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These are substances produces by microorganisms, which

selectively suppress the growth of or kill other microorganisms at very
low concentration. This definition excludes other natural substances
which also inhibit microorganisms but are produced by higher forms or
even those produces by microbes but are needed in high concentration
(ethanol, lactic acid, H2O2).

Antimicrobial drugs can be classified in many ways.

A. Chemical structure
1. Sulfonamides and related drugs: Sulfadiazine and others,
Sulfones – Dapsone (DDS), Paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS).
2. Diaminopyrimidines: Trimethoprim, Pyrimethamine.
3. Quinolones: Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.
4. B-lactam antibiotics: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Monobactams,
5. Tetracyclines: Oxytetracycline, Doxycycline, etc.
6. Nitrobenzene derivative: Chloramphenicol.
7. Aminoglycosides : Streptomycin, Gentamicin, Neomycin, etc.
8. Macrolide antibiotics: Erythromycin, Roxithromycin, Azithromycin,
9. Polypeptide antibiotics: Polymyxin-B, Colistin, Bacitracin,
10. Glycopeptides : Vancomycin, Teicoplanin
11. Oxazolidinone : Linezolid.
12. Nitrofuran derivatives: Nitrofurantion, furazolidone.
13. Nitroimidazoles: Metronidazole, Tinidazole.
14. Nicotinic acid derivatives: Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethionamide.
15. Polyene antibiotics: Nystatin, Amphotericin- B, Hamycin.
16. Azole derivatives: Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole,
17. Others: Rifampin, Lincomycin, Clindamycin, Spectinomycin, Sod.
fusidate, Cycloserine, Viomycin, Ethambutol, Thiacetazone,
Clofazimine, Griseofulvin.

B. Mechanism of action
1. Inhibit cell wall synthesis: Penicillins, Cephalosporins,
Cycloserine, Vancomycin, Bacitracin.
2. Cause leakage from cell membranes: Polypeptides –
Polymyxins, Colistin, Bacitracin. Polyenes – Amphotericin B,
Nystatin, Hamycin.
3. Inhibit protein synthesis: Tetracyclines, Chloramphenicol,
Erythromycin, Clindamycin, Linezolid.
4. Cause misreading of m-RNA code and affect permeability:
Aminoglycosides- Streptomycin, Gentamicin, etc.
5. Inhibit DNA gyrase: Fluoroquinolones- ciprofloxacin.
6. Interfere with DNA function: Rifampin, Metronidazole.
7. Interfere with DNA synthesis: Acyclovir, Zidovudine.
8. Interfere with intermediary metabolism: Sulfonamides, Sulfones,
PAS, Trimethoprim, Pyrimethamine, Ethambutol.

C. Type of organisms against which primarily active

1. Antibacterial : Penicillins. Aminoglycosides, Erythromycin, etc.
2. Antifungal: Griseofulvin. Amphotericin B< Ketoconazole, etc.
3. Antivital: Acyclovir, Amantadine, Zidovudine, etc.
4. Antiprotozoal: Chloroquine, Pyrimethamine, Metronidazole,
Diloxanide, etc.
5. Anthelminitic: Mebendazole, Pyrantal, Niclosamide, Diethyl
carbamazine, etc.
D. Type of action
Primarily bacteriostatic
Sulfonamides Erythromycin
Tetracyclines Ethambutol
Chloramphenicol Clindamycin
Primarily bactericidal
Penicillins Cephalosporins
Aminoglycosides Vancomycin
Polypeptides Ciprofloxacin
Rifampin Metronidazole

E. Antibiotics are obtained from:

Penicillin Griseofulvin
Polymyxin B Tyrothricin
Colistin Aztreonam
Aminoglycosides Macrolides
Tetracyclines Polyenes

Antimicrobial prophylaxis in dentistry

This is warranted for two distinct purposes viz. (a) prevention of
local wound infection, and (b) prevention of distant infection in
predisposed patients following dental procedures.
Sulfonamides were the first antimicrobial agents (AMAs) effective
against pyogenic bacterial infection.

Sulfonamides that are still of clinical interest are:
1. Short acting (4-8 hr): Sulfadiazine
2. Intermediate acting (8-12 hr): Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfamoxole
3. Long acting (~7 days): Sulfadoxine
4. Special purpose sulfonamides: Sulfacetamide sod.,
Sulfasalazine, Mefenide, Silver sulfadiazine

Mechanism of action
Sulfonamides being structural analogues of PABA, inhibit
bacterial folate synthetase – FA is not formed and a number of essential
metabolic reactions suffer.
Human cells also require FA, but they utilize performed FA
supplied in diet and are unaffected by sulfonamides.

Sulfonamides are rapidly and nearly completely absorbed from
g.i.t. Extent of plasma protein binding differs considerably (10-95%)
among different members.
Sulfonamides are excreted mainly by the kidney through
glomerular filtration. Both renal tubular secretion and reabsorption also
Adverse effects
Adverse effects to sulfonamides are relatively common. These
 Nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain.
 Crystalluria is dose related but infrequent now. Precipitation in
urine can be minimized by taking plenty of fluids and by
alkalinizing the urine in which sulfonamides and their acetylated
derivatives are more soluble.
 Hypersensitivity reactions occur in 2-5% patients. These are
mostly in the form of rashes, urticaria and drug fever.
Photosensitization is reported. Stevens- Johnson syndrome and
exfoliative dermatitis are more common with long-acting agents.
 Hepatitis, unrelated to dose, occur in 0.1% patients.

The fixed dose combination of trimethoprim and
sulfamethoxazole is called cotrimoxazole. Trimethoprim is a
diaminopyrimidine related to the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine which
selectively inhibits bacterial dihydrofolate reductase (DHFRase).

Adverse effects
All adverse effects seen with sulfonamides can be produced by
 Nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, headache and rashes are the usual
 Folate deficiency (megaloblastic anaemia) is infrequent, occurs
only in patients with marginal folate levels.
 Blood dyscrasias occur rarely.
 Patient with renal disease may develop uraemia.
The popularity of contrimoxazole for treatment of systemic
infections has declined. It is still useful in tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
sinusitis, otitis media, chronic bronchitis, etc. but is only occasionally
employed for orodental infections, especially in patients allergic to B-
lactam antibiotics. Urinary tract infections, both acute as well as
recurrent cases and those with prostatitis are its major indications now.

These are quinolone antimicrobials having one or more fluorine

First general fluoroquinolones

Norfloxacin Ofloxacin
Ciprofloxacin Pefloxacin
Second generations fluoroquinolones
Lomefloxacin Levofloxacin
Sparfloxacin Gatifloxacin

Mechanism of action
The FQs inhibit the enzyme bacterial DNA gyrase, which nicks
double-stranded DNA, introduces negative supercoils and then reseals
the nicked ends.

It is the most potent first generation FQ active against a broad
range of bacteria, the most susceptible ones are the aerobic gram-
negative bacilli, especially the Enterobacteriaceae and Neisseria.
Adverse effects
Ciprofloxacin has good safety record: side effects occur in – 10%
patients, but are generally mild; withdrawal is needed only in 1.5%.
 Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, bad taste, anorexia. Because
gut anaerobes are not affected – diarrhea is infrequent.
 CNS: dizzines, headache, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia,
impairment of concentration and dexterity (caution while driving),
 Skin/hypersensitivity: rash, pruritus, photosensitivity, urticaria,
swelling of lips, etc. Serious cutaneous reactions are rare.
 Tendonitis and tendon rupture: few cases are reported.
1. Oral bioavailability (%) 60-80 35-45 90-100 85-98 -100 > 90 90
2. Plasma protein binding (%) 20-35 15 20-30 25 25 10 40
3. Vol. of distribution (L/Kg) 3-4 2 2 1.5 1.3 1.7-2.5 3.6
4. Percent metabolized 20 25 85 5-10 5 20 60
5. Elimination t½ (hr) 3-5 4-6 8-14 5-8 8 6-9 15-20
6. Routes of administration oral, i.v. oral oral,i.v. oral, i.v. oral, i.v. oral oral
7. Dose (mg BD) :oral 250-750 400 400 200-400 500(OD) 400 (OD) 200-400 (OD)
: i.v. 100-200 - 400 200 500 - -

Ciprofloxacin is effective in a broad range of infections including
some difficult to treat ones. Because of wide spectrum bactericidal
activity, oral efficacy and good tolerability, it is being extensively
employed for blind therapy of any infection, but should not be used for
minor cases or where gram-positive organisms and/ or anaerobes are
primarily causative. As such it is not a suitable drug for majority of
orodental infections. The only specific indication is infection caused by
susceptible Pseudomonas which is rare in dental practice.
Ciprofloxacin is a very popular drug for many systemic infections,
viz. urinary tract infection, bacterial gastroenteritis, typhoid fever and
carrier state, gonorrhoea caused by penicillinase producing as well as
nonpenicillinase producing gonococci, chancroid, skin and soft tissue
infections, wound and gynaecological infections, skeletal infections, etc.
In combination with other antibiotics, ciprofloxacin has been used
for serious infections like gram-negative septicaemias, meningitis, etc. It
is a frequent component of combination chemotherapy for multidrug
resistant tuberculosis.

The FQ is intermediate between ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin in
activity against gram-negative bacteria, but is comparable to or more
potent than ciprofloxacin for gram-positive organisms and certain
anaerobes; better suited for orodental infections.
Ofloxacin is re relatively lipid soluble; oral bioavailability is high:
attains higher plasma concentrations. Food does not interfere with its
absorption. It is excreated largely unchaged in urine; dose needs to be
reduced in renal failure.
Gonorrhoea has been treated with a single 200mg dose. It is
also useful in nongonococcal urethritis.

It is the levoisomer of ofloxacin having improved activity against
strep, pneumoniae and some other gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria. Anaerobes are moderately susceptible. Oral bioavailability of
levofloxacin is nearly 100%; oral and i.v. doses are similar. It is mainly
excreted unchanged and a single daily dose is sufficient.
The primary indication of levofloxacin is community-acquired
pneumonia and exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. High cure rates
have been noted in sinusitis, pyelonephritis and skin/ soft tissue
infections as well.

Another 2nd generation FQ that has excellent activity against
strep. pneumoniae, many atypical respiratory pathogens including
Chlamydia pneumoniae and certain anaerobes. A greater affinity for
topoisomerase IV may be responsible for improved activity against
gram-gatifloxacin is community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbation of
chronic bronchitis, and other upper/lower respiratory tract infections.
Significant activity against gram-positive cocci and anaerobes has
prompted its use in dental infections as well.

Metronidazole, the prototype member of this class was introduced
in 1959 for trichomonas vaginitis and later found to be a broad-spectrum
antiprotozoal drug against Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia.
Several congeners of metronidazole have been subsequently
produced, of which Tinidazole, Secnidazole, Ornidazole and
Satranidazole are in clinical use.
Metronidazole is selectively toxic to anaerobic microorganisms.
After entering the cell by diffusion, its nitro group is reduced by certain
redox proteins operative only in anaerobic microbes to highly reactive
nitro radical which exerts cytotoxicity by damaging DNA and other
critical biomolecules.
Metronidazole has been found to inhibit cell-mediated immunity,
to induce mutagenesis and to cause radiosensitization.

Adverse effects
Side effects to metronidazole are relatively frequent and
unpleasant but mostly nonserious.
 Anorexia, nausea, bitter or metallic taste and abdominal cramps
are the most common. Looseness of stool is occasional.
 Less frequent side effects are – headache, glossitis, dryness of
mouth, dizziness, rashes and transient nertropenia.
 Prolonged administration may cause peripheral neuropathy and
CNS effects. Seizures have followed very high doses.
 On i.v. injection, thromboflebitis of injected vein occurs if the
solution is not well diluted.

Metronidazole in a dose of 200-400 mg TDS (15-30mg/kg/day) is
extensively used to treat orodental infections, because anaerobic
bacteria are frequenty invovled.
The response is rapid with disappearance of the causative
spirochete-fusobacterium complex from the lesions and resolution of
pain, bleeding, ulceration and bad breath within 2 to 3 days. A 5- day
course is often sufficient. Periodontitis, pericoronitis, acute apical
infections and some endodontic infections also respond well to
metronidazole give for 5-7 days.

It is an equally efficacious congener of metronidazole, similar to it
in every way except:
 Metabolism is slower; t½ is ~ 12 hours; duration of action is
longer; thus, it is more suited for single dose or once daily therapy
of amoebiasis, giardiasis and trichomoniasis.
 Some comparative trails in amoebiasis have reported higher cure
For ododental infections, tinidazole has been used. In a dose of
0.5g (10mg/ kg) BD for 5 days. In other serious anaerobic infections
the recommended does in 2g orally followed by 0.5g BD for 5 days.
In case oral treatment in not possible, 800mg can be infused slowly
i.v. daily till oral therapy is instituted.

Activity similar to metronidazole, but it is slowly metabolized- has
longer t½ (1214 hr). Dose and duration of regimens for amoebiasis,
giardiasis, trichomoniasis, anaerobic infections and bacterial
vaginosis resemble those for tinidazole. Side effect profile is also

B-lactam antibiotics
Penicillins was the first antibiotic to be used clinically in 1941. It
is a miracle that the least toxic drug of its kind was the first to be
discovered. It was originally obtained from the fungus penicillium
notatum, but the present sources is a high yielding mutant of P.

Mechanism of action
All B-lactam antibiotics interfere with the synthesis of bacterial cell
wall. The bacteria synthesize UDP-N-acetyl muramic acid
pentapeptide, called 'Park nucleotide' (because Park in 1957 found it to
accumulate when susceptible staphylococcus was grown in the
presence of penicillin) and UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine. The
peptidoglycan residues are linked together forming long strads and UDP
is split off. The final step is cleavage of the terminal D-alanine of the
peptide chains by transpeptidases; the energy so released in utilized for
establishment of cross linkages between peptide chains of the
neighboring strands. This cross linking provides stability and rigidity to
the cell wall.
Penicillin-G (Benzyl Penicillin)
Antibacterial spactrum
PnG is a narrow spectrum antibiotic; activity is limited primarily to
gram-positive bacteria and few others.

Preparation and dose

1. Procaine penicillin G inj. 0.5- 1MU i.m. 12-24 hourly as
aqueous suspension.
2. Benzathine penicillin G 0.6 – 2.4 MU i.m. every 2-4 weeks as
aqueous suspension.

Adverse effects
Local irritancy and direct toxicity :- Pain at i.m. injection site, nausea on
oral ingestion and thrombophlebitis or injected vein are dose-related
expression of irritancy.
Hypersensitivity:- These reaction are the major problem in the use of
penicillins. An incidence of 1-10% is reported. Individuals with an
allergic diathesis are more prone to develop penicillin reactions. PnG is
the most common drug implicated in drug allergy.
Frequent manifestation are- rash, itching, urticaria and fever.
Wheezing, angioneurotic edema, serum sickness and exfoliative
dermatitis are less common.

Penicillin G is the drug of choice for infections caused by
organisms susceptible to it, unless the patient is allergic to this
antibiotic. However, use has declined very much due to fear of causing
Dental Infection:- Parenteral PnG remains effective in majority of
common infections encountered in dentistry, particularly those arising as
a sequelae of carious lesions and are caused by both aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria. At ordinary doses (0.5-2 MU i.m. 6 hourly (sod.Png)
or 12-24 hoursly (procaine PnG) it can be used for periodontal abscess,
periapical abscess, pericoronitis, acute suppurative pulpitis, necrotizing
ulcerative gingivitis, oral cellulitis, etc.

Semisynthetic Penicillins
Semisynthetic penicillins are produces by chemically combining
specific side chains (in place of benzyl side chain of PnG) or by
incorporating specific precursons in the mould cultures.

1. Acid- resistant alternative to penicillin G phenoxymethl
penicillin (Penicillin V).
2. Penicillins-resistant penicillins Methicillin, Cloxacillin.
3. Extended spectrum penicillins
a) Aminopenicillins: Ampicillin, Bacampicillin, Amoxicillin.
b) Carboxypenicillins: Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin.
c) Ureidopenicillins: Piperacillin, Mezlocillin. B- lactamase inhibitors
Clavulanic acid, Sulbactam.

It has an isoxazolyI side chain and is highly penicillinase as well
as acid resistant. It is less active against PnG sensitive organisms:
should not be used as its substitute. It is more active than methicillin
against penicillinase producing Staph, but not against MRSA. Because
staphylococcal infection are rare in the oral cavity, cloxacillin in
infrequently used in densitry.
It is active against all organisms sensitive to PnG; in addition,
many gram-negative bacilli, e.g. H. influence, E. coli, Proteins,
Salmonella and Shigella are inhibited. However, due to wide-spread
use, many of these have developed resistance; usefulness of this
antibiotics has decreased considerably.
Ampicillin is more active than PnG for strep. viridans and
enterococci; equally active for pneumococci, gonococci and
meningococci (penicillin resistant strains are resistant to ampicillin as
well; but less active against other gram-positive cocci. Penicillinase
producing Staph. are not affected, as are other gram-negative bacilli,
such as Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, indole positive Proteus and
anaerobes like Bacteroides fragilis.
Because of their broader spectrum of action covering bothgram-
positive and gram-negative aerobic as well as anaerobic abacteria that
are mostly causative agents for dental infection.
The general medical indications of ampicillin are:
1. Urinary tract infection:- response rate has declined now due to
emergence of resistant strains.
2. Resptratory tract infections: bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media,
3. Meningitis: not a dependable now due to resistance; a 3rd
generation cephalosporin or chloramphenicol is combined with
4. Gonorrhoea caused by nonpenicillinate producing, N.
gonorrhoea can be treated with a single oral dose 3.5g + 1g
5. Bacillary dysentery due to Shigella: fewer cases respond now.
6. Typhoid fever: infrequently used now due to widespread
It is a close congener of ampicillin (but not a prodrug); similar to it
in all respects except.:
 Oral absorption is better; food does not interfere with absorption;
higher and more sustained blood levels are produced.
 Incidence of diarrhoea is less.
 It is less active against Shigella and H. influenzae. Many
physicians now prefer it over ampicillin for typhoid, bronchitis,
urinary infections, SABE and gonorrhoea. Amoxicillin is one of
the most frequently used antibiotics for treatment of dental
infection since majority of cases resolve with 250-500 mg TDS
given for 5 days

These are a group of semisynthetic antibiotics derived from
'cephalosporin-C' obtained from a fungus Cephalosporium. They are
chemically related to penicillins; the nucleus consists of a B-lactam ring
fused to a dihydrothiazine ring.

First Generation
Parenteral Oral
Cefazolin Cephalexin
Second generation
Parenteral Oral
Cefuroxime Cefactor
Cefoxitin Cefuroxime axetil
Third Generation
Parenteral Oral
Cefotaxime Cefixime
Ceftizoxime Cefposoxine proxetil
Ceftriaxone Cefdinir
Ceftazidime Ceftibuten

Fouth Generation
All cephalosporins are bactericidal and have the same mechanism of
action is penicillin, i.e. inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis.

First generation cephalosporins

It is an orally effective first generation cephalosporin, similar in
spectrum to cefazolin, but less active against H. influenzae. It is little
bound to plasma protiens, attains high concentration in bile and is
excreted unchanged in urine; t½- 60 min. It is one of the commonly
used cephalosporins; friends plase in dentistry as an alternative to

A close congener of cephalexin; has good tissue penetration
including that in alveolar bone (tooth socket); exerts more sustained
action at the site of infection; can be given 12 hourly despite a t½ of 1
hr. It is excreted unchanged in urine, but dose need be reduced only if
creatinine clearance is < 50 ml/ min. the antibacterial activity of
cefadroxil and indications are similar to those of cephalexin; frequently
selected for dental infections.

Second Generation Cephalosporins

These were developed subsequent to the first generation
compounds and are more active against gram-negative organisms, with
some members active against anaerobes.

It is more active against Serratia, indole positive Proteus and
particularly B. fragilis. It is highly resistant to B-lactamases produced by
gram-negative bacteria. The main value of cefoxitin is in the treatment
of anaerobic and mixed obstetric/ surgical infection, lung abscess; dose
1-2 g i.m./ i.v. every 6-8 hrs.

It retains significant activity by the oral route and is more active
than the first generation compounds against H. influenze, E. coli, Pr.
mirabilis and anaerobes found in oral cavity.

Third Generation Cephalosporing

These compounds introduced in the 1980s have highly
augmented activity against gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae; some
inhibit Pseudomonas as well. All are highly resistant to B-latamases
from gram-negative bacteria. However, they are less active on gram-
positive cocci and anaerobes.

The distinguishing features of this cephalosporin is its longer
duration of action (t½ 8 hr), permitting once or at the most twice daily
dosing. Penetration into CSF is good, and it is eliminated equally in
urine and bile.
Ceftriazone has shown high efficacy in a wide range of serious
infection including bacterial meningitis (especially in children),
multiresistant typhoid fever, complicated urinary tract infection,
abdominal sepsis and septicaemias. A single dose of 250 mg i.m. has
proven curative in gonorrhoea including PPNG and in chancroid.
Hypoprothrombinaemia and bleeding are specific adverse effects.
Haemolysis is reported.

It is an orally active third generation cephalosporin highly active
against Enterobacteriaceae, H. influenzae, Strep. pyogenes, Strep.
pneumoniae and is resistant to many B-lactamases. However, it is not
active on Staph. aureus and Pseudomonas. It is longer acting (t½ 3hr)
and has been used in a dose of 200-400 mg BD for respiratory, urinary
and biliary infection. Stool changes and diarrhoea are the most
porminent side effects.

Fourth Generation Cephalosporins

Developed in 1990s, this 4th generation cephalosporin has
antibacterial spectrum similar to that of 3rd generation compounds, but is
highly resistant to B-lactamases, hence active against many bacteria
resistant to the earlier drugs. Ps. aeruginosa and Staph. aureus are
also inhibited. Due to high potency and extended spectrum, it is
effective in many serious infections like hospital-acquired pneumonia,
febrile neutropenia, bacteraemia, septicaemia, etc.
This 4th generation cephalosporin has become available for the
treatment of serious and resistant hospital- acquired infections including
septicaemias, lower respiratory tract infections, etc. Its zwitterion
character permits better penetration through porin channels of gram-
negative bacteria. It is resistant to many B-lactamases; inhibitis type 1
B- lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae and it is more potent
againstgram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria than the 3rd
generation compounds.

Adverse effects
Cephalosporine are generally well tolerated but are more toxic
than penicillin.
1. Pain after i.m. injection occurs with many. This is so severe with
cephalothin as to interdict i.m. route, but many others can be injected
i.m. (see individual compounds). Thrombophlebitis can occur on i.v.
2. Diarrhoea due to alteration of gut ecology or irritative effect is more
common with oral cephradine and parenteral cefoperazone (it is
significantly excreated in bile).
3. Hypersensitivity reactions caused by cephalosporins are similar to
penicillin, but incidence is lower. Rashes are the most frequent
manifestation, but anaphylaxis, angioedema, asthma and urticaria
have also occured. About 10% patients allergic to penicillin show
cross reactively with cephaloporins. Those with a history of immediate
type of reactions to penicillin should better not be given a
cephalosporin. Skin tests fro sensitivity to cephalosporins are
A positive Coombs' test occurs in many but haemolysis is rare.
4. Nephrotoxicity is highest with cephaloridine, which consequently has
been withdrawn. Cephalothin and a few others have low-grade
nephrotoxicity which may be accentuated by preexisting renal disease,
concurrent administration of an aminoglycoside or loop diuretic.
5. Bleeding occurs with cephalosporins having a methylthiotetrazole or
similar substitution at position 3 (cefoperazone, ceftriaxore). This
isdue to hypoprothrombinaemia caused by the same mechanism as
warfarin and is more common in patients with cancer, intra-obdominal
infection or renal failure.
6. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are rare adverse effects reported
with ceftazidime and some others.

A. Dental infections: There are no compelling indication for
cephalosporins in dentistry except as alternative to pericillin/
amoxicillin, especially in patients who develop rashes or other
milder allergic reactions (but not immediate type of
hypersensitivity), and in cases with penicillin/ amoxicillin-
resistant infection.
The 2nd generation compounds like cefuroxime exetil and
cefaclor are the only ones with good activity against oral
anaerobes, and are the prefered cephalosporins for dental
B. General medical uses: Cephalosporins are now extensively
used in medicine.
1. As alternatives to PnG in allergic patients.
2. Respiratory, urinary and soft tissue infections caused by gram-
negative organisms, especially klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter,
3. Penicillinase producing staphylococcal infections.
4. Septicaemias caused by gram-negative organisms: an
aminoglycoside may be combined with a cephalosporin.
5. Surgical prophylaxis: Cefazolin is employed for most types of
6. Gonorrhoea caused by penicillinase producing organisms:
cefriaxone is a first choice drug for single dose therapy.
Cefuroxime and cefotaxime have also been used for this purpose.
For chancroid also, a single dose is as effective as cotrimoxazole
or erythromycin given for 7 days.
7. Typhoid: ceftriaxone and cefoperazone are the fastest acting
8. Mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections seen in cancer patients, those
undergoing colorectal surgery, obstetric complications:
cefuroxime, cefaclor or one of the third generation compounds is

There are a class of antibiotics having a nucleus of four cyclic
rings. So caused tesracyetin.
All are obtained from soil actinomycetes.
All tetracyclines slightly bitter solids which are weakkly water
soluble, but their hydrochlorides are more soluble. Aqueous solutions
are unstable. All have practically the same antimicrobial activity.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Mechanism of Action
The tetracyclines are primarily bacteriostatic; inhibit protein
synthesis by binding to 30S ribosomes in susceptible organism.
Subsequent to such binding, attachment of aminoacy I-t-RNA to the
mRNA- ribosome complex is interfered.

Adverse effects
A. Irritative effects Tetracyclines can cause epigastric pain,
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea by their irritant property.

B. Dose-related toxicity
1.Liver damage Fatty infiltration of liver and jaundice occur
occasionally. Oxytetracycline and tetracycline are safar in this
regard. Tetracyclines are risky in pregnant women, can precipitate
acute hepatic necrosis which may be fatal.
2.Kidney damage It is prominent only in the presence of existing
kidney disease. All tetracyclines, except doxycycline, accumulate
and enhance renal failure. A reversible Fancony syndrome like
condition is produced by outdated tetracyclines due to proximal
tubular damage caused by degraded products – peitetracycline.
Exposure to acidic pH, moisture and heat favours such
3.Phototoxicity A sun burn-like or other severe skin reaction on
exposed parts is seen in some individuals. A higher incidence has
been noted with demeclocycline and doxycycline. Distortion of
nails occurs occasionally.
4.Teeth and bones Tetracycline have chelating property. Calcium-
tetracycline chelate gets deposited in developing teeth and bone.
Given from miodpregnancy to 5 months of extrauterine life, the
deciduous teeth are affected: brown discolouration, ill-formed
teeth, more susceptible to caries. Tatracyclines given between 3
months and 6 years of age affect the crown of permanent anterior
dentition. Repeated courses are more damaging.
Given during late pregnancy or childhood, tetracyclines can cause
temporary suppression of bone growth. The ultimate effect on
stature is mostly insignificant, but deformities and reduction in
height are a possibility with prolonged use.
5.Antianabolic effect Tetracyclines reduce protein synthesis and
have an overall catabolic effect. They induce negative nitrogen
balance and can increase blood urea.
6.Increased intracranial pressure is noted in some infants.
7.Diabetes insipidus Demeclocycline antatonizes ADH action and
reduces urine concentrating ability of the kidney. It has been tried
ion patients with inappropriate ADH secretion.
8.Vestibular toxicity Minocycline has produced ataxia, vertigo and
nystagmus, which subside when the drug is discontinued.

C. Hypersensitivity
This is infrequent with tetracyclines. Skin rashes, urticaria,
glossitis, pruritusani and vulvae, even exfoliative dermatitis have been
reported. Angiodema and anaphylaxis are extremely rare. Complete
cross sensitization is exhibited by different tetracyclines.

D. Superinfection
Tetracyclines are the most common antibiotics reponsible for
superinfections, because they cause marked suppression of the
resident flora.
Through mouth, skin or vagina may be involved, intestinal
superinfection by Candida albicans is most prominent;
pseudomembranous enterocolitis is rare but serious. Higher doses
suppress flora more completely – greater chance of superinfection;
doses on the whenever possible. The tetracycline should be
discontinued at the first sign of superinfection and appropriate therapy
Doxycycline and minocycline are less liable to cause diarrhoea,
because only small amounts reach the lower bowel in the active form.
1. Tetracyclines should not be used during pregnancy, lactation
and in children.
2. They should be avoided in patients on diuretics: blood urea
may rise in such patients.
3. The should be used cautiously in renal or hepatic insufficiency.
4. Preparations should never be used beyond their expiry date.
5. Do not mix injectable tetracyclines with penicillin- inactivation

Orodental condition---- Tetracyclines are of limited usefulness in
treating acute dental infections and are infrequently selected for this
purpose. However, they benefit certain forms of periodontal disease by
virtue of their broad- spectrum antimicrobial action.
Tetracyclines have an important adjuvant role in the management
of chronic periodontitis refractory to conventional therapy with local
hygienic and surgical measures, and in juvenile periodontitis. In
refractory periodontal disease 2-week tetracycline (1g/day) or
doxycycline (0.1-0.2g/day) therapy controls gingival inflammation and
help to normalise the periodontal microflora from a mixture of anaerobic
gramnegative bacilli+spirochetes to the usual one in which gram-
positive bacteria predominate.
Chloramphenicol was initially obtained from Steptomyces
venezuelae in 1947. It was soon synthesized chemically and the
commercial product now is all synthetic.
It is a yellowish white crystalline solid, aqueous solution is quite
stable, stands boiling, but needs protection from light. It has a
nitrobenzene substitution, which is probably responsible for the
antibacterial activity and its intensely bitter taste.

Mechanism of action
Chloramphenicol inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by interferring
with 'transfer' of the elongating peptide chain to the newly attached
aminoacy 1-tRNA at the ribosome-mRNA complex.

Chloramphenicol is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral
ingestion. It is 50-60% bound to plasma proteins and very widely
distributed: volume of distribution 1L/kg. It freely penetrates serous
cavities and blood-brain barrier. CSF concentration is nearly equal to
that of unbound drug in plasma. It crosses placenta and is secreted in
bile and milk.

The commonest route of administration of chloramphenicol is oral
– as capsules; 250-500 mg 6 hourly.

Adverse effects
1. Bone marrow depression Of all drugs, chloramphenicol is the
most important cause of aplastic anaemia, agranulocytosis,
thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia. Tow forms are
recognized: (a) Non-dose related idiosyncratic reaction: This
is rare (1 in 40,000) unpredictable, but serious, often fatal,
porbably has a genetic basis and is more common after
repeated courses. Aplastic anaemia is the most common
manifestation. Many victims, even if they survive, develop
leukaemias later. (b) Dose and duration of therapy related
myelosuppression a direct toxic effect, predictable and
probably due to inhibition of mitochondrial enzyme synthesis.
This is often reversible with out long-term sequelae. Liver and
kidney disease predisposes to such toxicity.
2. Hypersensitivity reactions Rashes, fever, atrophic glossitis,
angioedema are infrequent.
3. Irritative effects Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pain on
4. Superinfections These are similar to tetracyclines, but less
5. Gray baby syndrome It occurred when high doses (~100 mg/
kg) were given prophylactically to neonates, especially
premature. The baby stopped feeding, vomited, became
hypotonic and respiration became irregular; an ashen gray
cyanosis developed, followed by cardiovascular collapse and

Because of serious (through rare) bone marrow toxicity:
a) Never use chloramphenicol for minor infections or those of
undefined etiology.
b) Do not use chloramphenicol for infections treatable by other
safer antrimicrobials.
c) Avoid repeated courses
d) Daily dose not to exceed 2-3 g; duration of therapy to be <2-3
weeks, total dose in a course < 28 g.
e) Regular blood counts (especially reticulocyte count) may
detect dose-related bone marrow toxicity but not the
idiosyncratic type.
1. Enteric fever Till recently chloramphenicol was the drug of choice
for typhoid fever. However, emergence of resistant strains of S.
typhi has markedly reduced response rate: 50-80% isolates are
now chloramphenicol resistant. Many of these are multidrug
resistant. Chloramphenicol may still be used if the S. typhi strain
is known to be sensitive.
2. H. influenzae meningitis Chloramphenicol is highly efficacious; it
has excellent penetrability into CSF. However, the 3 rd generation
cephalosporins are being increasingly used now.
3. Anaerobic infections caused by Bact. fragilis and others (wound
infections, pelvic and brain abscesses, etc.) respond well to
chloramphenicol. However, clindamycin or metronidazole are
preferred for these. Penicillin/ cephalosporin is generally
combined since most are mixed infections.

Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
These are a group of natural and semisynthetic antibiotics having
polybasic amino groups linked glycosidically to two or more aminosugar
residues. While they are extensively used to treat medical, surgical,
gynaecological and other systemic infections, they are seldom
employed in dentistry.

It is the oldest aminoglycoside antibiotic obtained from
Streptomyces griseus; used extensively in the past, but now practically
restricted to treatment of tuberculcosis.
Adverse effects
About 1/5th patients given streptomycin 1g BD i.m. experience
vestibular disturbances. Auditory disturbance are less common.

Streptomycin is not used in dentistry. Other uses are:
1. Tuberculosis : see Ch. 31.
2. Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SABE): Streptomycin
(now mostly gentamicin) is given in conjunction with
penicillin, because enterococci and Strep. viridans have
low susceptibility to the latter drug and the combination
is synergistic. A 46 weeks of treatment is needed.
3. Plague: It effect rapid cure, may be employed in
confirmed cases, but tetracyclines have been more
commonly used.
4. Tularaemia: Streptomycin is the drug of choice for this
rare disease.
It was obtained from Micromonospora purpurea in 1964; has
become the most commonly used aminoglycoside for acute infections.

Use in dentistry
Because of its predominantly gram-negative spectrum of activity,
inefficacy against anaerobes and need for parenteral administration,
gentamicin (and other aminoglycosides) is not employed to treat dental
infections. The only application in dentistry is to give gentamicin 2mg/
kg i.m./ i.v. (single dose) to supplement amoxicillin or vancomycin for
prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis following dental surgery in patients
with prosthetic heart valves or in those having past history of bacterial
endocarditis or those to be operated under general anaesthesia.
It is a semisynthetic derivative of kanamycin to which it resembles
in pharmacokinetics, dose and toxicity. The outstanding feature of
amikacin in its resistance to bacterial aminoglycoside inactivating
enzymes. Thus, it has the widest spectrum of activity, including many
organisms resistant to other aminoglyhcosides.
The range of conditions in which amikacin can be used is the
same as for gentamicin. It is recommended as a reserve drug for
hospital acquired gram-negative bacillary infections.

Obtained from S. fradiae, it is a wide spectrum aminoglycoside,
active against most gram-negative bacilli and some gram-positive cocci.

1.Topically (often in combination with polymycin, bacitracin, etc.) for
infected wound, ulcers, burn, external ear infections, conjuctivitis.
2.Orally for:
Preparation of bowel before surgery: may reduce
postoperative infections.

Adverse effects
Applied topically neomycin has low sensitizing potential, however,
rashes do occur.
Oral neomycin has a damaging effect on intestinal villi-prolonged
treatment can induce malabsorption syndrome with diarrhoea and
Macrolide Antibiotics
These are antibiotics having a macrocyclic lactone ring with
attached sugars. Erythromycin has been in use from the 1950s,
Roxithromycin, Clarithromycin and Azithromycin are the later additions.
It was isolated from Streptomyces erythreus in 1952 and is widely
employed, mainly as an alternative to penicillin. It is quite frequently
prescribed in dentistry.

Mechanisms of action
Erythromycin is bacteriostatic of low but cidal at high
concentrations. Cidal action also depends on the the organism
concerned and its rate of multiplication.
Erythromycin acts by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. It
combines with 50S ribosome subunit and interferes with 'translocation.'
Erythromycin base is acid labile. To protect it from gastric acid, it
is given as enteric coated tablets, from which absorption is incomplete
and food delays absorption by retarding gastric empting. Its acid stable
esters are better absorbed.

Adverse effects
Erythromycin base is a remarkably safe drug.
1. Gastrointestinal Mild-to-severe epigastric pain is experienced
by many patients, especially children, on oral therapy.
Diarrhoea is occasional.
2. Very high doses of erythromycin have caused reversible
hearing impairment.
3. Hypersensitivity Rashes and fever are infrequent. Other
allergic manifestations are rare with erythromycin base or
esters other than estolate.
Dental Infections
Because erythromycin is orally administered, safe and active
against both aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive bacteria commonly
infecting dental structures and mouth, it is the second choice drug to
penicillin for periodontal/ periapical abscesses, necrotizing ulcerative
gingivitis, postextraction infections, gingival cellulitis, etc. It is
particularly valuable for patients allergic to penicillins, or those with
penicillins in eradicating dental infections caused by penicillin sensitive
bacteria. It is also a good alternative to penicillin for prophylactic uses
in dentistry.

This new azalide congener of erythromycin has an expanded
spectrum, improved pharmacokinetics, better tolerability and drug
interaction profiles.
The remarkable pharmacokinetic properties are acid stability,
rapid oral absorption, marked tissue distribution and intracellular
Slow release from the intracellular sites contributes to its long
terminal t½ of > 50 hr. It is largely excreted unchanged in bile, renal
excretion is < 10%.
Azithromycin can be used in orodental infections in place of
erythromycin, particularly in those not tolerating the latter. It is also an
alternative for prophylaxis of post dental surgery wound infection/
endocarditis in predisposed patients.
Side effects are mild gastric upset, abdominal pain (less than
erythromycin), headache and dizziness.

Antibiotics are substances produces by microorganisms, which

selectively suppress the growth of or kill other microorganisms at very
low concentration. These are used in prevention of local wound
infection, and in prevention of distant infection in predisposed patients
following dental procedures. So knowledge of antibiotics is important for
proper prophylaxis of oro-dental infection.

 The Book of Pharmacology

- K.D. Tripathi
 Text Book of Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery
– Neelima Anil Malik

 Introduction

 Classification

 Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Dentistry

o Sulfonamides

o Cotrimoxazole

o Flourquinolones

o Nitromidazoles

o B-lactam Antibiotics

o Cephalosporins

o Tetracyclines

o Chloramphenicol

o Aminoglycoside Antibiotics

o Macrolide Antibiotics

 Conclusion

 References

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