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Subject : Physics
Class : XII (CBSE)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions
(i) All questions are compulsory
(ii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one
question of three marks and all three questions of five marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in
such questions.
(iii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions, carrying 1 mark each.
(iv) Question numbers 6 to 12 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
(v) Question numbers 13 to 24 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
(vi) Question numbers 25 to 27 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each.
(vii) Use of calculators is not permitted. However, you may use log tables if necessary.
(viii) You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary
c = 3 × 108 ms–1, h = 6.6 × 10–34 Js, e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg,
µ0 = 4π × 10–7 T mA–1

1. Write the formula for the force ‘F’ experienced by a particle carrying a charge ‘q’ moving with velocity
‘v’ in a uniform magnetic field ‘B’. Under what condition is this force zero ?
→ → →
Ans. The formula is F = q ( v × B) . It is zero when the charge moves parallel to the uniform magnetic field.
2. Two metals A and B have a work function 4 eV and 10 eV respectively. Which metal has a higher
threshold wavelength ?
Ans. We know that ù = . Therefore lower the work function, higher is the threshold wavelength, hence metal A
has higher threshold wavelength.
3. Why is the transmission of signals using ground waves restricted to frequencies less than about 1500 kHz?
Ans. This is because above 1500 kHz, the signals are readily absorbed by the ground and other objects.
4. If the length of a wire conductor is doubled by stretching it, keeping the potential difference across it
constant, by what factor does the drift speed of the electrons, change.
Ans. We know that vd = τ , therefore if length is doubled keeping potential constant then the drift velocity will
become half.
5. Why is the penetrating power of gamma rays very large?
Ans. It is because they have a very large frequency.
6. Draw the graphs showing variation of resistivity with temperature for (i) nichrome and (ii) silicon.
Ans. The graphs are as shown below
Variation of resistivity of nichrome with temperature Variation of resistivity of silicon with temperature
Resistivity ρ (µΩ cm)

Resistivity ρ


200 400 600 800
Temperature T (K)→

7. The circuit shown in the diagram contains a battery ‘B’, a rheostat ‘Rh’ and B

identical lamps P and Q. What will happen to the brightness of the lamps, if the
resistance through the rheostat is increased? Give reasons.
Ans. When the resistance of the rheostat is increased, this increases the resistance of the P
parallel combination of rheostat and lamp Q. Thus there is an overall increase in the Rh
resistance of the circuit. This in turn decreases the current through the circuit.
Hence the brightness of lamp P decreases. Since resistance of the rheostat has increased, therefore this will
send more current through the lamp Q, thus its brightness will increase
8. A circular coil of 30 turns and radius 8.0 cm carrying a current of 6.0 A is suspended vertically in a
uniform horizontal magnetic field of magnitude 1.0 T. The field lines make an angle of 60° with the
normal to the coil. Calculate the magnitude of counter torque that must be applied to prevent the coil
from turning.
Ans. Given n = 30, r = 8.0 cm = 8.0 × 10–2 m, I = 6.0 A, B = 1.0 T, θ = 60°, τ = ?
Using the equation τ = BInA sin θ we have
τ = 1.0 × 6.0 × 30 × 3.14 × (8.0 × 10–2)2 × sin 60° = 3.13 Nm
9. A uniform magnetic field exists normal to the plane of the paper
over a small region of space. A rectangular loop of wire is slowly
moved with a uniform velocity across the field as shown. Draw
the graph showing the variation of (i) magnetic flux linked with
the loop and (ii) the induced e.m.f. in the loop with time.
Ans. The graphs are as shown
Magnetic flux linked with the coil Induced emf with time

emf (E) +ve

O time(t)

φ t


10. Violet light is incident on a thin convex lens. If this light is replaced by red light, explain with reason,
how the power of the lens would change.
 1 1 
Ans. The power of a lens is given by the expression P = (µ − 1)  −  . The refractive index of the lens is
 R1 R 2 
inversely proportional to the wavelength of light. Red light has a greater wavelength than violet light. Therefore
when violet light is replaced by red light, the refractive index of the lens decreases. This decreases the left
hand side of the above expression; hence the power of the lens decreases.
11. State the condition for controlled chain reaction to occur in a nuclear reactor. ‘Heavy water is often
used as a moderator in thermal nuclear reactors.’ Give reason.
Ans. The conditions are (i) Existence of slow moving neutrons. (ii) Enriched uranium fuel (iii) critical size of the
uranium sample. This is because heavy water has a large number of protons which help to slow down the fast
moving neutrons.
12. The V - I characteristic of a silicon diode is given in the figure. Calculate 80
the diode resistance in forward bias at V = 2V. 70 Si-diode


Ans. At 2 V the current flowing in the diode is 70 mA, therefore diode resistance 30
V 2 10
at 2 V is R = = = 28.57 ohm
I 70 ×10−3 1 2 3
Cut-in-voltage volt V (Forward bias)

A change of 0.2 mA in the base current causes a change of 5 mA in the collector current for a common
Ω, and its
emitter amplifier. (i) Find the ac current gain of the transistor. (ii) If the input resistance is 2 kΩ
voltage gain is 75, calculate the load resistor used in the circuit.
Ans. Given ∆Ib = 0.2 mA, ∆IC = 5 mA, β = ?, Ri = 2 kΩ, AV = 75, Ro= ?
ÄIc 5 mA
Using the relation â = = = 25
ÄIb 0.2 mA
Ro A × R i 75×2000
Also A v = â × or R o = v = = 6000 ohm or 6 kΩ
Ri â 25
13. Give the logic symbol for an OR gate. Write its truth table. Draw the
output wave form for input wave forms shown for this gate.

Ans. The logic symbol and the truth table of the OR gate are as shown B

Y 0 0 0
B 1 0 1
0 1 1
Output wave form is as shown below 1 1 1
J J J# J$



14. Define mutual inductance of a pair of coils. Deduce an expression for the mutual inducatance between a
pair of coils having number of turns N1 and N2 wound over an air core.
Ans. It is numerically equal to the magnetic flux linked with the coil when unit current passes through the
neighbouring coil.
Consider a Tesla coil i.e., a long solenoid with length L and cross sectional area A closely wound with N1
turns of wire. A coil with N2 turns surrounds it at its centre. A current i1 in the solenoid sets up a magnetic
field B1 at its centre given by
ì 0 N1 i1
B1 = µ0n1i1 = ...(1)
The flux through a cross-section of the solenoid equals B1A. Since a very long solenoid produces no magnetic
field outside of its coil, this is also equal to the flux φB2 through each turn of the outer, surrounding coil, no
matter what the cross-sectional area of the outer coil. Therefore mutual inductance M is
Í 2 ö B2 Í ÂÁ Í ì Íi ì ÁÍ Í
M = = 2 1 = 2 0 11 Á = 0 1 2 ...(2)
i1 i1 i1 L L
The mutual inductance of any two coils is always proportional to the product N1 N2 of their number of turns.
15. In the given circuit, the potential difference across the inductor L
and resistor R are 120 V and 90 V respectively and the rms value
of current is 3 A. Calculate (i) the impedance of the circuit and
(ii) the phase angle between the voltage and the current.
Ans. Given VL = 120 V, VR = 90 V, Irms = 3 A, Z = ? and θ = ?

The rms value of voltage is Vrms = (V 2 2

L +VR )= (120 +90 )=150 V
2 2

V 150
Therefore impedance of the circuit Z = = = 50 ohm
I 3
VL 120
Also the phase angle is tanè = = = 1.33 , therefore θ = 53.1°
VR 90
16. With the help of a labelled circuit diagram, explain how an n-p-n transistor is used to produce self-
sustained oscillations in an oscillator.

Ans. If we close key K, the collector attains positive potential, due to which there will be a weak collector current,
which will start rising due to inductance L′.As a result of it, an increasing magnetic flux is linked with L and
hence L. Due to mutual induction, an emf is induced in
L, which will charge the upper plate of the capacitor Anttenna L′
positive. This will support the forward bias on the emitter
base. This results in an increase in the emitter current B
and hence an increase in the collector current. Due to it +
more increasing magnetic flux is linked with L′ and hence B2
with L. As a result of which more emf is induced in L, –
charging the upper plate with more positive charge and Out put L′ L
hence providing more support to the forward biasing of
emitter base circuit, which results in the further increase B1 K
in emitter current and hence in collector current. The + –

process continues till the collector current becomes

maximum or saturated.
Now the mutual induction stops playing its part. The capacitor C gets discharged through the inductor L. As
a result of it, the support to the forward biasing of the emitter-base circuit is withdrawn, thereby the emitter
current and hence the collector current also decreases. Due to which, a decreasing magnetic flux is linked
with L′ and hence with L. Due to mutual induction, an emf is induced in L which will charge the lower plate
of the capacitor C with positive charge , consequently there will be opposition to the forward biasing of the
emitter base circuit. This results, in the further decrease in the emitter current, and hence in the collector
current. This process continues till the collector current becomes zero. Now again, mutual induction stops
playing its role. The capacitor gets discharged through the inductance L. As a result of it, the opposition to
the forward biasing of the emitter base circuit is withdrawn, thereby the emitter current increases and hence
collector current also increases and the process repeats. Thus the collector current oscillates between a maximum
and a zero value.
Draw a labelled circuit diagram to show how an n-p-n transistor can be used as an amplifier in common
emitter configuration. For the given input waveform, , draw the corresponding output waveform.
Ans. The circuit diagram is as shown


1> n-p-n 4L 1c4 L
8 ??
- 8??

17. Two point charges 5 × 10–8 C and –2 × 10–8 C are separated

5 × 10`& C –2 × 10`& C
by a distance of 20 cm in air as shown in the figure.
(i) Find at what distance from point A the electric A B
20 cm
potential would be zero.
(ii) Also calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system.
Ans. Given q1 = 5 × 10–8 C and q2 = – 2 × 10–8 C, r = 20 cm = 0.2 m,
(i) Let the electric potential be zero at a distance x from point A

q 5 ×10−8 2 × 10−8
Then using the equation V =k we have = solving for x we have
r x 0.2 − x
x = 1/7 m = 100/7 cm = 14.3 cm.
(ii) Electrostatic potential energy of the system is given by

1 q1q2 5×10 –8×2×10 –8

U = = 9×109 ×
4ðå0 r 0.2
or U = 4.5 × 10–5 J

18. Which constituent radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum is used:
(i) in radar,
(ii) to photograph internal parts of a human body, and
(iii) for taking photographs of the sky during night and foggy conditions?
Give one reason for your answer in each case.
Ans. (i) Microwaves, because of their short wavelength
(ii) X-rays, because they are stopped by the bones.
(iii) Infra-red rays, because they can penetrate fog.
19. Give two main advantages of optical communication. State two special characteristics of (i) light source
and (ii) detector used in optical communication.
Ans. The two main advantages are
(i) The operating frequencies are much higher than those in other communication links.
(ii) Very low transmission losses.
(iii) Multi fibres may have 100 times the usable bandwidth of coaxial cable; mono mode 2000 times the
bandwidth of co-axial cable.
Two special characteristics of light source are
(i) The size of the light source should be compatible with the optical fibre.
(ii) The light source should produce intense, monochromatic light with low divergences.
The optical detector should have the following characteristics
(i) High sensitivity and
(ii) High responsivity.
2 4
20. In the potentiometer circuit shown, the balance (null) point is at X.
State with reason, where the balance point will be shifted when
(i) Resistance R is increased, keeping all parameters unchanged. )
(ii) Resistance S is increased, keeping R constant. 3 5 /
(iii) Cell P is replaced by another cell whose e.m.f. is lower than that
of cell Q.
Ans. (i) If R is increased, this will decrease the current through the potentiometer wire AB. Thus the potential
drop across the wire will decrease. Now in order to balance the same emf a larger length of the wire will
be required. Thus balance point X will shift towards B.
(ii) When S is increased, this will decrease the current coming from cell Q and will not alter its emf.
Therefore there will be no change in the balance point.
(iii) In this case the balance point will not be obtained on the wire. As the potential drop across AB is less
than the emf of cell Q.
21. Why cannot the (i) ground waves, (ii) space waves and (iii) sky waves be sustained for long distance
communication beyond 10 to 20 MHz ?
What is meant by critical frequency for sky wave propagation? Write an expression for the critical
frequency in terms of the maximum electron density of the ionosphere. What is the range of variation of
frequency for this critical frequency?
Ans. Ground waves fail because of conduction losses, space waves fail due to limited line of sight and sky waves
fail due to penetration of ionosphere by higher frequencies.
It is the maximum frequency at which a radio signal is reflected by the ionosphere.
The required expression is f c = 9 N max where Nmax is the maximum electron density.
The range of frequencies is from 5 to 10 MHz.
22. The work function of caesium is 2.14 eV. Find (i) the threshold frequency for caesium, and (ii) the
wavelength of incident light if the photocurrent is brought to zero by stopping potential of 0.60 V.
Ans. Given ω = 2.14 eV = 2.14 × 1.6 ×10–19 J = 3.424 × 10–19 J, ν0 = ? V0 = 0.60 V
ω 3.424 × 10–19
Using the expression ω = hv0 we have v0 = = = 5.17 × 1014 Hz
h 6.62 × 0 –34
Using eV0 = – ω0 and solving for λ we have 4.5 ×10–7 m = 450 nm
23. Complete the following decay process for β-decay of Phosphorus 32: 15 P → S + ......
The graph shows how the activity of a radioactive nucleus changes with time. Using the graph, determine
(i) half-life of the nucleus and (ii) its decay constant.




0 50 100 150 200 250

32 32
Ans. The completed equation is 15 P → 16 S + –10 e

0.693 0.693
Half life is 75 s and decay constant is given by ë = = = 9.24 ×10−3 s −1
T 75
24. In Young’s double-slit experiment, explain with reason what happens to the interference fringes, when
(i) widths of the slits are increased, (ii) monochromatic light source is replaced by a white light source,
and (iii) one of the slits is closed.
1 1
Ans. (i) If the width w of the slits is changed then interference occurs only if, > remains satisfied, where
w d
d is the distance between the slits.
(ii) When white light, instead of monochromatic light, is used coloured fringes are formed. The central
fringe is white and is flanked by coloured fringes. The fringe of red colour has greater fringe width than
the fringe of blue light. After some fringes the pattern vanishes. Moreover, the blue fringe is formed
near the centre of the screen and the red fringe far away from the centre of the screen.
(iii) If one of the slits is covered, then instead of interference pattern a diffraction pattern is obtained.
25. Draw electric field lines between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor with (i) air and (ii) dielectric as
the medium. A parallel plate capacitor with air as dielectric is connected to a power supply and charged
to a potential difference V0. After disconnecting from power supply, a sheet of insulating material is
inserted between the plates completely filling the space between them. How will its (i) capacity,
(ii) electric field and (iii) energy change? Given that the capacity of capacitor with air as medium is C0
and permittivity for air and medium are ε and ε0 respectively.
Ans. The field lines are as shown

+ —
— +
+ — +
+ — E2 +
+ — + —
+ — E = E – E2 + —
+ —
— +
— + —
+ — + —
+ —


With air between plates. With dielectric between plates

When the battery is disconnected, the charge on the plates remains same when the insulating material is
inserted between the plates of the capacitor. Thus
If a parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential V and the charging battery removed and a dielectric plate
of dielectric constant K( = ε/ε0) is now introduced between the plates of the capacitor then,
(i) Capacitance increases, becomes K times its original value.
(ii) Electric field decreases and becomes 1 / K times its previous value.
(iii) Energy decreases and becomes 1/ K times its original value .

Derive an expression for the electric potential at a point along the axial line of an electric dipole. At a point
due to a point charge, the values of electric field and electric potential are 32 NC–1 and 16 JC–1 respectively.
Calculate (i) magnitude of the charge and (ii) distance of the charge from the point of observation.
Ans. (ii) Consider an electric dipole consisting of – q and + q charges placed at points A and B separated by a
distance 2a as shown in figure. Let P be the point of observation where the electric potential has to be
found. Let it be at a distance r from the centre O of the dipole. Let us suppose that the dipole is placed
in vacuum. 2a

–q +q
Now OP = r, BP = r – a; AP = r + a
A a O a B P
Potential at the point P due to + q charge at

1 q r
B =
4πε 0 BP

1 q
V1 =
4πε r – a
Potential at the point P due to – q charge at A
1 q 1 q
V2 = – =–
4πε 0 AP 4πε 0 r + a
∴ Not potential at P, V = V1 + V2
1 q 1 q
= –
4πε r + a 4πε 0 r – a

1  1 1  1 r + a – r + a 
= q –  = q
4πε 0  r – a r + a  4πε 0  r 2 – a 2 

1 q × 2a 1 p
= q. = (_ p = q × 2a)
4πε 0 ( r 2 – a 2 ) 4πε 0 (r 2 – a 2 )
(ii) Given E = 32 NC–1, V = 16 JC–1, r = ? and Q = ?
Using the relation
V V 16
E = or r = = = 0.5 m
r E 32

1 Q
Also V = 4ðå r

Therefore 16 = 9 × 109 × , solving for Q we have Q = 8.89 × 10–10 C
26. (i) With the help of a schematic sketch of a cyclotron explain its working principle.
Mention its two applications. What is the important limitation encountered in accelerating a light
elementary particle such as electron to high energies
(ii) A particle of mass m and charge q moves at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. Plot a graph
showing the variation of the radius of the circular path described by it with the increase in its
(a) charge, (b) kinetic energy, where, in each case other factors remain constant. Justify your answer.
Ans. (i) The labelled diagram is as shown
In a cyclotron, particles of mass m and charge q move inside an evacuated chamber in a uniform magnetic
field B that is perpendicular to the plane of their paths. The alternating potential difference applied
between the hollow electrodes D1 and D2, creates an electric field in the gap between them which changes
precisely twice in each revolution, so that the particles get a push each time they cross the gap. The
pushes increase their speed and kinetic energy, boosting them into paths of larger radius. The electric
field increases the speed and the magnetic field makes the particles move in circular paths. Due to the
presence of the perpendicular magnetic field the particle moves in a circle of radius r given by
r = ...(1)
The path of the particles in the dees is a semicircle and
the time the particle spends in each dee is


length of the semi circular path ð r ð m

t = = =
velocity v Bq
by using equation (1)

The above time is independent of the radius

of the path and the velocity of the charged
particle. Hence the charged particle spends
the same time in each dee and encounters a N
High frequency
dee of opposite polarity whenever it comes alternating voltage
into the gap between the dees and thus is
continuously accelerated.
Uses :
A cyclotron is used to implant ions into solids and modify their properties.
It is also used in hospitals to produce radioactive substances which can be used in diagnosis and treatment.
At high speeds relativistic effects must be accounted for. The mass of the ion is no longer constant and
the delicate resonance condition is upset.
(ii) The radius of the circular path followed by an electron in a magnetic field is given by the expression
mv B2 q 2 vmax
r= and the kinetic energy is given by the relation Emax = . Therefore r ∝ and E ∝ r2.
Bq 2m q
The two graphs are as shown

r KE

Q r

(i) Using Biot-Savart’s law derive an expression for the magnetic field due to a current carrying 1oop
at a point along the axis of the loop.
(ii) A long straight conductor carries a steady current I. The current is distributed uniformly across
its cross-section of radius ‘a’. Plot a graph showing the variation of magnetic field ‘B’ produced by
the conductor with the distance ‘r’ from the axis of the conductor in the region (i) r < a and
(ii) r > a.
Ans. (i) Consider a circular loop of wire of radius R located in the YZ plane and carrying a steady current I as
shown in figure below. Let us calculate the magnetic field at an axial point P a distance x from the centre

of the loop. From the figure it is clear that any element dL is perpendicular to r , furthermore all the
elements around the loop are at the same distance r from P, where r2 = x2 + R2. Hence by Biot Savart’s
law the magnetic field at point P due to the current element dL is given by
−→ ∧
ì I| d L × r | ì IdL
dB = 0 = 0 2 ...(1)
4ð r 2 4ð (x + R 2 )

The direction of the magnetic field dB due to the element dL is perpendicular to the plane formed by r
and dL as shown in figure. The vector dB can be resolved into components dBx along the X-axis and dBy
which is perpendicular to the X-axis. When the components perpendicular to the X-axis are assumed
over the whole loop, the result is zero. That is, by symmetry any element on one side of the loop will set
up a perpendicular component that cancels the component set up by an element diametrically opposite
it. Therefore it is obvious that the resultant magnetic field at P will be along the X-axis. This result can
be obtained by integrating the components dBx = dB cos θ. Therefore, we have
ì0 I d L cos è
B = ∫ d B cos è =
4ð ∫ x2 + R 2
...(2) y

where the integral is to be taken over the entire loop since θ,

x and R are constants for all elements of the loop and since
dL 1
R θ
cos θ = therefore, we have
x2 + R 2 R dBy
O dB
2 x θ
ì 0 IR ì 0 IR
B = 2 2 32
4ð( x + R )
∫ dL= 2( x2 + R 2 )3 2 (_ ∫ dL = 2ðR) 1
dBx x

(ii) The graph is as shown

µ0 I B
At a point (r < a), B = 2
r i.e. B ∝ r,
µ0 I 1 B∝H
At a point (r > a), B = i.e. B ∝
2πr r B ∝ 1/H

A r
27. How would you estimate rough focal length of a converging lens ? Draw a ray diagram to show image
formation by a diverging lens. Using this diagram, derive the relation between object distance ‘u’ image
distance ‘v’ and focal length ‘f’ of the lens, Sketch the graph between 1/u and 1/v for this lens.
Ans. The rough focal length is estimated by focussing a distant object on to a screen and noting the distance
between the image and the lens.
Consider an object PQ placed beyond 2F of a concave lens of focal length ‘f ’. Figure below shows the
formation of image by the lens.
Let u and v be the object distance and the image distance respectively. Let h and h′ be the object and image
heights respectively. Consider ray PA which is parallel to the principal axis. After refraction from the lens it
seems to come from second focus F2. Another ray of light PO passes un-deviated straight through the optical
centre of the lens, because at the centre the two surfaces are parallel and very close together. There is refraction
where the ray enters and leaves the material but no net change in direction. The two refracted rays seem to
meet at point P′. Thus P′Q′ is the virtual image of the object PQ.
Now angle labelled α in figure is common to the two triangles POQ and P′OQ′.
Therefore from the right triangle POQ we have
tan α = ...(1)
Also from triangle P′OQ′, we have
P′Q ′
tan α = ...(2 )
From equations 1 and 2, we have
PQ P′Q ′

or = ...(3)
P′Q ′ OQ′

Also the angle labelled β is common for the triangles
AOF2 and Q′P′F2. Therefore from the right triangle AOF2
we have
tan β = OF ...(4) D β
2 D′ α O
Q F2 Q′ F1
Also from triangle Q′P ′F2 , we have
tan β = ...(5)
From equations 4 and 5, we have

OA P′Q′ 7
= ...(6)
OF2 Q′F2
But OA = PQ as line PA is parallel to the principal axis. Therefore equation 6 becomes
or = ...(7)
OF2 Q′F2

or = ...(8)
P′Q ′ Q′F2
Comparing equations 3 and 8 , we have
= ...(9)
OQ′ Q′F2

But Q′F2 = OF2 – OQ′ . Substituting in equation 9 we have

= ...(10)
OQ′ OF2 – OQ′
By Cartesian sign conventions we have
OQ = – u,
OQ′ = – v
and OF2 = – f,
Substituting in equation 10, we have
−u −f
or = ...(11)
−v − f − ( −v )
Rewriting equation 11 we have
u × (–f + v ) = –vf ...(12)
simplifying we have – uf + uv = – vf dividing both sides by uvf we have
1 1 1
− + = − ...(13)
v f u `
A( B , 0) 1/u
1 1 1
or − =
v u f
which is the required lens formula. 1/v
The graph is as shown. 
B(0, B )

Define magnifying power of an optical telescope. Draw a ray diagram for an astronomical refracting
telescope in normal adjustment showing the paths through the instrument of three rays from a distant
object. Derive an expression for its magnifying power. Write the significance of diameter of the objective
lens on the optical performance of a telescope.
Ans. The magnifying power or angular magnification M of a telescope is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended
at the eye by the final image to the angle subtended at the unaided eye by the object, when both lie at infinity.
The ray diagram is as shown



A′ Β
C α C′



f f

The object subtends an angle α at the objective and would subtend essentially the same angle at the unaided
eye. Also, since the observers’ eye is placed just to the right of the focal point , the angle subtended at the eye
by the final image is very nearly equal to the angle β. Therefore,
â tan á
M =
= tan â ...(1)
From right triangles A′ B′ C and A′ B′ C′ as shown in figure , we have
A′ B′ −h
tan α = =
CA ′ f0

A′ B′ −h
and tan β = =
C′A′ fe
substituting the above two equations in equation 1, we have
â −h f 0 f
M = = × = 0 ...(2)
á fe h fe
This gives the angular magnification of a telescope in the normal adjustment. The angular magnification is
equal to the ratio of focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eyepiece.
More the diameter of the objective, more is the resolving power and brighter is the image of the object.



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