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Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI : Opinions & Thoughts


Function : To ask or express opinion and give reasons on a matter of issue.

These are some the example of expressions in asking opinion/thoughts :

Formal Less Formal
-Have you got any comments on ...... - What do you think of .............?
-Do you have any idea? - What do you think about ............?
-Do you have any opinion on ........ - What is your opinion?
-Would you give me your opinion on ....? -Do you think it is going?
-What is your reaction to ...... -How do you like?
-What is your opinion about .........? -How was the trip?
-What are you feeling about .........? -How do you think of Rina’s idea?
-What are your view on .........? -How do you feel about this?
(Source :

These are the example of expressing in giving opinion/thoughts:

Formal Less Formal
-I personally believe ...... -I think I like it
-I personally consider ...... -I don’t think I care for it
-I personally think/feel ..... -I think it’s good/nice/terrific
-I hold the opinion ......... -I think that awful/ not nice/terrible .......
-My own view of the matter is ...... -I don’t think much of it.
-Well, personally ........ -I think that .......
-If I had my view, I would ............ -In my opinion, I would rather ..........
-In my case .........
-What I’m more concerned with .......
-To my mind .......
-From my point of view .....
(Source :

Agreeing and Disagreeing

Function : to express an agreement or disagreement towards a matter of issue.
Agree Disagree Partly Agreeing
That’s right! I don’t agree! I agree up to a point, but ...
Absolutely! I totally disagree! I see your point, but ...
Exactly! Absolutely not! That’s partly true, but ...
Me too! That’s not right! I’m not so sure about that ...
Yes, I agree! I’m not sure about that.
You’re right. That’s a good
(Source :

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Video 1

Video 2
Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI : Opinions & Thoughts

(Source : Bahasa Inggris K13 Rev. 2017 Kemendikbud)

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI : Opinions & Thoughts

C. Here are some questions to ask for opinion. Ask the questions orally to your
friends. Write the response on the place provided.

1. Question : What do you think of studying in art school?

Answer :
2. Question : What’s your opinion of taking a part-time job?
Answer :
3. Question : How do you feel about the final examination for senior high school?
Answer :
4. Question : Should cell phones be allowed in schools?
Answer :
5. Question : Should students learn foreign language?
Answer :
(Source : LKS Bahasa Inggris MEDIATAMA)
(Source :


(Source : Bahasa Inggris K13 Rev. 2017 Kemendikbud)

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