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‘Cc GoSquared ore ft dneueeekeuued ieee Pees -webkit-border-radius — Webkit text-shadow resize both -moz-border-radi irefox vertical 1oz-border-radius Firefc Syntax ee al border-radius Standard Spx Spx Spx #000000 min-height cea kines offset. y-offset, blur, color min-width Webkit filter: dropshadow( ) overflow: auto -webkit-border-top-left-radius Syntax cer -webkit-border-bottom-left-adius outline color xcoffset,y-offet -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius oa Firefox acai Spx dashed #000000 -moz-border-radius-toplet thickness, style, color oral ‘topleft background-color: rgba(®, G, B, A) » -moz-border-radius-topright color:rabalR, G8, A) -moz-border-radlus-bottomleft aba 6.8/4) [Gradients -moz-border-radius-bottomright Syntax -webkit-gradient Standard 255,255,255, 1 ue border-top -left-radius Red, Green, Blue, Opacity linear border-top-right-radius (0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0-1) type of gradient border-bottom-leftradius left bottom a border-bottom-right-radius lett top @font-face right top Srey ront-fami position of start &end fontfamiy."5 erates rb -webkit-boxshadow —— Webkit src: url url_of font file); position & color of stops -moz-box-shadow Firefox srcilocall’, i 4 , andor U(‘url_of font.woft’ format(woff"), -moz-linear-gradient boxcshadow Standard url(url_of fontstf) format(truetype’; syntax Sn More inf by Paul ish: http/bitIy/eC76RC left Spx Spx 5px #000000 fight top Lretieryetset bacon bottom Toni, eontenthor position of start fend Multiple Columns -moz-box-sizing: content-box sae ecole of stops Webkit -webkit-box-sizing: content-box $$$ -ms-box-sizing:content-box con -e-boxsizing: content-box: -icab-box-sizing: content-box; incresbly powerful Firefox but we couldn't -khtml-box-sizing: content-box; possibly fit them on ae this sheet. -webkit-column-count -webkit-column-gap -moz-column-count -moz-column-gap content-box Info at 456 Berea Street: standard acts like a standard box model element ee column-count border-box 553s not yt supported in padding and border render inside the box ail browsers. Graceful eC tegration in oer browsers such aE farghh is highly recommended column-gap Download this Help Sheet now at ©2010 Go Squared Ltd. Put it on your wall

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