, cigarette smoking persists,
vascular specialist. Although its worldwide prevalence is and the epidemics of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and obesity
unknown, it is estimated that 8 to 12 million Americans are continue to grow.2
affected by lower extremity PAD.1,2 In an analysis of 2381 In accordance with the increasing prevalence of PAD, the
patients participating in the United States National Health and number of lower extremity revascularization procedures has
Nutrition Examination Survey, the prevalence of PAD was found been increasing; among US Medicare beneficiaries, the number
to be 4.3% overall, progressively increasing with each decade of revascularizations has increased from 357 to 581 per 100,000
of aging: 0.9% (40 to 49 years of age); 2.5% (ages of 50 to between 1996 and 2006.4 Decisions regarding the management
59); 4.7% (ages of 60 to 69); and 14.5% (age >69).3 The of lower extremity PAD pose a unique challenge owing to the
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1377.e1

Abstract Keywords
Decision making in lower extremity peripheral artery disease peripheral artery disease
represents one of the most challenging and nuanced algorithms exercise therapy
in vascular surgery. Optimal management is highly individualized, lower extremity bypass
tailored to patient-specific goals, factoring in clinical presentation, peripheral intervention
anatomic pattern of disease, conduit availability, functional amputation-free survival
status, perioperative risk, and long-term survival. Medical TASC II
management, principles of decision-making, and future directions
for treatment of peripheral artery disease are discussed herein.
1378 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

complex interplay of factors that must be considered, including as well as education on signs and symptoms of progression of
the underlying pathology and its natural history, anatomic defect, PAD to the symptomatic state. As a corollary, a systematic
degree of ischemia, availability of conduit, comorbid conditions, review of screening for PAD concluded that there was no evidence
functional status, ambulation potential, and suitability of for revascularization in patients with asymptomatic PAD,
anatomy for successful revascularization. Appropriate manage- although screening may help to identify a population in whom
ment of lower extremity PAD requires a firm understanding aggressive medical therapy may be warranted to prevent car-
of these factors for good decision making. diovascular and cerebrovascular events.19 The natural history
Patients with lower extremity ischemia are typically divided of asymptomatic PAD is also not well studied. Unfortunately,
into two groups—those with intermittent claudication and those there are currently no data available to accurately predict which
with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI)—depending patients will go on to develop symptoms in the future.
on symptoms at presentation. The term “chronic limb-threatening
ischemia” is now preferred to describe the condition previously
referred to as critical limb ischemia. Claudication and CLTI
Risk Factor Modification
are managed differently because of major differences in their The risk factors associated with PAD are similar to those clas-
natural histories and expected clinical outcomes after treatment. sically linked with coronary artery disease (CAD). Investigators
In general, there is more consensus among clinicians regarding from the Framingham Heart Study analyzing “factors of risk”
decision making for CLTI because the natural history of for CAD were first to identify demographic and comorbid
untreated CLTI more frequently leads to limb loss than does factors independently associated with systemic atherosclerosis.20
claudication. Appropriate decision making requires an under- Numerous reports since have confirmed that advanced age,
standing of the systemic nature of the disease. Patients with tobacco use, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension are the
CLTI often have severe associated cardiovascular comorbidities primary risk factors associated with PAD (Fig. 105.1). More
and are generally older and in poorer health than those with recent studies have identified non-Hispanic black race,3,21 chronic
claudication. Treatment must therefore be structured accordingly. renal insufficiency,3,22 and elevated homocysteine levels23,24 as
In contrast, patients with claudication typically seek treatment additional factors. All patients with the diagnosis of PAD require
for the relief of lifestyle-limiting pain with ambulation. These appropriate risk factor modification, regardless of whether more
patients exhibit a more benign natural history with respect to aggressive therapy is also being contemplated. Risk factor
limb loss, with amputation rates of 1% to 7% at 5 years and modification is discussed in detail in Section 2: Atherosclerotic
clinical deterioration of the limb in only 25%.5-7 As with CLTI, Risk Factors.
claudication is a marker of significant systemic atherosclerosis,
with associated cardiovascular mortality rates at 1, 5, and 10
years as high as 12%, 42%, and 65%, respectively.5-7 All patients
with PAD require medical management of their cardiovascular Odds ratio
disease, and many also benefit from either endovascular or open
1 2 3 4
revascularization, as discussed later.


Because atherosclerosis is a systemic disease, the initial treatment

of lower extremity PAD must include risk factor modification. Diabetes
PAD patients are at significantly increased risk for premature
cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction (MI), Hypertension
stroke, and death.8,9 PAD is an important indirect marker for
systemic atherosclerosis.10 Any patient older than 40 years who Dyslipidemia
is found to have an ankle-brachial index (ABI) of less than 0.90
has significant PAD, even in the absence of symptoms.11 Interest-
ingly, more than 50% of patients with an abnormal ABI fail
to show typical symptoms of claudication or CLTI, owing to
the coexistence of other major comorbidities, a condition Male sex
sometimes referred to as “chronic subclinical lower extremity
ischemia.”12 There is wide agreement that risk factor modification Age, per 10 years
is indicated for any patient with lower extremity PAD, regardless
of symptom presence or severity. Several guidelines have been Renal insufficiency
published13-17 regarding the use of screening for PAD, including
a clinical practice guideline from the Society for Vascular Surgery
Figure 105.1 Odds ratios for risk factors for symptomatic peripheral artery
(SVS) Lower Extremity Guidelines Writing Group.18 The authors disease. (Adapted from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. TASC II
recommend accepted preventive strategies for systemic athero- Working Group. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial
sclerosis and comprehensive tobacco cessation interventions, Disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(Suppl S):S5-S61.)
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1379

recommendation.15 The guidelines suggest that exercise training,

Exercise Therapy for Claudication in the form of walking, should be performed for a minimum
Multiple reports have clearly demonstrated improvements in of 30 to 45 minutes per session, 3 to 4 times per week, for a
pain-free ambulation and overall walking performance with period not less than 12 weeks. During each session, the patient
structured exercise training.7,25-27 Data from more than 20 should be encouraged to walk until the limit of lower extremity
randomized trials have confirmed that exercise therapy is the pain tolerance is reached, followed by a short period of rest
best initial treatment of intermittent claudication.27 The benefits until pain relief is obtained, then a return to exercise. This cycle
of exercise extend beyond improvement in the symptoms of should be followed for the duration of the session. As the
claudication. Regular aerobic exercise reduces cardiovascular pain-free interval of ambulation increases, the level of exercise
risk by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and by improving should be increased (Box 105.1).25
glycemic control. In most patients, claudication initiates a Although exercise therapy would appear easy to implement,
downward spiral of cardiovascular deconditioning that can result effectiveness is often limited by poor patient compliance. Studies
in an annual mortality rate as high as 12%.27 Ambulation distance have shown the superiority of clinic-based exercise programs
can decline at a rate of 8.4 m/year beginning with symptom over home-based programs.7 However, effective exercise training
onset.28 This cycle can be halted and even reversed with exercise is not possible in up to 34% of patients because of comorbid
training. In a recent report from Japan, Sakamoto and colleagues medical conditions, and an additional 30% of patients simply
showed that the implementation of structured exercise resulted refuse to participate in exercise training.30 In addition, supervised
in a 5-year cardiovascular event–free survival rate of 80.5% in exercise training programs are usually not covered by third-party
patients with PAD, compared with 56.7% in untreated matched insurance plans, although it may be in the near future by
controls.29 Medicare. Therefore, even though exercise therapy in motivated
The current American College of Cardiology/American Heart patients offers proven benefits, its effectiveness is applicable
Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines support supervised exercise to only approximately one-third of patients presenting with
for the treatment of intermittent claudication as a level IA intermittent claudication.

BOX 105.1 Key Components of a Structured Exercise Program for Claudication

Role of the Primary Clinician • Patients walk at this workload until they experience claudication of
moderate severity, at which point they take a brief rest period,
• Establish the diagnosis of PAD using the ABI or other objective
either standing or sitting, to permit symptoms to resolve.
vascular laboratory evaluations.
• Determine that claudication is the major symptom limiting Duration
• The exercise-rest-exercise pattern should be repeated throughout
• Discuss the risks and benefits of therapeutic alternatives, including
the exercise session.
pharmacologic, percutaneous, and surgical interventions.
• The initial duration usually consists of 35 min of intermittent
• Initiate systemic atherosclerosis risk modification.
walking. This should be increased by 5 min each session until
• Perform treadmill stress testing.
50 min of intermittent walking can be accomplished.
• Provide formal referral to a claudication exercise rehabilitation
program. Frequency
Exercise Guidelines for Claudication • Perform treadmill or track walking 3-5 times per week.
• Include warm-up and cool-down periods of 5-10 min each. Role of Direct Supervision
Types of Exercise • As walking ability improves, the exercise workload should be
increased by modifying the treadmill grade or speed (or both) to
• Treadmill or track walking is the most effective exercise for
ensure the stimulus of claudication pain during the workout.
• As walking ability improves, it is possible that cardiac signs and
• Resistance training may be beneficial for individuals with other
symptoms (e.g., dysrhythmia, angina, ST-segment depression) may
forms of cardiovascular disease, and its use (as tolerated) for
appear. These events should prompt physician reevaluation.
general fitness is complementary to but not a substitute for
• Initially, set the treadmill to a speed and grade that elicits
claudication symptoms within 3-5 min.

ABI, Ankle-brachial index; PAD, peripheral artery disease.

These general guidelines should be individualized and based on the results of treadmill stress testing and the patient’s clinical status. A full discussion of the exercise precautions
for persons with concomitant diseases can be found elsewhere for patients with diabetes (Ruderman N, Devlin JT, Schneider S, Kriska A. Handbook of Exercise in Diabetes.
Alexandria, VA: American Diabetes Association; 2002), hypertension (ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. In: Franklin BA, ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins; 2000), and coronary artery disease (Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention/American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 1999).
From Stewart KJ, Hiatt WR, Regensteiner JG, et al. Exercise training for claudication. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:1941-1951.
1380 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

week, increasing to 50 mg twice a day the following week, and

Pharmacologic Treatment of Claudication finally achieving the standard dose of 100 mg twice a day in
Pharmacologic therapy for intermittent claudication has been week 3. Of the pharmacologic agents used to treat claudication,
the subject of intense research for more than 30 years. To date, cilostazol has the most data supporting its clinical use.
only two drugs (pentoxifylline and cilostazol) have achieved
FDA approval for the treatment of intermittent claudication
in the United States. However, a number of other medications DECISION MAKING FOR
have been investigated, with varying degrees of evidence sup-
porting their efficacy (Table 105.1). These include a number
of drugs and supplements with various reported mechanisms Patients with lower extremity PAD present with a wide spectrum
of action such as changes in tissue metabolism (naftidrofuryl, of symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic, to only minor
levocarnitine), enhanced nitric oxide production (L-arginine), exertional leg pain, significant walking impairment, or even
and vasodilatory effects (statins, buflomedil, prostaglandins, ulceration or gangrene. Therefore the first critical step in decision
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, K-134). making for the treatment of PAD is to confirm that PAD is
responsible for the patient’s symptoms (see Chapter 18). In
Cilostazol brief, noninvasive vascular laboratory testing is indicated for
Cilostazol (Pletal) gained FDA approval in 1999 for the treatment patients with a history consistent with vasculogenic claudication,
of intermittent claudication. Oral administration of this phos- rest pain/metatarsalgia, or tissue loss. Measurement of ABI is
phodiesterase III inhibitor increases cyclic adenosine mono- the most common PAD screening and diagnostic tool used.
phosphate (cAMP) and results in a variety of physiologic effects, An ABI of ≤0.90 is highly sensitive and specific for the identifica-
including the inhibition of smooth muscle cell contraction and tion of PAD when compared with the “gold standard” of invasive
platelet aggregation. Cilostazol is also thought to decrease smooth arteriography (evidence of a hemodynamically significant
muscle cell proliferation, a process that has been implicated in peripheral arterial stenosis).16 Complete physical examination
coronary artery restenosis following percutaneous transluminal will often disclose pulse deficits, but intact pulses at rest do not
angioplasty.31 Finally, cilostazol has a beneficial effect on plasma exclude hemodynamically significant PAD. After the symptom
lipid concentrations, resulting in a decrease in serum triglycerides complex (either claudication or CLTI) is determined to be
and an increase in HDL. Although the precise mechanism by secondary to PAD, decision making depends on symptom
which cilostazol improves the symptoms of intermittent claudica- severity and whether the symptoms are acute or chronic. The
tion is unknown, it is likely a combination of these effects. following discussion relates to chronic lower extremity ischemia;
Several controlled clinical trials, including a meta-analysis, acute ischemia is discussed in Chapter 100.
have confirmed the efficacy of cilostazol.32,33,34 Results have Decision making regarding revascularization is based first
shown increased maximal walking distances up to 50%, as well on symptom status and a sophisticated understanding of the
as significant improvements in health-related quality of life natural history of the patient’s condition. Treatment strategies
(QoL) measures.33 There is also increasing evidence that cilostazol may thus be very different for patients with disabling claudication
may modulate the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor compared with those with CLTI because the risk of limb loss
(VEGF), potentially stimulating angiogenesis in patients with is dramatically different for the two conditions. Anatomic
chronic lower extremity ischemia.35 classification systems, such as the Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society
The benefits of cilostazol in the treatment of intermittent Consensus (TASC) classification system, may assist in gauging
claudication were compared with those of pentoxifylline in a the extent of angiographic disease. Although the TASC II
randomized controlled trial performed by Dawson and associ- classification system can be helpful in the revascularization
ates.32 They found that cilostazol therapy significantly increased decision-making process (i.e., endovascular or open), athero-
maximal walking distance by 107 m (54% increase), compared sclerotic burden as measured by arteriography is not the sole
with a 64-m improvement in the pentoxifylline group (30% factor upon which treatment decisions should be made. Notably
increase). There was no difference in maximal walking distance absent from the TASC classification system are any features
improvement between the pentoxifylline and placebo groups. relating to degree of ischemia, wounds, infection, functional
Regarding the durability of the effect, a recent pooled analysis status, and conduit availability, all of which are extremely
of nine randomized controlled trials demonstrated a significant important determinants of revascularization success. Clearly,
benefit in maximal walking distance compared with placebo at angiographic anatomy alone cannot guide therapy.
6 months.36 Another critical element of decision making focuses on
Cilostazol has a moderate but notable adverse effect profile determining whether a patient will achieve meaningful benefit
that includes headache, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal discomfort. from a technically successful procedure. Technical success does
Its use is contraindicated in patients with congestive heart failure, not always equate directly with clinical success. As a result, it
and high plasma drug levels may result when taken in combina- is important to assess baseline functional status, as well as the
tion with other medications metabolized by the liver via the burden of comorbid conditions. Patients who are either bed-
cytochrome P-450 pathway. bound at baseline or who have prohibitive medical risk may
The adverse effects of cilostazol can be minimized by initiating incur significantly more benefit from a treatment that differs
a progressive treatment regimen, starting at 50 mg/day for 1 from the TASC II recommendations (based on lesion type alone),
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1381

TABLE 105.1 Pharmacologic Treatment of Claudication

Drug Mechanism of Action Clinical Benefit Adverse Effects Current Clinical Role
Pentoxifylline Methylxanthine derivative; Improved PFWD and MWD May interfere with blood FDA approved for use
improves oxygen delivery over placebo65,135,136 clotting, particularly
by enhancing red blood cell when taken in
deformability; may inhibit combination with
platelet aggregation34 warfarin
Cilostazol Phosphodiesterase III Improved MWD compared Headaches, diarrhea, GI FDA approved for use
inhibitor; inhibits smooth with pentoxifylline and discomfort;
muscle cell contraction and placebo135,137,138 contraindicated in
platelet aggregation patients with history of
congestive heart failure
Naftidrofuryl Serotonin antagonist thought Improved PFWD; no Minor GI, flatulence, Widely available in
to improve aerobic improvement in MWD139,140 abdominal discomfort Europe; not FDA
metabolism approved
Levocarnitine Carrier molecule involved in Improved PFWD and MWD Flu-like symptoms Available over the
the transport of long-chain compared with placebo141; counter as a dietary
fatty acids; increases the no benefit was seen over supplement, not
availability of energy exercise alone142 subject to FDA
substrate for skeletal approval
muscle metabolism
HMG-CoA reductase Unknown; may alter Improved pain-free walking Headache, abdominal pain, FDA approved for
inhibitors vasomotor tone or time; no improvement in constipation; rarely, cardiovascular
stimulate angiogenesis143 maximal walking time increased liver enzymes, protection, not
compared with placebo144 cholestatic hepatitis, specifically for
rhabdomyolysis treatment of
Buflomedil145,146 α1 and α2 antagonist, causing Improved PFWD and MWD Lethal and nonlethal Not FDA approved;
vasodilation; also inhibits compared with placebo147 neurologic and studied in phase 2
platelet aggregation and cardiovascular adverse trials
enhances red blood cell events have been
deformability reported148
L-Arginine149,150 Amino acid precursor of Improved MWD (with IV GI distress151 Not FDA approved;
endothelial-derived nitric administration) compared studied in phase 2
oxide; indirectly modulates with placebo150; no trials
vasodilation of vascular improvement over placebo
smooth muscle when studied with oral
formulation over 6 months118
Prostaglandins: Vasodilatory effects; inhibit Prostaglandin E1 improved Headache, flushing, GI Not FDA approved;
Prostaglandin E1,120 platelet aggregation MWD compared with distress119,120 studied in phase 2
prostaglandin I2,152-154 placebo120; beraprost trials
(prostaglandin I2) has
demonstrated conflicting
Angiotensin- Vasodilation through Ramipril improved pain-free Hypotension, headache, FDA approved for
converting enzyme reduction in angiotensin II, walking time and maximal cough; rarely, cardiovascular
inhibitors sympathetic inhibition, and walking time over placebo52 hepatotoxicity, protection, not
improvement in endothelial Stevens-Johnson specifically for
function through syndrome, angioedema treatment of
preservation of bradykinin52 claudication
K-134155 Novel phosphodiesterase III Primary analysis showed no Headache, nausea, Not FDA approved;
inhibitor; inhibits smooth benefit; mixed effects model diarrhea, tachycardia studied in phase 2
muscle cell contraction and showed both K-134 and trials
platelet aggregation cilostazol to improve peak
walking time
FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GI, gastrointestinal; HMG-CoA, hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A; MWD, maximal walking distance; PFWD, pain-free
walking distance.
1382 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

to more appropriately balance the chances for functional limb noted that lower extremity bypass is generally not offered as a
salvage with the risks of periprocedural morbidity. Included in life-saving therapy, and therefore survival is not an appropriate
this evaluation is an assessment of the available conduit, should measure for comparisons between revascularization strategies.39
bypass be required. The challenge of decision making in PAD In addition, Conte stressed the importance of limb- and patient-
is accurately assessing each of these factors and synthesizing a centered outcomes, such as freedom from re-intervention. This
plan that optimizes the likelihood of a favorable outcome for shift toward more patient-centered outcomes is reflected in
each individual patient. the SVS objective performance goals (OPGs) (https://www
-performance-goals.aspx). These guidelines were developed
Defining Treatment Success specifically for comparative evaluations of different treatments
Optimal treatment must ultimately be tailored to each patient. for CLTI,40,41 but the endpoints chosen are key components of
Although the general goal of any revascularization, whether for treatment success for PAD, namely major adverse limb events,
claudication or CLTI, is to increase the perfusion to the extremity which included both freedom from major amputation as well
as measured by physiologic testing, there are several other aspects as from re-intervention. This novel approach shifts the focus
that define treatment “success.” These will not be the same for of outcome measures from technical success rates such as primary
every patient with lower extremity PAD. and secondary patency to one that acknowledges a burden
incurred by the patient with each intervention that is required
Limb- and Patient-Centered Outcomes to maintain that limb and function (Table 105.2).
Traditional definitions of treatment success included technical
outcomes such as graft/stent patency. However, graft patency Claudication
may not correlate well with limb preservation; Simons et al. For patients with claudication, surgeon-defined, procedural
found that 10% of patients who underwent lower extremity endpoints may not accurately capture all relevant outcomes.
bypass for CLTI failed to achieve clinical improvement despite Some have challenged the traditional approach to patients with
having a patent graft at 1 year postoperatively.37 Other outcome claudication.42,43 Given the more benign natural history with
measures such as survival or amputation-free survival (AFS) respect to limb loss, nonoperative therapy is traditionally recom-
have also been widely used. Some have questioned the appro- mended as the first line of treatment; limb loss is therefore not
priateness of these endpoints. In a critique of the Bypass Versus a logical measure of treatment success. Kalbaugh and colleagues,
Angioplasty in Severe Ischemia of the Leg (BASIL) trial,38 Conte using the Short Form (36) Health Survey (SF-36), found that

TABLE 105.2 Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Endpoint Definitions and Event Rates Reported by the Society for
Vascular Surgery Working Group for the Development of Objective Performance Goals for Evaluating
Catheter-Based Treatmenta
Endpoint Definition Event Rate (%) (95% CI)
Safety Outcomes (30 Day)
Major adverse cardiovascular Myocardial infarction, stroke, or death (any cause). 6.2 (4.7-8.1)
event (MACE)
Major adverse limb event Above-ankle amputation of the index limb or major re-intervention (new bypass 6.1 (4.6-7.9)
(MALE) graft, jump/interposition graft revision, or thrombectomy/thrombolysis).
Amputation Above-ankle amputation of the index limb. 1.9 (1.1-3.1)
Efficacy Outcomes (1 Year; All Rates Are Freedom From Event)
Perioperative death or MALE Perioperative death (30 days), or any MALE 76.9 (74.0-79.9)
Amputation-free survival (AFS) Above-ankle amputation of the index limb or death (any cause). 76.5 (73.7-79.5)
Re-intervention or amputation Any re-intervention, above ankle amputation of the index limb, or stenosis 46.5 (42.3-51.2)
or stenosis (RAS)
Re-intervention or amputation Any re-intervention or above ankle amputation of the index limb. 61.3 (58.0-64.9)
Limb salvage Freedom from above-ankle amputation 88.9 (86.7-91.1)
Survival Freedom from death (any cause) 85.7 (83.3-88.1)
As reported by the Society for Vascular Surgery Working Group for the development of objective performance goals for evaluating catheter-based treatment.
CI, Confidence interval.
Data are pooled from prospective trials of vein bypass surgery in CLTI.
From Conte MS, Geraghty PJ, Bradbury AW, et al. Suggested objective performance goals and clinical trial design for evaluating catheter-based treatment of
critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2009;50:1462-1473.
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1383

reassurances about the benign natural history of their condition

did little to alleviate patients’ symptoms. Conversely, intervention TABLE 105.3 Probability of Failure After Bypassa
for claudication improved QoL scores considerably. Improve- When the Clinical Condition Is Present
ments were similar to those found after coronary artery bypass at Presentation
surgery for angina and were half as beneficial as hip replacement Probability of Odds Ratio
surgery. In a more recent series, Taylor and coworkers reported Predictor Variable Failure (%) (95% CI)
significant symptomatic improvement after intervention for
Impaired ambulation 58 6.4 (2.9-14.4)
claudication in nearly 80% of treated patients.44 Revascularization
in this series was exceedingly safe, with no early amputations Infrainguinal disease 46 3.9 (1.6-9.8)
and a 99% limb salvage rate at 5 years. ESRD 35 2.5 (1.2-5.4)
Although it is accepted that revascularization is not appropri- Gangrene 34 2.4 (1.5-4.0)
ate in every case, there is clear evidence that QoL is improved Hyperlipidemia 11 0.6 (0.34-0.93)
by revascularization in many instances.45-48 Indeed, the recent a
Defined as patent bypass until healed, limb salvage for 1 year, maintenance
focus on patient-oriented endpoints has stimulated new research of ambulation for 1 year, and survival for 6 months.
in the objective measurement of QoL for patients undergoing CI, Confidence interval; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
lower extremity revascularization. Various questionnaires have From Taylor SM, Cull, DL, Kalbaugh CA, et al. Critical analysis of clinical
emerged as tools to measure QoL. Unfortunately, there is no success after surgical bypass for lower extremity ischemic tissue loss using a
consensus on the ideal questionnaire to use for the evaluation standardized definition combining multiple parameters: a new paradigm of
outcome assessment. J Am Coll Surg. 2007;204:831-839.
of patients with PAD. The two most commonly used surveys
are the SF-36 and the Nottingham Health Profile.49,50
Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia fail to capture major factors that determine the success of
Taylor and colleagues recently studied 331 consecutive patients intervention.
treated for Rutherford class 5 and 6 ischemia (tissue loss).51 A
bypass was deemed clinically successful if all four outcome criteria Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society
were met: (1) bypass patency until wound healing occurred, (2) Consensus Classification
limb salvage for at least 1 year, (3) maintenance of ambulatory In January 2000 the TASC for the Management of Peripheral
status for at least 1 year, and (4) survival for at least 6 months. Arterial Disease published a document authored by a working
The authors found acceptable results when examining these group of representatives from 14 surgical vascular, cardiovascular,
components separately, including a graft patency rate of 72% and radiologic societies.52 An updated document (TASC II)
and a limb salvage rate of 73% at 36 months. However, the was published in January 2007. These important works not
clinical success rate, defined as the achievement of all four only classified the lesions but also provided treatment recom-
criteria, was only 44%. Furthermore, patients who presented mendations according to lesion type. The TASC working group
with impaired ambulatory status, end-stage renal disease, gan- has classified anatomic patterns of disease involvement (types
grene, and infrainguinal disease (each independent statistical A through D) for both the aortoiliac (Fig. 105.2) and femo-
predictors) were especially prone to failure (Table 105.3).51 ropopliteal (Fig. 105.3) segments, based on recommended
Prospects for a successful outcome became progressively dismal treatment (endovascular versus open surgery). The TASC working
as the number of independent negative predictors increased. group advocated endovascular treatment for TASC type A lesions
Patients harboring two of these independent predictors of and open surgical treatment for TASC type D lesions. For
failure experienced approximately a 33% probability of success; TASC type B and C lesions, the authors concluded that there
those with three predictors, a 10% probability of success; and was insufficient evidence to definitively recommend one modality
those with all four independent predictors of failure, less than over the other.53
a 5% probability of success. Similar studies using consensus
definitions of success are needed to help guide decision- Runoff Score
making regarding who should receive intervention and who In 1986 the SVS and the International Society for Cardiovascular
should not. Surgery published reporting standards for lower extremity
ischemia, which included the description of a runoff score to
Treatment Guidelines According to Anatomic characterize the status of the outflow vessels distal to the distal
anastomosis of a lower extremity revascularization procedure54;
Disease Classification this was revised to the current version in 199755 to better
Several classification systems have been developed that character- incorporate the contribution of pedal vessels. The score values
ize PAD on the basis of anatomic descriptions of lesion type range from 0 to 10 (with 0 being completely patent, disease-free
and location. The major goals have included standardization outflow) that is calculated based on the degree of occlusion
of reporting disease burden, development of methods to and the relative contribution to outflow of each vessel. This
correlate disease burden with clinical severity, and development formula translates into a description of the resistance in the
of recommendations for method of intervention. Although outflow bed and therefore was designed to facilitate comparisons
these classification schemes provide some value, they notably of expected bypass patencies. A simplified four-level version
1384 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease






Figure 105.2 Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus classification of aortoiliac lesions. AAA, Abdominal aortic
aneurysm; CFA, common femoral artery; CIA, common iliac artery; EIA, external iliac artery. (Redrawn from Norgren
L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. TASC II Working Group. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of
Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(Suppl S):S5-S61.)

(scores 0 to 3) is also described that applies the weighting units history of the disease. It has long been appreciated that claudica-
to the outflow in an all-or-none fashion based on the presence tion is a marker for more serious potential manifestations of
of any hemodynamically significant stenosis. The authors note systemic atherosclerosis. With the goal of preserving life and
explicitly that neither of these systems should be used to the limb, many experts agree that the best strategy is to initiate
exclusion of other systems, and do not offer these as a scheme systemic medical therapy aimed at reducing cardiac morbidity.
for making treatment decisions. This strategy is based on the low relative risk of limb loss in
patients with claudication compared with the significant relative
risk of stroke, MI, and death. The ACC/AHA guidelines suggest
TREATMENT GUIDELINES that the risk of major limb amputation for a patient with
intermittent claudication is approximately 1% per year, whereas
ACCORDING TO PRESENTATION the risk of cardiac death is approximately 3% to 5% per
year.15,56-58 Treatment strategies have therefore stressed cardio-
Claudication vascular risk factor modification and medical therapy as the
Traditional treatment recommendations for intermittent claudica- best initial treatment for patients with PAD symptoms limited
tion have balanced the risk of intervention against the natural to intermittent claudication. Medical treatment for intermittent
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1385



≤5 cm




Figure 105.3 Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus classification of femoropopliteal lesions. CFA, Common
femoral artery; SFA, superficial femoral artery. (Redrawn from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. TASC II
Working Group. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg.
2007;45(Suppl S):S5–S61.)

claudication consists of smoking cessation, exercise training, cardiovascular events is undisputed. The rationale for smoking
and pharmacologic therapy, as already described. Revasculariza- cessation is therefore based on reducing patient mortality and
tion is recommended only in cases of severe claudication and slowing the overall atherosclerotic disease process.
only after medical therapy has failed. Currently available pharmacologic agents for claudication
have already been discussed (see section “Pharmacologic Treat-
Medical Therapy Versus Revascularization ment of Claudication”). The ACC/AHA guidelines recommend,
The role of smoking cessation in treating the symptoms of in addition to routine antiplatelet therapy, a therapeutic trial
claudication is unclear. Although studies have shown that of cilostazol (100 mg 2 times a day) as an effective method for
smoking cessation can improve walking distance in some cases, increasing overall ambulation (class I recommendation). This
these findings are not universal.59 However, the association agent is limited to patients with PAD and intermittent claudica-
between tobacco cessation and the reduction of subsequent tion and no history of congestive heart failure, because cilostazol
1386 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

is a phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor capable of exacerbating the risks of the specific intervention and the degree and durability
ventricular dysfunction.15 Unfortunately, adverse effects prevent of improvement that can be expected from the intervention.53
the routine use of cilostazol in up to 15% of patients.32,33 Because the natural history of vasculogenic claudication is rela-
When comparing medical to endovascular therapy, there are tively benign, that balance usually does not favor open surgery.
abundant data supporting the efficacy of medical therapy. For In contrast, its relatively low morbidity and mortality make
instance, the Edinburgh walking study consisted of a randomized endovascular therapy particularly attractive,53 and when it is
trial to determine outcome differences in patients with intermit- anatomically feasible, endovascular therapy is often preferred
tent claudication treated with angioplasty and stent versus to open surgery for most cases of claudication.60 However, it
medical management (daily low-dose aspirin, lifestyle modifica- is important to note that a growing body of evidence suggests
tion) after 2 years. These investigators found no difference in that the concept that an endovascular option “does not burn
maximal walking distance, treadmill distance until onset of any bridges” is false.63,64
claudication, and QoL measures between the two groups.60 Anatomy is one of several important considerations when
Supervised exercise therapy has also been compared with primary selecting the best interventional modality for patients with
stenting for disabling claudication due to aortoiliac occlusive claudication as well as those with CLTI. Prospective studies
disease in the Claudication: Exercise Versus Endoluminal dating to the 1980s have characterized the arterial lesions and
Revascularization (CLEVER) trial.61 At 6-month follow-up, anatomy most conducive to long-term patency after angioplasty.
they reported that change in peak walking time was greatest Johnston and colleagues demonstrated in a prospective analysis
for supervised exercise, intermediate for stenting, and least with that the arterial anatomy and clinical presentation most amenable
pharmacologic therapy (mean change versus baseline, 5.8 ± to long-term patency and success using angioplasty were focal
4.6, 3.7 ± 4.9, and 1.2 ± 2.6 minutes, respectively; P < .04 for arterial lesions in large-diameter vessels with adequate outflow.65
the comparison of supervised exercise versus stenting). QoL Outcomes were more favorable in nondiabetic patients presenting
evaluation revealed significant improvements in both the with claudication than in those with CLTI. The arterial segment
supervised exercise and the stenting groups compared with best managed with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is
pharmacologic therapy, but the benefit was greater in the stenting thus the common iliac artery, a vessel with all the favorable
group than in the exercise group. anatomic characteristics identified by Johnston’s study. Athero-
In summary, when weighing medical therapy versus revas- sclerotic lesions in this segment are usually focal and possess
cularization for the treatment of intermittent claudication, the good outflow. Angioplasty patency rates at 5 years generally
risk-to-benefit ratio favors initial medical therapy in most cases. exceed 70%.44 Conversely, long-segment arterial disease, such
However, medical therapy may be effective in as few as 30% as a long superficial femoral artery occlusion, is probably best
of patients because of noncompliance and drug intolerance. treated with open bypass from the standpoint of durability of
When revascularization is chosen, modern approaches have the revascularization. Diffuse multisegmental disease, more
become predominantly endovascular owing to its reduced common with CLTI, can present a therapeutic dilemma.
procedural risks compared with open surgery. However, an
analysis of practice patterns in New England between 2003
and 2009 demonstrated that an increasing proportion of lower
Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia
extremity bypass procedures were performed for claudication CLTI is defined as chronic lower extremity PAD with either
in recent years (from 19% to 31%, P < .0001). In addition, ischemic rest pain or the tissue loss (nonhealing ulcers or
the percent of patients with a history of previous endovascular gangrene) (see Chapter 104). Typically, symptoms have to be
intervention has steadily increased (from 13% to 23%, P = present for more than 2 weeks and associated with an ankle
.02).62 The authors suggest that the high rates of prior endo- pressure less than 50 mm Hg or a toe pressure less than 30 mm
vascular intervention seen may reflect a “treatment trap”; after Hg.60 Although far fewer patients present with CLTI than with
the decision has been made to intervene procedurally for intermittent claudication, CLTI patients consume the vast
claudication, surgeons may feel obliged to perform an open majority of treatment resources. A surprisingly small fraction
revascularization if a prior endovascular approach has failed to of patients (<5%) with intermittent claudication progresses to
resolve symptoms. Of note, the 1-year incidence of major CLTI. Patients with “chronic subclinical ischemia”—those with
amputation after intervention on claudicants was 1.6% in this low perfusion and ankle pressures but who are asymptomatic
study; although this is low, it is a devastating outcome after a for a variety of reasons—are also at risk for the development
procedure for claudication. Clinical decision making ultimately of limb ischemia.60
must incorporate not only the risks and benefits of various Prognosis for CLTI is considerably worse than for intermittent
treatment strategies but also a discussion of realistic expectations claudication; as many as 25% of CLTI patients progress to
as to the extent to which treatment will improve symptoms major limb amputation within 1 year, and 25% die of cardio-
and improve QoL. vascular complications within 1 year.66 However, CLTI popula-
tions are quite heterogeneous and it is therefore difficult to
Endovascular Treatment Versus Open Surgery precisely define its natural history. For example, CLTI patients
(see Chapters 106 through 110) in the placebo arm of the Circulase trial experienced an 87%
Ultimately, the selection of the best method of revascularization limb salvage rate at 6 months,67 a limb salvage rate not dissimilar
for an individual with claudication is based on a balance between from the treatment arms in the BASIL trial (Bradbury AW) or
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1387

the PREVENT III trial.68 Decision making for CLTI commonly can exceed 90% in young, good-risk patients after below-knee
poses three dilemmas: whether to treat medically or with amputation.73 Clearly, amputation should be considered a tool
intervention; if treating with intervention, whether to amputate capable of extending functionality and not a failure of treatment
or revascularize; and if revascularizing, whether to use endo- in these cases. If there is the potential for some degree of
vascular intervention or open surgery. rehabilitation, the limb amputation should be performed at
the lowest possible level at which healing can be expected,
Medical Therapy Versus Revascularization because the work of walking increases dramatically as the level
The natural history of untreated CLTI is poorly understood of amputation becomes more proximal. Typically, patients with
because most functional patients receive some type of revascu- well-controlled medical comorbidities, a palpable femoral pulse,
larization. Limb loss and cardiac death are common; 1-year a warm calf, and no signs of infection are likely to heal after a
mortality ranges from 20% to 30%, with cardiac deaths out- below-knee amputation (see Chapters 111 and 112).
numbering noncardiac deaths four to one.69 The best information The use of an immediate postoperative prosthesis (IPOP)
regarding the natural history of nonrevascularized limbs in may also aid in expediting a patient’s recovery following
patients with CLTI comes from the placebo arms of pharma- below-knee amputation. This technique, first described in the
cotherapy trials of patients with unreconstructable vascular 1960s, gained favor following a publication, the Prosthetic
disease. Results suggest that this subgroup has a dismal prognosis, Research Study, by Burgess and colleagues.74 They reported
with nearly 40% of limbs progressing to amputation at 6 that the use of a rigid cast placed intraoperatively facilitated
months.70 Therefore, in functional patients, some type of faster healing and return to ambulation. Folsom and colleagues
revascularization is almost always preferable to medical therapy. studied this technique in a population where the indication
However, medical therapy for CLTI is not without some for amputation was not trauma, but rather severe infection
noteworthy successes. Indeed, wound care centers have become or unreconstructable PAD.75 Of 65 patients, 86% returned to
common adjuncts to many vascular surgical practices (see independent ambulation, with an average time to ambulation
Chapter 115). Ischemic ulcer healing rates of 55% have been of 15.2 days following below-knee ambulation. A more recent
reported from dedicated centers using modern wound care comparative analysis of IPOP compared with traditional soft
methods such as negative-pressure wound therapy, intense dressings demonstrated no difference in complication rates, and a
débridement, and antibiotic therapy.71 However, wound healing lower incidence of revision (soft dressings 27.6% vs. IPOP 5.4%,
in such situations is often slow, laborious, and unpredictable. P = .021).76
To date, pharmacotherapy for CLTI has failed to yield any Patients with major tissue loss who are too sick or infirm to
major breakthroughs. The routine use of prostanoids, vasodila- realize the benefit of limb revascularization should undergo
tors, antiplatelet agents, and even hyperbaric oxygen for the palliative primary above-knee amputation. However, judging
treatment of ischemic ulcers remains of unproven benefit.71 patients “too sick or infirm” can be difficult. Obviously, a
In summary, revascularization is an essential component in nonambulatory, elderly, nursing-home patient with knee
the relief of CLTI. Although medical adjuncts geared at risk contractures and neuropathic heel ulcers would qualify for a
factor modification may be important to slow the progression palliative above-knee amputation. For patients who are minimally
of systemic atherosclerotic disease, they play a secondary role ambulatory, with multiple comorbidities, the decision is less
in the treatment of the severely ischemic limb. In those rare clear-cut. An individualized judgment is required to determine
cases in which vascular disease is truly unreconstructable, a whether these patients will be better served by primary amputa-
trial of intensive wound care, preferably at a dedicated wound tion or limb revascularization. In a single-institution study of
care center, may yield satisfactory healing rates for motivated 1000 consecutive revascularizations for CLTI, preoperative
patients with superficial ulcerations, or it may avoid major functional performance status was the most important predictor
limb amputation in high-risk patients who are approaching the of postoperative functional outcome—even more important
end of life. than limb salvage itself.77 This finding strongly suggests that
there is a definite subset of patients who are too sick or debilitated
Limb Amputation Versus Revascularization to realize the functional benefits of revascularization. Although
For the overwhelming majority of patients with CLTI, revas- more work is needed to better define such patients, this cohort
cularization is the interventional treatment of choice. However, is likely best suited for primary amputation.
primary limb amputation continues to be required in 10% to
40% of CLTI patients, owing to overwhelming infection or Endovascular Treatment Versus Open Surgery
unreconstructable vascular disease.72 Unreconstructable vascular (see Chapters 106 to 110)
disease accounts for nearly 60% of patients requiring secondary For many years, the classic treatment approach for CLTI has
amputation.71 In many of these cases, revascularization has failed been open surgery. CLTI is usually associated with multilevel
due to disease progression, recurrent ischemia, or persistent arterial disease that is not ideally suited to percutaneous interven-
infection or necrosis despite a patent revascularization. tion. Diffuse, extensive PAD causing CLTI in both aortoiliac
Although counterintuitive, limb amputation and prosthetic and femoropopliteal locations (see Figs. 105.2 and 105.3) is
rehabilitation can be an excellent option, offering an expedient best treated by surgical bypass according to TASC.78 However,
return to a reasonable QoL in selected cases. Maintenance of the primacy of surgical bypass for CLTI management has been
ambulation can exceed 70%, and maintenance of independence challenged in recent years and has become the subject of intense
1388 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

debate. Those who favor open surgery for the treatment of recurrence is the rule rather than the exception, a more durable
CLTI often cite superior reconstruction patency and increased reconstruction is probably indicated. The role of situational perfu-
durability.79-81 However, open surgery is usually associated with sion enhancement in patients who develop ischemic rest pain is
higher perioperative morbidity and longer hospitalization.82 In likewise unclear.
addition, long-term postoperative graft surveillance is necessary
to maintain a patent infrainguinal bypass, as has been shown BASIL Trial
in well-performed studies from both Europe and North America There is a striking paucity of level I data to guide decision
suggesting that such surveillance is economically justified by making for endovascular treatment versus open surgery. In
preventing vein graft occlusion and late amputation.83,84 A the United Kingdom the BASIL study represents the only
re-intervention rate of 20% to 30% to treat failing grafts due randomized controlled multicenter trial comparing angioplasty
to intrinsic vein graft stenoses is usually necessary to maintain to open surgery for severe limb ischemia.92 In this study of
the increased durability attributed to open surgery.83,85 Last, nearly 450 patients randomized to bypass or balloon angioplasty
successful surgery depends on the presence of a suitable venous for the initial treatment of infrainguinal disease, the findings
conduit for bypass.86,87 Those who favor interventional treatment support much of what is known about the two modalities
cite the low morbidity and mortality associated with a procedure and underscore several important caveats. Using AFS as the
that is usually performed on an outpatient basis.88 Although primary endpoint, the authors found that patients treated with
proponents acknowledge the limited reconstruction patency bypass first had comparable outcomes to patients treated with
rates associated with endovascular treatment, especially for the balloon angioplasty first at 6 months (amputation or death =
high-risk lesions often encountered in CLTI, they argue that 21% with bypass first vs. 26% with balloon angioplasty first;
restenosis rarely jeopardizes subsequent surgery.88-90 In contrast, P = not significant). Although the early mortality was similar
others have found that prior ipsilateral intervention has a negative in both treatment groups, surgery was associated with higher
influence on subsequent bypass. An analysis of the BASIL data morbidity. Crossover treatment after initial therapy (surgery
by treatment received found 1-year AFS was 40% for bypass to angioplasty or angioplasty to surgery) was common in both
that followed a failed endovascular intervention, compared with treatment groups, with more than half the angioplasty arm and
70% for the bypass-only group.64 The authors therefore do not approximately one-third of the surgical arm requiring further
endorse the concept of a “free shot” with an endovascular first intervention. At the end of 5 years, 55% of patients were alive
approach. Nolan et al. also found a correlation of graft failure without amputation, 8% were alive with amputation, 8% were
and prior endovascular intervention; in a study of CLTI patients dead after amputation, and 29% were dead without amputation.
who underwent lower extremity bypass in New England, those After 2 years, both AFS (hazard ratio, 0.37; P = .008) and
with a prior failed endovascular intervention had a higher overall survival (hazard ratio, 0.34; P = .004) were better in the
incidence of major amputation (31% vs. 20%; P = .046) and surgical arm.
graft occlusion (28% vs. 18%; P = .009) at 1 year.91 Although The BASIL trial reinforces several principles. It clearly supports
a causative relationship has not been established, the concept the phenomenon of situational perfusion enhancement. Patients
of “burning bridges” with an aggressive endovascular-first who have lower extremity ulceration that would be expected
approach clearly deserves further study. to heal with conventional wound therapy and enhanced perfusion
within 6 months are good angioplasty candidates. The TASC
Situational Perfusion Enhancement document currently recommends angioplasty over open surgery
Proponents of endovascular intervention frequently cite the when the desired outcomes of the two modalities are compa-
phenomenon of situational perfusion enhancement and its rable.78 However, angioplasty is probably not appropriate when
role in the treatment of CLTI. They argue that there is a recurrent ulceration and persistent ischemic symptoms are
population of asymptomatic patients with subclinical lower expected to exceed 6 months. The advantage of having surgery
extremity ischemia and very low perfusion pressures. These first becomes apparent at 2 years. If it appears that the patient’s
patients become symptomatic only when they develop incidental life expectancy or the course of the disease will exceed 2 years,
foot ulceration and do not have the circulatory reserve to heal. surgery is probably the more appropriate first intervention.
A boost in arterial perfusion, even transiently, usually allows Finally, the degree of treatment crossover in the BASIL trial
healing of the ulcer. After the ulcer is healed, maintenance of was arguably its most remarkable finding. It stresses that
enhanced perfusion is not critical, and recurrent ischemia is angioplasty and open surgery are not “either-or” therapies but
usually well tolerated as the patient resumes the subclinical are complementary. It underscores the importance of training
ischemic state. Endovascular intervention proponents therefore surgeons who manage lower extremity ischemia so that they
argue that inferior reconstruction patency rates after such possess both open and endovascular skill sets.93
interventions are inconsequential. Although the phenomenon
of situational perfusion enhancement has been observed and Ongoing Trials
reported anecdotally, it should be accepted with caution. If The lack of high-quality evidence to guide therapy in patients
the ulceration is a sporadic event (e.g., the result of minor with CLTI has prompted the initiation of two more large-scale
incidental trauma), a situational boost to perfusion could be trials that deserve mention. The BASIL-2 trial (http://www
sufficient to accomplish healing. However, if the ulcer is the
result of neuropathic changes in the foot, in which case ulcer portfolio-v/Basil-2/index.aspx, accessed 27 March 2016) is a
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1389

multicenter, randomized clinical trial of “vein-bypass first” or Impact of Conduit Availability, Preoperative
“best endovascular therapy first” approach in patients with severe
limb ischemia; it began recruitment across England, Scotland,
Functional Status, and Comorbid Disease
and Northern Wales in June 2014.94 The investigators seek to Decision making in the treatment of lower extremity PAD has
recruit 600 patients over a 3-year period. The primary outcome focused on how to treat patients. In the future, as the financial
is AFS. A number of secondary outcomes will also be analyzed, condition of the healthcare system continues to deteriorate,
including major adverse limb events, health-related QoL, crossover decision making will focus on who to treat. It is naïve to believe,
and re-intervention rates, and cost-effectiveness measures. for instance, that all patients who present with CLTI will benefit
In the United States a similar effort is underway to further from aggressive intervention. Indeed, in the BASIL study cited
define the best treatment strategy for patients with CLTI, the earlier, an independent data-monitoring committee overseeing
Best Endovascular versus Best Surgical Therapy in Patients with patient enrollment in this trial found that half the patients with
CLI Trial (BEST-CLI) ( NCT02060630; severe limb ischemia were regarded as unsuitable or unfit for, accessed March 27, 2016).95 This multi- any form of revascularization. The authors concluded that
center clinical trial seeks to randomize 2100 patients with CLTI, patients eligible for revascularization represent the tip of an
across the United States and Canada, to either best open or iceberg, the true dimensions of which remain incompletely
best endovascular therapy; the first patient was enrolled in defined.92 Interventional treatment cannot and should not be
September 2014. The primary endpoint is major adverse limb offered to everyone. The true task, then, is to refine definitions
events. Planned secondary endpoints include freedom from of success and construct tools using evidence-based data to help
clinical failure and from hemodynamic failure, health-related distinguish patients who will benefit from therapy from those
QoL, and cost-utility analysis. who will not. This necessitates study of not just those who
Hopefully, these two landmark studies, if completed suc- undergo revascularization, but also those patients for whom
cessfully, will better inform the complex decision-making process either palliation or primary amputation is offered in order to
necessary to choose between endovascular treatment and open truly capture the denominator of this problem.
surgery for patients with CLTI.
Conduit Availability
Threatened Limbs, With or Without Peripheral
The availability of adequate conduit for open bypass plays a
Arterial Disease critical role in the decision of how best to treat a patient with
In recognition of the fact that PAD patients are a subset of lower extremity PAD, particularly CLTI. Great saphenous vein
patients at risk for limb loss due to a variety of potential etiologies of adequate caliber, even if it must be harvested from the
(diabetes mellitus, most commonly), the SVS commissioned contralateral leg, remains the conduit of choice for open bypass.102
the Lower Extremity Guidelines Working Group to create a It has been shown to have superior durability compared with
more comprehensive classification system to serve as a more all other conduit choices: prosthetic grafts, short saphenous
robust decision-making aid for this broader category of patients. vein, spliced arm vein, and vein cuffs.103 In the absence of
This new classification framework, entitled the SVS Threatened good-caliber great saphenous vein for bypass, an endovascular
Limb Classification System [Mills JL, Conte MS, Armstrong revascularization becomes a more attractive option. Having said
DG, et al. The Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity that, multiple authors have demonstrated excellent outcomes
Threatened Limb Classification System: risk stratification in large surgical bypass series using alternative autogenous vein
based on wound, ischemia, and foot infection. J Vasc Surg. options (cephalic vein, basilic vein, short saphenous vein).104-106
2014;59:220–234.] incorporates three major factors that impact Performance of vein mapping prior to arteriography is essential
amputation risk and clinical management: Wound, Ischemia, because of the strong influence it can have on the decision of
and foot Infection (WIfI). The intent of this new SVS WIfI how aggressively to pursue an endovascular revascularization
classification system is to stage patients across a broad spectrum strategy.
of lower extremity arterial occlusive disease of varying severity
and distribution. In the SVS WIfI system, wounds are classified Influence of Comorbid Conditions and
from grade 0 through grade 3, based on size, depth, severity,
and anticipated difficulty achieving wound healing. Ischemia
Preoperative Functional Status
is classified from grade 0 through grade 4 according to ABI, The patient’s ability to tolerate an open revascularization must
ankle systolic pressure, toe systolic pressure, or transcutaneous be assessed as part of the decision-making process. Several studies
oximetry. Infection is classified from grade 0 through grade 3 have sought to identify factors associated with perioperative
based on simple objective clinical observations. The combination morbidity and mortality. Using data on 9556 patients identified
of grades is used to categorize the limb into one of four clinical from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
stages that correlate with major amputation risk at 1 year. Multiple between 2007 and 2009, the 30-day mortality associated with
studies have validated the SVS WIfI system as an accurate way lower extremity bypass was 1.8%.107 The incidence of nonfatal
in which to predict amputation risk and stratify patients to cardiac complications is higher. In a cohort of 2907 patients
permit more meaningful analyses of outcomes for various forms who underwent lower extremity bypass in New England between
of therapy in this challenging heterogeneous population.96-101 2003 and 2007, cardiac complications occurred in 7.2%.62
1390 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

using data from another cohort of patient data. An ideal risk

TABLE 105.4 Morbidity After Infrainguinal Bypass score uses easily obtainable and clearly defined factors that are
for Claudication and Chronic available preoperatively. This allows the surgeon to calculate
Limb-Threatening Ischemia the score and offer a bedside risk prediction. However, it is
First Year 3-5 Years important to note that these risk scores are derived using a
specific endpoint, at a specific point in time, and therefore
Time for healing 15-20 weeks —
should similarly be narrowly applied. When used properly, risk
Wound complications (%) 15-25 — scores provide evidence-based risk stratification, individualized
Persistent lymphedema (%) 10-20 Unknown to each patient. Several scores have been described; they differ
Graft stenosis (%) 20 20-30 slightly in the outcome they predict, and the time point at
Graft occlusion (%) 10-20 20-40 which the outcome is predicted.109-112 In addition, some have
Major amputation (%) 5-10 10-20
been externally validated in additional patient cohorts and have
been tested using new endpoints. There is some commonality
Graft infection (%) 1-3 —
among the most widely recognized grading systems (Table 105.6),
Perioperative death (%) 1-2 — and some important differences described in more detail in
All death (%) 10 30-50 later sections. However, it is important to note that prediction
Adapted from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. TASC II Working models complement clinical judgment rather than replace it,
Group. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial and more research is needed to optimize these models. In
Disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(Suppl S):S5–S61. particular, some have suggested that future study should
incorporate clinical inputs beyond those used in the models
described later, such as the degree of ischemia, extent of tissue
loss, and presence of infection.113
Several other complications, both local and systemic, have been
well described (Table 105.4). These are discussed, as well as
recommendations for preoperative risk assessment, in Chapter ANGIOGENESIS FOR PERIPHERAL
32 and Section 7.
Beyond the risk of perioperative complications, the likelihood
a patient will derive mid- to long-term benefit from an open For patients with CLTI who lack a revascularization option,
revascularization must be included in the decision-making novel alternative therapies may offer benefit. Angiogenesis is a
process. Several studies have sought to characterize risk factors naturally occurring phenomenon in response to tissue ischemia
for poor outcomes after open bypass. Among those with CLTI, and is promoted by proangiogenic factors, including VEGF,
several predictors of reduced AFS are well established (Table fibroblast growth factor, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, and
105.5). Although many of these are comorbid conditions such hepatocyte growth factor114,115 Following the first case report
as advanced age and chronic kidney disease, others are elements using VEGF in a human subject by Isner and colleagues in
of functional status, such as preoperative ambulation or inde- 1996,116 the modulation of growth factors to stimulate angio-
pendent living. In addition, prior contralateral major amputation genesis has become an area of interest in the treatment of lower
has been shown to predict worse outcomes after open bypass.108 extremity PAD, particularly in patients who are not candidates
Although none of these studies identifies a single risk factor for surgical or interventional techniques. The concept of thera-
that is prohibitive for open bypass, for patients who present peutic angiogenesis entails efforts to increase the concentration
with a constellation of risk factors, including impaired functional of proangiogenic factors, thereby stimulating growth of new
status, the likelihood of long-term benefit from revascularization blood vessels from preexisting blood vessels to treat ischemic
is reduced. disease; this may be accomplished by administration of recom-
binant proteins or gene therapy that induces overexpression of
these factors.114,117 Therapeutic angiogenesis may also be induced
RISK PREDICTION MODELS by implantation of stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells.
Decision making in lower extremity PAD requires a highly Both bone marrow–derived and peripheral blood–derived stem
individualized approach based on a number of preoperative cells have been studied for their utility in stimulating vasculo-
factors. Several risk prediction models have been developed to genesis; both intraarterial and intramuscular techniques have
aid in patient-specific risk stratification. These tools use statistical been studied. The putative concept by which angiogenesis
modeling based on patient data to identify predictors of a specific improves limb perfusion is through the enlargement of collateral
outcome, then apply a weighting system to them, such that a blood vessels and possible direct stimulation of wound healing
score may be given that corresponds to a likelihood of that by growth factors. Preclinical animal models, such as the rabbit
outcome. For an individual patient, the score is based on the hind limb ischemia model, have clearly shown that angiogenic
presence or absence of these factors. The sum then corresponds gene therapy can improve limb perfusion compared with
to a risk category, derived from the statistical modeling. The placebo-treated animals. Growth factors act as mitogens that
performance of the risk score can be assessed by tests of dis- stimulate endothelial cell proliferation in response to local
crimination and calibration and should ideally be validated tissue ischemia, but the mechanism has not been completely
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1391

TABLE 105.5 Recent Studies Identifying Independent Predictors for Select Outcomes in Patients With Chronic
Limb-Threatening Ischemia
Inclusion Primary Outcome
Author Year Journal n, Study Type Criteria Measure Significant Predictors
Robinson 2009 JVS 1646, single Bypass surgery Patency High-risk conduit, CLI, smoking,
et al.117a center series for CLI or age ≥65 years, African
claudication American, female
Schanzer 2007 JVS 1404, multicenter Bypass surgery Patency Graft diameter, graft length,
et al.117b RCT for CLI nonsingle segment GSV,
popliteal artery origin
Bradbury 2010 JVS 452, multicenter Bypass surgery Death Age, MI, stroke, tissue loss, ankle
et al.117c RCT and angioplasty pressure, number of detectable
for SLI ankle pressures, creatinine,
smoking, BMI, Bollinger score,
Goodney 2010 JVS 2306, multicenter Bypass surgery Death CHF, diabetes, CLI, absence of
et al.117d registry for CLI or single segment GSV, age >80
claudication years, dialysis, emergent
Schanzer 2008 JVS 1404, multicenter Bypass surgery Death Statin therapy, age ≥75 years,
et al.117e RCT for CLI CAD, CKD stage 4/5, tissue loss
Owens 2007 JVS 456, single center Bypass surgery Death Age, CKD Stage 4/5
et al.117f series for CLI or
Schanzer 2009 JVS 1166, multicenter Bypass surgery Amputation-free Age ≥75 years, dialysis, tissue
et al.117g registry for CLI survival loss, anemia, advanced CAD
Schanzer 2008 JVS 1404, multicenter Bypass surgery Amputation-free Age ≥75 years, dialysis, tissue
et al.117h RCT for CLI survival loss, anemia, advanced CAD
Biancari 2007 World Journal 3925, multicenter Bypass surgery Amputation-free Diabetes, CAD, foot gangrene,
et al.117i of Surgery registry for CLI survival urgent operation
Goodney 2009 Ann Vasc 2306, multicenter Bypass surgery Amputation or loss Age 40-49 years, nonambulatory
et al.117j Surg registry for CLI or of secondary preoperatively, dialysis,
claudication patency diabetes, CLI, composite vein
grafts, tarsal bypass target,
nursing home preoperatively
Rossi et al.117k 2003 Ann Vasc 468, single center Bypass surgery Amputation Gender, nonautologous conduit,
Surg series for CLI or re-do bypass
claudication or
Toursarkissian 2002 JVS 124, single center Bypass surgery Amputation Angiographic score, foot score,
et al.117l series for CLI or diabetes
Alback 1998 Eur J Vasc 132, single center Bypass surgery Amputation “Ad-Hoc” grading system of
et al.117m Surg series for CLI or outflow arteries
Simons 2010 JVS 1457, multicenter Bypass surgery Clinical failure Dialysis, preoperative ambulation
et al.117n registry for CLI (persistent with assistance, history CABG
symptoms and/or or PCI
amputation) despite
bypass patency
Goodney 2009 JVS 1400, multicenter Bypass surgery Ambulatory failure Nonambulatory preoperatively,
et al.117o registry for CLI or CLI, age ≥70 years,
claudication postoperative MI,
postoperative amputation
Taylor 2006 JVS 1000, single Bypass surgery Ambulatory Female, diabetes, renal
et al.117p center series for CLI deterioration/ insufficiency, dementia,
failure homebound preoperatively,
postoperative amputation
1392 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

TABLE 105.5 Recent Studies Identifying Independent Predictors for Select Outcomes in Patients With Chronic
Limb-Threatening Ischemia—cont’d
Inclusion Primary Outcome
Author Year Journal n, Study Type Criteria Measure Significant Predictors
Nguyen 2006 JVS 1404, multicenter Bypass surgery Decreased Diabetes, postoperative graft
et al.47 RCT for CLI improvement in related event
quality of life
Taylor 2006 JVS 1000, single Bypass surgery Nonindependent Age ≥70 years, ulceration,
et al.117p center series for CLI living previous stroke, dementia,
nonambulatory, postoperative
BMI, Body mass index; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CLI, critical
limb ischemia; GSV, great saphenous vein; JVS, Journal of Vascular Surgery; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCT, randomized
controlled trial.
From Robinson WP 3rd, Owens CD, Nguyen LL, Chong TT, Conte MS, Belkin M. Inferior outcomes of autogenous infrainguinal bypass in Hispanics: an analysis of
ethnicity, graft function, and limb salvage. J Vasc Surg. 2009;49(6):1416–1425. doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2009.02.010. PMID: 19497500.

TABLE 105.6 Comparison of the Finland National Vascular (Finnvasc), Project of Ex-Vivo Graft Engineering by
Transfection III (PREVENT III), Bypass Versus Angioplasty in Severe Limb Ischemia (BASIL) Grading
Systems, and the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI)-Derived Risk Adjustment Model
Score Application
Critical limb ischemia Critical limb ischemia Severe limb ischemia Critical limb ischemia
Advanced age ++ + +
Coronary artery disease + + ++
Diabetes mellitus + +
Obesity ++ +
Chronic kidney disease/dialysis + ++++ ++ +++
Tissue loss + +++ +++ +
Smoking +++
Anatomic factors + +
Functional status ++
Outcome Predicted
Mortality and limb loss Amputation-free survival Survival (2 years) Amputation-free survival
(30 days) (1 year) (1 year)

delineated.118 Several studies of therapeutic angiogenesis have therapeutic approaches to the treatment of lower extremity
now been conducted, including phase III clinical trials.119-124 PAD. Several target genes and small molecules that are regulated
Overall, the data have failed to demonstrate a consistently by oxygen tension have been implicated in stimulating angio-
significant clinical benefit for any of these therapies. Results of genesis via the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway; research is
several phase II and III clinical trials are summarized in Table ongoing to define the therapeutic potential of prolyl-4-hydroxylase
105.7.117b-117c inhibitors, mediators of the thioredoxin systems, the peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-α protein,
microRNAs, and oligonucleotides.125 Therapeutic ultrasound
Future Developments has also been investigated in mouse models of hind limb ischemia
Alternative strategies for the pharmacologic treatment of vascular for the potential to stimulate neovascularization via multiple
disease are under investigation, including those aimed at the angiogenic pathways.126 Investigations of immune modulation
neovascularization of ischemic tissue and the prevention of therapy, targeting the inflammatory component of vascular
intimal hyperplasia. Similar to other fields, such as oncology, disease in an effort to decrease the development and progression
the mapping of the human genome promises to advance of atherosclerosis and possibly angioplasty-associated intimal
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1393

TABLE 105.7 Summary of Phase II and III Trials of Molecular and Cellular Proangiogenic Agents in Patients With
Peripheral Artery Disease
Trial Therapy Population Result
Growth Factors
Rajagopalan et al. (RAVE) 2003126a VEGF 105 patients with disabling No difference in walking distance or quality of life
Kusumanto et al. 2006126b VEGF 54 patients with diabetes No difference in amputation rate at 100 days
and critical limb ischemia
Nikol et al. (TALISMAN) 2008126c FGF 125 patients with critical No difference in ulcer healing at 25 weeks
limb ischemia
Powell et al. (HGF-STAT) 2008126d HGF 104 patients with critical No difference in adverse event rates; no difference in
limb ischemia major amputation or death at 6 months
Shigematsu et al. HGF 40 patients with critical Significant improvement in rest pain or ulcer size at 12
(TREAT-HGF) 2010126e limb ischemia weeks (70.4% HGF versus 30.8% placebo, P = .014)
Belch et al. (TAMARIS) 2011126f FGF 525 patients with critical No difference in major amputation or death at 1 year
limb ischemia
Stem Cells
Walter et al. (PROVASA) 2011 BMMNC 40 patients with critical No difference in ABI or major amputation at 3 months
limb ischemia
Powell et al. (RESTORE-CLI) 2012 BMMNC 77 patients with critical No difference in amputation-free survival at 12 months
(Ixmyelocel-T) limb ischemia
Teraa et al. (JUVENTAS) 2015 BMMNC 160 patients with severe No difference in major amputation at 6 months
limb ischemia
BMMNC, Bone marrow mononuclear cells; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; PBMNC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells;
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

hyperplasia, are encouraging. Other areas of research aimed at each parameter is varied through a wide range of possible values.
advancing our understanding of vascular disease include viral- If this variation does not lead to a change in policy conclusions,
directed gene transfer, targeted antibiotic therapy, and alternative one can feel confident that the results of the analysis are likely
circulating cell–free oxygen delivery vectors. to hold true in most clinical scenarios. Conversely, if an uncertain
parameter is found to be influential, this may identify an
Future Trends important area for future research. Decision analysis can play
an important role in clinical decision making in the treatment
Decision Analysis of PAD.
Decision analysis is a field of study that applies statistical methods Brothers and colleagues used decision analysis to assess three
and probabilities from existing literature to model various different strategies for the management of CLTI: primary
hypothetical outcomes for a given set of competing options.127 amputation, revascularization, or expectant management (Fig.
Decision analysis begins with identifying a problem for which 105.4).128 They found that revascularization was associated with
there is more than one potential solution. A decision tree is a gain of 1.1 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) compared with
then constructed that incorporates a valuation of any number primary amputation and 1.2 QALYs compared with expectant
of factors that would influence the decision, along with the management. In terms of cost associated with the three treatment
likelihood of each branch along the decision tree occurring, strategies, sensitivity analysis predicted revascularization to be
such that the outcome associated with several different choices the least costly treatment per QALY, as long as 1-month patency
can be simulated. Rather than just imagining the outcome exceeds 11%. The authors conclude that revascularization offers
associated with different choices, decision analysis allows for the greatest benefit in terms of QALY and cost in the manage-
predictions of outcomes, based on input data from the existing ment of CLTI.
literature. Decision analysis is often applied to clinical scenarios Nolan and colleagues applied decision analysis to treatment
where randomized controlled trials of competing therapies cannot of claudicants with TASC B and C lesions of the superficial
be carried out. It often incorporates factors such as cost and femoral artery.129 Using a hypothetical cohort of claudicants
QoL associated with various treatment options. One of the with either TASC B or C lesions, they modeled treatment with
most important roles of model-based decision analysis is to either angioplasty and stenting or great saphenous vein bypass
identify which data parameters or assumptions can change policy for the outcome measure of QALYs. They found that TASC B
decisions. This is done through sensitivity analysis, in which lesions were best treated with angioplasty and stenting. However,
1394 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

No heal Amputate Die
Primary Die
Amputation Ambulatory
Heal Nonambulatory

Remain the same

Expectant U[same]
Require amputation (above)

Thrombose Amputate (above) Die
Thombose Die
Patent (below)
Bypass Die
Operation No heal Amputate (above)
Patent Heal Patent
Thrombose (above)

Figure 105.4 Decision tree of principal management options for patients with critical limb ischemia. Square nodes
represent a decision point and round nodes represent a probability of an event occurring based on existing literature.
The outcomes, which in this study are utility values (translated into quality-adjusted life years [QALYs]), are designated
with the following abbreviations: byp, success after revascularization; mult, success after multiple revascularizations;
amb-amp, ambulatory after amputation; non-amp, nonambulatory after amputation; amb-reamp, ambulatory after
reamputation; non-reamp, nonambulatory after reamputation; amb-by, ambulatory after amputation following failed
revascularization; non-byp-amp, nonambulatory after failed revascularization and amputation; same, condition remains
the same; die, death occurs. (From Brothers TE, et al. Justification of intervention for limb-threatening ischemia: a
surgical decision analysis. Cardiovasc Surg. 1999;7:62–69.)

for patients with TASC C lesions, angioplasty and stenting was primary amputation in most series.132 Indeed, primary amputa-
preferred only in certain conditions. Using sensitivity analyses, tion for patients forgoing rehabilitation (as might occur in a
they showed that stenting surpasses efficacy of open bypass for nursing-home patient) is cheaper than revascularization. Therefore
TASC C lesions if the primary patency of stenting is greater economic decision-making depends on the patient’s postoperative
than 32% at 5 years, if patient age is greater than 80 years, or rehabilitation potential, which is often determined by preopera-
if operative mortality for open bypass exceeds 6%. tive functional status.77 Despite the debate concerning the
Cost-effectiveness analyses are another type of decision analysis economic merits of one treatment over another, most would
with several applications in healthcare research, and clinical agree that the current financial system can ill afford to pay for
decision making in PAD. Barshes and colleagues recently multiple revascularizations of a single ischemic limb. The scenario
published a review of the methods of cost-effectiveness analysis, becomes even more cost-prohibitive if, after multiple revascu-
anticipating their increased utility as a healthcare financial crisis larizations, major limb amputation results anyway. Future
looms in the United States (Fig. 105.5).130 We believe that economic decision making will therefore require the identification
decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analyses will play a of the most cost-effective single treatment for patients who
growing role in informing decision making in PAD in the present with PAD and, more specifically, CLTI.
coming years.
Unmet Needs
Cost Considerations Definitive high-level evidence on which to base treatment
As healthcare costs continue to rise, decision making will decisions, with an emphasis on clinical and cost effectiveness,
increasingly be influenced by governmental and third-party continues to be lacking. Treatment decisions in PAD are
payers. There is conflicting evidence regarding the most cost- individualized, based on life expectancy, functional status,
effective methods of treating lower extremity PAD. Although anatomy of the arterial occlusive disease, and surgical risk. For
there is evidence that revascularization is cost-effective compared patients with aortoiliac disease, endovascular therapy has become
with primary amputation,86,131-134 the cost differential between first line therapy for all but the most severe patterns of occlusion,
strategies varies depending on the expense of rehabilitation after and aortofemoral bypass surgery is a highly effective and durable
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1395

will be defined, increasingly monitored, and financially linked

to compliance with Medicare All-Care measures. Care for lower

More costly
extremity PAD will increasingly become protocol driven, placing
More costly
Less effective More costly
a premium on value and durability. For all of the important
(new strategy is More effective reasons previously mentioned, future studies should continue
dominated) to analyze the impact of comorbidities in patients with PAD.
These studies need to be conducted in patients undergoing
surgical bypass, endovascular repair, primary amputation, and
conservative treatment because the effect of comorbidities can
Fewer QALYs More QALYs be very different based on the treatment type. A diverse set of
standardized endpoints that attempt to capture the diverse
experience relevant to patients with PAD needs to be defined.
The time points at which these endpoints are studied also should
Less costly be standardized. In this way, valid risk estimates can continue
Less costly More effective to inform the way we take care of patients and, in doing so,
Less effective (new strategy improve evidence-based patient care. Finally, the definitive
dominates) treatment of lower extremity PAD has traditionally relied on
Less costly

procedural therapy, either open or endovascular revascularization.

We are now at an exciting time point where mapping of the
human genome, improved understanding of angiogenesis, and
the growing ability to manipulate stem cell differentiation all
Figure 105.5 Two-dimensional plane demonstrating the relationship of incremental hold great promise in providing meaningful medical solutions
costs (vertical axis) and incremental effectiveness (horizontal axis) for two possible that may render many interventions unnecessary or render them
interventions. If a new intervention is both more costly and less effective than a
current intervention (upper left quadrant), it is not economically preferred. If a
more effective.
new intervention is less costly and more effective (lower right quadrant), it is economi-
cally preferred. Formal cost-effectiveness analysis is useful for situations described
by the upper right and lower left quadrants. Most frequently, a cost-effectiveness SELECTED KEY REFERENCES
analysis focuses on the upper right quadrant to address the question of whether
Bradbury AW. BASIL Trial Participants. Bypass versus angioplasty
the more effective treatment is “worth” its greater cost. QALYs, Quality-adjusted
in severe ischemia of the leg (BASIL): multicenter, randomized
life years. (From Barshes NR. A primer on cost-effectiveness analyses for vascular
controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366:1925–1934.
surgeons. J Vasc Surg. 2012;55(6);1794–800.)
This rare randomized controlled multicenter trial concluded that surgery
and angioplasty have similar amputation-free survival at 6 months
(thus favoring angioplasty as the best first approach), but surgery has
treatment for the latter group. For infrainguinal disease, available better amputation-free survival after 2 years. This study stressed the
complementary nature of the two treatment approaches.
data suggest that surgical bypass with vein is the preferred therapy
for patients likely to survive 2 years or more, and for those Conte MS, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, et al. Results of PREVENT III:
A multicenter, randomized trial of edifoligide for the prevention
with long segment occlusions or severe infrapopliteal disease of vein graft failure in lower extremity bypass surgery. J Vasc Surg.
who are acceptable surgical risk. Endovascular therapy may be 2006;43:742–751.
preferred in patients with reduced life expectancy, those who This large, multicenter trial evaluated the efficacy of edifoligide for the
lack usable vein for bypass or who are at elevated risk for prevention of vein graft failure for patients who underwent lower
operation, and those with less severe arterial occlusions. Patients extremity bypass for critical limb ischemia. Although it found no
with nonreconstructable disease, extensive necrosis involving significant benefit associated with the drug, this cohort represents the
weight bearing areas, nonambulatory status, or other severe largest and most extensively followed prospective dataset of patients
comorbidities may be considered for primary amputation or with critical limb ischemia. As such, it has formed the basis for several
palliative measures. Given the myriad of contributing factors, other significant studies in this patient population.
each with its own extensive list of possible values, the possible Conte MS, Pomposelli FB, Clair DG, et al. on behalf of the Society
combinations of disease states and patient situations are perhaps for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Writing Group.
too numerous to ever study individually. A “clean” study, Society for Vascular Surgery practice guidelines for occlusive disease
of the lower extremities: Management of asymptomatic disease and
comparing two treatments in a population that is balanced on claudication. J Vasc Surg. 2015;61:2s–41s.
all factors may not be achievable, even in the best of randomized
The Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Writing Group
controlled trials. Despite herculean efforts on the part of the
reviewed the current evidence supporting clinical care in the management
BASIL-2 and BEST-CLI investigators, it stands to be determined of asymptomatic peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication.
whether either of these studies will ultimately provide conclusive Although first acknowledging the paucity of level 1 evidence, the group
enough evidence that providers feel these questions of optimal recommended revascularization for claudication “in selected patients
treatment have been answered once and for all. with disabling symptoms, after a careful risk-benefit analysis.” They
Third-party payers in our current healthcare system will also determined that there was inadequate evidence to support screening
increasingly insist on the delivery of evidence-based care. Quality for peripheral artery disease in asymptomatic patients.
1396 SECTION 15 Lower Extremity Chronic Arterial Disease

Goodney PP, Schanzer A, Demartino RR, et al. Vascular Study Group more meaningful analysis of outcomes for various forms of therapy
of New England. Validation of the Society for Vascular Surgery’s in this challenging, but heterogeneous population.” WIfI assigns a
objective performance goals for critical limb ischemia in everyday score to grade the severity and extent of the wound, ischemia, and
vascular surgery practice. J Vasc Surg. 2011;54(1):100–108, e4. foot infection. The resultant score corresponds to four threatened limb
The Society for Vascular Surgery developed objective performance goals clinical stages that estimate risk of amputation and potential benefit
(OPGs), as standardized metrics for expected outcomes in lower extremity of revascularization.
revascularization for critical limb ischemia (CLI), based on aggregate Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. Inter-Society Consensus
data from randomized trials of lower extremity bypass. In response for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). J
to this, the authors sought to confirm the validity of these targets in Vasc Surg. 2007;45(supplS):S5–S67.
everyday vascular surgery practice using a large, regional database. The TASC II document updates TASC and represents the latest evidence-
They concluded that these OPGs are feasible, and endorsed the use of based data on the natural history and treatment of lower extremity PAD.
such benchmarks for quality improvement initiatives, clinical trials,
and comparisons of risk-adjusted outcomes in the treatment of CLI. Taylor SM, Kalbaugh CA, Blackhurst DW, et al. Determinants of
functional outcome after revascularization for critical limb ischemia:
Mills JL, Conte MS, Armstrong DG, et al. on behalf of the Society an analysis of 1000 consecutive vascular interventions. J Vasc Surg.
for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Committee. The 2006;44:747–756.
Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Threatened Limb
Classification System: Risk stratification based on wound, ischemia, Although retrospective, this large series demonstrated that functional
and foot infection. J Vasc Surg. 2014;59:220–234. performance after intervention for CLI is often determined by factors
other than limb salvage. Postoperative functional outcomes were most
The Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Committee
profoundly impacted by the patient’s preoperative medical condition
created a classification scheme for limb threat that reflects the contribu-
and functional status.
tion that diabetes mellitus plays in limb threat, as well as the expanded
range of current techniques for revascularization in comparison to the A complete reference list can be found online at
previously established systems. This WIfI score was intended “to permit
CHAPTER 105 Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: Medical Management and Decision Making 1396.e1

21. Kullo IJ, et al. Ethnic differences in peripheral arterial disease

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