Civilization Is The Development of Humans in Aspect of Achievments

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"In the modern world nowadays, a civilization should be separated from religion". Discuss
this statement; and relate it to Malaysian context in your conclusion.

Civilization is the development of humans in aspect of achievments, thought, intellect,

ethics and behaviour that constitutes human personality.Because of this, it is important to
people nowdays to study about civilization and know that we are part of it.As per
mentioned above “in modern nowdays a civilization should be desperate from religion”.I
really disagree because almost of the study proved that earlier civilization much related to
culture of religion.Without religion a civilization means nothing like a human wihout brain
because it is a guidance of a culture in attempting the good and bad.
Firstly,why religion cannot be separate from civilization because religion helps fill all the
knowledge gaps in a culture, so that those that are needy for "absolute truth" can get an
anthoritative answer given to them by a more intellectually capable group.Find the truth and
the answer is one of the human’s natural insticts that only can be find through religion.As
example,in Islam the life’s issues such as inheritance distribution only can be solve fairly
through Syariah that rely in Quran.If the law not being followed as well that will cause a big
dispute in a family.So, as well we cannot deny that religion plays an important role in a
culture of civilization.
Next, a civilization shouldn’t be separated from religion because civilization will bear a
society as well as their behaviours and actions in life. It becomes a moral guideline, telling
people how they should live there lives according to the set of beliefs This can be seen in
terms of the person’s speech, behaviours and lifestyles.The belief of lifeafter, heaven and hell
is the lesson that be taught in every religion in the wolrd.These will give a big impact on
persons action because they believe everything will be counted.So, the balance in a society
can be maitained
Last but not least, religion needed in civilization because its likely to be the backbone in
forming a great state itself.It is built based on historical views, cultural views, political views
and laws.tehse value are foundation in forming a great country.For example in Malaysia,
Islam play an important role in forming Malay civilization.Islam civilization has changed its
pattern and style of Hindu-Buddha to more competitive and ideal for one’s soul and
mind.These statement give space to Malay to open up theor mind and be more viable because
everyone have right to gain knowledge.Hence, we cannot interrupt religion not an important
role in presenting a good country.
In th nutshell,as we know Islam is the country main religion in Malaysia.For my opinion,
religion make this country a better place for all the peoples even it muslims or non-muslims
because we all can get the benefits from it.If the religion desperate surely the peace and
stabilization of culture that we had now can be achieved.

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