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Pengaruh Pelayanan Asuhan Keperawatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Di Badan

Pelayanan Kesehatan Rumah Sakit Umum Sigli Tahun 2008

Kamaruzzaman (2010-02-01)
Hospital, which is categorized as a business in socio-economic service sector, not only
focuses on getting financial benefit but also implements its social function to serve the
community in general. In 2008, the number of patient’s visit to Sigli Hospital was 8,612 with
the average rate of bed occupacy rate was 62.16%. The nursing service provided by the
Health Service Body (BPK) of Sigli General Hospital was not maximum yet based on this
fact, the level of patient’s satisfaction on the nursing care service provided by Sigli General
Hospital needs to be analized. This survey designed as cross-sectional with the population of
8,612 patients and 53 of them were selected to be the samples for this study. The purpose of
this study is to analyze the influence of nursing care service (attention of interaction, service
facility, reliability, recognation of patient, and response) on patient’s satisfaction of the in-
patient wards. The data obtained were statistically analyzed through Chi-square and logistic
regression tests. The result of this study showed that all of the 6 independent variables studied
were significantly influence by the dependent variables. The result of logistic regression test
showed that the variable of the nurse’s ability to recognize the patient had the biggest
influence on patient’s satisfaction. It is suggested that the management of Sigli Hospital
should improve the service they provided through improving the quality of their nurses in
giving nursing care and implementing a better system that can provide a better service for the
keperawatan dan melakukan penyempurnaan sistem yang lebih baik sehingga perawat dapat
memberikan pelayanan yang lebih mengutamakan pasien....

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